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qgil 2012-05-29 22:37

2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
There are many interesting applications for the Nokia N9 that can be found in the community channels but no at the Nokia Store. Some of them would be well received by the N9 users at large, don't you think? This activity brings an incentive for community developers to cover that last mile.

APPLY and get a chance to win a Nokia N950 or Nokia N9.

This activity is part of the 2012 Device Program.

This thread welcomes questions and comments about this activity, as well as feedback on any submissions. Posts from the developers applying are welcome here as well.

Appreciation from users of the apps proposed through the Thanks! button is also encouraged.

qwazix 2012-05-29 22:50

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Applied :)

My submission is for mobilecrunch, a port of speedcrunch for the Nokia N9 with a completely rewritten UI in QML, and using modified maliit keyboard layouts for input.

bandora 2012-05-29 23:05

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Hopefully this will get some other developers will be interested.. Like popular social apps and others.. I wish Nokia's attitude towards MeeGo is like qgil's and a bunch of others working for Nokia...

Elleo 2012-05-30 00:19

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
I'd like to apply to get Eyrie (an over-the-air music identifier) into the store. Normally I publish my apps in the store as a matter of course but with Eyrie I've been holding back as a number of N9 users have reported that the recognition reliability on the N9 is somewhat worse than on the N950 (as I understand it they have rather different microphone set ups internally), so I'd been hoping to improve this prior to submission to the store.

However, I notice the rules say that the device will be sent once the application is published. So in the case my application was successful would there be any flexibility on this point, or would I need to submit a less reliable version of the app to the store, then receive the N9, then release an improved version?

rainisto 2012-05-30 05:37

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

My submission is for Presence VNC client port from N900 to N9. Or actually upgrade from my previous v0.8 release for Harmattan (v0.8 deb package avail in here: to v0.9 version for Harmattan. For the new version I've added support for N9 VKB and tidied up the settings UI for better fit to Harmattan resolution.

This is also listed as missing app in here Community/Wiki/Apps_Missing#Apps_in_competing_platforms_but_not_i n_Nokia_Store

timoph 2012-05-30 05:56

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
So this is only about getting existing stuff to the store? Not for new things?

qgil 2012-05-30 06:10

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by timoph (Post 1214753)
So this is only about getting existing stuff to the store? Not for new things?

That's the focus, yes. There is a code competition for new things and a Qt 5 focused activity for very very new & experimental things. :)

I hadn't thought about the combination of something existing for Maemo 5 and making it to the Nokia Store for N9. Interesting and to be considered depending on 'pure' submissions.

qgil 2012-05-30 06:13

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by Elleo (Post 1214683)
So in the case my application was successful would there be any flexibility on this point, or would I need to submit a less reliable version of the app to the store, then receive the N9, then release an improved version?

Why not trying submitting to the store anyway? Is it really so big the difference between N950 and N9?

Elleo 2012-05-30 06:24

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1214760)
Why not trying submitting to the store anyway? Is it really so big the difference between N950 and N9?

Well I can only go on reports from N9 users, but a number of people have complained about it being unable to recognise songs which are reliably detected on an N950. And with the propensity of store users to give bad reviews I'd like it to be as reliable as it can be before unleashing it upon them ;).

nath 2012-05-30 06:46

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Do you need some more testers then? I could easily compare with both devices here.

Elleo 2012-05-30 06:53

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by nath (Post 1214770)
Do you need some more testers then? I could easily compare with both devices here.

I really need to be able to investigate the problem directly as I suspect it's likely to involve a lot of fiddling with parameters (testing different volume levels, making sure the correct microphone is being used, etc.). Anyway, this isn't really the place for such discussions, that should probably be happening over in the Eyrie thread here:

Elleo 2012-05-30 06:56

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
I'm wondering if perhaps I'm not really eligible for this particular program, since I'm planning on submitting to the store eventually anyway (once I've been able to fix these problems in one form or another)?

damagedspline 2012-05-30 09:33

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
If there is a low amount of entries here, I will revoke my CA nomination ( in favor of the Nokia Store Award nomination for my Waze Qt port (Social Navigation) in order to balance the entries (:P)

jalyst 2012-05-30 16:07

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by Elleo (Post 1214775)
I'm wondering if perhaps I'm not really eligible for this particular program, since I'm planning on submitting to the store eventually anyway (once I've been able to fix these problems in one form or another)?

Maybe Eyrie is better suited for the coding competition category?
(although I can't recall all the requirements there OTTOMH)

qgil 2012-05-30 17:23

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1214657)
Applied :)

My submission is for mobilecrunch, a port of speedcrunch for the Nokia N9 with a completely rewritten UI in QML, and using modified maliit keyboard layouts for input.

ACCEPTED. Let us know when it's published.

PS: in the discussion thread you say it will be a paid app. Is it really so?

qgil 2012-05-30 17:25

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by rainisto (Post 1214747)

My submission is for Presence VNC client port from N900 to N9. Or actually upgrade from my previous v0.8 release for Harmattan (v0.8 deb package avail in here: to v0.9 version for Harmattan. For the new version I've added support for N9 VKB and tidied up the settings UI for better fit to Harmattan resolution.

This is also listed as missing app in here Community/Wiki/Apps_Missing#Apps_in_competing_platforms_but_not_i n_Nokia_Store

ACCEPTED. Let us know when it's published.

23 to go. :)

By the way, leave your preference for N9 / N950 in your entry at the wiki page.

zwer 2012-05-30 18:07

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by Elleo (Post 1214765)
Well I can only go on reports from N9 users, but a number of people have complained about it being unable to recognise songs which are reliably detected on an N950. And with the propensity of store users to give bad reviews I'd like it to be as reliable as it can be before unleashing it upon them ;).

That's why I advocated a long time ago for the Ovi/Nokia Store to have an 'experimental / adventurer' mode where devs could publish their WiP apps for the wider testing audience, and then when it is properly tested just to move it to a regular category visible to the faint hearted as well. That way developers would gain a huge mindshare for testing their apps while not risking initial negative rating. Then even the Nokia Beta Labs could publish their apps there instead of the need of a separate account and completely different setup presently required for the ones that are interested in upcoming things and living on the bleeding edge.

In fact, even beta FW updates could be distributed that way, ensuring much wider testing audience which will willingly take all the risks on themselves.

Alas, it was not to be...

qgil 2012-05-30 18:15

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Please, don't digress in this thread. serves the purpose of betatesting.

qwazix 2012-05-30 18:38

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215032)
ACCEPTED. Let us know when it's published.

PS: in the discussion thread you say it will be a paid app. Is it really so?

This was the original intention. A device however is payment enough for me, so I will publish it for free.

I may still publish a paid variant later alongside the free one if this is not an issue. Source will be published ASAP in github.

Going to publish ---->

mattaustin 2012-05-30 21:43

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
I've applied too.

My submission is for my "Perth Trains" app, which shows live departure times for trains in Perth, Western Australia. Although there is a working package on the project's web page, there are some updates I will probably need to make before store submission - such as a message to the user for when there is no internet connection. (this will be a free app, and is open source

bibek 2012-05-30 22:34

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
I just submitted my entries.. But having a hard time deciding which app to select..
Could we include two apps in one entry?

Wonko 2012-05-30 22:44

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Sorry, but...

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215072)
... serves the purpose of betatesting.

... no it doesn't. imho aims to be a free, full-featured alternative to Ovi/Nokia store, not a staging or beta testing platform for Ovi/Nokia store. has its own testing "repository" in which apps are placed for undergoing some community driven quality assurance before being promoted to the "public" repository.

I am sure you didn't mean it that way. But, honestly, this sounds a little like abusing as staging/beta platform.

Ideally, we would have all apps published on both and Nokia store in order to offer the best user experience to all users. Please don't get me wrong and I might be a little picky right now. However, the way you wrote it sounds a little deprecatingly like that only serves as beta/staging/low-quality repository for apps that will eventually get pushed to Nokia store which is imho not the case. From my perspective is a community driven effort to provide a free alternative to Nokia store.

CepiPerez 2012-05-30 22:49

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
I have some ideas from new apps, and as I understand I should post them in the coding competition, right?
But I've already post a player here a few weeks ago.
If I put this app in nokia store, can I participate here o what?

qgil 2012-05-30 22:59

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by Wonko (Post 1215235) has its own testing "repository" in which apps are placed for undergoing some community driven quality assurance before being promoted to the "public" repository.

Right. This is what I meant. Well said.

(Background: several years ago I was one of the people involved in the creation of Downloads, with ideas like devel - testing - stable, community QA process, user rating & comments, karma for apps in homepage and listings... is an evolution of that concept. All this only to explain how much I agree with your post - sorry for being unclear in my single short sentence before).

qgil 2012-05-30 23:01

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1215239)
I have some ideas from new apps, and as I understand I should post them in the coding competition, right?
But I've already post a player here a few weeks ago.
If I put this app in nokia store, can I participate here o what?

New apps go to Code Competition. Current apps still not in the Nokia Store go here. Your app is a good candidate here (but I wonder if it will go through the Store QA with that use of the logo/trademark - unless you do comply with their guideline or have their permission).

qgil 2012-05-30 23:01

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by bibek (Post 1215229)
I just submitted my entries.. But having a hard time deciding which app to select..
Could we include two apps in one entry?



arcean 2012-05-30 23:05

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Hmm, where can I apply with Camdrive?

Elleo 2012-05-30 23:29

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by Elleo (Post 1214775)
I'm wondering if perhaps I'm not really eligible for this particular program, since I'm planning on submitting to the store eventually anyway (once I've been able to fix these problems in one form or another)?

Well, I've added an application for it, I'll leave it up to your discretion as to whether it's appropriate or not. Then if it's accepted I'll do the odd bits and pieces I need to comply with the store QA (privacy policy, etc.) and submit the less reliable version to the store until it can be improved.

CepiPerez 2012-05-30 23:51

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215247)
New apps go to Code Competition. Current apps still not in the Nokia Store go here. Your app is a good candidate here (but I wonder if it will go through the Store QA with that use of the logo/trademark - unless you do comply with their guideline or have their permission).

AFAIK I can use it in a non-commercial application
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

rcolistete 2012-05-31 01:23

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
I'd like to have qgil opinion about applying to this "2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store" :

- "Python-SymPy" for Harmattan where :
* the Harmattan version would be improved like the "SymPy Interactive Shell" for Maemo 5, i.e., with added icon, dependencies (including Terminal and IPython) and submitted to Nokia Store;
* the Maemo 5 version has more than 20 thousand downloads since February 2012, more than 50 thousand since October 2011;
* being easy to install (available in repositories or Nokia Store) and easy to use (visible icon) have shown that even a console/terminal software can be very useful with thousands of downloads. So I think it is important to submit SymPy Interactive Shell (Harmattan version) to Nokia Store;
* is it ok to apply here ?

- "Limit / Integral / Derivative" for Harmattan :
* can be very popular because for Maemo 5 they have more than 150 thousand downloads of last versions in the last 7 months (46k for Limit, 57k for Integral, 51k for Derivative);
* packaged together as "Calculus" including python-sympy because Nokia Store doesn't accept external dependencies (python-sympy with 19MB), so it is better to have only one installation taking aprox. 20 MB than 3 (Limit + Derivative + Integral) taking each 20MB, where the typical user installs these three softwares;
* they are available to Maemo 4 & 5, not yet for Harmattan;
* but Limit for Harmattan is ready for months (very fast Qt Quick UI, with pitch to zoom, etc), despite its icon, so the .deb is not public. It is because I've waited for external dependencies in AppsForMeeGo, which was promised since December 2011. So I am working on "Calculus" (Limit+Derivative+Integral+python-sympy = aprox. 20 MB), which would be good to submit to Nokia Store;
* this "Calculus" can be applied here or would be better to " coding competition 2012" ?

qgil 2012-05-31 04:42

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1215263)
AFAIK I can use it in a non-commercial application
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I thought you would have checked: - see Logo Pack


Using the logo
All logo use is subject to approval by Send screen-
shots, live URLS or soft proofs to

qgil 2012-05-31 04:43

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by arcean (Post 1215249)
Hmm, where can I apply with Camdrive?

Mmm see first post in this thread? :)

qgil 2012-05-31 04:54

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1215283)
I'd like to have qgil opinion about applying to this "2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store"

20 MB to static link Python libraries and more for a very specialized application... If you are rewriting to base the UI on QML and the dependency in PySide then it looks you would have merits to be in this activity and also in the Code Competition.

Hum. You could apply here and have a chance to be accepted (but I want to see what other apps are being submitted) and you could have a chance in the code competition, if you fill the criteria there.

rainisto 2012-05-31 08:23

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215033)
ACCEPTED. Let us know when it's published.

23 to go. :)

By the way, leave your preference for N9 / N950 in your entry at the wiki page.

Updated the wiki. And I submitted deb to ovi store, lets see how the 1st round of QA goes (if they manage to setup vnc server by themselves, or if I need to provide them a test server which they can use)... :) I'll keep this thread updated on the progress...

rcolistete 2012-05-31 12:30

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215318)
20 MB to static link Python libraries and more for a very specialized application... If you are rewriting to base the UI on QML and the dependency in PySide then it looks you would have merits to be in this activity and also in the Code Competition.

Hum. You could apply here and have a chance to be accepted (but I want to see what other apps are being submitted) and you could have a chance in the code competition, if you fill the criteria there.

Ok, I will apply both "SymPy Interactive Shell" (later today) and "Calculus" (next week) here. And "Calculus" also in Maemo 2012 Code Competition.

About the "very specialized application" : Maemo/MeeGo users are different than Android/iOS/Symbian users ! "SymPy Interactive Shell", "Integral", etc have more downloads than the majority of mathematical softwares for Android/iOS/Symbian. We are special users :cool:

damagedspline 2012-05-31 13:49

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
@qgil Just to get that right, does that mean that someone can theoratically submit a new app to the Nokia Store (which is being "tested" in, nominate here, and additionally nominate themselves for the Community Award to increase their chances to win an award?

Although, I feel obliged to add, that getting N950 in Nokia Store
category, doesn't make Your submission for N9 via CA invalid (and vice

qgil 2012-05-31 16:49

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
In terms of timing, developers can get accepted before in this activity. So why not: try here first.

Indirectly this will help non-developers having more chances for the Community Awards.

damagedspline 2012-05-31 18:39

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215564)
In terms of timing, developers can get accepted before in this activity. So why not: try here first.

Indirectly this will help non-developers having more chances for the Community Awards.

10x, added my submission entry for the Waze Qt port. (Applying for an N9)

Edit: Uploading to Nokia Store...
Edit 2: Submitted to QA as ''waze-qt"

arcean 2012-05-31 22:19

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Camdrive has been submitted to Nokia Store for the first round of QA :).

rainisto 2012-06-01 04:49

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
@damagedspline && @arcean you are aware that you 1st need to get your submission accepted by qgil before pushing to store? Well of course nobody is stopping you to push, but you might end up empty handed with only a good feeling of getting your app into the store ;-)

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