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Schturman 2012-08-24 20:10

[GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
I created this two guides for myself, but decided to share it. Maybe it will be useful for some Linux noobs like me :D

How to create .deb package for your N9 on Linux PC
(full package for downlod)

WIKI here...

Create icon code at the end of the control file for your N9 on Linux PC

How to connect to your N9 via WIFI on Linux PC

Use it on your own risk :p

trayhoper 2012-08-24 20:18

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
"FOR NOOBS" part of title got me in , well done :)

mousse04 2012-08-24 20:31

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Thanks Schturman you are everywhere :)

What is the root password for the phone? I tried rootme but doesn't work ... :(

Edit: That's good for me. Thanks for that tutorial :)

Schturman 2012-08-24 22:33

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Root password for the phone it's devel-su password ;)

guillermorojaz 2012-08-25 00:24

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Thanks Schturman.

To wim there something or just linux.

Schturman 2012-08-25 00:49

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)

Originally Posted by guillermorojaz (Post 1255445)
Thanks Schturman.

To wim there something or just linux.

I don't know how to create .deb package on win pc :( . For connecting to your phone via wifi on win PC, you can use WinSCP ;)

coderus 2012-08-25 01:55

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
i think you can try dpkg in cygwin for windows.

F2thaK 2012-08-25 04:04

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1255453)
i think you can try dpkg in cygwin for windows.

Id love to know more about this...!

Schturman 2012-08-25 06:11

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
I'm too...

F2thaK 2012-08-25 09:09

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)

thedead1440 2012-08-25 09:33

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Instead of using Cygwin and potentially upsetting your Windows side of things why not use Wubi to install Ubuntu onto your PC and then you have a main OS [Windows] and a experimental OS [Ubuntu] for all N9 type of stuff...You might also end up switching to Ubuntu for most stuff except for MS Office ;)

Uninstallation of Wubi is simple just uninstall within Windows Add/Remove Programs and all significant Ubuntu traces should be gone from your PC.

The only downside is you have to boot into it everytime you want to use it...

Schturman 2012-08-25 10:01

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
This is exactly what I do ;)

rcolistete 2012-08-25 20:15

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Schturman, one suggestion : create a Maemo Wiki with your tutorials. So they will be indexed by Google, etc.

Schturman 2012-09-04 23:01

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Guides updated :)
See first post....

P.S. I also created wiki, but it's ugly :D

Schturman 2012-09-05 23:37

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
New guide added and full package updated... :D

flotron 2013-03-25 15:25

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
I get error installing scratchbox packages

thedead1440 2013-03-25 16:19

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)

Originally Posted by flotron (Post 1331709)
I get error installing scratchbox packages

That's because its been brought offline. Till the community can get its hands on's domain (we have the resources already), use for your needs...

marmistrz 2013-03-25 16:37

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Request: tutorial how to generate Aegis manifest without Qt Creator. (in Harm SDK)


flotron 2013-03-25 18:05

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
but how to install offline?

Schturman 2013-03-25 18:10

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Try this: Harmattan SDK (scratchbox) from USB drive.pdf
Or here:

flotron 2013-03-25 20:09

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1331722)
That's because its been brought offline. Till the community can get its hands on's domain (we have the resources already), use for your needs...

Thank you dead, which one of those i need to download? (for the schturman tutorial)

Schturman 2013-03-25 20:34

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
In pdf instruction you have 2 links one of PC binary-amd64 and one for PC binary-i386. Choose one for you PC 64 or 32 bit...
Both links on my dropbox that you can download directly...

Also you can use this link to download all needed files:

flotron 2013-03-25 21:12

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Sorry my ignorance: but those files are small... and the files in are big...¿?
And i don't understand which files go in each folder :(

0. Put scratchbox files to:

Also download this file, extract and put it here.

Also download this file, extract and put it here.

c. /media/schturman/USB/NOKIA_N9/Scratchbox/rootstrap And inside here?

d. /media/schturman/USB/NOKIA_N9/Scratchbox/tarball And here?

Schturman 2013-03-25 21:37

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Ok, again:
1. USB = name of your usb disk-on-key
Connect your usb disk-on-key to PC
2. Create this folders on this usb:



a. If your PC 64 bit, download this deb files:
Also download this zip: extract file and put all to:

b. if your PC 32 bit, download this deb files:
Also download this zip: extract file and put all to:

a. If your PC 64 bit, download this rootstrap: and put it to:

b. If your PC 32 bit, download this rootstrap: and put it to:

to be sure download both of them and put here...
5. Install the deb files from terminal:
a. if your PC 64 bit:

sudo dpkg -i /media/YOUR_NAME/USB/NOKIA_N9/Scratchbox/harmattan/dists/parse/main/binary-amd64/*
b. if your PC 32 bit:

sudo dpkg -i /media/YOUR_NAME/USB/NOKIA_N9/Scratchbox/harmattan/dists/parse/main/binary-i386/*
6. Edit script like explained in PDF:
lines: 92, 107, 216
7. Put script to: /home/YOUR_NAME
8. In terminal:

chmod +x /home/YOUR_NAME/
and for install:

sudo ./ admininstall
9. Reboot.

Look in to the installation window if it will write some errors and if it finish process or not...
Hope it will help :)

PS. tarball you don't need (if I remember right)..

flotron 2013-03-25 22:31

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Thank you Schtur, i not mean to drive you crazy :D

flotron 2013-03-26 03:55

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Aleluya.... sdk installed, thank you again

Schturman 2013-03-26 12:26

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Cool :D
Later I will update PDF with this instruction, I see it's explained better :)
Now when you will create aegis manifest file and package your app

    <request policy="add">
    <credential name="UID::root" />
    <credential name="GID::root" />
    <credential name="GRP::root" />

    <for path="/opt/mytheme/changer/" />

the EXEC line in .desktop file will look like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Theme

It's automatically will start your script as ROOT :)

flotron 2013-03-26 19:35

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Ok.. i made my first package. But why when i install it installs in /home/user folder instead /opt/ :S

Schturman 2013-03-26 19:47

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
You should put your opt and usr/share/applications/NAME_OF_YOUR_PACKAGE.desktop here:


Yoyocx 2013-06-16 03:45

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
i have a problem when installing Scratchbox...any body help me..


gzip: /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz: unexpected end of file
V: [10:16:29 16.06.2013]: Destroying <class 'subprocess.Popen'> with pid = 4602, exit status = 1
V: [10:16:29 16.06.2013]: Integrity test failed
V: [10:16:29 16.06.2013]: Tarball failed integrity test, will download it
V: [10:16:29 16.06.2013]: Downloading arm rootstrap tarball
V: [10:16:29 16.06.2013]: Saving URL file:///media/yoyocx/USB/NOKIA_N9/Scratchbox/rootstrap/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz as /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: Testing integrity of file /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: Executing: gunzip -qt /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: Creating process <class 'subprocess.Popen'>: ('exec gunzip -qt /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz',) {'stderr': -2, 'shell': True, 'preexec_fn': None, 'env': None, 'stdout': <open file '/tmp/harmattan-sdk-setup.log', mode 'w' at 0xb7157bd0>}
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: Created <class 'subprocess.Popen'> with pid = 4604

gzip: /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz: unexpected end of file
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: Destroying <class 'subprocess.Popen'> with pid = 4604, exit status = 1
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: Integrity test failed
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: Set fatal to: 5/9 Setting up arm rootstrap /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: arm rootstrap tarball /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz failed integrity test!
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: ----- Begin logging exception -----
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 1801, in run, users_selections, should_abort)
  File "./", line 1421, in run
  File "./", line 1386, in run_all
  File "./", line 1326, in run
    self.__func(*self.__args, **self.__kwds)
  File "./", line 5686, in save_tarball
    "%s tarball %s failed integrity test!" % (desc, filename))
FriendlyException: arm rootstrap tarball /tmp/arm-public-sdk-rootstrap.tgz failed integrity test!
V: [10:16:30 16.06.2013]: ----- End logging exception -----


Schturman 2013-06-16 04:45

Re: [GUIDE for noobs] .deb packaging + WiFi connection to your N9 on Linux PC :)
Did you tried without changing the first script? It looks like work now.

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