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zlatko 2013-03-09 20:03

[Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Thanks to the work of Bojan Komljenovic (@knobtviker) now we have an application showing and counting N9 users in the world! Please download and join!
DL link:

Hacker 2013-03-10 05:32

I've had a chance to use the app, and it was working well earlier. Knobviker was asking whether anyone wanted to work on an icon and splashscreen for the new app.

I haven't gotten it to work this evening, but it has definitely proven itself from tests I ran earlier.

TMavica 2013-03-10 05:38

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Hacker 2013-03-10 06:39

Thanks, TMavica. I went to this site:;amp;page=5

These two icons looked like they could work, but I'm not sure if there are any issues with using them, as I just copied them from the site:

Redevil 2013-03-10 07:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Download link broken guys

zlatko 2013-03-10 08:11

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Bojan will soon post a new 0.0.2 client version. And currently he stopped servers because of overload! :) So many N9 users around the world!

TMavica 2013-03-10 08:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
I cant find any n9 in my country, but this is normal, LOL

Hacker 2013-03-10 09:21

Nice! Here is the link for version 0.0.2:

EDIT: There are 213 N9's on here right now!

zlatko 2013-03-10 09:23

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Client version 0.0.2:

Morpog 2013-03-10 09:28

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
All who want to do an app Icon. He rejected mine, as it was too N9 specific. He wants it crossplattform and in SVG filetype. It seems he wants to count on other plattforms as well ;)

Hacker 2013-03-10 10:33


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1328061)
All who want to do an app Icon. He rejected mine, as it was too N9 specific. He wants it crossplattform and in SVG filetype. It seems he wants to count on other plattforms as well

Well, it may not be good for all different phones, but I like it for my N9, so I replaced the default icon with yours.

Thanks Knobtviker for the cool app and Morpog for the art.

zlatko 2013-03-10 10:43

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Guys, please do not check the app too often, 'cause @knobtviker servers are overloading. :D

praveenchand 2013-03-10 11:39

Do we have to do something to register or just need to open the application? I couldn't find any options in this application. Only one user from my country so am not sure its me as the location is not accurate.

t0lkien 2013-03-10 11:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
This is a really good idea. RIght now I keep getting connection errors so I can't see it working (maybe the server is down?). I would think it wouldn't be too hard to have it filtered by phone type, and so be useful for more than just the N9?

soryuuha 2013-03-10 12:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
repo time!

Morpog 2013-03-10 12:07

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Position is not accurate for privacy reasons. 2013-03-10 12:07

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
opensource ?

gsalone 2013-03-10 12:10

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Screenshots? How does it work?

tonyhuynh 2013-03-10 13:05

There is a "connection error" for me. Brothers solution?

Morpog 2013-03-10 14:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
You need to wait. Knobtvikers server locked down:


Bojan Komljenovic ‏@knobtviker

Awesome #N9 users knocked down my free quota on #Connected in matter of 3 hours. I love you all! :D

Artyom 2013-03-11 08:44

Download links are down. Anyone care to upload it again?

MK99 2013-03-11 09:01


jpel 2013-03-11 09:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
New version 0.0.3 released ;-)

TMavica 2013-03-11 09:28

China got 0? I dont think so, someone pls post to n9 chinese forum

juiceme 2013-03-11 10:05

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1328119)
You need to wait. Knobtvikers server locked down:

Hmmh, would it make sense to put up the server end to EC2...? :D
(just finished 2day Amazon course on AWS platforms...)

v0id 2013-03-11 11:31

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
connection error on v0.03

Adiz0r 2013-03-11 12:16

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Connection error for me, too. Have we managed to nicely DoS the server(s)? :)

zlatko 2013-03-11 12:45

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Do not worry guys - this is WIP. Today Sotiris team of former Maemo/Nokia engineers will help Bojan. Soon there will be a polished and stable Connected on our N9s! :)

uros 2013-03-11 14:10

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Okay, so we must wait. In meantime thanks for developer for effort,

Hvala Bojane na sjajnoj aplikaciji i aktivizmu!
(more/less same in Serbian :) )

knobtviker 2013-03-11 17:08

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
woah! A thread here. Hi all!
Like Zlatko said, this is in very early alpha stage.
client side is stable but N9 owners knock down my servers in matter of 3 hours.
such downtime is not acceptable so I whined about it.
Than the cavalary arrived and MeeGo team started a co-op.
I emailed all the details to them and expect to migrate to a stable server and have this publicly running.
Instructions will follow. Thank you all!

HtheB 2013-03-11 18:34

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
I an a N950... does that coun't too?
or will there be a seperate counter? :P

knobtviker 2013-03-11 23:41

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
I can distinguish N950 from N9 so join in.

Heads up!
Update your clients:

Be ready in 7 hours to rock 'n' roll! :D

Hopefully this time, all goes well. So far score is 3:0 in favor of N9 owners against my server. :P

Bharateeyudu 2013-03-12 01:06

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by knobtviker (Post 1328452)
I can distinguish N950 from N9 so join in.

Heads up!
Update your clients:

Be ready in 7 hours to rock 'n' roll! :D

Hopefully this time, all goes well. So far score is 3:0 in favor of N9 owners against my server. :P

"Connection Error" :(

Fallenzone 2013-03-12 02:00

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Connection Error too ....

any solution ?

flotron 2013-03-12 02:04

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Connection error

tonyhuynh 2013-03-12 05:01

Its not over 7hr yet

knobtviker 2013-03-12 05:06

Exactly, my server wuota resets in 3 hours. New optimised code starts working then.
Please try in 3 hours. If my code is good enough it should work all day long now. No matter how many times you refresh, thanks to smart cache.

Artyom 2013-03-12 07:26

What will be the future features of this app? Thanks by the way, gonna share it in local forums. :)

knobtviker 2013-03-12 08:17

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Seems that server side is stable now.
Hoorah! :D

I can't discuss future features yet publicly but lets just say I "leak" a lot of my thoughts and work on Twitter and you might be looking at a beginning of something entirely new.

Now that it's stable, I can develop a chat for example, a leaderboard and so on... :)

Please, do share around, host the package if you wish. It is a free app for all N9 owners. Other devices might be included later. :cool:

Hacker 2013-03-12 08:56

Where are the Canadian N9 owners? I don't see any on the board right now!

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