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Acidspunk 2012-03-27 18:05

Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1184694)
I have put Fremantle version of EmuMaster 0.2.0 in bitbucket project page, you can download it now. But PSX emulation is not working at all. All I can say now that backporting to Fremantle from Harmattan is pain and I am not going to waste more time on Fremantle version for now, sorry. Instead I will improve Harmattan version to be the best and maybe (very little chance it will happen) I will backport it again. It is even worse now when I switched to next version of Qt Quick Components.

It would be great if somebody will take care of backporting to N900, because I have no time for that really. I can provide diffs to help you.

You have to install Qt Quick Components on your N900 to use it. Please do not ask me how to do that, I mean N900 version is not supported by me, because of lack of time, and I would not help anyone asking about some problems connected to it, sorry

This is a completely functional GBA, SNES, Megadrive and Amiga emulator with a few problems that seem like they could be easily corrected. Right now the fonts aren't visible in the options menu making it hard to configure correctly. That being said, the games do run and they run great.

Elemental doesn't have time to work on this version since he's too busy with the Harmattan version. Does anyone want to take over the fremantle version?

The emulator is here.

ivgalvez 2012-03-27 18:50

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
It's sad that backporting from Harmatan could be so discouraging.

Acidspunk 2012-03-27 19:04

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 1184769)
It's sad that backporting from Harmatan could be so discouraging.

Yeah. Personally I wouldn't mind just having this version fixed. The games I tried ran pretty well but it's just a pain not knowing how to configure the keys and other settings.

Megaltariak 2012-03-27 20:05

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
Tested it for 5 minutes, the GUI seems not totally broken but unusable (white text on white background)

file:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/org/maemo/fremantle/AbstractMenu.qml:196:9: QML BorderImage: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/meegotouch-menu-inverted-background

Looks like a missing image (not present in maemo), seems very easy to fix.
Megadrive emulation doesn't take 100% cpu like in pico maemo version :)

Acidspunk 2012-03-27 21:27

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]

Originally Posted by Megaltariak (Post 1184815)
Tested it for 5 minutes, the GUI seems not totally broken but unusable (white text on white background)

file:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/org/maemo/fremantle/AbstractMenu.qml:196:9: QML BorderImage: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/meegotouch-menu-inverted-background

Looks like a missing image (not present in maemo), seems very easy to fix.
Megadrive emulation doesn't take 100% cpu like in pico maemo version :)

That does seem simple. Maybe a workaround for now would be for someone with an N9 to help us N900 only users by posting a screenshot of the options screen. ;)

szopin 2012-03-27 22:23

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
Would 24 bit N9 vs 16 N900 explain this? If only thing lacking is white-on-white this should be an easy fix
Qt/QML compilation on device is rather impossible considering the amount of libs, so someone with SB would be better to recompile (unless Qt gui can be skipped altogether for emulation alone from command line)

Acidspunk 2012-03-28 00:56

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
This link is useful to configure the keys.

Still, would be nice to know what all the other options do.

elemental 2012-03-28 20:25

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
If anyone wants to help with Fremantle version I can provide diffs, making the work simpler in the next release. I can provide some info if you can't do something, it's a big project after all. But I have no time to manage it for Fremantle by myself. In the next release I am switching to the next version of QtQuick Components, making it even harder, but still possible.

ade 2012-04-08 15:43

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
This morning I did some qtmobility updates (and perhaps some other updates).
Now I notice the Emumaster menu just looks totally usable. I can redefine keys etc. without any visual defects.

Do others have the same experience? If not maybe I can give some hints on what packages to install.

immi.shk 2012-04-08 16:06

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
isn't it somehow possible to add harmattan components to N900.. making N900 to appear as Native Environment to Harmattan apps..

ade 2012-04-08 16:12

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
2 Attachment(s)
My guess is that some components are updated, fixing some of the issues described in the first post. But I would like to see some confirmation from others.

Edit: some screenshots of how it looks on my Phone

Acidspunk 2012-04-08 16:49

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]

Originally Posted by ade (Post 1189754)
This morning I did some qtmobility updates (and perhaps some other updates).
Now I notice the Emumaster menu just looks totally usable. I can redefine keys etc. without any visual defects.

Do others have the same experience? If not maybe I can give some hints on what packages to install.

Same here Ade! Thanks for the heads up!

MartinK 2012-04-09 09:56

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
You might want to check out the Qt Components thread & wiki article. There are quite a few applications already using Qt Components on Fremantle and the the Qt Components packages are available from Extras.

There are basically two component sets - CSSU ones that are almost identical to the Harmattan ones - and modified components that run with the old Qt version on Fremantle PR 1.3 without CSSU (they support only QML 1.0 and have a custom namespace).

Also, from my experience a while ago, the non-CSSU components seemed to be having a few layout issues that were not present on CSSU. Also, the base theme is not complete so some icons available on Harmattan might be missing.

Estel 2012-04-09 12:13

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
I wonder, how good amiga emulation is here? anyone tried amiga's version of Sid Meier's Pirates! (IMO, best version of all available...)?


ade 2012-04-09 20:48

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1190036)
I wonder, how good amiga emulation is here? anyone tried amiga's version of Sid Meier's Pirates! (IMO, best version of all available...)?


I am having a hard time to just start a game in the Amiga emulator. Having difficulty with the controls, can't find any basic mouse support (often needed just to start) and see no option to swap disks. And A500 games frequently span a couple of disks, the first disk is often just the intro demo...

But I could be missing some clues which would make it more usable of course. I certainly hope so, the SNES part I tried was perfectly playable :)

galeark 2012-04-10 16:30

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
Noob question.
I retrieved the 0.2.0 deb file of emumaster
I installed it but I got only a black screen
I understand that there is need of installing some qt components but which?
Is there anyone who can explain the steps to install this emulator?
Tx in advance

ade 2012-04-10 18:11

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]

Originally Posted by galeark (Post 1190465)
Noob question.
I retrieved the 0.2.0 deb file of emumaster
I installed it but I got only a black screen
I understand that there is need of installing some qt components but which?
Is there anyone who can explain the steps to install this emulator?
Tx in advance

I am not sure, but I think you need at least these two packages


Else I think MartinK can correct me on this (he gave some info a few posts back).

fft750731 2012-04-11 03:54

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
qt-components-10, it can't be installed cause these's another version exists, how can I do?

galeark 2012-04-11 10:01

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
Tx to ade I managed to run emumaster
Only thing: is there a config file to change rompath?

xes 2013-01-27 23:30

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
1 Attachment(s)
I have just compiled emumaster 0.3.0 for fremantle tweaking/removing some parts of code to make it work in Maemo.

Unpack the archive in /opt and run /opt/emumaster/bin/diskgallery
or copy the desktop file present in /opt/emumaster/data/emumaster.desktop in /usr/share/applications/hildon

testing in progress...

Hariainm 2013-01-28 00:35

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]

Originally Posted by xes (Post 1318273)
I have just compiled emumaster 0.3.0 for fremantle tweaking/removing some parts of code to make it work in Maemo.

Unpack the archive in /opt and run /opt/emumaster/bin/diskgallery
or copy the desktop file present in /opt/emumaster/data/emumaster.desktop in /usr/share/applications/hildon

testing in progress...

are you working with elemental? do you have the source, how is that?

xes 2013-01-28 00:39

Re: Emumaster for Fremantle [SNES, GBA, MD, Amiga emu]
I have used this:

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