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philh 2012-11-16 16:32

N900 - 70 days of uptime
Hi all, i just wanted to share this video, my N900 has been now running for over 70 days since last boot and is perfectly usable. Just a little reminder of how amazing they are, I would not dream of doing the same with my Belle Refresh N8 or my ICS tablet..


D.Cent 2012-11-16 16:45

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
My record was 82 days. I could have reached more, but by restarting dbus the phone became unstable, so i rebooted -.-

Still, Maemo 5 is one of the most stable mobile operating systems and I'm proud to own one of these devices :)

vi_ 2012-11-16 17:02

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
I believe docscrutinizer on irc had nearly a year on one of his devices!

philh 2012-11-16 17:20

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 1294998)
I believe docscrutinizer on irc had nearly a year on one of his devices!

Amazing.. I'll keep it on and see how it goes, it's not my main phone but I still use it quite a lot, the usual browse, im, cutetube, internet radio, some games etc, from what I've seen so far the thing will go on till the battery fails. At one point I was convinced it needs a restart after the cpu got locked at 100% and 1ghz after a session of Angry Birds, just left it for an hour or two, got back to it, something probably restarted and all was fine :)

Garrett_PL 2012-11-16 17:24

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by philh (Post 1294980)
Hi all, i just wanted to share this video, my N900 has been now running for over 70 days since last boot and is perfectly usable. Just a little reminder of how amazing they are, I would not dream of doing the same with my Belle Refresh N8 or my ICS tablet..


In my case, Ihave to reboot every 2-3 days. And that's TOPS. In most cases modest (quite few mails at once 12 times a day), Recaller (not so much now when files are saved in AAC), QML Cute Tube (only when download list is around 20+ pieces) are forcing me to reboot.

So 70 days for me would be like dream, not to complain of course. Reboot is taking only few moments and few mAh ;-) but after that fresh and powerfull device is back on track, working hard.

petur 2012-11-16 19:27

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
It's certainly not caused by recaller, I use it with WAV file mode and I always have 14+ days uptime

Garrett_PL 2012-11-16 19:53

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by petur (Post 1295046)
It's certainly not caused by recaller, I use it with WAV file mode and I always have 14+ days uptime

Ooo, it is - easy way to find out. First ''top'' in X-Term, so I can see what process is still running eating more than half of CPU power, even the call has been terminated while ago (depends on time when I spott high CPU, and it's sometimes even after 1-2h). Second in folder when REC are stored I can see ''Still recording'' file, few kB size. Then Recaller icon stays green after call.

So man, I'm quite sure about Recaller.

pichlo 2012-11-16 22:19

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by D.Cent (Post 1294992)
Still, Maemo 5 is one of the most stable mobile operating systems and I'm proud to own one of these devices :)

The current uptime on my Treo 600 (running Palm OS) is 35 days. From a single charge. It says 35% left. Although it was on standby for >99% of the time, so I'm not sure it counts. The reason it is 35 days is because I forgot about it and the battery ran out. When I used it regularly I had it running without a reboot for 2 years since I replaced the battery. The battery was 5 years old. That's how long it was running without a reboot before the replacement.

People were making stable operating systems before Maemo :)

I reboot mine at least once a day. Sometimes more than that. It depends on how much I manage to resist fiddling. Installing a new application usually requires a reboot to force the redraw of the new icon. Which is a bummer, I really believe it shouldn't.

demolition 2012-11-16 23:09

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
This is fascinating but how do people keep the charge topped up? The USB on my first two only lasted a year each - now I'm out of warranty, I'm terrified of breaking it, so swap the battery once a day (as per drain rate).

If you're installing stuff, how does one get the application menu to refresh, without doing a reboot? "killall hildon-desktop"?

Even when I was using a charger, I usually forgot or accidentally ran
out of charge at least once a week, so (IMHO) anything 10+ days is good going!

Xagoln 2012-11-17 03:50

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
@demolition, have you filed down your micro USB connectors on your charger and PC connection? If you file them down they'll be a lot less likely to rip out the USB port.

philh 2012-11-17 10:05

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by demolition (Post 1295109)
This is fascinating but how do people keep the charge topped up? The USB on my first two only lasted a year each - now I'm out of warranty, I'm terrified of breaking it, so swap the battery once a day (as per drain rate).

If you're installing stuff, how does one get the application menu to refresh, without doing a reboot? "killall hildon-desktop"?

Even when I was using a charger, I usually forgot or accidentally ran
out of charge at least once a week, so (IMHO) anything 10+ days is good going!

I must have been very lucky with my USB port as I never had any problems with it, it's solid as rock. The only thing I did was I shortened the two little hooks on the cable so it's more easy to connect and disconnect.

Wreck 2012-11-17 10:24

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
Excellent. Not alot of smart-phones can reach that up-time these days. Another proof of how awesome the Meamo OS is. (Even with certain memory leaks)

Only reason I haven't got an up-time higher than 2 weeks is because i'm always home late and forget to charge it again :)


Originally Posted by demolition (Post 1295109)
This is fascinating but how do people keep the charge topped up? The USB on my first two only lasted a year each - now I'm out of warranty, I'm terrified of breaking it,

Did you already solder your USB port? I've done this a while ago and it feels rock solid. Not really afraid of breaking this one since I broke my first N900's USB in like half a year.

demolition 2012-11-17 12:42

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by Wreck (Post 1295224)
Only reason I haven't got an up-time higher than 2 weeks is because i'm always home late and forget to charge it again :)

My point, exactly.

Yeah, done the charger thing ages ago - the way the slot fixes on to the board is just a bit light-weight, so unless given profolactic treatment, it will break. I been a bit tentative to do any soldering because I'm quite ham-fisted and thought I'd do more harm than good, but now I'm out of warranty it's probably a good idea.

What is the generally accepted technique for refreshing the application menu and other things that can be a bit reluctant to update by themselves?

Dragoss91 2012-11-19 01:45

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
I've also used my N900 as hotspot for almost a month with no reboot . I've took out the charger and battery drained in ~4 hours with hotspot running .

P.S. : n900 is a wifi monster , it's able to transmit on a large area , just like a router , even better than some shitty routers .

philh 2012-12-16 10:31

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
Just a quick update, the experiment continues :)

seanmcken 2012-12-16 10:58

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
my 900 lasts for only 9 hours even its fully charged

HELLASISGREECE 2012-12-16 11:12

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by seanmcken (Post 1304992)
my 900 lasts for only 9 hours even its fully charged

Time for a new battery

\m/ BA TTE RY !!! \m/

seanmcken 2012-12-16 11:31

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
i thought there's smthing wrong in my device. thank u

sixwheeledbeast 2012-12-16 11:59

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE (Post 1304999)
Time for a new battery

\m/ BA TTE RY !!! \m/

Off topic here but before replacing battery I'd be checking top for unknown high processes

pichlo 2012-12-16 13:20

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by Dragoss91 (Post 1295716)
P.S. : n900 is a wifi monster , it's able to transmit on a large area , just like a router , even better than some shitty routers .

Seconded. Mine gets good connection (at a certain spot in my house) where four other devices (two phones, one tablet and one netbook) struggle.


Originally Posted by seanmcken (Post 1304992)
my 900 lasts for only 9 hours even its fully charged

I second sixwheeledbeast's reply. I stretched my battery life from 12 hours to about 2 days just by tidying up running processes. WiFi is the biggest drain. Probably GPS too, but I never use it without being on a charger so I wouldn't know.

In my case the biggest help was:
  • Log in to WLAN manually (Search interval="none" in Settings/Internet connections);
  • Install AutoDisconnect;
  • Keep Skype at offline unless I actually intend to use it (staying online prevents AutoDisconnect from timing out).

@sixwheeledbeast, I do not necessarily think it's off topic. After all, battery life does have an implication on uptime, albeit indirect.

sixwheeledbeast 2012-12-16 14:18

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1305032)
@sixwheeledbeast, I do not necessarily think it's off topic. After all, battery life does have an implication on uptime, albeit indirect.

Related but if it's going to turn into a post your top output here and all of that working out the issue. IMO new thread.

slider5 2012-12-16 14:28

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by philh (Post 1304986)
Just a quick update, the experiment continues :)

Can you give more details about your configuration?

Tks :)

peterleinchen 2012-12-16 14:32

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by seanmcken (Post 1304992)
my 900 lasts for only 9 hours even its fully charged

Did you see this post:

Originally Posted by Dragoss91 (Post 1295716)
I've also used my N900 as hotspot for almost a month with no reboot . I've took out the charger and battery drained in ~4 hours with hotspot running .

Or did you read the title of the thread at all?
Do you really think you can reach a 70/100d uptime with a battery? Or what?
If yours runs out in 9h, then because you have a high usage (see above) or some weird processes consuming or just playing all the time. Or just a flat batt ...

thedead1440 2012-12-16 14:36

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1305076)
Or did you read the title of the thread at all?
Do you really think you can reach a 70/100d uptime with a battery? Or what?
If yours runs out in 9h, then because you have a high usage (see above) or some weird processes consuming or just playing all the time. Or just a flat batt ...

I posted that too then I deleted it thinking that he would follow HELLASISGREECE's advice and get a new battery and attempt this while facing an #epicfail :p

Hope he still does it though; its time we get some comedy gold instead of only instant frustrations when reading his posts :D

peterleinchen 2012-12-16 14:39

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1305080)
Hope he still does it though; its time we get some comedy gold instead of only instant frustrations when reading his posts :D

There is nothing to add :D

Let us see what happens :p

Sourav.dubey 2012-12-16 14:39

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
please provide full output of powertop
(in my case qtrapids-server a hidden process has 55 wakeups)
now battery last for 2 days with normal usage

it would be better if you provide more info

edit /
didn't see thedead1440 post while writing
apologize to interrupt our comedy

philh 2012-12-16 16:21

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by slider5 (Post 1305072)
Can you give more details about your configuration?

Tks :)

No special configuration really, after I stopped using it as my main phone a year ago, I reflashed with stock Nokia PR 1.3 and only installed handfull of programs.. There is no sim card in it, I only use it for the IM functions, some browsing, internet radio, cutetube and some gaming. Now after 100 days I can say it doesn't really like to multitask, if I have 5 - 6 things running it lags a lot when switching between them. If I lock the screen with something QT based running in the background, after unlocking again it takes up to a minute for the phone to get to a usable state.

I'll probably give it a restart as a christmas present, it has earned it :)

sixwheeledbeast 2012-12-16 17:35

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by philh (Post 1305109)
No special configuration really, after I stopped using it as my main phone a year ago, I reflashed with stock Nokia PR 1.3 and only installed handfull of programs.. There is no sim card in it, I only use it for the IM functions, some browsing, internet radio, cutetube and some gaming. Now after 100 days I can say it doesn't really like to multitask, if I have 5 - 6 things running it lags a lot when switching between them. If I lock the screen with something QT based running in the background, after unlocking again it takes up to a minute for the phone to get to a usable state.

I'll probably give it a restart as a christmas present, it has earned it :)

Refresh your swap?

peterleinchen 2012-12-16 21:42

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime
As sixwheeledbast said, spend it a SD card with two 2 GB swap partitions on it, use FlopSwap and it will run and run and run without any lags

sixwheeledbeast 2012-12-16 22:01

Re: N900 - 70 days of uptime

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1305211)
... use FlopSwap and it will run and run and run without any lags

Thanks for the plug! :D
FlopSwap is here BTW

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