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kingoddball 2012-02-24 04:27

Why/Make me buy an N9??
Can someone help:

Can someone make me buy an N9?
I had a quick play with one yesterday (2 minutes). Smooth. Very nice.

But I had to Galaxy 2 (***** phone). Got the iPhone 4s (I enjoy the reliable phone).

But I'm an N900 fan! N900 or die!

But... N9 - Why should I go grab one?
I'm thinking about getting one as a developer toy like my N900 was (dead and gone now!).

itsnotabigtruck 2012-02-24 05:18

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
  • Most eye-catching phone on the market (get the cyan one!)
  • Extremely slick UI
  • Closest currently produced phone to a Linux PC in your pocket
  • Uncle Sam wants YOU to write an N9 app

While the N9 is missing some of the infrastructure and features that made the N900 unique, it still has a huge edge over the iPhone and any Android phone.

SamGan 2012-02-24 05:49

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
You should grab one before it disappears due to Elop pulling the plug as N9 continue to outsell Lumia.

youmeego 2012-02-24 06:07

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1169076)
You should grab one before it disappears due to Elop pulling the plug as N9 continue to outsell Lumia.

i have the same feeling as yours, i buy it when the price drops to us$ 350 -370

SamGan 2012-02-24 06:48

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??

Originally Posted by youmeego (Post 1169083)
i have the same feeling as yours, i buy it when the price drops to us$ 350 -370

It's not going to happen. Nokia charges a premium on N9 while giving free gifts and incentives for Lumia. Prices have gone down after the scalpers have taken their fill but I don't think they are going to drop much further.

lifeintheblitz 2012-02-24 06:50

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??

Originally Posted by itsnotabigtruck (Post 1169068)
  • Most eye-catching phone on the market (get the cyan one!)
  • Extremely slick UI
  • Closest currently produced phone to a Linux PC in your pocket
  • Uncle Sam wants YOU to write an N9 app

While the N9 is missing some of the infrastructure and features that made the N900 unique, it still has a huge edge over the iPhone and any Android phone.

This, and you'll get a phone that already has the status of Collector's Item, Legendary, and Mythical, despite it being relatively new to the market.

qwazix 2012-02-24 08:10

*** mystic voice *** you have no choice. You will N9 *** mystic voice ***

ibrakalifa 2012-02-24 08:10

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
because its rare, i still cant find it , LOL

and lumia promo just began here in indonesia, really hate to see that, :D

bockersjv 2012-02-24 08:31

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
I have spent the last 3 months since my N900 contract finished looking for a replacement. I did not have the N9 in mind but set a list fo criteria that any replacemnet must meet:-

Ability to play music via uPNP or DNLA.
Decent Camera
Skype, but not video
Drag and drop transfer of music and video etc
Quick interface
Micro SD storage
... and a few others.

I kept comming back to the N9 and given the 64Gb storage capacity I could overlook the lack of Micro SD slot.

It is arriving today and "I'm as excited as a very exciteable person who has a special reason to be excited".

But after all that list writing and deliberation it only took 1 minute of playing with a real N9 and I was sold!

aRTee 2012-02-24 08:42

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
I will never own any apple or MS product, call me biased or whatever...

I like Android very much. Well, liked, ... until I player extensively with an N9.

It's like they say: the interface is really ahead of anything else.

Every time I use my android phone, I think: but why is the UI so clumsy?

Ah well, perhaps a mod can come along for Android to mimic the N9 UI...

Other than that, indeed, the N9 is a different phone, for different people.

One thing that no-one mentions:
N9 is the first (barring n950) and last of its kind
but it was always set up to be like that. Consider that MeeGo Harmattan is Maemo 6, and future Meego would be .rpm based (no longer Debian..?!), etc, and you realise N9 would always have been unique.
Perhaps the good thing: Nokia being Nokia, they cannot fully drop it, and since the N9 is the last one in the MeeGo Nokia line, it will have all the attention.
Sure, it may not be much, but if the path would have continued, it could have been worse: Nokia claiming to continue support for MeeGo, but doing it for .rpm style true MeeGo phones, not the N9,... PR1.1 would likely have been the last update in that case.

Just my thoughts.

zamorph 2012-02-24 14:24

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??

Originally Posted by lifeintheblitz (Post 1169097)
This, and you'll get a phone that already has the status of Collector's Item, Legendary, and Mythical, despite it being relatively new to the market.

Scary in a way. I mean, all the sales assistants I speak to, in cell phone shops, tell me that it can't possibly be discontinued, because it's just been released!

I dunno though - I'm still concerned about Nokia pulling the plug on supplies all of a sudden! :(

coopere 2012-02-24 19:39

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1169076)
You should grab one before it disappears due to Elop pulling the plug as N9 continue to outsell Lumia.

Elop is stupid. You got a device that's selling well at a premium price, and you still want to kill it. Isn't he concerned about Nokia's bottom line, and bringing back the company to profit mode. If the Lumias aren't selling as well you expected, but the N9s are, then release more N9s into the existing markets and bring it to new ones. There are lots of people who want one, but they're unavailable.

jo21 2012-02-24 19:45

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
the white n9 is made out of unicorn blood, phoenix features and dragon scales.


he is a microsoft employee he doesnt care, he is making nokia staying afloat by firing people, but making them fail by using windows phone.

it doesnt matter nokia loses profits and marketsahre, while window phones gains.

also from what i heard many of the nokia board are from microsoft or USA. they dont know ****, if they know they happy selling company to microsoft for nothing.

SamGan 2012-02-25 01:33

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??

Originally Posted by coopere (Post 1169363)
Elop is stupid. You got a device that's selling well at a premium price, and you still want to kill it. Isn't he concerned about Nokia's bottom line, and bringing back the company to profit mode. If the Lumias aren't selling as well you expected, but the N9s are, then release more N9s into the existing markets and bring it to new ones. There are lots of people who want one, but they're unavailable.

It would do Nokia's bottomline a world of good by releasing N9 in all the major markets where Elop banned it from for fear of competing with Lumia. A sale of N9 is also a sale for Nokia with a higher profit margin and no royalty payment to a 3rd party. But the Microsoft mole doesn't see it that way.

qorax 2012-02-25 05:40

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??

Originally Posted by jo21 (Post 1169365)
...he is a microsoft employee he doesnt care, he is making nokia staying afloat by firing people, but making them fail by using windows phone... it doesnt matter nokia loses profits and marketsahre, while window phones gains...


Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1169434)
..But the Microsoft mole doesn't see it that way.

I guess he's also pocketing twin salaries. One, taxable, from Nokia - and the other [non-tax] from M$it ! ...What say, folks?

On a lighter note:

Stephen Elop can see Finland from his house
Nokia’s new chief executive included a Sarah Palin-esque moment with Financial Times, when he quipped,
"As you may know, I’m a Canadian citizen, you may also know that Canada and Finland share the Arctic Circle, that’s something that holds me in good stead as I move forward.

After Sarah Palin claimed during the 2008 presidential campaign that her job as governor of Alaska gave her an insight into Russia because it was close by, she was parodied by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, saying: “I can see Russia from my house.”

ibrakalifa 2012-02-25 06:17

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
we have to buy, coz its maemo6, long live maemo!!, :D

kingoddball 2012-02-26 20:21

Re: Why/Make me buy an N9??
I think, I think, I think and think more...

Time to grab a small N9! (16/32GB).

I'll grab one off ebay ($400AUD+).
I'm trying to find a way to fund one without me spending my money (I'm a tight ***).

Having a VNC and terminal (without this damn hacking) is brilliant!

Has anyone got a chroot running on it?
We could get a chroot of MAEMO running on it.

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