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Artyom 2012-11-12 10:06

[Solved] Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library

Hello there I've searched for the topic but I couldn't find a relevant one so here it is.
If there is a relevant topic, post the link instead of complaining how we dont search for them.
Recently I added like 35 songs on the music folder in my n9 which I keep all my music files. After that i didnt open the music player for a while (2 days) and before the musics, I installed fastern9 (although I dont think it is the reason)
So today I was on the way to school and I knew that the music player was going to update the library so I opened it and waited for five minutes surfing on the web. After five minutes I checked the player and it was still updating and I tried it again waiting like 45 minutes and still the same. Also if I open the music player and switch to one of the lists immediately it cancels the updating but only three of the new musics are there.
So I need some help with this issue.
Please dont recommend third party apps. I like the n9's player its simple and nice.

FasterN9 seems to be the problem for me. After uninstalling it and rebooting the phone, the music player successfuly updated the library. I also cleaned the cache before entering the music player. I dont know wether it helped or not.

Okay now it started to update the library again and it wont stop.
solved it by myself. the n9's music player cannot read some mp3 files. this probably occures because the mp3 file is broken. probably because of the tags of the file were broken. i found and deleted the file that caused this and problem solved. yay! :D

Janitor X 2012-11-12 10:22

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
Perhaps this is a silly suggestion, but did you reboot after installing FasterN9?

Artyom 2012-11-12 10:24

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
yes I did. I also reboot the phone one hour ago. Thanks for the answer.

Artyom 2012-11-12 11:50

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
Any solutions?

Leinad 2012-11-12 13:06

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
Maybe this helps:

Artyom 2012-11-12 14:51

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
is there a terminal command to free the cache?

MarcAnton 2012-11-12 18:17

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
Had the same problem yesterday, after adding 3 albums to N9, library update never ended.

After uninstalling fastern9 (unstable v1.1.1) problem was gone.
Never had this problem before, strange.

Artyom 2012-11-12 19:18

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library

Originally Posted by MarcAnton (Post 1293485)
Had the same problem yesterday, after adding 3 albums to N9, library update never ended.

After uninstalling fastern9 (unstable v1.1.1) problem was gone.
Never had this problem before, strange.

just as i thought that the problem was over the phone started to update the library again.
its not like gigabytes of music. 35 songs thats all.

raider-R150 2013-01-27 18:08

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
hi i need help, i am having problem same like yours, my music library wont stop from updating, i already have n9 qt and faster n9 installed before it happened, what should i do? please help thanks

Kozzi 2013-01-27 18:20

Plug your N9 to PC as mass-storage, add or remove one song in music folder. Unplug and let the music app update song list, it should not take too long this time. This is how I fixed mine.

raider-R150 2013-01-27 18:56

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
okay , i did what you told me, i added a song and nothing happens, before, it only takes less than 5 mins to update my music library for a 30GB songs, now it took me for 1 day, what the hell, i removed a 1 folder of song, and my music library is okay now, i put back again this folder and it keeps on updating forever, whats in this folder that take my music library wont stop from updating? its just only 1GB, i tried a 4GB folder and it it updates smoothly, ggrrrrrrrr

raider-R150 2013-01-27 19:00

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
okay , i did what you told me, i added a song and nothing happens, before, it only takes less than 5 mins to update my music library for a 30GB songs, now it took me for 1 day, what the hell, i removed a 1 folder of song, and my music library is okay now, i put back again this folder and it keeps on updating forever, whats in this folder that take my music library wont stop from updating? its just only 1GB, i've tried to add again another 4GB of different folder and it updates smoothly, ggrrrrrrrr

Artyom 2013-01-27 19:34

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library
solved this issue by myself. the n9's music player cannot read some mp3 files. this probably occures because the mp3 file is broken. i found and deleted the file that caused this issue and problem solved.

Kozzi 2013-01-27 20:06

raider-R150, probably what Artyom said. You could try retagging all files in that folder with proper application (i.e. Mp3tag) on PC before adding to N9. I think one particular mp3 with bad ID3 tag is causing it.

Artyom 2013-01-27 21:11

Re: Nokia N9 Music Player Takes Forever to Update Music Library

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1318219)
raider-R150, probably what Artyom said. You could try retagging all files in that folder with proper application (i.e. Mp3tag) on PC before adding to N9. I think one particular mp3 with bad ID3 tag is causing it.

thats what i thought too thanks.

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