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nbedford 2012-07-16 16:01

Tracker problems (PR1.3)
I'm having terrible problems with tracker on my N9 (PR1.3)

I started by copying 25GB of mp3, my music collection in Mass Storage Mode. and then run N9 Msic app, it just sits there says 'Updating library', I know tracker indexs the files for search etc... But I leave my phone for the whole weeked since friday, so after 72 hours it still says 'Updating library' :(

How long should tracker take to index large amounts of data, eg 1 hour per GB or more or less?

When I get stuck in 'Updating library' what is best solution, I don't want to have to reflash all over again :(

I try tracker-control --hard-reset but that wipes all tracker db.

If i delete all music and start copying again tracker can maybe catch up, but this seems like a pain, there must be a way to copy my music to N9 without haveing to copy one album at a time (very time consuming for me)

Anyone have any ideas, help?

What do others do? If i am the only one with problem what do people actually store on their 64GB N9's?


rainisto 2012-07-16 16:36

Re: Tracker problems
you just have to be patient, indexing big data amounts can take up to 2-3 weeks ;)

nbedford 2012-07-16 17:00

Re: Tracker problems
Really that long? OK, I guess I will have to learn to be patient...

flopjoke 2012-07-16 17:28

Re: Tracker problems
indexing 25GB in one go?! May God help your soul.

minimos 2012-07-17 14:08

Re: Tracker problems
Well, 25GB are always 25 GB, but I guess for indexing what matter is more how many songs are there, than how much storage they take.

nbedford 2012-07-17 14:45

Re: Tracker problems
Approx 4500 individual mp3 files

N770-Freak 2012-07-18 21:12

Re: Tracker problems
After reflashing PR1.3 I'm facing the same problem. 15GB of music and the music player keeps "Updating library".

In the past (<= PR1.2) it took only a couple of minutes to update the 15GB library.

tracker-control also spits out unconsistant information about the tracker status. Doing a hard-reset of the database also didn't resolve this issue.

nbedford 2012-07-19 06:24

Re: Tracker problems
I'm so glad its not only me. Like you previously on PR1.2 I didn't notice this problem and the music player could cope with my library.

Based on information provided by rainisto, I'm waiting patiently, but I think there is an issue with PR1.3 personally :-(

thedead1440 2012-07-19 06:52

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by nbedford (Post 1239586)
I'm so glad its not only me. Like you previously on PR1.2 I didn't notice this problem and the music player could cope with my library.

Based on information provided by rainisto, I'm waiting patiently, but I think there is an issue with PR1.3 personally :-(

i hate to break this to you but rainisto gave a tongue in cheek comment which isn't true...hence the wink at the end....

Edit: I've around 15gb of songs and don't have the same issue...have you tried a clean reflash?

nbedford 2012-07-19 07:59

Re: Tracker problems
Yes, reflashed twice now :(

Does anyone know how the Music Player actually interactes with the tracker?

Do 3rd party players form Ovi Store use/rely on the tracker? I downloaded Sigma Player Free and that is able to see and play my music collection fine, so I am wondering whether it is actually a tracker issue or a Music Player issue?

gunnsean 2012-07-19 08:34

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by nbedford (Post 1239611)
Yes, reflashed twice now :(

Does anyone know how the Music Player actually interactes with the tracker?

Do 3rd party players form Ovi Store use/rely on the tracker? I downloaded Sigma Player Free and that is able to see and play my music collection fine, so I am wondering whether it is actually a tracker issue or a Music Player issue?

My music collection is around 4GB and the library takes less than 1 minute to update. I really dont think 25GB would take more than an hour?:eek:

Usually in such a case, I would recommend you to do the following:

1. Backup your contact and important messages.

2. Use Terminal



tracker-control -r
this will reset tracker

3. Reboot your phone and when its back, check if library update's fine.

BTW, it's definitely a tracker problem, but not necessary a music collection problem...Could be anything with which tracker interacts.

To see tracker status

tracker-control -S
Then it'll output which tracker entities are stalling.

PhatApteryx 2012-07-19 08:34

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by nbedford (Post 1239611)
Yes, reflashed twice now :(

Does anyone know how the Music Player actually interactes with the tracker?

Do 3rd party players form Ovi Store use/rely on the tracker? I downloaded Sigma Player Free and that is able to see and play my music collection fine, so I am wondering whether it is actually a tracker issue or a Music Player issue?

damn, put 45gb of music onto mine without issue...

Arie 2012-07-20 20:06

Re: Tracker problems
I have this problem too, I'm still trying to figure out how to make it work.

This showed up after flashing to PR1.3 and not a second before.

gionni88 2012-07-21 10:31

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by nbedford (Post 1239611)
Yes, reflashed twice now :(

Does anyone know how the Music Player actually interactes with the tracker?

Do 3rd party players form Ovi Store use/rely on the tracker? I downloaded Sigma Player Free and that is able to see and play my music collection fine, so I am wondering whether it is actually a tracker issue or a Music Player issue?

I usually get the opposite comments, SigmaPlayer cannot find some mp3 which the stock player sees.

SigmaPlayer relies on tracker database.

If you wanna know if tracker has those mp3s indexed, try with

tracker-search -m > /home/user/MyDocs/AllMusicTracksIndexed.txt
you will find a txt file in your MassStorageMemory main directory with all your tracks which got indexed. That command must be run when you're not in mass storage mode.

that tracker hard reset command must be run from user console, not root, buy you have to specify it will delete all smss, all contacts and so on when suggesting it, otherwise someone may read your post and try to launch it.

Arie 2012-07-22 01:19

Re: Tracker problems
After numerous flashes and trying to put 1 song on or 1000, I think that tracker has a bug and isn't working right.

jleholeho 2012-07-27 01:31

Re: Tracker problems
can anyone help me with Search app not showing or searching anything? the little circle on right top just keeps running without anything happening...this has started suddenly, without any particular change or installation in phone....

hasn't this something to do with recent gtalk issues as every time I opened gtalk or Skype over the last day it kept saying "can't import contacts" so I'm unable to see who's online atm...?

Edit: fortunately, I was able to get the Search app working again by tracker-control -r command...
strange is that there was no change initially, then I left the phone alone as I was going to bed...once I grabbed it in the morning the Search was back there...even stranger is that all my files stayed in place after resetting tracker (accounts, contacts, photos, music...), only in the morning it was all gone...then I plugged the phone in via mass storage so I could transfer contacts from computer and once I plugged it out all the photos, music and videos were instantly back...long story short, resetting tracker did erase my accounts, contacts and rss feeds but didn´t touch my music, videos and photos and moreover brought the Search app back to work...

nbedford 2012-07-28 19:43

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by gionni88 (Post 1240737)
If you wanna know if tracker has those mp3s indexed, try with

tracker-search -m > /home/user/MyDocs/AllMusicTracksIndexed.txt
you will find a txt file in your MassStorageMemory main directory with all your tracks which got indexed. That command must be run when you're not in mass storage mode.

I tried this command to see which files tracker had managed to index, and which it hadn't, but unfortunately I get this


NOTE: Limit was reached, there are more items in the database not listed here
Is there any way to force tracker-search to ignore what ever limit it is hitting?

Ppoikone 2012-07-29 13:54

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by nbedford (Post 1244286)
I tried this command to see which files tracker had managed to index, and which it hadn't, but unfortunately I get this


NOTE: Limit was reached, there are more items in the database not listed here
Is there any way to force tracker-search to ignore what ever limit it is hitting?

I get same message, that limit was reached...

my Music library's updaing takes one week and after restart music player it start update librarys again and seems that it takes one week again.

I start use sigma player and it works fine. Music library work fine, only few mistakes with album arts.

thedead1440 2012-07-29 14:03

Re: Tracker problems
if sigma player works, it means tracker is ok as sigma player too takes the info from tracker...

maybe some1 could help on how to get it to be displayed in music player too...

nbedford 2012-07-29 19:03

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1244585)
if sigma player works, it means tracker is ok as sigma player too takes the info from tracker...

maybe some1 could help on how to get it to be displayed in music player too...

I don't think this is entirely correct, I have similar experience with both Sigma Player and Flowplayer, if tracker is stuck trying to process some file, these two music player will just happily get on with it and let you play the rest of the music that tracker has already managed to successfully index. But the stock Music Player, will insist on displaying the dreaded 'Updating library' until tracker has completed indexing all files (which never seems to happen once it get's stuck :( )

Arie 2012-07-29 19:10

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by nbedford (Post 1244680)
I don't think this is entirely correct, I have similar experience with both Sigma Player and Flowplayer, if tracker is stuck trying to process some file, these two music player will just happily get on with it and let you play the rest of the music that tracker has already managed to successfully index. But the stock Music Player, will insist on displaying the dreaded 'Updating library' until tracker has completed indexing all files (which never seems to happen once it get's stuck :( )

I can vouch for this problem with tracker too.

jaymzzz 2012-08-02 06:38

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
I've tried everything!
but at last some rather boring way solved my problem !
I copied my music which was around 5GB, little by little and then updated my library! and it completely solved it

delmar 2012-08-02 10:24

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

I think this is allways the best solution for large files. I did it this way also on N900 where i had installed at the end about 12GB music. OK that we have possibility to store a lot on smartphones (internal or/and memory card), but we shoud give a change also the hardware to do his job. Finally it's not a PC.

Arie 2012-08-03 06:32

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by jaymzzz (Post 1246338)
I've tried everything!
but at last some rather boring way solved my problem !
I copied my music which was around 5GB, little by little and then updated my library! and it completely solved it

This is not practical as after some time, my N9's tracker just gets stuck....

Bump for a solution....

mikecomputing 2012-08-03 11:11

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
There seems to be plenty of issues with pr1.3 even twitter is less good than pr1.2 to me it seems not the same devs that did the fixes for pr1.2 worked with pr1.3 or did't git pull from pr 1.2 and instea.

or else I can not undestand what the **** was going on because alot is more stable in pr1.2 than pr1.3 :(

delmar 2012-08-03 12:52

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

I think also there must be something wrong in PR 1.3, because when I got the device last December the first I did was to import the 12 GB of music in mass storage and incl. the tracking it needs (only) about 45 minutes if I'm not wrong. Compared with the among of data this was acceptable, but I decided that I will divide the data in smaller lots in case of future transfers of large files.

Arie 2012-08-03 16:03

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by delmar (Post 1246936)

I think also there must be something wrong in PR 1.3, because when I got the device last December the first I did was to import the 12 GB of music in mass storage and incl. the tracking it needs (only) about 45 minutes if I'm not wrong. Compared with the among of data this was acceptable, but I decided that I will divide the data in smaller lots in case of future transfers of large files.

On PR1.2 I imported 15 gig of music and it took give or take 30 minutes to find it all.

On PR1.3, it doesn't work right and gets stuck after a few minutes...

Even importing track by track it still messes up for me after awhile.

Arie 2012-08-03 21:01

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
Bump, anyone?

Arie 2012-08-04 03:16

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
problem solved!

marcoita 2012-08-04 07:25

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
Hi Arie!!! How did you solve your tracker problems???

Thanks! :)

thedead1440 2012-08-04 07:32

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
Send him a PM...

Manatus 2012-08-05 13:48

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
It looks like some files or filenames can bomb tracker's file system miner.

Run as user:

tracker-control -S
(note capital S)

This shows the status of miners. If it says that the file system miner is disabled by the plugin you have a faulty condition.

You can then check:

tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog

This would show last error messages, and it shows actual files that could not be indexed anymore.

Remove the album that has the problem. I don't know if the reason is too long path, some characters in the names or the actual content of the mp3's but it came down to a individual album I had to remove.

After this you can reboot the phone (if unplugging the phone or starting the music application does not start the miners) or try starting the miners by hand typing

tracker-control -s
(Note minor s)


tracker-control -F

shows the current status of the tracker miners. File system miner should go all the way to 99% or 100% and change to 'idle' when the indexing is over (it should not take very long to index some 5 gigs of music).

Edit: Do not blindly trust what /var/log/syslog says; When tracker meets broken files, at some point it dies completely and the rest of the innocent files will get rejected too with errors.

After testing I found out that my tracker problem was caused by several broken MP3s, however the first file mentioned in the log was not at fault.
I had to go through them one by one, and while some of the files listed were clearly broken, there was one MP3 that had visibly nothing wrong with it and it played without problems on computer. No copying or renaming it helped to get it recognised in N9. When trying to add that to MyDocs/Music, sometimes it just got ignored by music player with error message in syslog, and sometimes it killed the mining process.

Example of the error message in the /var/log/syslog:
Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-miner-fs[4010]: GLIB WARNING ** Tracker - Got extraction DBus error on 'file:///home/user/MyDocs/Music/Chris%20Isaak/Beyond%20The%20Sun/My%20Baby%20Don't%20Love%20Me%20No%20More.mp3': GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)

Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB MESSAGE Tracker - Setting up monitor for changes to config file:'/home/user/.config/tracker/tracker-extract.cfg'

Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB MESSAGE Tracker - Loading defaults into GKeyFile...

Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB CRITICAL ** Tracker - tracker_file_get_size: assertion `path != NULL'failed

Aug 5 17:43:15 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB WARNING ** default - Can't set invalid URI '( ' on tagreadbin element discoverer-tag

Aug 5 17:43:15 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB WARNING ** Tracker - Call to gupnp_dlna_discoverer_discover_uri_sync() failed: No URI specified to play from.

~ $

Sumana Harihareswara 2012-08-19 13:32

Thank you for solving my problem
Manatus, your solution solved my problem. Thank you so much for being so clear, thorough, and helpful.

I had something like 12 gigs of data, mostly music, and had put off performing the remedy suggested in comment #11, since I'd have to restore data from backup. Today I re-checked this thread, saw this solution, tried it, and rebooted my phone. This time the "Updating library" screen only showed for less than a minute and now I can play all my music again! This will make exercising way more appealing again. :-)

Thanks again, Manatus.

P.S. Weirdly, the problem showed up just after I'd copied a bunch of sort of random files to my N9, like ZIP files and GPS waypoints, but deleting those immediately after noticing the tracker issue seemingly didn't fix it. Instead, once I looked at those error logs, I saw that I had to delete a few OGGs and MP3s that had been in a previous music-copying batch that had not seemed to initially cause any issues. Sorry I don't have time to look into this further & file bugs.

Sumana Harihareswara 2012-08-19 13:38

More details on fix
One more detail on the fix, for people who show up a bit later and don't know as much about hacking their N9s: in order to do as Manatus suggests, you have to go into your security settings, turn on Developer Mode, and download the modules that will give you troubleshooting tools like Terminal. Then you run Manatus's commands in Terminal.

kiiwii 2012-08-21 07:00

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
suffered from this several days.
now, seems to be fixed by myself.
you guys check && confirm.


/usr/lib/duicontrolpanel $ tracker-control -e
Found 200 PIDs…
Found process ID 3447 for 'tracker-miner-fs'
Killed process 3447
Setting database locations
Checking database directories exist
Checking database version
Checking database files exist
Removing all database/storage files
Removing first index file:'/home/user/.cache/tracker/first-index.txt'
Removing last crawl file:'/home/user/.cache/tracker/last-crawl.txt'
Removing database:'/home/user/.cache/tracker/meta.db'
Removing db-locale file:'/home/user/.cache/tracker/db-locale.txt'
/usr/lib/duicontrolpanel $ ps -ef | grep track
2529 user tracker-control -F
3450 user /usr/lib/tracker/tracker-store
3528 user grep track

/usr/lib/duicontrolpanel $ killall tracker-store
/usr/lib/duicontrolpanel $ tracker-control -s

Starting miners…
✓ Applications
✓ File System
✓ Userguides

please do exactly what I code above.
especially check where tracker-store is stilling running after soft-reset.
kill it !! :mad: kill them ALL if more than one exist
(nope, never more than one, I just need to quota "KILL THEM ALL");)

for the other term running tracker-control -F, if the tracker-store not been killed, shows

21 Aug 2012, 14:42:54: 0 % File System - Initializing
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:54: 0 % Applications - Initializing
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:54: 0 % Userguides - Initializing
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:54: 1 % Applications - Crawling recursively directory '/usr/local/share/applications'
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:54: 1 % Applications - Crawling recursively directory '/usr/local/share/desktop-directories'
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:54: 1 % Applications - Crawling recursively directory '/usr/share/applications'
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:55: 1 % Applications - Crawling recursively directory '/usr/share/desktop-directories'
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:55: 1 % Applications - Crawling recursively directory '/home/user/.local/share/applications'
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:55: 1 % Applications - Crawling recursively directory '/home/user/.local/share/desktop-directories'
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:55: 1 % Applications - Crawling recursively directory '/usr/lib/duicontrolpanel'
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:56: 28 % Applications - Processing…
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:57: 27 % Applications - Processing…
21 Aug 2012, 14:42:58: 28 % Applications - Processing…
21 Aug 2012, 14:43:02: 27 % Applications - Processing…
21 Aug 2012, 14:43:03: 28 % Applications - Processing…

cheers if it helps.
btw, I'v got pissed by nokia more and more each time.

vazsherwin 2012-09-09 05:19

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1247216)
Send him a PM...

Hey, the site isnt allowing me to send PMs, how do I contact Arie?

vazsherwin 2012-09-09 05:27

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
Ok guys, my N9 suddenly began acting up last night, first, my messages started disappearing, then my contacts, then my gallery got empty.

When i connect the phone to my laptop, all the data's right there. So im guessing this is a tracker problem. But nothing is helping. Please help me.

thedead1440 2012-09-09 07:36

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by vazsherwin (Post 1263448)
Ok guys, my N9 suddenly began acting up last night, first, my messages started disappearing, then my contacts, then my gallery got empty.

When i connect the phone to my laptop, all the data's right there. So im guessing this is a tracker problem. But nothing is helping. Please help me.

Post the output of:


cat < /home/user/.config/user-dirs.dirs

optimaxxx 2012-09-18 17:45

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
anyone late to the party simply trying to sort their s**t out, DO NOT DO WHAT Kiwi SAID.

what the hell, the -e option ERASES ALL F****** CONTACTS AND MESSAGES.

god damn, it's 4am, i am not in the mood for this sh*t.

AMD 2012-09-18 17:55

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1268617)
@Kiwii and anyone late to the party simply trying to sort their s**t out, DO NOT DO WHAT HE SAID.

what the hell, the -e option ERASES ALL F****** CONTACTS AND MESSAGES.

god damn, it's 4am, i am not in the mood for this sh*t.

I suppose you are better than thedead1440? Yes do it, plus he already warned everybody enough times that this will take away the messages and contacts.

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