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sitoub_n82 2012-03-19 13:44

Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
Hey guys,

So I've been experiencing two ennoying problems:

1- Phone searches for a GPS fix whenever it wishes to

My phone will automatically start searching for a GPS fix and then stops. I had geotagging enable but I doubt it has something to do because the problem existed even before I enabled it.

2- Prompt to select a conection keeps showing up

I have disabled the background connection on my phone but I still get the prompt to select a connection almost everytime. I figured, there could have been a process requiring a connection in the background, so I disabled, all my feeds, and mail accounts. On top of that my power-saving mode is active as well.

Does anyone has an idea of what's going on? Thank you for your help.

afaq 2012-03-19 14:45

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
Very strange. Assume you have updated to PR1.2? I had that bug in PR1.1 but it seems to be gone now.

Arie 2012-03-19 15:05

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online

Originally Posted by sitoub_n82 (Post 1181472)
Hey guys,

So I've been experiencing two ennoying problems:

1- Phone searches for a GPS fix whenever it wishes to

My phone will automatically start searching for a GPS fix and then stops. I had geotagging enable but I doubt it has something to do because the problem existed even before I enabled it.


Originally Posted by sitoub_n82 (Post 1181472)
2- Prompt to select a conection keeps showing up

Assuming you're on PR1.2, if you have charging notifier installed or proximus, they both use GPS to figure out your location to know where you are and if they should take specific actions.

If not have you tried rebooting?

I have disabled the background connection on my phone but I still get the prompt to select a connection almost everytime. I figured, there could have been a process requiring a connection in the background, so I disabled, all my feeds, and mail accounts. On top of that my power-saving mode is active as well.

Does anyone has an idea of what's going on? Thank you for your help.

I had this problem once when I installed an app on PR1.1 and it kept my online connection online constantly.

I can't tell you what I did to fix it, but I can tell you that a simple flash will fix it.

Muzimak 2012-03-19 17:10

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
Yeah it's an annoying problem, this happens if U have Apps like Ebuddy, if these Apps are on and the Internet is off, when it's time to PUSH/Refresh internet is required then triggers those Prompt screens, I think Email Push, Feeds and Skype also trigger this.

sitoub_n82 2012-03-19 17:11

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 1181503)
Very strange. Assume you have updated to PR1.2? I had that bug in PR1.1 but it seems to be gone now.

Yes I have PR1.2, and yes, I also had it with PR1.1

sitoub_n82 2012-03-19 17:14

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online

Originally Posted by Arie (Post 1181512)
I had this problem once when I installed an app on PR1.1 and it kept my online connection online constantly.

I can't tell you what I did to fix it, but I can tell you that a simple flash will fix it.

I just flashed it a week ago and it's getting pretty frustrating to flash the N9 everytime there's an issue :mad:

sitoub_n82 2012-03-19 17:17

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online

Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1181556)
Yeah it's an annoying problem, this happens if U have Apps like Ebuddy, if these Apps are on and the Internet is off, when it's time to PUSH/Refresh internet is required then triggers those Prompt screens, I think Email Push, Feeds and Skype also trigger this.

I've turned them all off!

Muzimak 2012-03-20 06:01

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
Go under Push settings and see if anything is left running.

sitoub_n82 2012-03-20 13:29

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online

Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1181783)
Go under Push settings and see if anything is left running.

That is also disabled! But I finally found the problem, at least I think so. Even though I had all my feeds disabled, I still had my Reuters feeds listed on the Feeds Homescreen. And, as soons as I cleared them, I stopped getting the prompt! This must be a bug!

sitoub_n82 2012-03-20 13:30

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
1- Phone searches for a GPS fix whenever it wishes to

My phone will automatically start searching for a GPS fix and then stops. I had geotagging enable but I doubt it has something to do because the problem existed even before I enabled it.

Any leads on how to deal with this issue?

Muzimak 2012-03-20 15:25

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
Yeah as I said, if one of them is active, pop ups don't stop, are U doing this to save the battery? Tried it before and battery lasted so much, unfortunately I need all those features so I turned them on again

sitoub_n82 2012-03-20 15:44

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online

Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1181982)
Yeah as I said, if one of them is active, pop ups don't stop, are U doing this to save the battery? Tried it before and battery lasted so much, unfortunately I need all those features so I turned them on again

Yes, my battery life sucks big time. Personally it doesn't matter to me. I don't use either facebook or twitter, I'm almost always in front of a computer and my emails are easily accessible and I read my news in the morning. So I only use the feeds screen for calendar reminders :)

Muzimak 2012-03-24 07:27

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
I think we need a App that can easily control background connections, also be able to detected what Apps are trying to connect to the internet so we caan easily switch them off when required.

sitoub_n82 2012-03-26 04:27

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
OH boy, that will be nice! I'm not that talented, if not I would have given it a shot :D

Arie 2012-03-26 04:40

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online

Originally Posted by sitoub_n82 (Post 1181942)
1- Phone searches for a GPS fix whenever it wishes to

My phone will automatically start searching for a GPS fix and then stops. I had geotagging enable but I doubt it has something to do because the problem existed even before I enabled it.

Any leads on how to deal with this issue?

It's not geotagging. That only happens when the camera app is open.


Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1183485)
I think we need a App that can easily control background connections, also be able to detected what Apps are trying to connect to the internet so we caan easily switch them off when required.

Conky will tell you what is accessing the internet.

sitoub_n82 2012-03-28 18:52

Re: Phone randomly search for GPS fix and keeps trying to go online
Cool, that's good to know! I don't have that issue anymore though!

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