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ENNINE 2012-03-02 13:17

Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Does anybody has a N9 with PR1.2 with no lags at all?

If yes, which version? I would like to flash mine with that...

coderus 2012-03-02 13:19

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
lags? what you mean?

Dave999 2012-03-02 13:22

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
No lag here... Updated ota and hand a total restore of device before the update.

DarkSkies 2012-03-02 13:24

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
No lag here. Actually, PR1.2 works faster than PR1.1 because of smoother applications closing and so on.

rcolistete 2012-03-02 13:25

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
My N9 has PR1.2 since yesterday. Some hours of download, installation of PR1.2, installation of other updates.

After that, my N9 is faster and smoother than before. I have found no bugs at all.

ENNINE 2012-03-02 13:32

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
What country/versions you guys have?

I'm on Austria J200 and it driving me nuts.

zlatko 2012-03-02 13:35

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
First 5-10 minutes after updating to PR1.2 device was laggy. It is the tracker indexing everything on it. After that on par with PR1.1 for me, that smooth and silky.
White N9 64GB, Finland.

ENNINE 2012-03-02 13:41

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 1173067)
First 5-10 minutes after updating to PR1.2 device was laggy. It is the tracker indexing everything on it. After that on par with PR1.1 for me, that smooth and silky.
White N9 64GB, Finland.

For me it was the opposite.
First 10-20 min was perfect, than it started started to **** me.
I mean, it's not that bad but there's some lagg, annoing lagg.

F2thaK 2012-03-02 13:42

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
PR1.2 is how it should have been released. Its great; the best even!

albarovero 2012-03-02 13:44

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
No lag here. Cleared the device, installed UK/Ireland firmware, and used nokia link to load my backup. Works much better than PR 1.1

Silwer 2012-03-02 13:47

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
For my phone it took more than 24 hours without restarts to become lag free. Then also battery consumption normalized.

ENNINE 2012-03-02 13:50

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1173074)
PR1.2 is how it should have been released. Its great; the best even!

Which version you have?

Demati 2012-03-02 14:01

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
No issues here. I updated OTA on my Finnish N9. If anything the phone feels more responsive than Pr1.1 (which I thought itself was pretty good).

drvar 2012-03-02 14:07

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Laggy as hell first hour or so, after that no lag at all (even faster). And I did not do any restore or whatsoever just updated trough OTA.

ENNINE 2012-03-02 14:19

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
What about scrolling (sms, contacts...)?
Smooth? Slow?

raptor2k7 2012-03-02 14:38

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Updated my white 64gb by flashing both the system and emmc with images for my product from Navifirm (Nokia Suite). After that I restored my contacts, notes, calendar and messages through PC Suite (yes, PC Suite).

Copied all my content files to the emmc from my PC right after and installed all my apps afterwards.

Never had issues nor lags since I started using it again (although some apps and tweaks no longer works).

My variant is PR1.2 (30.2012.07-1_PR_005).

drvar 2012-03-02 14:47

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by ENNINE (Post 1173095)
What about scrolling (sms, contacts...)?
Smooth? Slow?

They were already fast before, it is same now...Did you notice lag there?
Also I don't have so many sms's (I delete them once half a year) and contacts.

drvar 2012-03-02 14:49

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by raptor2k7 (Post 1173105)
Updated my white 64gb by flashing both the system and emmc with images for my product from Navifirm (Nokia Suite). After that I restored my contacts, notes, calendar and messages through PC Suite (yes, PC Suite).

Copied all my content files to the emmc from my PC right after and installed all my apps afterwards.

Never had issues nor lags since I started using it again (although some apps and tweaks no longer works).

My variant is PR1.2 (30.2012.07-1_PR_005).

Yoou have PC Suite 3.2 or 3.3?

ENNINE 2012-03-02 14:50

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Yes. Scrolling (kinetic scrolling) is not good at all (freeze on scroll).

robotnO 2012-03-02 14:51

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
No lags whatsoever, actually it workes much better now than with 1.1..

Everything is fluid and after 3 days of very hard test I have not found a bug or anything annoying.

I reflashed mine with Northern Europe 30.2012.07-1_PR_001

I didn't get any notification about any update on the phone at all since the reflash.. Another strange thing is that there where no versions on navifirm for my phone (sweden) hence the northern europe install..

smph 2012-03-02 14:52

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
For me, after closing some apps (like the browser) the home screens are not smooth for several seconds, I think in PR1.1 the period of stuttering after closing apps was clearly shorter. SMS scrolling is not smooth at all, contacts scrolling is however. Not totally sure how it was in PR1.1 though. Also some web pages seem to stutter a bit more, I think this is related to more aggressive pre-rendering and thus less checkerboard patterns.

drvar 2012-03-02 14:54

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by ENNINE (Post 1173114)
Yes. Scrolling (kinetic scrolling) is not good at all (freeze on scroll).

Strange how people have diffrent expirience with this new update...Maybe some installed apps are interfering PR1.2 to execute as it should:confused::confused:

ENNINE 2012-03-02 15:02

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
**** it. Just **** it.
I don't know. I think I have to do a reset.

Installed aps after PR1.2:

File Manager 0.1.4
fmobi 2.5
battery usage
RSC monitor

And F2thaK FDB theme 4.0 (CP -R to themes, than change with Theme Changer which is removed after).

Dave999 2012-03-02 15:04

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
It's not as uber fast scrolling as android but it's good enough unless pages or threads a uber long.

Transcend 2012-03-02 15:21

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
I'm also experiencing the lags when scrolling down/up on the browser and on the user interface there's like a small pause at times like its stuttering its not smooth when swiping. I have flashed my phone 2 times and installed 0 apps and done 0 mods to make sure nothing else will cause this problem.

raptor2k7 2012-03-02 15:25

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by drvar (Post 1173111)
Yoou have PC Suite 3.2 or 3.3?

Not Ovi Suite but the old PC Suite. Version is

Never used Ovi Suite because I find it unappealing, too chunky, slow and just outright ugly.

Muzimak 2012-03-02 15:27

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Faster and smoother this side too, after fixing issues with Ebuddy & Web2SMS everything is Super!

Rugoz 2012-03-02 15:30

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Just the usual hickups, overall it feels a bit smoother.

It seems there are some issues in GUI rendering. Maybe with Qt 5 we're gonna see improvements...?

I won't be satisfied until its always buttery smooth :D
(I can't stand to admit to wp fanboys that their OS is slightly smoother)

afaq 2012-03-02 15:35

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Lag fest. 3 days after Pr1.2.

Arthuro_Adam 2012-03-02 15:40

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
I have black 16 gb Central European version and after the update it was very laggy (because of indexing), but after that it's better in every segment than PR 1.1.

Etchelon 2012-03-02 16:07

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
I sometimes have a drop in framerate when swiping among the 3 homescreens, nothing major.
Also Nokia Store stutters a bit, but it happened in 1.1 as well.
Gallery isn't smooth when passing to another picture (if the picture is 1 MB at least).
Overall I'm very satisfied, but he situation was dramatic before I turned off FACE RECOGNITION in Settings/Apps/Gallery. That thing also made my camera hang and impossible to start up.

vzp916 2012-03-02 16:27

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Mine's lag free......Finland version (North Europe) Originally it's a malaysian black 64 gig......face recognition didnt cause no lags, but turned it off because I think it's a stupid implementation.

But that's just me....I think facebook and twit-ter is lame as well...


N9 is good phone

cincibluer6 2012-03-02 16:48

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Lag free on Singapore 005.

jaeezzy 2012-03-02 16:57

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
I wouldn't say no lag at all but not smoother than PR1.1 either. Below are few things I've noticed so far:

1) I have rather found that after using other app for a while and going to launcher menu and scrolling causes it to stop for a bit and then resumes scrolling.
2) Prior to 1.2, I only found the phone app lag a bit in the transition when it appears in the switcher window while putting it away. Now, I find most of them lag a bit. They don't appear smoothly like before and also I've noticed the depth has been reduced a bit as well (before it seem to appear from little more depth in that switcher window when put away)
3) This is not related to lagging but thought put it here anyway as its related to PR1.2 - Now I have noticed that both Availability & Transfers window always open from the bottom of the screen to top. No matter how you put it away (right, left or up) it always opens from the bottom. I have already reported a bug here. So, please vote if you have the same thing.
4) Threaded mail is not working for me. Tried removing the .qmf & .activesync & restarted device but to no avail.
5) The bug while charging or doing USB storage mode with PC the mobile gets unusable is still there.

Anyway downloading the firmware from Navifirm hoping that way some will go away if not all :)

Dragoss91 2012-03-02 17:33

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
I feel a very little lag in menu but more lag in lockscreen , the clock just takes more time to appear when I release the proximity sensor .

gerbick 2012-03-02 17:45

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Australian 16gb N9, and it had lag like no other at first. In fact, it didn't even boot the first time.

Went back, via Navifirm flashed the EMMC, et al. With a clean machine, with nothing installed, the phone is now fine. But I'm now using my backup N9, which is stuck at UAE PR1.1.1 and I don't mind.

PR1.2 seems to want you to have a nearly clean phone in order for it to be without any lag or issues. Turn off the face recognition feature in the gallery and that helps with lag there. I'm still waiting on N9 QuickTweak and a few other scripts to be made available before I go full-sail into PR1.2

DarkSkies 2012-03-02 17:51

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by ENNINE (Post 1173072)
For me it was the opposite.
First 10-20 min was perfect, than it started started to **** me.
I mean, it's not that bad but there's some lagg, annoing lagg.

Austrian 16GB here. This cannot be region related. Wipe the device clean and install all your stuff from scratch. Should help.

rcolistete 2012-03-02 17:57

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1173204)
PR1.2 seems to want you to have a nearly clean phone in order for it to be without any lag or issues.

I don't think so. My N9 was OTA updated, with about 100 softwares previously installed. I have just removed 3rd party and SDK repositories before the PR1.2 update.

Dave999 2012-03-02 18:45

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
Had no lag before, but during installation of apps the N9 is extremely slow.

Edit: how do you clean cookies/cache. Can't read any threads at TMO with my n9?

benny1967 2012-03-02 19:09

Re: Any PR1.2 with no lags?
An annoying number of new bugs, but no lags.

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