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Watchmaker 2012-01-05 15:33

ScummVM on N9
Since I didn't found any thread in this section, and apparently it's the right thing to do, I'm opening one.

Does anybody plan to release a port of ScummVM for Harmattan/N9? I can't do that myself, but I'm willing to help testing if needed.

UPDATE (May 4th, 2012):
A ScummVM port for Harmattan has finally been released!

soleil 2012-01-05 15:58

Re: ScummVM on N9
You can find some information here :
But you are right , harmattan version should have own thread

Watchmaker 2012-01-05 16:30

Re: ScummVM on N9

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 1146176)
You can find some information here :
But you are right , harmattan version should have own thread

That's where I come from ;)
After reading the post I linked above (which apparently killed that thread, it's stuck from mid-December), since I really really (did I say really?) want to see ScummVM ported to N9, I decided to open this one.

I've had ScummVM installed in every symbian phone I had up to now, and my Wii, and obviously every computer I own. I feel naked without it :D

Watchmaker 2012-01-07 01:06

Re: ScummVM on N9

Sorry, I'm trying to shake the stall situation of the Harmattan port of ScummVM... ;)

Watchmaker 2012-01-09 00:07

Re: ScummVM on N9
Bump again!

Seems nobody cares about this :(

soleil 2012-01-09 00:21

Re: ScummVM on N9
Did you contact the maintener of this project ?

Zip 2012-01-09 00:42

Re: ScummVM on N9
I would love to see this as well!

Freddo 2012-01-09 01:48

Re: ScummVM on N9
I'm extremely interested in this as well, it's unfortunate I don't have the skills to do it myself.

Watchmaker 2012-01-09 13:36

Re: ScummVM on N9

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 1147650)
Did you contact the maintener of this project ?

I posted in the Harmattan port thread on the ScummVM forum, where tsoliman, ScummVM developer and N900 port mantainer, said that as no scummvm developer owns an N9 it could be a better strategy to write on a MeeGo forum where the chance to find a user with the will and possibility to tackle the task was higher.

I've also tried to contact smoku, the user who did package an half-running version of ScummVM for Harmattan and posted about it in that other thread, but I still didn't receive an answer. The only one I didn't think to write to up to now is NerdKnight, the other talk.maemo user who is at the moment mantaining the N900 port, but I don't know if he owns an N9.

Do you have any suggestion? ;)

soleil 2012-01-09 14:15

Re: ScummVM on N9
Why is the number of N9 given by Nokia so modest?

Watchmaker 2012-01-12 14:34

Re: ScummVM on N9
I don't know... but It could have something to do with Elop trying to kill N9 from the start :P

jalyst 2012-01-12 16:02

Re: ScummVM on N9
I've been trying to get in touch with qgil for months, but he doesn't respond.*
He was going to get another community device program going.
Similar to what was done for the N950's, but it was going to be with N9's instead.
There's been some handed out at conferences & as part of the commercial wing etc.
But nothing in an organized fashion, as was done with the CDP.

*long before that post/thread even... 2012-01-14 11:51

Re: ScummVM on N9
I was able to run it on my n950 week ago , but I need a settings to calibrate the touchscreen ...

ask me for help if needed :

-- just installed #ScummVm fotaq from repo on !n950club !n9 !HarmattaN but how to CalibratE the #TouchScreen ?

Watchmaker 2012-01-20 14:52

Re: ScummVM on N9

Originally Posted by (Post 1150478)
I was able to run it on my n950 week ago , but I need a settings to calibrate the touchscreen ...

ask me for help if needed :

-- just installed #ScummVm fotaq from repo on !n950club !n9 !HarmattaN but how to CalibratE the #TouchScreen ?

How did you make it run on harmattan? Do you have a package to share? ;) 2012-01-20 16:28

Re: ScummVM on N9
yes you can add those repos at

apt-cache rdepend scummvm

apt-get install flight-of-the-amazon-queen

apt-get install beneath-a-steel-sky

Watchmaker 2012-02-09 16:02

Re: ScummVM on N9
I've tried the version on the rzr repos... it works, but the lack of a virtual keyboard is a serious issue :P

But something's apparently moving in the right direction!

Freddo 2012-04-15 23:40

Re: ScummVM on N9
Not any news regarding a N9 port of ScummVM, unfortunately, but now also ResidualVM is about to be released.

ResidualVM is like ScummVM but deal with adventure games in 3D, although so far it only support Grim Fandango and nothing else. It would be awesome to have it on N9 though :)

Freddo 2012-05-04 01:24

Re: ScummVM on N9
A N9 port has been released! :D

Watchmaker 2012-05-04 03:25

Re: ScummVM on N9

Originally Posted by Freddo (Post 1201623)

Hurray! :p
Works great!

Freddo 2012-05-04 04:17

Re: ScummVM on N9

Originally Posted by Watchmaker (Post 1201642)
Hurray! :p
Works great!

Nice to hear :)

You could update the opening post in this thread with a link so people don't need to search for it.

Watchmaker 2012-05-04 13:21

Re: ScummVM on N9

Originally Posted by Freddo (Post 1201653)
Nice to hear :)

You could update the opening post in this thread with a link so people don't need to search for it.

Yeah, good idea... I should have thought of that by myself, but yesterday I was too excited to be playing DotT on my N9 :p

I just did it.

et3rnal 2012-05-06 08:57

Re: ScummVM on N9
Nice work but unusable , small screen! so hard to navigate!

Watchmaker 2012-05-06 11:22

Re: ScummVM on N9
Small screen, yes. A little bit hard to navigate, ok. But "unusable" seems a little bit exaggerated to me! :P

The port is going to be updated, if you want to signal bugs/problems/etc. the mantainer can be directly contacted in the thread on the ScummVM forums linked above.

stooobs 2012-05-06 22:48

Re: ScummVM on N9
Works Fantastic with the track pad mode so happy

Watchmaker 2012-05-26 13:55

Re: ScummVM on N9
An updated build is now available. Scaler and aspect ratio correction now working (this means MONKEY ISLAND 3 ON N9... how cool is that??? :P )

Watchmaker 2012-09-20 11:31

Re: ScummVM on N9
New release, version up to 1.5.0 and some port-specific bug fixes.

Watchmaker 2012-09-28 16:58

Re: ScummVM on N9
An experimental build is now available, with a new scaling method and fluidsynth-enabled midi support! Only for the brave and bold ;)

PIDk 2012-11-12 22:44

Re: ScummVM on N9
I'm having really terrible graphic glitches with Goblins 2 in the latest experimental build. Rolling back to previous version...

Watchmaker 2012-11-13 12:16

Re: ScummVM on N9

Originally Posted by PIDk (Post 1293562)
I'm having really terrible graphic glitches with Goblins 2 in the latest experimental build. Rolling back to previous version...

You should report it to andei in the original thread on the scummvm forums. ;)

berrybear 2013-09-15 12:05

Re: ScummVM on N9
ScummVM 1.6.0

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