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Will the tablet world change now?
Microsoft have enter the arena with a mobile device(surface Pro) that could be a game change like apples first Iphone. At least to me.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jozTK...ature=youtu.be My question is this? how will android and iOS handle the competition. I'm not talking about the RT version of surface, but the PRO. The RT version is like IPAD and Galaxy tab. But the pro version. You will be able to have full desktop experiance with devsuits, real office, much more advanced games and so forth. The only issue is the pricetag. For the first time I'm really intressted in a windows mobile device. Will android and iOS survive this blow? at least apple have a chance to create something simulare with OSX. but andorid. It will be the poor mans tablet! whats you take on this? Could Nokia release a real desktop experiance tablet as well? And you can install ubuntu or any other linux OS you want just like your PC ? right? If that is true It would blow my mind! |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
i guess when NOKIA collaborated MS... the main purpose was not the smart-phone market.. even NOKIA new they suck...
the main intention of this collaboration was to bang the Tablet Market.. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Windows 8 will penetrate the tablet market together with Asus, Acer just like the PC. Maybe even Samsung and HTC and other vendors are interested.
And Nokia! :) Microsoft finally found a key to the mobile market and the future success.. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
well, I don't think so. Apart from iPad not one single tablet made any significant succes. And we already had win7 tablets. And long before iPad there were windows tablets/convertibles. I had one and I always used it as regular laptop. And considering all those cases with keyborad for iPad, Asus transformer and now Surface, majority still wants a keyboard.
I can see some advantages of Pro model but I think that price will be very high. And I would always rather give a 2-3 benjamins more for a 13 or 14 inch ultrabook than this. And the one with winRT :cool: Who will buy windows based tablet only to realize that there's no apps for that. And today number of apps is everything, no matter how many of them are stupid or useless or just poor copies of succesful ones but they still counts. I think that it will be succesful as lumia is :D |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Most tablet users couldn't care less for a virus/reboot/slowness prone Windows Tablet device. When they need a full blown moblie desktop they use a laptop. Now, that doesn't mean that nobody will be interested in a Windows Tablet. I just think the market is small. I is a niche device.
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
this is called Evolution & circle of life
computers desktop>>laptop>>umpc>>netbook>>tablet(x86)>>ultra book i.e laptop mobiles phones>>pagers/mobile>>smartphone>>mobile computers(n900 etc)>>tablet>>bigger tablet>>tablet with base keyboard(partial laptop)>>windows tablet(arm)>>windows tablet with detachable keyboard ie Laptop again whatever path we take computing/mobile evolution will lead us to a detached screen & keyboard joined together by any system thats Laptop immi.shk |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
who cares about Microsoft, who designed the tablet?
Why would people care about a Nokia tablet when Microsoft is allready making their own hardware that runs the same software as Nokia's? it will be like the android price/spec war all over again. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
i think a tablet needs and innovative keyboard to be useful, else you just waste your time doing simple tasks that would otherwise take you fraction of time on the computer. Current tablets dont have that, that could set microsoft's tablet apart.
by innovative i dont mean swype or any form of VKB, i mean a tangible key board. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Why do you all look at the hw level. To me the biggest and most important change is the runtime x86 and software.
This is just the first step. You just need the tablet when go to work,... Vacation... Everywhere. do you need a heavy laptop? No need.. You can install dual boot with different OS. You develop,compile,run applications . Qt as an example as well as. Net. :D. You have more choices than with a maemo tablet? Not. That I wouldn't love a maemo tablet. But still... |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
You don't know ELOP's goal so you can't now if he fails or succeed. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Sadly MS are playing there "trump card" with the UEFI secure boot to prevent any malware (ie linux, bsd, WINDOWS pre7 or anyOS) from being installed on the device. Heck, even removing that bloody OS and all traces of its damn bootloader from my win7 dualboot resulted in a full format of my HDD :\ |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
The x86 is a netbook basically or a a small ultrabook, and the RT is whatever it is, netbook light perhaps / tablet? IMO the x86 will be expensive, more like a ultrabook. Looks kind of cool though and the keyboard looks cool as well.
I don't care though, I'm getting the Asus Nexus Tablet : http://www.gsmarena.com/the_nexus_ta...-news-4410.php 7 inch quad core, stock Android :D |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Great price. But I will laugh at you when you are running angry birds and other "simple" apps while I'm running photoshop, eclipse and stuff ;)
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I don't see how attaching a flat touch keyboard to a tiny 10" screen makes this an ultrabook competitor. Moreover you cannot use it in "keyboard-mode" on anything but a flat surface.
For a tablet its probably too heavy. IMO a niche product. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
because it runs windows, the most used OS in the world by businesses, i think it will be successful. microsoft has finally used one of their greatest asset to combat android and apple in the tablet market.
if it runs x86 apps (LOB apps for enterprises), it will be even more well received. even being able to run a browser (which it does) will be good because some LOB apps are web-based. i'd have to concede that MS is doing the right thing here. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Android 10%
IPAD 24 % Windows 65% Others 1% Worldwide tablet market shares 2 years from now. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Android 10%
IPAD 24 % Windows 65% Others 1% Worldwide tablet market shares 2 years from now. It all depends on when Ipad4 comes out and if it's still a mobile OS or a real OSX tablet, if. That happens you candidate add 20% more to apple. Wtf: edit post created a new user post :D |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
you are living in the past. Get real and dont post your crappy posts in all treads. Why not add value to the threads instead. I would also like a 5" maemo tablet and other things too. But its a deadend so get real. Please. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
When WinRT tablets hit the market, I will officially declare it the Post-PC era.
iPad =/= PC, more like dumb-C. The most frustrating part is that Linux could've been the Post-PC driver. I mean imagine an ICS-style OS but with full-fledged Linux and a robust development framework. More specifically, MeeGo! Here's how it should've been planned: - 5,000 top Apps from iOS and Android from the get-go - EPIC 4G specced model smartphones in 2010 - Amazin Fire specced tablet in 2011 - Major update in 2011/2012 to incorporate some Linux apps, major push for MeeGo as top linux distro, improvements across the board, sponsor by SmarTVs and appliances - Competitive features against Win8; only cheaper, more widespread, more apps before end-of-2012 (eg Current state of Android). |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
when you have formated the disk you should be happy and windows is gone you will live happy ever after. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
But I still not think this will prevent other OSes. Everything added to a disk must be possible to remove somehow. :D And wht about if you buying a windows 8 CD, where will this install itself? It cant lock down the HW from future changes to another OS. Initially I have no problem have windows left at a small patition as possible. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
i think the question posed for the Thread is an excellent one. Microsoft has said that it has taken it's lead from Apple in controlling both the hardware and the software.
So where does that leave Microsoft's Partners, HP and the like? Out in the cold presumably. Certainly the cost of $85 for the OS puts them at a cost disadvantage immediately. How will these companies, who previously relied on Windows for their business plans, now fare? What will they do to fight back to safeguard their companies' futures. Perhaps form a consortium to develop their own OS? Or am I being overly dramatic here? |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Go, read a bit.... trololololololololollololooolll! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified...ware_Interface http://www.zdnet.com/blog/open-sourc...d-fedora/11187 http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/...fi-secure-boot http://digitizor.com/2012/06/01/fedora-uefi-microsoft/ http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/0...-boot-solution http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/12368.html http://blogs.msdn.com/b/b8/archive/2...with-uefi.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr.../gg463149.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr.../hh973604.aspx |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I have never said I'm an expert! I can do lot a **** with a computer but I dont understand everything. That is the great thing with it. :D But If you are so great, please explain to me if I can dual boot a linux OS along with windows on Surface Pro. Or even better remove it and add another OS of my choice? And Thanks for the links. By the way, What is your opinion on the thread headline question? |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Microsoft's first tablet will get alot of media attention. More so than a 3rd party Acer or HP tablet would. Get people to shift away from apple to a similar brand making the hardware and software. Microsoft vs Apple is a better battle than HP/Acer/Toshiba vs Apple. Once people shift there thinking away from apple to Windows they'll want options anyway. The problem is apple is a single hardware/software powerhouse that needs to be taken down a notch and Microsoft is finally ready to stand up to them on a hardware basis, just like they did with the xbox 360 and Playstation 3. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
"Hardware makers who choose the optional Microsoft Certification will be required to implement UEFI. Microsoft will also require that manufacturers offer the ability to turn off the secure boot feature on x86 hardware, but they must not offer such an option on ARM hardware. No mandate is made regarding the installation of third-party certificates that would enable running alternate software." Note that the Surface Pro integrates an i5 processor. With high probability, you can install GRUB or whatever; and using unetbootin to fill the integrated flash with bits resembling an alternate OS. EDIT:: i don't know if GRUB etc. will be recognized as "verified OS loaders", and if platform keys will be used by different OSes. Refer to the ZDnet articles. Quote:
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
September 5, 2000: http://techcentral.my/archives/2011/...tablet%202.jpg Running Windows is not a guarantee of success for a device. There are a lot of factors involved. Crowd perception is probably the most important. Microsoft has a steep climb on that one. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
yes, But this is an "Iphone". Much more expensive than everything else on the market. Easy to use! It's perfect for the masses. However, This product will not take the masses. Keyusers will, where the high price isn't the biggest issue when selecting you device. When regular users is seeing what is capable off they want one, at the same more tablets arrive to market with different hardware/prices and masses are hocked :D
Plus windows strategy can't fail this time(bill was to smart), devices will look so much smarter this time: http://www.seppo.net/cartoons/albums...allmer_eng.jpg |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
http://www.computerworld.com/s/artic..._pm_2012-06-19 Microsoft understands that perception is key. So they are trying to be more like Apple and Ballmer is trying to be like Jobs. http://stewover.com/wp-content/uploa...ve-Ballmer.jpg http://www.nypost.com/rw/nypost/2009...r--300x300.jpg http://urbanturtle.com/ourstory/stev...microsoft3.jpg http://i.huffpost.com/gen/113551/thu...LMER-large.jpg http://4.images.spike.com/images/blo...g?quality=0.91 http://static5.businessinsider.com/i...hoo-search.jpg http://static7.businessinsider.com/i...ve-ballmer.jpg http://s4.reutersmedia.net/resources...OGLE-MICROSOFT http://sharequotes.us/wp-content/upl...-Biography.jpg Neither will succeed. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
However all things such as manufacturing costs etc., being equal, the fact remains that Microsoft’s own tablet can afford to be $85 cheaper than anyone else’s Windows tablet. That does not bode well for Asus, Acer and the rest. Or will Microsoft choose to level the playing field by slapping an $85 development tax on to its own products. Time will tell of course and it will be interesting to watch how it plays out. In the meantime I suspect that Microsoft's "partners" are feeling a bit uneasy regarding their future in this particular market. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Or BYOD and BYOB and have a W-LAN with your favorit desktop game :D I want confirmation of i 5 processor and what kind of graphic we get. |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
No, no one cares. Microsoft's announcements don't matter.
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I am definitely impressed by the new WP8 live tiles. That Nokia developer device looks disgusting. . . :p
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Pretty much the same thing was said about Iphone around 2007 :D |
Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Why do you keep thanking yourself? And how do you do it? |
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