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[Announce] Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan/Sailfish
Hey, is anybody interested in mupen64plus for N9/Jolla? Here you will find packages for both devices!
I've made a small demovideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi2-kxhD3ps and for the jolla phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX2PrHDWzdo mupen64plus for the Jolla Phone Code:
here is an rpm including all the necessary modules Code:
You need extract the files included in this zip to your phone and install all the included packages: https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/...onateCC_LG.gif have a nice day |
Re: mupen64plus for n9
I'm not a dev so I can't help with this but this is very exciting to see
Re: mupen64plus for n9
Hey! i missed this thread! can you please tell us more about the project state? what button layout are you implementing? emu come with all this features: fskip, hardware/software filters, savegame states etc? do you have a GUI?
Re: mupen64plus for n9
lol @ your username...
great to finally see a n64 running on harmattan! |
Re: mupen64plus for n9
you can see how i impemented the buttons in my video, i'll probably make that configurable though |
Re: mupen64plus for n9
I *REALLY* like your idea of custom button configurations for some games, but we need a generic layout too for the rest of the games. i kinda see you mapped C-buttons into top right screen (ocarina) but can't see anything more, maybe because of transparencies. Did you check this? i like the grey ones.
And about the GUI, well is there any way to tweak the emu ingame? without typing variables in command line at start up, like tweak the frameskip without close the game? |
Re: mupen64plus for n9
Re: mupen64plus for n9
Re: mupen64plus for n9 [test packages]
i've uploaded some test packages, i'd really appreciate some feedback. more features will be added soon
Re: mupen64plus for n9 [test packages]
Just tested and it worked quite well. Managed to load the games (no crashes) but they didnt work at fullspeed.
Also the controls could be somewhere to be seen because throu little gaming it was annoying to search the right buttons. Great job so far |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Thanks a lot for bringing the emulator for our phones! For being an early version it's working pretty fine with some games, Super Mario 64 works flawlesly, others like Zelda Ocarina of Time presents some framedrops in certain points, missing textures (beggining, link's room), and Zelda Majora's Mask misses several menu parts, making impossible to save the game, and game slows down / freezes at random points and pressents flickering textures. That was the only games i tested so far.
I hope you'll keep working on the project and provide us a button layout like EmuMaster, with custom transparency levels, custom button config, abbility to disable phone screensaver, and a way to tweak the emu (frameskip, FPS counter, screen format, quick saves, and maybe some filters). Thanks again :) |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Also i think you probably haven't played the game on the console itself, it's not possible to save via the menu in majoras mask, you need the ocarina and your sword to do that (finish first temple). The menu is working perfectly. i will surely improve the emulator in the future, considering interface, such that it will be equally usable as the pc version but i am not sure if i can fix deeper lying bugs but i will try at least |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
To be honest, i never play Majora's Mask in a real N64, only once in Project64 emu long time ago, maybe 7-8 years, i thought Majora's have the same save system as Ocarina, my bad (i'm used to use quick savestates in every emu i play) Of course i understand you're making a port of mupen64plus for N9, not a major code rewrite, if it's broken in desktop version i will never ask you for a fix, but i see that flickering textures in both Zeldas doesn't occur in the Windows version. Again, thanks for your work, I will stay tuned to any news. |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Sounds very nice, i em not gamer, but trying a bit is interesting what N9 can do, i will find some time to install it! :)
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
hI liar. tried to contact you via private message, but couldnt. Could you please tell me a way to rescue my ocarina of time and majoras mask savegame? thanks a lot
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Liar liar pants on fire! This isn't real! FAKE! Lol, just kidding, great work.
Now, Super Mario :p |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
thx, btw ask me to rebuild source once published to git
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
if so navigate to ~/.local/share/mupen64plus/save/ $ cd ~.local/share/mupen64plus/save/ then enter ls to get a list of files in that directory $ ls you should see 2 savegames for every you have played before and after the update. the old savegames filename should be mostly in capitals, for example: THE LEGEND OF ZELDA (unknown rom).sra and the new savegame filename should be someting like that: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (E) (M3) (V1.0) [!].sra now you need to copy the old savegame over the new one, for example: $ cp THE\ LEGEND\ OF\ ZELDA\ \(unknown\ rom\).sra Legend\ of\ Zelda,\ The\ -\ Ocarina\ of\ Time\ \(E\)\ \(M3\)\ \(V1.0\)\ \[!\].sra and you should have your savegame back. adjust the above line to your needs, i just used common rom filenames |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Goldeneye 007 runs much better here then it ever did under Mupen64 on the N900, this is great!! :D
Have to admit that I am having some trouble with the on screen controls, so having some input options would be great. Even making transparent outlines of the on screen buttons would help keep them straight (kind of like Emumaster does) |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Didn't EmuMaster plan to support N64 too? Great work anyway.
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
1 Attachment(s)
Here's an icon for the launcher if anyone's interested.
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Cd: cant cd to ~.local/share/mupen64plus/save/
Any suggestion? I was so advanced in pokemon stadium then suddenly some misterious thing happened and the emulator says: cant read save file (or something like that). It says it repeatidly like 30 times |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
but if it happened suddenly maybe there is a bug or the emulator crashed while saving... do: ls -lh ~/.local/share/mupen64plus/save/ and look at the filesizes create a backup of the savegame before you experiment any further, let me know if you know more (or send me the savegame, i'll try to figure out whats going on) |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Sorry to bother you a lot. I just seem to get error after error. I did the commando with the backslash i was missing, and it said: permission denied.
Then i tried the ls lh command and it shows: "ls: lh: No such file or directory /home/user/.local/share/mupen64plus/save/: (then it shows me a list. But some save games are .sra, some are .fla and some are eep and mpk. In my case, it shows: POKEMON STADIUM (unknown Rom).fla Now that you mention it, the emulator crashed and didnt respond after 20 minutes, so a screen prompted me to close it (mupen64plus not responding, close application?) i clicked yes after waiting. Then i opened it again and my advance was gone. How can i make a backup of the savegame and send it to you? Hope you can help me to recover my savefile. Thanks a lot |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
I suspect that the savegame is completely gone, which would be sad :( |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Yes. I ended completing again the game. Wasnt so difficult after all. Are you going to bring us more updates of this great emu? I hope you are. Thanks a lot.
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
i downloaded mortal kombat trilogy but theres no controls what so ever
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Re-read the first post. The controls are mapped to areas of the touch screen, they just don't have any visible screen presence.
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
how to uninstall mupen64plus-audio-sdl. 've tried it dpkg-r mupen64plus-audio-sdl to uninstall
there is a message it will be blocked by a program? What is it would like get rid of Complaints about the spelling please at Google :D |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
which games actually works?
paper mario doesnt run but f zero work perfectly.... |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
this is currently stalled due to my other projects, i'll pick up work on this once this years exams have passed
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
I can't install the core....
gives me the following error: cant set permissions on './opt/mupen64plus/share': Operation not permitted. When I create a folder, and chmod 777, it gives the next error: cant set permissions on './opt/mupen64plus/share/mupen64plus.cht': Operation not permitted. :/ |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Liar...you're the man!
This just made my day (yesterday lol)! This was the unexpected brilliant gift to the N9. I read once that it would be hard to port this and not to have high hopes, but this just shows how strong the developers in our comunity are. Your work is brilliant. Games running smoth, audio is great, i mean, it's just fantastic! Buttons are the only thing, but if you play for a while you get used to the places they are and play without many issues. I found myself playing Mario 64 and Starfox touching the screen and knowing the places by mind without effort. To see them would be better, of course, but it's already a wonderful job at this stage. You made me, and a lot of people very very happy by giving us this emulator and by showing the world that in 2013 the Nokia N9 is far from dead and with a lot of air in it's lungs. You deserve my total respect. Thanks! |
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Re: [Announce] Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
I am currently working on porting the mupen64plus emulator to sailfishos, stay tuned!
Re: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan
Re: [Announce] Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan/Sailfish
maybe the package is damaged, can sbd reupload?
Re: [Announce] Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan/Sailfish
i have made some progress on the jolla ponne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrMkrFUClmc
Re: [Announce] Nintendo 64 Emulator for Harmattan/Sailfish
Possible to play with ps3 controller sixaxis? |
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