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karam 2012-04-13 14:30

[Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
Hello everybody

This is script for MDK3


How to use :
according to the images above :

1- launch the script from the desktop icon
2- choose your interface (if you created mon0 then you don't need to do step 4)
3- load injection drivers
4- set to monitore mode (if you used this with mon0 it will change it to managed mode instead of monitore mode, so only use this if you choosed wlan0)
5- search for targets by the method you prefre
6- choose your attack Oo


this script can perform every and each mdk3 attack
including the super destruction mode


Kernel-power 46-wl =<
including Kernel-power 50

*Desktop shortcut is available

DEPENDS: mdk3, xterm, kernel-power (with bleeding edge support) | kernel-power-bootimg, aircrack-ng, bash | bash3





apt-get update
apt-get install wifi-pwner

Launch it from the desktop icon

Please don't use it on other people's AP
only use it to test yours


D@vIcHoJD 2012-04-13 15:59

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //TEST VERSION
I can not run the application to appear no syntax error in line 7. Maybe it's a typo can correct it please.
From the shortcut does not run the application, try from the xterminal and throws me:

~ $ sudo /opt/wifi-pwner/
/opt/wifi-pwner/ line 7: syntax error: unexpected "("
~ $

mase 2012-04-13 17:27

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //TEST VERSION
I get the same syntax error.

shockingfm 2012-04-13 19:52

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //TEST VERSION

Originally Posted by D@vIcHoJD (Post 1191698)
I can not run the application to appear no syntax error in line 7. Maybe it's a typo can correct it please.
From the shortcut does not run the application, try from the xterminal and throws me:

~ $ sudo /opt/wifi-pwner/
/opt/wifi-pwner/ line 7: syntax error: unexpected "("
~ $

same here, syntax error from xterminal and shortcut doesnt work

droll 2012-04-13 20:32

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //TEST VERSION
i run it with bash and the syntax errors go away. but i get errors with tput. this command doesnt exist in busybox.

karam 2012-04-13 20:35

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //TEST VERSION
i hate lack of time

you're correct guys

there is an error with (function)

this is caused by sh
the biggest mistake i made is that i have programmed this on my N900 with bash !!

as for tput
eh another unexpected problem

i shall fix everything by tomorrow

but till then
can some one find me a cool 48*48 icon ?

Dragoss91 2012-04-13 20:56

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //TEST VERSION
mine doesn't start

karam 2012-04-14 13:58

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
alright everything is fixed now

please test and reply :)

version : 2.5

shockingfm 2012-04-14 14:39

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

Originally Posted by karam (Post 1192033)
alright everything is fixed now

please test and reply :)

version : 2.5

ok it starts fine but the script has blocks of black fill on the screen, most options are i can see but when i set it to do destruction mode it fills the screen with black fill over the text.

is it because i dont have Bash installed? i only can find Bash3 and Bash4 so i installed Bash3 and its still the same?

any ideas?

thanks again for your hardwork

karam 2012-04-14 14:48

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
you can use your finger to scroll up and down inside the terminal window

to enter an option
press it's number
to stop it
ctrl+ c

bash 1 or bash3 works fine
nothing wrong here :)

shockingfm 2012-04-14 14:54

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

Originally Posted by karam (Post 1192055)
you can use your finger to scroll up and down inside the terminal window

to enter an option
press it's number
to stop it
ctrl+ c

bash 1 or bash3 works fine
nothing wrong here :)

hi karam, didnt suggest that there was an issue with your app but simply a dependency missing from my phone that is causing this and due to my stupidity i figured it out. I had my xterminal background colour as white ! i changed it to black and all is good!.

sorry to have troubled you and once again fantastic work on the app!

PS. im gonna get brave and try your battery tweak and camera shot improvements next!

thanks for your speedy response!

shockingfm 2012-04-14 15:11

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

Originally Posted by karam (Post 1192033)
alright everything is fixed now

please test and reply :)

version : 2.5

ok after my hiccup, it all works good . tested destruction mode and works great!

my only suggestion would be that when it scans for targets it can list them straight after without having to refer to the txt file or copy/pasting individual channels, ESSID's and SSID's for the attack.

I.E scan for target, pick target , pick attack and then it inputs the data needed (channels, ssid, essid etc..) automatically

of course , i could be wrong and it has the function already and for that i apologise in advance ha ha

karam 2012-04-14 18:05

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
there is an option to search with airodump
simply after searching \ stop airodump and copy the name, bssid..etc

i shall find a solution for this black screen soon :)
however it works perfectly by setting the xterminal to black
as my N900 is

karam 2012-04-14 18:55

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
please if someone knows where are the osso-xterm settings
let me know

you will make me save much time :) a time i don't have

sLumPia 2012-04-14 20:20

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
it's in /usr/share/gconf/schemas/osso-xterm.schemas

karam 2012-04-14 22:41

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
alreadt tried that
but seems that it's not

chcking that files tells the default configs only
in other words: doen't get changed by changing the color settings
thanks anyway

i suspect this:


//EDIT2 :

found it

ex :
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/font_size -t int 16


Just fixed it

i will post some screen shots

will update it tomorrow :)
stay tuned

just posted screenhots
PS: if you wonder why you can't get the white one loading well
just wait till tomorrow so i can have a chance to update ir :)

D@vIcHoJD 2012-04-14 23:11

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
I have a problem finding customers, with the option 2, and throws me the following error:


wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Operation not supported

Target list was created in /home/user/MyDocs/target_list.txt

Please is possible add some of the interface of this script with zenity:

shockingfm 2012-04-15 10:00

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

Originally Posted by D@vIcHoJD (Post 1192200)
I have a problem finding customers, with the option 2, and throws me the following error:


wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Operation not supported

Target list was created in /home/user/MyDocs/target_list.txt

Please is possible add some of the interface of this script with zenity:

i managed to recreate your issue but only from going from option 2,3 and 4 unloading and loading the drivers. it seemed the script gets confused if you jump between the choices and back again

so try this....unload the bleeding edge drivers and close the app (option 17)

open the app again WLAN0
2. Select option 0 (make sure you get the message that custom wl1251 module loaded
3. select option 4 which should start the scanning

let me know how you get on.....

shockingfm 2012-04-15 10:02

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

Originally Posted by karam (Post 1192197)
alreadt tried that
but seems that it's not

chcking that files tells the default configs only
in other words: doen't get changed by changing the color settings
thanks anyway

i suspect this:


//EDIT2 :

found it

ex :
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/font_size -t int 16


Just fixed it

i will post some screen shots

will update it tomorrow :)
stay tuned

just posted screenhots
PS: if you wonder why you can't get the white one loading well
just wait till tomorrow so i can have a chance to update ir :)

Great cheers Karam

Karam do you think its possible to that option 4 could open up a new xterminal window?

karam 2012-04-15 10:52

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

there is nothing wrong

let me make clear of some basics

using option 2 (Managed mode scan)
this option cannot be used with monitor mode!!
it is Managed

so if you want to use that option just switch to managed and use it
by default managed is already switched to
unless you pressed 3 to switch to monitor
however you can reswitch to managed mode by repressing option 3 and then n

then option 2 should work well

as for option 4
well it works with both monitore and managed
why ? well airodump-ng switches managed to monitore auto
so no need to use option 3 in this case unless you want to reverse to managed mode to use option 2


i shall do that in the next version :)

and switching drivers will always set to managed mode
PS you can check what mode you are using by pressing option 16

Mohammed Muid 2012-04-15 17:17

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
is it possible that i can expel others from using the connection and i will use the full bandwith. if so then which one and how? previously i did deauthenticating and beecon flood with command line commands.

does this do the same thing as the wifi jamming script does?

sifo 2012-04-15 22:34

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
great work karam i will give it a try once im ready thanx ;)

karam 2012-04-16 18:01

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
@Mohammad Muid

well if you want to get the full bandwidth (which i usually do with my bro)

you have 2 ways to do that :

1- using aireplay and deauth other clients but you
(aireplay is usable with the same wireless card you are connected with to the internet, but mon0 must be on the same channel as wlan0 or your AP you are connected to)
this will disconnect them from the whole AP

2-(RECOMMENED) using arpspoof -i wlan0 (router's ip)
without enabling ip forward !!!
this will let others connected but they cannot use the net unless somekinda tunnel
-- now why this one is recommened
because they will less suspect of any problem
in other words : they will not restart their router
NOTE: their refers to your family router or so


wifi what ?
didn't notice this script till now

well according to what i read
it still doesn't support many attacks to mdk3 unlike wifi-pwner

q6600 2012-04-16 19:43

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
2 Attachment(s)
Hi i had the error in line 78, i install bash3 and now i have this...

D@vIcHoJD 2012-04-16 20:40

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

Originally Posted by q6600 (Post 1192937)
Hi i had the error in line 78, i install bash3 and now i have this...

Reinstall mdk3


sudo gainroot
apt-get install --reinstall mdk3

There should work:D:D

Red_Fox 2012-04-17 01:17

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
nice script... reminds me of something

q6600 2012-04-17 10:57

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
:D@Thank you karam for this script
@D@vIcHoJD Thank you, now is working
I try the destruction mode and is working just fine.
the battery didn't find this attack nice :D 25% in a few minutes drain

Mohammed Muid 2012-05-04 12:12

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out

can you please explain what this things do:

1) wmaster0 (sometimes this option appears and sometimes it doesn't
2) Michael shutdown exploitaion (it says just one more Qospacket to collect. then it stays there
3)Basic Probing and ESSID Bruteforce mode
4)Authentication Dos mode

pac12 2012-05-07 08:01

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
Hi when I start this I get this error
: line 83 : ip: command not found and there isn't any interfaces to select from list.Am I missing something?Thanks

stevomanu 2012-05-09 12:51

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
Wow this looks good , not really been around much and have missed all the good things ..

Great job will test later

Estel 2012-05-09 13:14

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
karam, could it be updated to depend on (and use) bleeding-edge drivers for kp50 as sitting in repositories, instead of requiring independent bleeding-edge drivers in some folder?

I.E, dependencies could be fixed, as bleeding-edge drivers are in repositories already.


karam 2012-05-09 21:59

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
sure i'll do that as soon as i have a free time :)
i didn't notice that they are in the repo now

@Mohammed Muid

1) don't give a sht about that .. it's another not "wifi" interface, i don't know why it sometimes appear and sometimes doesnt'

2) learn more about that attack.. (use google) probably most of wireless routers have it fixed
3)it reveals hidden networks by deauth it's clients for a couple a seconds
4) keeps send auth requests which messes up the router (useful with destruction mode..)


that line is
INTERFACES=`ip link|egrep "^[0-9]+"|cut -d ':' -f 2 |awk {'print $1'} |grep -v lo`

hmm if ip doesn't exist ..hmm hmm
it must be in a package i've missed somewhere
.. try
apt-get install iproute

will fix that on the next version

sifo 2012-05-09 22:18

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
tested and working as expected thanx man

mailcomx 2014-01-13 21:43

Re: [Announce] Wifi-Pwner >>> (MDK3 GUI) //Stable version is out
This working with kernel power 52? I cannot get injection and monitor mode for wifi-Pwner.

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