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mick3_de 2012-11-16 16:58

Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Nokia's N9 developer website at is not accessible anymore for a while.

I already complained about it at but haven't got any response.

Is there another place to find the N9 Harmattan sdk and ux docs?


qwazix 2012-11-16 17:04

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
The site is allegedly down for maintenance, see here

There is a users backup somewhere around here I think. A good start would be the backup thread

kojacker 2012-11-16 17:25

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by mick3_de (Post 1294997)

Nokia's N9 developer website at is not accessible anymore for a while.

I already complained about it at but haven't got any response.

Is there another place to find the N9 Harmattan sdk and ux docs?


For docs, see

If you can't find one anywhere else, I think you can download a version of the Qt SDK containing the Harmattan target, compilation tool chain and Qt creator via the following link:

Edit 1:
By the way, user jackburton is having problems updating scratchbox while the maintenance is ongoing (see for more details) - can anyone provide him with details or a mirror link where he can update from/download the relevent files?

Edit 2:
We've had the same questions on a few threads now in different sub-sections, I think it would make sense to create a new thread on the 'Development' section of our forum where we can put the latest most accurate info in and keep everyone up to date while the harmattan-dev maintenance is being carried out.

jackburton 2012-11-17 18:54

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
Thanks for mentioning me, Kojacker.

I am still seeking to find a way to research and modify BlueZ on the N950 to allow for bluetooth Pan (not sure if it will resolve the issue or not, but it would be nice to try).

My N950 is on PR1.2. bluez package is version 4.91-0maemo8+0m6.

Does anybody have the bluez source package for this? Also, does anybody have the build tools so that I could try to recompile on the N950 itself? SDK site is down, but I thought it may be possible to compile on the device directly with the appropriate stuff on there.


Lumiaman 2012-11-17 19:00

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
Why would you develop for a dead platform?

jackburton 2012-11-17 19:06

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1295362)
Why would you develop for a dead platform?

Because I love zombies (and zombie platforms)!

But also because I like the phones. I use the phone as a phone plus only a few other things (contacts, calendar, chat, GPS, modem, tasklist) I do not use the Nokia phones for apps.

For apps, I use an iPod Touch 5th gen over Bluetooth PAN.

don_falcone 2012-11-17 20:50

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1295362)
Why would you develop for a dead platform?

That's exactly the question many possible WP devs have asked themselves before coming to the conclusion that,s not worth the hassle, despite luring & baiting by Steve himself.

juiceme 2012-11-17 22:31

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1295362)
Why would you develop for a dead platform?

Because I have the choice!

I don't do this for living, you see. If I developed mobile applications to get bread on the table I would be forced to use the boring, crappy and restrictring tool chains hung out to poor developers by the so called "successiful ecosystems". Instead, I can have fun playing with the most intresting platforms and devices that exist.

Strahlex 2012-11-17 23:06

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1295362)
Why would you develop for a dead platform?

Dead? No MeeGo is not dead. Or is there Maemo running on the N950?

Dousan 2012-11-18 05:49

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
And there you go feeding the troll again like flies on a fresh dump :p

Dousan... 2012-11-20 22:08

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
Please can you notify this URL to your nokia peers using #HarmattanDev hashtag ... 2012-11-27 23:52

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down? #HarmattanDev? is Back, Thx @Nokia let it know #MeeGo? #Harmattan #n950club #n9 #jolla #tizen

shmerl 2012-11-28 00:03

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1295406)
Because I have the choice!

I don't do this for living, you see. If I developed mobile applications to get bread on the table I would be forced to use the boring, crappy and restrictring tool chains hung out to poor developers by the so called "successiful ecosystems". Instead, I can have fun playing with the most intresting platforms and devices that exist.

Harmattan will surely have an EOL at some point, isn't it obvious? Nokia dumped their Linux efforts. It's only a matter of time until they'll shut everything down and even stop selling N9s altogether. So it is essentially a dead platform already, which just still lingers in its last days.

If you don't do it for profit, then why not to work on some projects for Nemo and Sailfish or on porting more stuff to them? They'll greatly benefit from community contribution. Investing your effort in Harmattan does seem like a waste, if you consider its near future.

thedead1440 2012-11-28 06:17

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1299153)
If you don't do it for profit, then why not to work on some projects for Nemo and Sailfish or on porting more stuff to them? They'll greatly benefit from community contribution. Investing your effort in Harmattan does seem like a waste, if you consider its near future.

While most developers on TMO would (?) be porting over their apps to Sailfish I don't see how you can say their efforts on Harmattan are a waste! Near future or not; the first Jolla phone is due before summer '13 and I'm sure Harmattan will still be working till then so you mean no developer should put efforts in while awaiting the mighty jesus-Jolla phone? Its not as if the moment the Jolla phone releases, N9s the world over will die off...

Common, you of all people seem the more sensible ones around here so why getting into this fanboyism in your recent posts re Nemo & Sailfish?

tortoisedoc 2012-11-28 06:42

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1295362)
Why would you develop for a dead platform?

Because we think the new platform was born dead, that's why.

shmerl 2012-11-28 06:47

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
It's just because efforts are limited. I mean just look at all that noise in Harmattan Whazapp thread and what not. If the interest could turn into making some useful Nemo stuff - only better. I personally use Harmattan myself, it's not like I don't appreciate the platform. But I'm not really following any developments there, since it's already feeling like transitive, stalled thing.

thedead1440 2012-11-28 07:01

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1299203)
It's just because efforts are limited. I mean just look at all that noise in Harmattan Whazapp thread and what not. If the interest could turn into making some useful Nemo stuff - only better. I personally use Harmattan myself, it's not like I don't appreciate the platform. But I'm not really following any developments there, since it's already feeling like transitive, stalled thing.

Equating noise in a thread with developers stopping efforts on other projects is a very dangerous and short-sighted thing...

You may not follow developments here; that's your personal prerogative but there are many people unlike (pun intended) you who follow even fervently and appreciate all development efforts around here...

What's the guarantee you won't get noise in whichever forum Sailfish eventually sets-up shop in? If you think so you may be deluded as if Jolla manage to sell the phone well you are going to get even worst noise; I've been reading some blog articles that Jolla re-tweets and seriously NONE of them are better than even that noisy Wazapp thread in terms of real value! Oh another example for you; take all the Sailfish/Jolla threads started around here; the noise is any lesser?

Even your posts in Harmattan app threads asking for developers to port to Sailfish could be considered as noise considering the official Sailfish SDK isn't out, this is NOT their forum, they have 0 products till-date, their device doesn't launch till summer '13, they have not even announced how their device looks like, they haven't decided on what they want to keep open and the extent to openness etc

tortoisedoc 2012-11-28 07:02

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1299153)
Harmattan will surely have an EOL

Interesting point.
Let me give you my 2c.
Sailfish, from my ppint as an app dev, is not ready.
Tools are early, system is under heavy development still,

heck they do not even hve a phone.
AND more important, they do not have a licensing model up(whatever it might be).better focus on the remaining options(harmattan and android).

shmerl 2012-11-28 07:09

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
thedead1440, tortoisedoc: That's why I mentioned Nemo as well, which can be perfectly used for prototyping and developing something that could be later switched to Sailfish as well. And for that the very same N9 is already usable. Surely there is "noise" around Jolla too, but my main point was not about the noise itself, but about the dispersing of resources.

Of course anyone can work on anything they find interesting. I just commented that doing something for Nemo - helps the community for the future but also makes it more usable already now. Don't forget, Nemo as an OS will develop alongside Sailfish and if they won't eventually merge (like in case of Sailfish going 100% open), Nemo will remain the fully open choice for those who prefer such thing. So making it more mature (like filling in missing classes of applications there) is a good thing.

thedead1440 2012-11-28 07:15

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1299211)
thedead1440, tortoisedoc: That's why I mentioned Nemo as well, which can be perfectly used for prototyping and developing something that could be later switched to Sailfish as well. And for that the very same N9 is already usable. Surely there is "noise" around Jolla too, but my main point was not about the noise itself, but about the dispersing of resources.

Of course anyone can work on anything they find interesting. I just commented that doing something for Nemo - helps the community for the future but also makes it more usable already now. Don't forget, Nemo as an OS will develop alongside Sailfish and if they won't eventually merge (like in case of Sailfish going 100% open), Nemo will remain the fully open choice for those who prefer such thing. So making it more mature (like filling in missing classes of applications there) is a good thing.

Helps which Community? The non-existent one under Sailfish? Or the one Sailfish hope to inherit from here? If its the latter option that they are looking for then the current devices of choice are the N9 and N900...

Remember Jolla are a COMMERCIAL entity looking to maximize profits for themselves as their first and foremost objective! You asking a developer to NOT waste resources on working on the N9 but commit to Nemo/Sailfish is short-sighted and fanboyish like I already mentioned hence my disappointment in your recent posts. People like me deeply appreciate every development effort on the n9 so you are basically asking developers to forgo all us users for a non-existent user base in Sailfish or a very very small one in Nemo...

What was the target Jolla were rumoured to be looking at for first batch of devices? 100,000? Don't we have more N9s out there than that number they aim to achieve?

shmerl 2012-11-28 07:17

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
I mean Mer centric community. Out if which - Nemo and Plasma Active derivatives are fully open (as in source and development) initiatives.

thedead1440 2012-11-28 07:22

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
Oh and your comment about Nokia shutting everything down; FYI they have agreed to fund servers for the Community during the migration while also asking for a list of whatever they host that the Community requires so that they can discuss transferring this over to the NFP...

Honestly, even the dead platforms here currently are worth much more than Jolla's efforts...You now say Mer centric Community but every thread where you have requested for a port has been Nemo/Sailfish which even combined have a lower user base than what we have here at the moment...Like I said earlier, the release of Sailfish would not instantly kill off the N9s world over; the growth of Sailfish may do that instead...

So till that stage arrives I would request you to not spread FUD and asking developers to stop supporting and/or developing for our devices...Although of course I am pretty sure they too know this and wouldn't abandon us that quick...

shmerl 2012-11-28 07:27

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
That was the point - whether the user or developer base - it needs more effort. The shift will happen inevitably. We can argue when it should happen more rapidly now or later, that's a matter of opinion. I personally think that now. But I don't think calling Harmattan dead is FUD, while even their bug tracker is closed. It's not like it's some breaking news really.

thedead1440 2012-11-28 07:33

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1299220)
That was the point - whether the user or developer base - it needs more effort. The shift will happen inevitably. We can argue when it should happen more rapidly now or later, that's a matter of opinion. I personally think that now. But I don't think calling Harmattan dead is FUD, while even their bug tracker is closed. It's not like it's some breaking news really.

Harmattan dead is circa June 2011 news however Harmattan user-base dead is FUD ;)

You say user base needs more effort? How? They have a proper working device out with near-availability? Oh you want a ready-made user base salivating in-waiting for the jesus phone of Jolla to be released?

How do you even trust them that much? Have they proved anything that great yet? So far what I see is promising and encouraging noises from them but no real product that I could identify such with...Heck, don't they use the n9/50 for demoing their own OS? On #JollaMobile Stskeeps said you would face a number of issues porting over Sailfish OS to your n9/50 including modem issues and its best as a proof of concept...

So as a daily driver Harmattan still is numero uno for the n9/50 and I for one as an user appreciates very much every single development effort for our existing devices just like I'm sure many others do too...

Edit: Anyway I think we have taken the thread enough off-topic. I won't be posting here anymore; feel free to PM me if you still want to discuss this :) 2012-12-29 13:16

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down? #HarmattanDev #OffLine again, is it safe to BackUp / mirror it ? #MeeGo #Nokia #n9 !n950club #n9lovers 2013-06-13 20:23

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
any mirror ?

tortoisedoc 2013-06-13 20:44

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
Any mirror +1

Morpog 2013-06-13 21:09

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down? 2014-07-16 08:50

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
I reported the issue to nokia :

jackburton 2014-07-22 11:49

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
While on this topic, does anybody know when the N9 will no longer be supported by Nokia? I.e. EOL?

coderus 2014-07-22 12:07

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
it's already not supported :D
if you're talking about Store: its 2016

nokiabot 2014-07-22 14:22

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1433608)
it's already not supported :D
if you're talking about Store: its 2016

maps still work in symbian and n9 only poi sync is stopped i picked up a refurb 5800 very cheap $15 :D

jalyst 2014-07-22 16:39

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1433621)
...and n9 only poi sync is stopped...

Crap, has that stopped... :rolleyes:
I was about to permanently mount my N9 in my car & use it as my main nav. device.
Is everything else in relation to mapping still working well?

nokiabot 2014-07-22 18:26

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1433630)
Crap, has that stopped... :rolleyes:
I was about to permanently mount my N9 in my car & use it as my main nav. device.
Is everything else in relation to mapping still working well?

n9 should have everything working apart from sync btw in symbian the weather service has also been discontinued anyway it should not hamper maps usage in either device as one can manualy manage their poi's:)

gabrielharrison 2014-07-22 20:55

Do you know if downloading maps will work until 2016? I download when I go on holiday then delete when I come home. 2014-07-23 07:19

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
May community help to list most needed resources / files at : 2015-03-14 19:42

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?
I am cleaning my hardisk and uploading stuff there and there
if you want to double check here are some sources :

pichlo 2015-03-15 09:14

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by (Post 1464072)
I am cleaning my hardisk and uploading stuff there and there

Replacing a local storage in your full control with a cloud with none? What an intrigueing idea! 2015-03-15 17:42

Re: Nokia N9 developer site shut down?

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1464110)
Replacing a local storage in your full control with a cloud with none? What an intrigueing idea!

Send me hardrives :)

Please check if :

is correctly backuped at :

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