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discordia 2012-12-28 21:48

Nokia Store payment issues
I seem to have some trouble with paid apps at the Nokia Store for a while now. The worst part is it only seems to be with certain apps (the ones I want) whereas when I test on others just to check if theres a problem with my credit card, they work. I've tried paying with cellphone bill but that won't work either (Error: payment failed. Please try again). The problem only seems to be, as far as I can tell anyway, with the N9 version of the store. My Symbian devices seem to work fine. I've been in contact with Nokia Support but it seems even they don't have a solution. Is it just me or are other users also experiencing payment issues? And is there a solution? Free apps download fine. Any assistance is appreciated. Thank you

anthonie 2012-12-28 22:09

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Second it.

10 chars

ruplee76 2012-12-29 15:00

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Same here in India

setter 2012-12-29 15:05

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
No problems for me here in Sweden. Bought some apps the last days with cell phone bill.

colin.stephane 2012-12-29 15:26

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Can you verify your mobile network settings, set cells info as active.

Then retry to buy an application ...


setter 2012-12-29 15:53

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Well, then I have to buy one app to test or does it fail before the payment is done?

discordia 2012-12-29 16:09

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
It fails before the payment is done. Although there was one occasion when I wanted to try another credit card and was charged for simply activating the card. I deactivated it and never tried it again since. 2012-12-29 16:32

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Are there alternative stores for harmattan ?

discordia 2012-12-29 16:37

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Paid apps usually redirect to Nokia Store.

setter 2012-12-29 17:09

Re: Nokia Store payment issues

Originally Posted by discordia (Post 1308865)
It fails before the payment is done. Although there was one occasion when I wanted to try another credit card and was charged for simply activating the card. I deactivated it and never tried it again since.

Well, then I think I will wait and test when I am really going to buy one app cause if it still works here with cell info active I will be billed for the purchase

discordia 2012-12-29 20:14

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Good idea. Like I said, its not all apps, just a few that aren't going through.

vishwas 2012-12-30 12:14

Re: Nokia Store payment issues
Here in India, one just cannot buy apps from Nokia Store using any credit card. The only option, right now, is to use a certain mobile network and use operator billing option to buy apps. Not sure, how many mobile networks support operator billing for Store.

toebaer 2012-12-30 20:26

Re: Nokia Store payment issues

Originally Posted by discordia (Post 1308615)
I've tried paying with cellphone bill but that won't work either (Error: payment failed. Please try again).

I am having exactly the same issue. I never contacted Nokia, however, because first, I don't buy apps very often. Second, for all apps I wanted to buy since this started (half a year ago?), it eventually worked after trying hard :mad:. Every time this happened, Nokia Store became unresponsive a short while after I had stopped the payment. So I had to restart the phone. It then worked after some waiting or several such tries, or the next day.

Not really a solution, sorry.

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