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Morpog 2012-07-01 15:00

Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Update 27.04.2013

This thread won't be updated anymore. Go on in each owns thread: QmlMozbrowser for harmattan (N9 / N950) Alopex for fremantle (N900) cutefox for MER (Nemo or SailfishOS based devices) (no own thread yet)

All below is OLD information and shouldn't be used anymore.

Update 23.02.2013
Coderus released a new pre-alpha version for harmattan. Also a new Youtube video.

Fremantle version done by user qwazix is just a QML UI preview based on QT Webkit, but will be soon integrated with embedlite (hopefully).

Youtube demonstration
Early development version
Swipe from right edge to go back proof of concept


Harmattan version done by user coderus is already based on embedlite (IPCLiteAPI) by Romaxa.

2nd Youtube demonstration
Youtube demonstration
2nd Development version
Early development version
Upstream source

All below is old stuff and shouldn't be installed anymore!

Old information, now obsolete:


Originally Posted by very old stuff
Update 05.01.2013
All below is old, new build and informations here:

UI Concept by me is found here:


Originally Posted by old
OK, it seems like Romaxa (creator of Fennec on Harmattan ports) tries to redo the approach of MicroB with it's native rendering of UI on Harmattan with Fennec. If that works out, the existing or maybe a new Fennec UI should be as smooth as the new native UI of Androids Fennec (since Firefox 14 on Android).

He wrote some patches and started a WIKI entry, where he explains how to build and start it. He even points to the place of the DEB file and build instructions.

Update: Description from Romaxa:


Fast and responsive browser using Multiprocess/Multithreaded Qt embedding API

IPC Lite API provide platform independent mozilla embedding API's, here is the test browser using that API.
60FPS scrolling/zooming, WebGL, 30FPS HTML5 webm,ogg,flash video rendering, fast CSS3 animations, 60FPS Fixed positioned elements and iframes scrolling.
All Hardware accelerated with EGL rendering backend.
Fast startup, page load, no XUL UI, Qt/QML..
On last video part of demo of browser with Multithreaded compositing (single process) example.
Binary build available here:
MOZ_ACCELERATED=1 ./qtMozQmlEmbed -url

Removed my old description where I tried to get it running, as I have it running now with Romaxas lates update from 28th July 2012.

It's so much more easy now:

- download and install these .deb files from
- open terminal and enter these commands:
cd /opt/xulrunner/lib/xulrunner-17.0a1
MOZ_ACCELERATED=1 ./qtMozQmlEmbed -url
(or any other URL)

Romaxa posted his results on his blog and published a Youtube Video! Awesome stuff so far, hell it is fast!

There is no checkerboarding while scrolling/zooming and it's smooth as butter. There is a basic UI for navigating/refreshing and entering an URL. Native VKB works there. Although it's not possible yet to interact with the content (like clicking a link).


koe 2012-07-01 15:24

Re: IPCLiteAPI Fennec - How to get it working?
yep, my case too

godofwar424 2012-07-01 15:51

Re: IPCLiteAPI Fennec - How to get it working?
We are gonna need a more in depth tutorial specifically for the N9 before this works.

Cretinous Git 2012-07-02 12:11

Re: IPCLiteAPI Fennec - How to get it working?
Have you tried starting it without devel-su? I don't think you should run Fennec as root, and it's quite possible that root can't connect to the display (as it shouldn't).

Morpog 2012-07-10 18:03

Re: IPCLiteAPI Fennec - How to get it working?
Of course, but user has no permission to access that directories.

jalyst 2012-07-10 20:08

Re: IPCLiteAPI Fennec - How to get it working?
awesome, I was talking to him about this ages ago and meant to ask him about the progress.
Def. will check ths out later, could be a nice alternative to Snowshoe, thanks for the thread!

Morpog 2012-08-12 12:12

Re: IPCLiteAPI Fennec - How to get it working?
There was an update on July 28 and Romaxa even posted his results on his blog and published a Youtube Video!

Awesome stuff so far, hell it is fast!

I'm giving it another try and will update 1st post if I have success.

Yeah it works and hell it's promising! engadget website (not the mobile version) is so smooth and fast on it. There is no way yet to interact with the website (for example no way to click a link), but it has a basic UI for back/forward, reload and entering an URL (with native VKB).

Morpog 2012-08-12 12:32

Re: IPCLiteAPI Fennec (Firefox) - Hell it's fast!
Updated 1st post with new instructions and observations.

Dragoss91 2012-08-12 13:20

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
I have installed nighty fennec and now this . When I execute "MOZ_ACCELERATED=1 ./qtMozQmlEmbed -url" (without commas) I get this :

RM696-21-3_PR_001:/opt/xulrunner/lib/xulrunner-17.0a1# MOZ_ACCELERATED=1 ./qtMoz
QmlEmbed -url
-sh: ./qtMozQmlEmbed: Operation not permitted

Morpog 2012-08-12 13:50

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
No need for nightly fennec.

You can't start it as root user, try it as normal user.

ibrakalifa 2012-08-12 14:27

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
oot, but everytime use nightly build is always crashing here, :/

slaapliedje 2012-08-12 14:38

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Impressive! Looking forward to a fully working version. Is this going to be back ported to the N900 as well?


Morpog 2012-08-12 14:39

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
@ ibrakalifa
? Nightly still works great here.

This doesn't use any files of Firefox or Fennec at all, it uses xulrunner, which is a separate installation.

ibrakalifa 2012-08-12 14:59

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Ah okay, my bad, just install latest nightlt build and its work now, :cool

thx so much

slaapliedje 2012-08-12 15:50

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
I had to restart my phone after using this (well I probably didn't have to, but I didn't feel like digging through the processes to find out which one I had to kill.)

It seems it stayed in memory after swiping down, so normal firefox wouldn't launch.

Just a heads up.


aironeous 2012-08-12 16:15

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
If they would just fix the broken touch in snowshoe that would also be a fast browser

Dragoss91 2012-08-12 16:35

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
I've ran it via xterm devel-su and got an error .

~ # cd /opt/xulrunner/lib/xulrunner-17.0a1
/opt/xulrunner/lib/xulrunner-17.0a1 # MOZ_ACCEL
ERATED=1 ./qtMozQmlEmbed -url
"/opt/xulrunner/lib/xulrunner-17.0a1/qtMozQmlEmbed" Failed to connect to remote themedaemon. Retrying in one second.

Morpog 2012-08-12 17:18

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Don't run it as root!

Sniper_swe 2012-08-12 18:34

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
DAMN. It is fast!!! ;)

wolke 2012-08-12 18:42

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
holy **** batman. fast-o-clock.
this + the terminal => my new wikipedia browser

Dragoss91 2012-08-12 20:46

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
It's really fast and smooth , let's hope will be the same when will be fully functional .

This browser would be an important piece for N9 users , just like inception and n9qtweak .

godofwar424 2012-08-12 21:22

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!

Originally Posted by Dragoss91 (Post 1251049)
It's really fast and smooth , let's hope will be the same when will be fully functional .

This browser would be an important piece for N9 users , just like inception and n9qtweak .

Yeah, mainly because it supporst flash legally! A cssu could integrate this browser as a replacement to the stock browser!

HtheB 2012-08-12 22:37

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Now THIS is what many users have been waiting!! :)

Great work!
Hope to see more of this awesomeness :)

shmerl 2012-08-12 22:58

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
I hope some good UI will be built on top, to match the stock mobile Firefox.

AudioSculpt 2012-08-13 01:05

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Now, THIS is a great project!
Thank you Romaxa for your effort!

ZiiimZooon 2012-08-13 15:13

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Daaaaamn!! It looks stunning! ;)

don.edri 2012-08-13 17:52

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Just testing atm - looks impressive already :) And flash is working great (although it means commercials on websites - adblock maybe?)

godofwar424 2012-08-13 17:54

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!

Originally Posted by don.edri (Post 1251418)
Just testing atm - looks impressive already :) And flash is working great (although it means commercials on websites - adblock maybe?)

This is still the fennec core, so there will be plugin support.

Just need to wait for romaxa to merge the current UI with this and then everything will be perfect!

Not sure how long it will take though.

AudioSculpt 2012-08-19 15:53

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
News about this?

godofwar424 2012-08-19 17:41

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!

Originally Posted by AudioSculpt (Post 1253535)
News about this?

If there was, itd be posted here already..

B3Punch3D 2012-08-19 18:33

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Great work already ;)

HelloEverybody 2012-08-20 04:44

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Yeah, this is very quick. How much work will it be for Romaxa to add in a UI? Does he frequent these forums? I would LOVE for this to be a fully(or semi, more so than it is now) functional browser. Are there any serious hurdles to be overcome to make this work? Does Romaxa have any kind of a timeline for this project? If he is on here, THANKS! Loving the Nightly fennec builds he put out, and this shows a lot of promise, as well.

ste-phan 2012-08-20 14:59

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
When I had the Fennec on N9 I found it quick enough already (1GB RAM?)
What about an update for the N900?

Piotrek_PL 2012-09-02 20:22

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Please tell me that this project is not dead yet...

Morpog 2012-09-02 20:42

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
It will go forward slowly i guess. From initial version to the updated one you see now it took about 5 months.

Vromoth 2012-09-03 04:57

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Well good work Morpog. It will be great when it's done.

soryuuha 2012-09-04 01:45

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
damn, i really looking forward for this project
if only romaxa drop by and say hi ...

freemangordon 2012-09-04 06:22

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
Did anyone succeed to follow the instructions and build it from the sources?

Morpog 2012-09-04 10:54

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!

Originally Posted by Vromoth (Post 1260015)
Well good work Morpog. It will be great when it's done.

Don't thank me, it's all Romaxas work. I just started a thread about it.

Morpog 2012-09-04 11:16

Re: Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI - Hell it's fast!
By the way, there is also more intersting stuff on Romaxas FTP.

- Firefox 14 with gstreamer support
haven't tried this one, I think it can play HTML5 H264 videos via N9 inbuilt gstreamer, like the native browser

- old Boot to Gecko build for N9
seems to be the same approach like the IPC LIte API Fennec, don't know how far he got there

- new Boot to Gecko build for N9 (hot)
seems to use a lightweight Nitdroid with modified kernel to run B2G, there is also a youtube video about this. Checkout the video comments, there are instructions how to build it and a link to a pre compiled image (PR1.2 based).

I just sent Romaxa an email. Hopefully he shows up here and shares some news with us.

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