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aglio 2013-02-06 23:24

N9 display problem
Just to check if anyone had the same problem. My N9 works fine for some 8-10 days and then its display goes completely nuts. The icons become distorted, feed letters become enormous and small at the same time, colours splash all over the screen. Restart of the device brings it back to normal, but just for another 8-10 days.
Anyone experiencing similar problems and does anyone has a solution maybe?
Thanks in advance

danested 2013-02-07 00:22

Re: N9 display problem
Havent faced this ossue so far, but theres, far as I can say not been a single week when I havent restarted the phone
I'll try once and let u know, but this will take a while.

aglio 2013-02-07 22:16

Re: N9 display problem
for me it just happened as a test to see how much I can do without restart. The first time i got close to 10 days, display went crazy and scared a s**t out of me: my N9 going bad. after restart it went well again but repeated after 9 days. I just wandered if anyone else experienced the same thing

juiceme 2013-02-08 08:20

Re: N9 display problem
Never happened to me, even though longest uptimes are more than a month.

aglio 2013-02-17 12:29

Re: N9 display problem
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by aglio (Post 1321624)
for me it just happened as a test to see how much I can do without restart. The first time i got close to 10 days, display went crazy and scared a s**t out of me: my N9 going bad. after restart it went well again but repeated after 9 days. I just wandered if anyone else experienced the same thing

Just to show you what I was talking about. Here are some pics after ten days of usage.

i did a reboot now but no more contacts, no call logs, no messages, no pictures in the gallery (I can see them through filebox).

Any idea anyone!?

late88 2013-02-17 17:20


Originally Posted by aglio (Post 1323438)
Just to show you what I was talking about. Here are some pics after ten days of usage.

i did a reboot now but no more contacts, no call logs, no messages, no pictures in the gallery (I can see them through filebox).

Any idea anyone!?

I had this issue once and unfortunately it is a hardware problem. To be exact, the problem is in RAM-memory. I had to take my phone to nokia care where they explained it to me. I had my phone replaced.

ladoga 2013-02-18 09:56

Re: N9 display problem
You can test N9's RAM with memtester
Usage: memtester <memory to be tested> <loops>


# memtester 985M 5

aglio 2013-02-20 22:47


Originally Posted by late88 (Post 1323472)

Originally Posted by aglio
Just to show you what I was talking about. Here are some pics after ten days of usage.

i did a reboot now but no more contacts, no call logs, no messages, no pictures in the gallery (I can see them through filebox).

Any idea anyone!?

I had this issue once and unfortunately it is a hardware problem. To be exact, the problem is in RAM-memory. I had to take my phone to nokia care where they explained it to me. I had my phone replaced.

Thanks for the info. Guess I have to start saving for new phone, since no Nokia care in Bosnia

aglio 2013-02-20 22:56


Originally Posted by ladoga (Post 1323584)
You can test N9's RAM with memtester


Usage: memtester &lt;memory to be tested&gt; &lt;loops&gt;


# memtester 985M 5

Thanks, but how to install memtester? Tried what says in readme, as root, but nothing happens. No extension for files as well (readme is easy, but memtester is ?). Little guidance please?
also, what to expect from memtester results - just asking?

ladoga 2013-02-22 15:16

Re: N9 display problem

Originally Posted by aglio (Post 1324168)
Thanks, but how to install memtester? Tried what says in readme, as root, but nothing happens. No extension for files as well (readme is easy, but memtester is ?). Little guidance please?
also, what to expect from memtester results - just asking?

It's a binary executable compiled for harmattan. You need to give the file a permission to execute and also you would have to have it in a directory that's included in your $PATH variable (for example /usr/local/sbin) if you want to execute it by simply typing it's filename.

Here's a step by step example how to download and run it. There are ofcourse countless of other ways. I assume that you have developer mode enabled and wget installed.

1. Either login via SSH or open meego-terminal on your N9. Change to root and download the memtester binary file:

$ devel-su
# wget

2. Give memtester executable rights and run it from current directory:

# chmod a+x memtester
# ./memtester 1G 5

Then let it complete and it will tell you the results. If your RAM is faulty your phone can reboot or freeze during the test.
[EDIT] Above is only a very quick test and won't spot all problems. For more though one you might want to run "memtester 1G" (just leave the loop argument out) and let it run overnight.

After a succesfull run you'll see something like this:

Loop 5/5:
  Stuck Address      : ok       
  Random Value        : ok
  Compare XOR        : ok
  Compare SUB        : ok
  Compare MUL        : ok
  Compare DIV        : ok
  Compare OR          : ok
  Compare AND        : ok
  Sequential Increment: ok
  Solid Bits          : ok       
  Block Sequential    : ok       
  Checkerboard        : ok       
  Bit Spread          : ok       
  Bit Flip            : ok       
  Walking Ones        : ok       
  Walking Zeroes      : ok       
  8-bit Writes        : ok
  16-bit Writes      : ok

ladoga 2013-02-22 16:24

Re: N9 display problem

Originally Posted by aglio (Post 1324166)
Thanks for the info. Guess I have to start saving for new phone, since no Nokia care in Bosnia

Can't you return it where you bought it and get a replacement? I'm not sure how it goes for non-EU states, but all electronics sold inside EU that are marked with CE marking have minimum warranty of 2 years (with some exceptions to wearing parts like batteries). Maybe that also applies if you bought it from inside EU (via webshop or whatever)?

aglio 2013-02-22 23:00

Re: N9 display problem
Thanks again ladoga for the help.
successfully managed to start the memtester and it all ended without any restart or freeze. Happy for that, but does it mean that my N9 does not have a RAM problem?
Anyway, last time it happened, when I posted the pictures, after reboot the display was ok, but there were no contacts, call logs, messages, pictures, etc. I ended up with reflashing my N9 and restoring things from backup (luckily less than 1 month old). I will see what will happen after another 10 days and post the results.
Thanks again

aglio 2013-02-22 23:04

Re: N9 display problem

Originally Posted by ladoga (Post 1324475)
Can't you return it where you bought it and get a replacement? I'm not sure how it goes for non-EU states, but all electronics sold inside EU that are marked with CE marking have minimum warranty of 2 years (with some exceptions to wearing parts like batteries). Maybe that also applies if you bought it from inside EU (via webshop or whatever)?

Good one :)

I shall not use any more space trying to explain why this does not work here (if you are familiar with the comic called Alan Ford or now such kind of humor/sarcasm - that is somewhat similar)
Maybe some day. Thanks again for the help

ladoga 2013-02-23 01:09

Re: N9 display problem

Originally Posted by aglio (Post 1324529)
Thanks again ladoga for the help.
successfully managed to start the memtester and it all ended without any restart or freeze. Happy for that, but does it mean that my N9 does not have a RAM problem?

I doubt.

With my limited knowledge about workings of RAM and this test I'd guess that the error just wasn't spotted by the quick test. To test more throughly you might leave the loop argument out and let it run the test overnight, while the phone is charging. (when you want to end it just hit Ctrl-c)

Also being a userspace utility it can't test region belonging to the kernel (and running applications?).

aglio 2013-02-24 22:07

Re: N9 display problem
hhhmmm, discouraging thoughts.
I'll try to make it to the next friday and repeat the test in both ways. at that time I should have around 8 days of working, so maybe something occurs.
will post the results.

zlatko 2013-02-24 22:14

Re: N9 display problem
Happens regularly to me as I ma not restarting my phone until really needed or battery dies.
It is easily resolved(in my case) by running

killall meegotuchhome
in terminal.

aglio 2013-02-25 17:15


Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 1324892)

Happens regularly to me as I ma not restarting my phone until really needed or battery dies.

It is easily resolved(in my case) by running

killall meegotuchhome
in terminal.

So, you're actually saying that there is no need for restart but just this code brings display back to normal. Do you wait until it happens or regularly implement the code and keep going?
BTW, thanks a lot (hvala) :)

zlatko 2013-02-26 07:16

Re: N9 display problem
Yes, in my case it is just killing meegotouchhome(the 3 display panes - apps, events and multitasking) that solves it. I do it only when needed.
After you kill meegotouchhome the watchdog restarts it. I think after several(3-5) such restartsthe whole device will automatically reboot.
Pozdrav! :)

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