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someoneleme 2012-09-12 08:51

disable/hide error
Hi,is there any way to disable or hide this error?

i want to use it only like a tablet.
how to turn off cellular radio permanently?

n900d-i-y 2012-09-12 09:01

Re: disable/hide error
What did you do to get that message?

someoneleme 2012-09-12 09:10

Re: disable/hide error
i buy it second hand.
nokia care tell me tha was a problem to motherboard..
but i dont care, i dont want to use simcard
i just want to hide this!

michaaa62 2012-09-12 09:37

Re: disable/hide error
You might install cell-modem-ui.
This gives you a button in the power key menu to switch to tablet mode easily.

someoneleme 2012-09-12 09:43

Re: disable/hide error
i try it,but it doesn't shows the button..

is there any other way to activate offline mode but keep open the wifi?

n900d-i-y 2012-09-12 10:02

Re: disable/hide error
Is that message always there or only when you boot up the phone?

someoneleme 2012-09-12 10:05

Re: disable/hide error
only on the boot.. but the red line over sim card simbol is always there!

n900d-i-y 2012-09-12 10:20

Re: disable/hide error
So the message goes, but the sim the red line stays is that what annoys you? if so maybe change the icon, might work.

michaaa62 2012-09-12 10:24

Re: disable/hide error

Originally Posted by someoneleme (Post 1265200)
i try it,but it doesn't shows the button..

is there any other way to activate offline mode but keep open the wifi?

Did you reboot?
There is Wlan available in 'tablet-mode'

Copernicus 2012-09-12 10:30

Re: disable/hide error

Originally Posted by someoneleme (Post 1265216)
only on the boot.. but the red line over sim card simbol is always there!

Actually, I find the sim card with strikeout icon kind of handy -- it reminds me that I'm using my backup N900, rather than the one I've got handling my phone calls. :)

someoneleme 2012-09-12 10:36

Re: disable/hide error
yes i try to reboot many times..

no way to disable cellular?

@Copernicus nice!

n900d-i-y 2012-09-12 10:38

Re: disable/hide error
I thought you were trying to get rid of that sim icon.

someoneleme 2012-09-12 10:46

Re: disable/hide error
not only this..

offline mode with wifi,

permanently disable the cellular like is not there from the beginning this function

n900d-i-y 2012-09-12 10:50

Re: disable/hide error
Well you can change the icon via FileBox, goto
/opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable. Make a backup of the original icon. Another idea download Powatool and it will let display or disable icons on your status menu bar. As for your other request, i don't have an answer.

michaaa62 2012-09-12 11:07

Re: disable/hide error
Please try

ls -al /etc/systemui/
Look out for the file 'cell-modem-ui.xml'

sixwheeledbeast 2012-09-12 11:07

Re: disable/hide error

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1265231)
Actually, I find the sim card with strikeout icon kind of handy -- it reminds me that I'm using my backup N900, rather than the one I've got handling my phone calls. :)

I use to different themes Stock Orange for Stable device, Stock Blue for my testing device.
I use a dead SIM card to hide the SIM error in the statusbar.

someoneleme 2012-09-12 15:07

Re: disable/hide error

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1265250)
Please try

ls -al /etc/systemui/
Look out for the file 'cell-modem-ui.xml'

i found the cell-modem-ui.xml. now?

i open the file and i change the method from "launch_pin_query" to "launch" but tells me the file is read-only!

nicholes 2012-09-12 15:26

Re: disable/hide error

Originally Posted by someoneleme (Post 1265372)
i found the cell-modem-ui.xml. now?

i open the file and i change the method from "launch_pin_query" to "launch" but tells me the file is read-only!

i am not an expert, i think you should copy the file to your pc and then edit and replace it.

someoneleme 2012-09-12 15:50

Re: disable/hide error

Originally Posted by nicholes (Post 1265383)
i am not an expert, i think you should copy the file to your pc and then edit and replace it.

ok, i change the "inactive" to "active" (bold) but nothing happen!

cell-modem-ui.xml :

<powerkeymenu path="/">
<menuitem priority="401" name="cellmodemui_phone_mode" visible="tablet_state">
<callback service=""
<argument type="boolean">true</argument>

<menuitem priority="401" name="cellmodemui_phone_mode" visible="active">
<callback service=""
<argument type="boolean">true</argument>

<menuitem priority="401" name="cellmodemui_tablet_mode" visible="online">
<callback service=""
<argument type="boolean">false</argument>

<menuitem priority="401" name="cellmodemui_tablet_mode" visible="activation_pending">
<callback service=""
<argument type="boolean">false</argument>

<menuitem priority="401" name="cellmodemui_tablet_mode" visible="activation_failed">
<callback service=""
<argument type="boolean">false</argument>

<menuitem priority="401" name="cellmodemui_tablet_mode" visible="selection_failed">
<callback service=""
<argument type="boolean">false</argument>

michaaa62 2012-09-12 16:46

Re: disable/hide error
Hm, i would think "inactive" would make the button invisible in the power-key-menu, but you need it to deactivate the 'phone mode'.

My cell-modem-ui.xml file is working with the default values it came with. Did you edit /etc/systemui/systemui.xml file somehow manually?

conred 2012-09-12 18:54

Re: disable/hide error
I'm using advanced interface switcher (forum entry) to quickly switch on/off wlan, gsm 2g/ 3g and bluetooth.

You can set your preferred settings in the preferences for all options after startup. Maybe it helps to disable the error warning. Give it a try.

someoneleme 2012-09-12 20:08

Re: disable/hide error
no, i don't change anything else..only the "inactive-active"

i have flash my phone many times,clean install pr1.1-> pr1.2 -> pr1.3 -> cell-modem-ui (sometimes i try after pr1.3 -> cssu update -> cell-modem-ui) but button...

any other value to change?

michaaa62 2012-09-12 20:36

Re: disable/hide error
You might check the version of cell-modem-ui

Nokia-N900:~# apt-cache policy cell-modem-ui
Installed: 0.5.1-1
Candidate: 0.5.1-1
Version table:
*** 0.5.1-1 0
500 fremantle-1.3/free Packages
500 fremantle/free Packages
500 fremantle/free Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
0.5-1 0
500 fremantle-1.3/free Packages
0.4-2 0
500 fremantle-1.3/free Packages
0.3-0 0
500 fremantle-1.3/free Packages
The latest (and greatest) is working here just fine

someoneleme 2012-09-12 20:49

Re: disable/hide error
i check it now... its 0.5.1-1..

peterleinchen 2012-09-12 21:52

Re: disable/hide error
Don't you listen/read?
Conred told you the solution to your "problem"!
Install advanced-interface-switcher from devel and disable startup of GSM. That should help...

michaaa62 2012-09-13 06:17

Re: disable/hide error
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Seems to be your next option, there is no indication why the install of cell-modem-ui failed.

someoneleme 2012-09-14 16:57

Re: disable/hide error
sorry Conred & peterleinchen i didn't notice the comment!!!

i try it but nothing happen,no buttons

i uninstall cell-modem-ui,reboot the phone but again no buttons from the advanced-interface-switcher

michaaa62 2012-09-15 07:46

Re: disable/hide error
As far as i know advanced-interface-switcher is not in the power-key-menu, but either in the status-bar-menu, or in the settings application, may be, even, in both!
Well, but i do not have it installed since a while...

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