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Discoveryellow 2012-03-17 17:40

HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Please help.
I just opened messages app and it says no messages. This already happened to my N9 once the other day but a reboot solved the problem. This time I don't know what else to do.

thedead1440 2012-03-17 18:01

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
click on the area it says no messages and give it a few seconds to load. all your messages will re-appear. this could occur due to you having more than 2,000 messages.

ZogG 2012-03-17 18:05

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
or reboot. i had it once

Discoveryellow 2012-03-17 18:27

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1180753)
click on the area it says no messages and give it a few seconds to load. all your messages will re-appear. this could occur due to you having more than 2,000 messages.

I let is sit for a few minutes and then new messages started coming im so I ended up with just those.

There were definitely less than 2000, i had the phone for just a couple weeks.

Maemomd 2012-03-17 22:23

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Happens once in a while, it is a bug from PR1.2, reboot, you will be ok, but the messages do come up more slowly than PR1.1, a minor annoyance.

Discoveryellow 2012-03-19 01:28

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by Maemomd (Post 1180815)
Happens once in a while, it is a bug from PR1.2, reboot, you will be ok, but the messages do come up more slowly than PR1.1, a minor annoyance.

Sadly mine never came back. I ended up running a restore from my most recent backup, just to save at least those I had earlier.

Do you think mine never came back is because when messages disappeared, I hadn't restarted right away and new sms came in?

BonoNL 2012-09-18 11:40

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Same problem here on PR 1.3
Nothing seems to help.


thedead1440 2012-09-18 11:54

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by BonoNL (Post 1268373)
Same problem here on PR 1.3
Nothing seems to help.


Can you try something else:

Connect your phone to Nokia Suite and try syncing the messages into Nokia Suite

if this method works I think it'll be fabulous for everyone ;)

Discoveryellow 2012-09-19 19:56

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by BonoNL (Post 1268373)
Same problem here on PR 1.3
Nothing seems to help.


Had the problem recur a few more times but always been solved by a reboot ever since that one time I lost all messages.

Artyom 2012-09-22 17:22

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
this problem came up to me suddenly when i was texting to a friend. the messages app looked completely empty but after i restarted the phone the problem was gone.

Silwer 2012-09-24 06:05

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
I also had that problem couple of times. At first restart cured the problem. However, last time it happened, I lost all messages and even several restarts did not helped to recover the messages.

Demati 2012-09-24 17:17

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
I didn't have this issue before but in the last month this has happened to me twice. Reboot cleared up the first occurrence while I needed several reboots to resolve the second.

BonoNL 2012-09-28 20:30

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1268376)
Can you try something else:

Connect your phone to Nokia Suite and try syncing the messages into Nokia Suite

if this method works I think it'll be fabulous for everyone ;)

I will try the next time it happens, last time i reboot a couple of times without result. Then i went back to factory settings as was told in the Nokia forum(big mistake) contacts and messages gone.

More then 2000 messages for sure. I had to pull them out of mij N900. Next time it happens i will sync with PC suite.

enki71 2012-12-06 14:28

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
I'm sad... it happened to the N9 of my girlfriend yesterday night!
She restarted the N9 (switch off/on) many times but still no sms :(

Then today she sent me an sms and i answered and this "firts" converastion appear.

She had less than 2000 messages! How can we restore them ??
Is there any solution?? There was important things inside.

And because she has a mac (:() , she couldnt backup before without a nokia suite...


thedead1440 2012-12-06 14:31

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Try using N9QTweak Tweak NN to see if the backup file contains the lost messages; maybe then you can restore the backup file :)

enki71 2012-12-06 14:45

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1301904)
Try using N9QTweak Tweak NN to see if the backup file contains the lost messages; maybe then you can restore the backup file :)

thanks I try it now

enki71 2012-12-06 14:56

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
unlucky... installation aborted (dont know why..) now trying to see why n9 qtweak do that..

thedead1440 2012-12-06 14:58

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
calm down and try it out ;)

Ensure you are connected to the internet when trying to install...

enki71 2012-12-06 15:11

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
i'm connected! i also tried with wifi (before it was 3g)...

thedead1440 2012-12-06 15:12

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by enki71 (Post 1301916)
i'm connected! i also tried with wifi (before it was 3g)...

can you try installing via terminal and post the logs?

enki71 2012-12-06 15:28

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
how can i install from terminal? open terminal, then ?
thanks a lot

thedead1440 2012-12-06 15:32

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by enki71 (Post 1301920)
how can i install from terminal? open terminal, then ?
thanks a lot

For example you downloaded N9QTweak on your phone it should be saved in /home/user/MyDocs/.downloads so open terminal and type:


{Enter your password - default is rootme}
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.downloads/n9-qtweakall*

Change the directory if you downloaded it into another location...

enki71 2012-12-06 15:48

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
it tells me in the terminal tha there are errors with the file

aegis-NOT-installing n9-qtweakall (from '')

thedead1440 2012-12-06 15:52

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by enki71 (Post 1301925)
it tells me in the terminal tha there are errors with the file

aegis-NOT-installing n9-qtweakall (from '')

Post the full logs from the dpkg -i line onwards so i can see the reason...

enki71 2012-12-06 16:00

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Here is the code !


~ # dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/Documents/n9-qtwe
aegis-deb-release: Missing ':' in '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="-1">
(Lecture de la base de données... 49229 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Dépaquetage de n9-qtweakall (à partir de .../n9-qtweakall_9.5.2_armel.deb) ...
sed: /opt/N9QTweak/Tweaks/TweakF: No such fileor directory
dpkg : erreur de traitement de /home/user/MyDocs/Documents/n9-qtweakall_9.5.2_armel.deb (--install) :
le sous-processus nouveau script pre-installation a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
aegis-NOT-installing n9-qtweakall (from '')
~ #

thedead1440 2012-12-06 16:02

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Did you download this .deb just now or previously; the issue was solved 3 days ago IIRC so if its an older file can you download the updated v9.5.2 file?

enki71 2012-12-06 16:09

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
i downloaded here (bottom of the first post Download here v9.5.2 !

I tried to download from 2 N9 and from my computer...maybe the file is still the old one?

thedead1440 2012-12-06 16:12

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by enki71 (Post 1301930)
i downloaded here (bottom of the first post Download here v9.5.2 !

I tried to download from 2 N9 and from my computer...maybe the file is still the old one?

That thread is correct; maybe post your error message there? If you can translate it to English it would make it easier to read too...

enki71 2012-12-06 16:13

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
ok thanks...when it will be ok i come back here to let you know :) thanks a lot for your help!

enki71 2012-12-07 01:56

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
db created was empty, just the 2 new sms :(

thedead1440 2012-12-07 01:59

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by enki71 (Post 1302082)
db created was empty, just the 2 new sms :(

Are you sure there was no tracker reset done?

Leinad 2012-12-07 02:22

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
@thedead i really love, what you're doing here, helping everyone with their little & big problems...
i'd love to offer you a glass of whiskey, just to say thanks :) but i'm afraid you're too far away and in your time zone it's not time to drink :)

thedead1440 2012-12-07 02:34

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Haha thanks :D A virtual cheers from here :D

Do you have anything in mind what can be done for enki71? If he were to read the meta.db it'll be the same thing right since the backup didn't find any lost messages?

Leinad 2012-12-07 02:41

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
I really don't like to say that, but my first thought was: they're lost forever... i really don't know about something like recycle in Linux...

Most of the times i work in Typo3, there is a flag deleted=1 and good to go, but i'm afraid, this does not work for every system...

thedead1440 2012-12-07 03:15

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Yikes :eek:, it means he has lost his data then...

If there is a way in Typo3 there must be some way for the n9 too? Reading lost data from blocks? I don't really know about it but its sad if he lost his important messages...

enki71, try sending a PM to juiceme and pointing him to this thread; I remember somewhile back he had lost all his messages but was able to read some maybe even if they are mangled you can get your important data out? In the meantime try not using the phone at least till juiceme helps out just to prevent any thing from over-writing the blocks...

Leinad 2012-12-07 03:33

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1302097)
If there is a way in Typo3 there must be some way for the n9 too?

Sadly not, this is just handling of the database, nothing gets REALLY deleted, just a flag is set.... but when you delete files, i don't know a way to restore them... would be happy, if someone corrects me... N9 running on Debian like 90% of servers...

I'd really love to see you guys get this, though i don't have much hope... keep up your amazing work!

juiceme 2012-12-07 08:37

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1302097)
enki71, try sending a PM to juiceme and pointing him to this thread; I remember somewhile back he had lost all his messages but was able to read some maybe even if they are mangled you can get your important data out? In the meantime try not using the phone at least till juiceme helps out just to prevent any thing from over-writing the blocks...


Unfortunately I do not have a foolproof solution to this, I did indeed do the stupidest thing and hard-resetted the tracker DB's, but I was really lucky as I had backups.

It actually took me a day to realise I was not gutted with this, as my last "official" backup was more than a month before.
First I restored the backups I had from the previous month, but later I noticed that just a day before I messed up my tracker, I actually had done a full directory dump to tarfile from my /home/user/ when I played around with system booting...

So, as far as I know if you do not have backups you are in a bad shape indeed :(

What you could do is anyway copy off the DB that contains the messages to an external computer and search for the messages there. If you have just DB corruption and not tracker initialization problem then you could maybe fish off something from the DB.
See the discussion, there is info on how to access the DB containing the SMS'es

juiceme 2012-12-07 08:46

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
Now I reread the thread and I see that you did not do a tracker hard reset.

You might be in luck after all, it is highly possible that you CAN get the messages from the DB by sqlite reading.

Leinad 2012-12-07 12:39

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
I thought this over again, and as juiceme said, noone really deleted anything :)

My first try would be to check messages-DB, but as we still don't know, where it is, second try would be to download tracker-DB (this works via Ariadne, as we know), check if there are still messages, if yes export them as CSV, try to put them in a format, N9QT can import them...

If there are no messages in tracker-DB, i don't see much, we could do...

thedead1440 2012-12-07 12:50

Re: HELP, please: N9 all messages gone. Disappeared!
What is confusing me is he already tried exporting the messages and got only 2 messages which were the new ones; if that's the case would reading the .db actually help?

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