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semdev01 2012-12-09 11:03

Google Maps Official (Java Version)
1 Attachment(s)
PhoneMe by Davy must be installed first (to run Java applications) which automatically install Nimbuzz & Opera Mini

a. cvm-midlets_0.6_armel.deb
b. cvm_MAEMO-mr2.b168+svn20547-20120818_armel.deb
OR cvm_MEEGO-mr2.b168+svn20547-20120818_armel.deb
Link ->

Download Google Maps Java version & put in folder /opt/phoneme:
(after download -> rename to googlemaps.jar for easier process next)

Making desktop shortcut:
1. Open X-Terminal as root & type cd /usr/share/applications/hildon/
2. cp nimbuzz.desktop googlemaps.desktop
3. open that file -> googlemaps.desktop (using LeafPad application or else) & replace all nimbuzz words with googlemaps

Making desktop icon:
Download googlemaps.png image below by right clicking & choose save then put in folder /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps

Google Maps w/ Latitude (GPS) ->, EXTRACT & don't forget renaming to googlemaps.jar (all small caps)

jw461 2012-12-14 04:04

Re: [N900] Google Maps
Looks like there's no GPS support that I can find, but otherwise, this is great! It runs extremely fast and is very usable though, which is a welcome change from our other mapping options.

semdev01 2012-12-14 15:23

Re: [N900] Google Maps
I've made an update in the instruction, for Google Maps w/ Latitude (GPS) or you can download here ->, extract & don't forget renaming to googlemaps.jar (all small caps)

jw461 2012-12-15 20:58

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Is there something you have to do to enable GPS support on the new version? When I start it, I get the message "Your current location is temporarily unavailable." and I can't find any options to enable or configure it.

semdev01 2012-12-16 01:16

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
1 Attachment(s)
i have the same issue & I don't know what cause the problem, either GPS poor locking (eventhough the GPS notification in status area says it's locking) or perhaps due to Google Maps is not running natively.

Here is the workaround, click on Latitude then Change your status -> fill nothing & just return to the main screen then My Location will appear in Menu (click it then wait a few moments for the bluedot adjusting to your actual location)

drbaablo 2012-12-16 02:51

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
"This port of phoneME Advanced allows you to run some basic midlets on the Nokia N900 running Maemo 5. The Nokia N9 with MeeGo can run this port too, though with some little inconveniences. While many features like 3D, GPS, bluetooth, multimedia playback, etc. are still missing, some popular midlets like Opera Mini seem to work OK."

toebaer 2012-12-18 06:47

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
I have installed the latest version of phoneme for MeeGo and I have also downloaded the Google Maps w/ Latitude .jar file.

I had to install "unzip" in order to have phoneme with facebook.jar running on my N9 (compare

However, phoneme shuts down immediately after startup when I press the googlemaps icon. I ran

~ # cd /opt/phoneme/bin

/opt/phoneme/bin # ./runmidlet /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jar

and received the following error message:

End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
/opt/phoneme/bin #

Hence, phoneme on MeeGo expects googlemaps.jar to be an archive file? Maybe zipping googlemaps.jar would help, but I havent tried (not sure how to do that anyway).

munozferna 2012-12-18 07:36

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Jar is a ZIP file, try to open it with 7zip on a desktop computer or if you use linux: file googlemaps.jar

semdev01 2012-12-18 07:57

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by toebaer (Post 1305588)
and received the following error message:

End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
/opt/phoneme/bin #

Hence, phoneme on MeeGo expects googlemaps.jar to be an archive file? Maybe zipping googlemaps.jar would help, but I havent tried (not sure how to do that anyway).

You can try 7zip @ PC as munozferna said but I speculate the otherway that the message is asking to compress googlemaps.jar to & not to decompress it?

Any other thoughts of Meego expert out there regarding that error msg, because I'm not using Meego?

toebaer 2012-12-18 08:13

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by semdev01 (Post 1305609)
You can try 7zip @ PC as munozferna said but I speculate the otherway that the message is asking to compress googlemaps.jar to & not decompress it?

Any other thoughts of Meego expert out there regarding that error msg, because I'm not using Meego?

I downloaded GoogleMaps.rar to my Mac, installed an utility to decompress it (unrar) and received two files


(I first had renamed GoogleMaps.rar to googlemaps.jar and copied to /opt/phoneme, so I had not read your instructions properly, sorry)

I copied both to my N9 with bluetooth and did

cp /home/user/MyDocs/GoogleMaps.jar /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jar
cp /home/user/MyDocs/GoogleMaps.jad /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jad

and it is working :)

The good thing with this is that it includes public transport for routing/directions also outside of my town, which is not the case for NokiaMaps, as far as I know and I am concerned.

But using the keyboard is a bit cumbersome..

Anyways, thanks very much for that, it is otherwise really fast and neat...

semdev01 2012-12-18 08:39

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by toebaer (Post 1305613)
and it is working :)

The good thing with this is that it includes public transport for routing/directions also outside of my town, which is not the case for NokiaMaps, as far as I know and I am concerned.

But using the keyboard is a bit cumbersome..

Anyways, thanks very much for that, it is otherwise really fast and neat...

Great! Glad you post the problem (I've told you...ehm)

Now Meego user can enjoy the official maps as well.

Btw, what do you mean w/ keyboard? In the MIDlet Setting from PhoneMe there's a setting to turn-off the virtual keyboard

toebaer 2012-12-18 08:51

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by semdev01 (Post 1305617)
Great! Glad you post the problem (I've told you...ehm)

Now Meego user can enjoy the official mpas as well.

Btw, what do you mean w/ keyboard? In the Run MIDlet from PhoneMe there's a setting to turnoff the virtual keyboard

Yes, I have seen that. Enabling virtual keyboard should let me use the native virtual keyboard of the N9? I have the impression that this does not work properly, but I would have to test it a bit more systematically. Disabling the virtual keyboard then requires me to use the built in virtual keyboard of phoneme which works alright...

semdev01 2012-12-18 09:39

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Well, in case you can't use the full touchscreen function just let me know (because in Maemo there is no virtual keyboard? Everything is touch navigation e.g pan & zoom except the Menu of course)

bibek 2012-12-18 11:50

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Is it a known bug that my login credentials are forgotten if I run another app like opera mini with phoneme? Any workaround?

semdev01 2012-12-18 13:34

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by bibek (Post 1305691)
Is it a known bug that my login credentials are forgotten if I run another app like opera mini with phoneme? Any workaround?

Hello bibek!

Quite off topic, anyway what do you mean w/ login credential?

Is it auto login in Opera Mini during accessing some sites such as Facebook?

rpjitendra 2012-12-18 15:26

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
1 Attachment(s)
installed with custom icon.
getting error login failed.
rest the application is working fine and fast.

semdev01 2012-12-18 22:20

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by rpjitendra (Post 1305760)
installed with custom icon.
getting error login failed.
rest the application is working fine and fast.

error login? You mean GPS can't find your current location perhaps?

There is a workaround for that @ post #5 ->

Could you share the icon here pls? (I will attach it on 1st page)

jw461 2012-12-18 22:47

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
I've been playing with semdev's instructions on getting GPS working and it seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes I can get the option to appear by making a Latitude status change, and other times it doens't work. Also, just letting the app sit idle will magically make the GPS work, but I haven't figured out how long it takes. So GPS.....inconsistently. Still, this is much much better than any of the other mapping apps we have!

semdev01 2012-12-18 23:06

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by jw461 (Post 1305895)
I've been playing with semdev's instructions on getting GPS working and it seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes I can get the option to appear by making a Latitude status change, and other times it doens't work. Also, just letting the app sit idle will magically make the GPS work, but I haven't figured out how long it takes. So GPS.....inconsistently. Still, this is much much better than any of the other mapping apps we have!

Yuhuu jw 641, it's nice to see you again!

You are right about GPS inconsistency sometimes, hopefully we will find the cause one day (I strongly suspicious Google Maps having trouble when pinpointing nearby cell tower using assisted GPS)

Overall, the application is still pretty usable though? (btw, the maps is superior because made by Google hahah)

jw461 2012-12-21 16:41

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Yes, very usable. I use this exclusively now. Other than the GPS issue, it's clearly better (faster, better UI, less buggy) than any of the other applications we have, including Ovi Maps.

Val Demar 2013-01-01 11:31

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Thanks guys! I've been struggling lately to find reasons to make a decision to replace my N900 with something else, now it is pretty much impossibe :)

Anyone knows if it is possible to icrease heap space for a midlet? Having difficulty with the live traffic as the app tends to run short on memory when it's enabled and it gets turned off automatically.

Edit: OMG, street view works too!

jukk 2013-01-01 16:01

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Very nice, thanks!

semdev01 2013-01-02 05:12

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by Val Demar (Post 1309675)
Thanks guys! I've been struggling lately to find reasons to make a decision to replace my N900 with something else, now it is pretty much impossibe :)

Anyone knows if it is possible to icrease heap space for a midlet? Having difficulty with the live traffic as the app tends to run short on memory when it's enabled and it gets turned off automatically.

Edit: OMG, street view works too!

hi val! happy new year :D

it seems you have technical knowledge of java better than myself.

so for increasing heap space, i suggest you contact davy directly as creator of PhoneME (all credits goes to him as i've always recited)

Val Demar 2013-01-02 08:37

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
I poked around and couldn't figure out how to pass max heap size to cvm through runmidlet, maybe there is a cleaner way but I ended up using the full command line for the Exec property in my googlemaps.desktop file, notice the -Xmx parameter which now sets max heap size to 24m instead of default 12:


Exec=/opt/phoneme/bin/cvm -Xmx24m -Xbootclasspath/a:/opt/phoneme/lib/jsr234.jar -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dmicroedition.location.version=1.0 -Dsun.midp.home.path=/opt/phoneme/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jar -jadpath /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jad -1
With this value I couldn't trigger the low memory condition which used to occur fairly soon after enabling traffic and zooming in/out several times. In theory this may help to speed up the app somewhat as the garbage collector doesn't have to run full sweeps as often.

Val Demar 2013-01-10 07:18

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Dang, can no longer run the app. It attempts to show the Terms and Conditions screen on launch and then craps out with a "serious error" message. Anyone else has this problem?

semdev01 2013-01-10 08:44

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
nope, mine runs fine

Val Demar 2013-01-10 08:51

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Weird, I've installed a couple of apps since I was able successfully run it last time. Uninstalled them and it didn't help. Do you remember seeing "terms and conditions" screen? I don't, even if was shown initially it is unclear why it is being opened again. Maybe it stores a file with persistent settngs which is now corrupt. hmm.

semdev01 2013-01-10 09:00

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
T & C screen occasionally appear but the maps run just fine (btw i don't make a change to google.desktop file)

Val Demar 2013-01-10 09:09

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
I removed my changes from the desktop file but no use. Wondering if yours will stop working the next time you see the T&C screen.

Val Demar 2013-01-10 09:19

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Is it possible that some of the components that cvm depends on got replaced with other versions because I installed some apps which broke cvm (java vm)?

Val Demar 2013-01-10 09:26

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Looks like I'm not alone:

semdev01 2013-01-10 09:34

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
i'm not using cssu either but frankly i don't know what is the cause

Val Demar 2013-01-10 09:45

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
According to blackberry forums it looks like google changed something on their end causing the problem with T&C. BB app received an update and apparently it is all peachy now. Given it is not a problem isolated to my phone this may be the end of Google Maps on N900 unless we can locate an updated generic MIDP version of the app. The BB version has a jad file too but the content seem to be BB specific. I will try with a spoofed user-agent to see if they offer a download for some platform. Hopefully I can find the UA string for some MIDP compliant phones.

h0dges 2013-01-14 17:30

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by Val Demar (Post 1313174)
According to blackberry forums it looks like google changed something on their end causing the problem with T&C. BB app received an update and apparently it is all peachy now. Given it is not a problem isolated to my phone this may be the end of Google Maps on N900 unless we can locate an updated generic MIDP version of the app. The BB version has a jad file too but the content seem to be BB specific. I will try with a spoofed user-agent to see if they offer a download for some platform. Hopefully I can find the UA string for some MIDP compliant phones.

Dude I am having the exact same issue on a Sony Ericsson W995 that I completely wiped this weekend (hence reinstalling Google Maps on it).

I'm worried that Google doesn't know about this issue affecting other J2ME users except the Blackberry crowd (since we are so few), and therefore they will not fix this bug.

Please let me know if you find a workaround.


jw461 2013-01-14 17:43

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
GPS functionality is working better and better for me. Makes no sense, but it seems like the more I use it, the faster the "My Location" option appears. I don't mean GPS signal lock...I mean just to get that option at all.

Val Demar 2013-01-14 17:44

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by h0dges (Post 1314788)
Dude I am having the exact same issue on a Sony Ericsson W995 that I completely wiped this weekend (hence reinstalling Google Maps on it).

I'm worried that Google doesn't know about this issue affecting other J2ME users except the Blackberry crowd (since we are so few), and therefore they will not fix this bug.

Please let me know if you find a workaround.


No workaround yet. It is not they that don't know, it is more like they don't care, we live in Android and iPhone world now and I think MIDP maps are no longer supported, you can't even download them from Google or so it seems. I'm afraid we are SOL here, which is unfortunate as I was very excited to get GM working on N900. Having said that it should be possible to decompile Java classes, fix the issue if it is a simple problem, and assemble the app back. Looking at the stack trace the code is obfuscated so this will make it a bit more difficult. This will surely violate all sorts of license agreements but I'm not sure if we care... I wouldn't hold my breath though as it is very likely that the app will break again in the future, so the fix, even if possible, will only buy you some time.

h0dges 2013-01-14 17:58

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Do you know of any alternative apps that provide mapping from Google?

I know Mobile GMaps used to but they had to remove support and now "only" provide Live, OSM, Yahoo. I wonder if it can be added in.

The thing I'll miss the most is the step-by-step direction instructions.

P.S. Cheers for the fast reply.

h0dges 2013-01-14 18:03

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
One more thing:

One thing I tried to do was "transplant" the java db files from my old phone onto the new phone (having figured out which set belonged to Google Maps), however, that didn't work.

My thinking was that there most likely is a boolean variable stored in a database file that determines whether the user has accepted the T&Cs or not. If it could be flipped then it may circumvent this issue (assuming it's a T&C download error? 404?)

h0dges 2013-01-14 18:19

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Well for Mobile GMaps the Google Maps Custom URL is:

I'll edit this post if I can get Satellite and Hybrid layers working.

Sorry to those who feel I've hijacked this thread! :rolleyes:

zaidk9 2013-01-14 18:26

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
can anyone tell me how to install opera mini

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