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ja-pc 2012-04-29 19:35

N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
Hello everyone,

would it be possible to create an alternative, open source Wi-Fi hotspot app that would not "collect statistical information about" (read - track) users in order to "provide and improve the service"?

I am kind of angry about this...
or is it known what the original one actually collects?

ja-pc 2012-04-30 19:19

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
Sorry, but nobody cares? Is that really OK to be tracked no matter the purpose without having an option to turn it off or a single idea of what is sent?

Arie 2012-04-30 19:25

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by ja-pc (Post 1199647)
Sorry, but nobody cares? Is that really OK to be tracked no matter the purpose without having an option to turn it off or a single idea of what is sent?

I don't use the hot spot app that often and when I do it's for other people so I'm not stressed.
Send itsnotabigtruck a pm, this is something he may be able to help you with.

cddiede 2012-04-30 19:31

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
How can the default Wi-Fi hotspot app track your activity in any way that your wireless carrier is not already doing?

You're looking for conspiracies against your privacy in the wrong places, lad.

nbedford 2012-04-30 19:32

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
Would love a wifi hotspot app that supports infrastructure mode, but I guess this is never going to happen :(

ja-pc 2012-04-30 20:19

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
Arie -> thanks for responding, I'll see.


Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 1199659)
How can the default Wi-Fi hotspot app track your activity in any way that your wireless carrier is not already doing?

You're looking for conspiracies against your privacy in the wrong places, lad.

You don't get the point. It's clear my ISP has access to all of my data, that is something I won't change, but what the heck has Nokia to do with it?

itsnotabigtruck 2012-04-30 22:10

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by Arie (Post 1199653)
I don't use the hot spot app that often and when I do it's for other people so I'm not stressed.
Send itsnotabigtruck a pm, this is something he may be able to help you with.

I don't have any idea myself, but I'm curious as to the nature of the actual data collected as well. It would be rather desirable to build a replacement for the preloaded JoikuSpot - besides the possible spying, the lack of 5 GHz support, limited choice of channels, and lack of infrastructure mode are also huge issues.

The problem however, last I checked, was that infrastructure mode isn't possible without a new wireless driver, which itself can't be replaced without modifying the kernel, which requires going into open mode. :( However, I'm not 100% sure that kernel modifications are actually necessary.

Rusnak-COBRA 2012-12-08 00:06

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
sorry for asking in such old topic. did anyone managed how to get Infrastructure hotspot working? I have HP TouchPad and plan to buy BlackBerry PlayBook, none of them sees AdHoc. I really need this option to can connect.

I believe we have enough skilled members here to do it :)

veeall 2012-12-08 02:25

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
I'd like to see a hotspot app with this feature as well, for connecting nexus 7 through n9 to internet. I'm willing to pay for it if such an app becomes available, or both flash n9s kernel and buy an app.

Muzimak 2012-12-08 04:15

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
Could be nice if my ps3 was able connect too.

Erazor 2013-11-20 23:14

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

+1 for a alternative app

danested 2013-11-20 23:48

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
once upon a time, but what I would wish for, if possible, would be a hotspot app whic would allow hot spotting and networking without having to connect with other devices(file sharing mostly)

soryuuha 2013-11-21 04:17

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
move along..impossible to implement infrastructure hotspot on N9 without support from Nokia themselves.

just sail along wit Jolla. the chipset difnitely will be using infrastructure hotspot.

juiceme 2013-11-21 05:47

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by soryuuha (Post 1387798)
move along..impossible to implement infrastructure hotspot on N9 without support from Nokia themselves.

just sail along wit Jolla. the chipset difnitely will be using infrastructure hotspot.

Should not be impossible. Difficult, yes, but not impossible.

soryuuha 2013-11-21 06:43

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1387805)
Should not be impossible. Difficult, yes, but not impossible.

you need to alter the driver, which is closed source. impossible in my book.

juiceme 2013-11-21 07:57

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by soryuuha (Post 1387811)
you need to alter the driver, which is closed source. impossible in my book.

Actually, all the needed components are open source. Only closed blob is the firmware (wl1271-fw-ap.bin) and that's available from TI.

Kernel sources in the latest plus can be patched from ti-utils to load the AP mode firmware. There's no need for any funny business with user-mode bouncers, you can just use NAT and wpasupplicant to launch up the network.

HtheB 2013-11-21 08:09

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1387775)
once upon a time, but what I would wish for, if possible, would be a hotspot app whic would allow hot spotting and networking without having to connect with other devices(file sharing mostly)

Check out: Piratebox

nieldk 2013-11-21 08:25

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1387819)
Actually, all the needed components are open source. Only closed blob is the firmware (wl1271-fw-ap.bin) and that's available from TI.

Kernel sources in the latest plus can be patched from ti-utils to load the AP mode firmware. There's no need for any funny business with user-mode bouncers, you can just use NAT and wpasupplicant to launch up the network.

Totally agree, the firmware is a closed blob, but the driver code is available and actually, I am looking at what to do with that - regarding injection - and aligning used driver code with more current updates. It is a simple task I would say, not difficult at all - just timeconsuming when you only have nighttime to work :P

Jaracz 2013-11-21 08:35

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

And would it be also possible to implement WPA2 as a security protocol? WEP is kind of old and compromised...

Best regards,


juiceme 2013-11-21 08:38

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1387821)
Totally agree, the firmware is a closed blob, but the driver code is available and actually, I am looking at what to do with that - regarding injection - and aligning used driver code with more current updates. It is a simple task I would say, not difficult at all - just timeconsuming when you only have nighttime to work :P

The most difficult thing in the task is to make it coexist nicely with the existing Harmattan infra which would like to see the WLAN connection just as a client device. The kernel part is the easy part :D

You need to hack the startup scripts so that when you do a normal wlan connect it will load the normal mode wl12xx drivers (wl12xx_spi, wl12xx_sdio) and push up the wl1271-fw.bin firmware to the chip, and when you set up the AP mode it will unload the normal mode cleanly, push up the wl1271-fw-ap.bin firmware and kll off the network manager without affecting the 3g connection...

juiceme 2013-11-21 08:39

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by Jaracz (Post 1387823)
And would it be also possible to implement WPA2 as a security protocol? WEP is kind of old and compromised...

That's one of the easy parts :D

nieldk 2013-11-21 08:43

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1387825)
The most difficult thing in the task is to make it coexist nicely with the existing Harmattan infra which would like to see the WLAN connection just as a client device. The kernel part is the easy part :D

You need to hack the startup scripts so that when you do a normal wlan connect it will load the normal mode wl12xx drivers (wl12xx_spi, wl12xx_sdio) and push up the wl1271-fw.bin firmware to the chip, and when you set up the AP mode it will unload the normal mode cleanly, push up the wl1271-fw-ap.bin firmware and kll off the network manager without affecting the 3g connection...

;) See, you already provided a solution

juiceme 2013-11-21 08:59

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1387829)
;) See, you already provided a solution

Well I have been thinking about this a bit.... Not yet in the implementation stage though :D

nieldk 2013-11-21 09:32

Re: N9: Alternative Wi-Fi Hotspot app?
For those interessted, the linux kernel pages describes quite well what needs to be considered to achieve this (and other work)

For one, if we want to implement the open source drivers, it *seems* two firmware blobs for station and accespoint modes, plus, the sdio seems not supported anymore (eg on our 2.6.32 kernel) - a good reason to try to change this ;)

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