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captainofiron 2012-11-28 17:04

The super miniscule Lumia thread
dont know if this really needs a new thread, but here goes:

My wife had been using a Samsung Infuse. She had really been getting tired of how buggy and crappy the hardware on the phone was. It would freeze sometimes and the battery would only last about 8-10 hours after a full charge.

SO since we were due for an upgrade we went to the ATT store and looked around, the sales guy was pushing iphone so hard, it was really making me mad.

I wanted her to get a Nokia, but I didnt like WP7 and I told her to try out the Galaxy S3. But she really loves the look of my N9, but would get confused by the OS, so she was attracted to the Lumia 920.

Well we ended up getting the Lumia, and she is pretty happy, I have played around with it, and its MUCH better than WP7

I feel like it has some definite Nokia DNA, some of the Nokia apps look identical to my N9 apps, its pretty cool. I kept finding myself trying to swipe, haha.

Anybody else play with a 920?

HELLASISGREECE 2012-11-28 17:10

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
we don't care for bad phones here

traysh 2012-11-28 17:14

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
I bought one and throwed it in the toilet, it didn't float

Dave999 2012-11-28 17:26

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
We always need a new thread...

How do you feel when she has better phone than you?

Dousan 2012-11-28 17:32

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1299405)
We always need a new thread...

Classic :D


captainofiron 2012-11-28 17:35

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1299405)
We always need a new thread...

How do you feel when she has better phone than you?

I'll let you know when my N9 dies... lol

MINKIN2 2012-11-28 18:07

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Pics of said wife may help you in generating a greater interest of your thread. :p

Half-Life_4_Life 2012-11-28 18:09

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Nothing is off-topic here at TMO :)

PeterSmurffiPan 2012-11-28 19:03

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Another one of them MS/Nokia marketing spammer. Good luck wirh your Lumias. I tried it and you know what? It still sucks :)

Dave999 2012-11-28 19:06

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by PeterSmurffiPan (Post 1299437)
Another one of them MS/Nokia marketing spammer. Good luck wirh your Lumias. I tried it and you know what? It still sucks :)

You know what? Picture or lie :)

Ynohtna 2012-11-28 19:09

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
actualy I got a 920 a couple weeks ago and I'm pleasantly surprised. My N9 is still close by though :)

Dave999 2012-11-28 19:16

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by Ynohtna (Post 1299442)
actualy I got a 920 a couple weeks ago and I'm pleasantly surprised. My N9 is still close by though :)

Do you have a wireless charge pad?

Ynohtna 2012-11-28 19:17

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1299444)
Do you have a wireless charge pad?

Nope, Canada got screwed like usual

captainofiron 2012-11-28 19:37

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1299439)
You know what? Picture or lie :)

I took some pictures of hers next to mine, just comparing dimensions, and then the screens and some apps, I will upload them when I get home from work.


Originally Posted by MINKIN2 (Post 1299416)
Pics of said wife may help you in generating a greater interest of your thread. :p


PeterSmurffiPan 2012-11-28 19:53

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
A pic of me using the Lumia 920? I don't have one but I did try it for a moment and the Lumia 800 as I got it from my previous employer. And I still bought the N9. Now on the 808 PureView. Another awesome device from Nokia. Still not as good as the N9 but having an awesome camera always around is good reason enough. I'm going to have to choose between awesome OS, Sailfish, and imaging quality with mega crap OS, WP, in the future I hope not :)

Dave999 2012-11-28 19:57

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by PeterSmurffiPan (Post 1299458)
A pic of me using the Lumia 920? I don't have one but I did try it for a moment and the Lumia 800 as I got it from my previous employer. And I still bought the N9. Now on the 808 PureView. Another awesome device from Nokia. Still not as good as the N9 but having an awesome camera always around is good reason enough. I'm going to have to choose between awesome OS, Sailfish, and imaging quality with mega crap OS, WP, in the future I hope not :)

What's wrong with Windows?

gerbick 2012-11-28 20:24

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1299459)
What's wrong with Windows?

Honestly? A lot.

Dave999 2012-11-28 20:30

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1299468)
Honestly? A lot.

Ok, nothing worse. I can live with that.


ibrakalifa 2012-11-28 20:46

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
I love the browser on lumia920, browser only, oh and dual speaker

captainofiron 2012-11-28 20:49

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1299473)
I love the browser on lumia920, browser only, oh and dual speaker

The only thing I am jealous for on the 920 is the camera and this voice translation app.

everything else is so so

traysh 2012-11-28 21:09

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1299439)
You know what? Picture or lie :)

There it is. On the good side, it works underwater.

Half-Life_4_Life 2012-11-28 21:11

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
You really sunk the phone in the water?Wow.

traysh 2012-11-28 21:15

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by Half-Life_4_Life (Post 1299478)
You really sunk the phone in the water?Wow.

Yeah, it totally sucks.

Dave999 2012-11-28 21:20

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
What do you have on toilet :confused:. An ice brick and a bottle of vodka? No wonder you managed to drop the phone with a perfect touchdown. :D

ZackMorris 2012-11-28 21:32

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
1 Attachment(s)
I have both phones, the Lumia 920 is for work, as the N9 push email just isn't business ready. Also the browser on the L920 is great, the screen is awesome, and the overall hardware build is very nice. I can see where they took cues from the N9 for sure.

However almost everything else about the N9 is better and the phone is more than a year older than the L920 which says a lot considering how long that is when it comes to gadgets coming out. My primary is my N9 but I am not filled with hate against the L920. I only hope hw wise Jolla will come out with something that is worthy of replacing my N9 because I don't see using WP8 as my primary device anytime soon.

stickymick 2012-11-28 21:59

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Don't buy one, they're fake N9s from China.

abyzthomas 2012-11-28 23:12

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by ZackMorris (Post 1299494)
However almost everything else about the N9 is better

Man, you have 20 voicemails. You are a busy man!!

Ynohtna 2012-11-28 23:32

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
I haven't found myself missing my N9 except say I think it's the perfect size. However, The 920 is faster, very smooth OS as expected, the browser is quite nice, camera is great.

Email wise, the both work... a bit better on 920 now that they broke notification for IMAP on N9.

I miss some things on my N9 like the feed screen but a lot of that was populated by apps. I miss the swiping everywhere, double tap multi task control, but they aren't killer things.

I could see a super live tile created to help with the feed screen. OTB tiles only have like one item showing for emails and calendar. Useless.... there are apps for that so it can be done but it should be OTB.

I would like the option to install other internet browsers if allowed but I'm not sure all the rules for WP8.

Anyways, I do look forward for whats to come in WP8 and will be checking to see how the community here improves the N9 :)

MINKIN2 2012-11-28 23:40

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by abyzthomas (Post 1299524)
Man, you have 20 voicemails. You are a busy man!!

Either that or his injunction has yet to be granted!

Bah-dum tsh!

ZackMorris 2012-11-28 23:52

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by abyzthomas (Post 1299524)
Man, you have 20 voicemails. You are a busy man!!

Lol If you look at the lock screen pic on my L920 you can see why I carry two phones aside from work...gadgets and girls my two hobbies...never hurts for a man to be busy with the right types of hobbies ;-)

Lumiaman 2012-11-29 00:42

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
I ordered my Cyan 2 weeks ago and still waiting. seems like Nokia underestimated demand.

Lumiaman 2012-11-29 00:44

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
lumia 920 is a manly phone. i love the weight and the size. So much manlier than Samsung flimsiness

Kangal 2012-11-29 03:09

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Lumia 920 is a gay man's phone. Its not mainstream and is too feminine to do any real work. Samsung (Galaxy S/NOTE) phones are a real man's phone. The N900 is for Chuck Norris only.

Dousan 2012-11-29 07:22

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Lol so now you measure you're manhood in which phones you have... O.O


flopjoke 2012-11-29 08:21

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
I have the biggest manhood of them all. Nokia 3310.

thedead1440 2012-11-29 08:41

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread

Originally Posted by flopjoke (Post 1299600)
I have the biggest manhood of them all. Nokia 3310.

Too bad; I just blended it away :p

bandora 2012-11-29 09:29

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Yeah, it did get blended, but the blender is made from 3310 parts, that's why it did blend it.. Also, if they have continued filming we would've noticed that the phone still works after it got blended.

captainofiron 2012-11-29 13:37

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
Here are some pics I took of my N9 and the wife's 920

Lock Screen

apps view


Here is a comparison for the camera, I took a the same exact picture with each camera

I tested the speed of the GPS and with my N9 in offline mode, the lock was maybe 45 seconds to a minute slower than the 920, but I couldnt find where to disable the use of cell towers for positioning on teh 920

The music player on both is great, I used my Sennhiesers and couldnt really tell the difference

I like that the 920 has an option to use full web browser or mobile, but with Firefox on the N9 its a moot point

Some of the apps from here and the Nokia store are great on the N9, and some are good on the 920, so thats a wash.

bandora 2012-11-29 19:18

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
She's pretty..

the phone I mean.. ;)

Dave999 2012-11-29 19:34

Re: The super miniscule Lumia thread
N9 is really small. 920 is medium but pretty small too. The big screen force the human evolution to equip the humans with bigger hands and longer fingers :D love galaxy note. Can't wait for a 6" phone. Let's hope Jolla surprise us all...

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