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tissot 2013-03-23 23:39

Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

This isn't Jolla or N9 but it could be Nokia keeping Swipe UI alive.
Rumors of Nokia's big Asha update surface.


Phone has 3 different screen.
1) Menu Screen
2) Notification Screen.
3) Application screen.
It does make full sense of Nokia keeping to use Swipe UI and S40 does need major refresh.
Though i'm not sure if Nokia will use Qt. Nokia buying smaerphone (or what the hell was the name of that company?) seems to point at Nokia not going for Qt. Hopefully they do.

waldo 2013-03-23 23:56

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
it shouldn't be a suprise, elop said the n9 ui was going to live on in future devices. It can't be put into windows phone, or not well, and since asha is a huge part of growth for nokia it makes a ton of sense and its not like the UI is resource heavy. The new asha phones keep looking better really fast

tissot 2013-03-24 00:26

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by waldo (Post 1331235)
it shouldn't be a suprise, elop said the n9 ui was going to live on in future devices.

I think he said it will all go for future distributions. I interpreted it as something for Nokia's internal use when somebody else OS (WP, Windows) can't offer what they need.
For example flexible phone (Nokia kinect) or Nokia glasses type of stuff. Are those far away, they are and that's exactly what i thought. But just for internal projects they need something they can do whatever they want.

Above phone would not be my main phone, but i would buy it immediately as my bar/club phone. It would anyway need to cost below 150 euros to make any sense on Nokia's portfolio. Great looking device.

ARJWright 2013-03-24 01:50

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
Nokia has the IP for the UI so it only makes sense. Currently it's not bad, not Swipe makes a lot more sense given how much visual phone UI development and marketing is going.

The Smarterphone acquisition was probably the non-legacy developers to get this UI pushed out the door without the political pressure from MeeGo and S40 teams that don't like the Window Phone direction.

As for the offerings, they will be decent mobiles, bit probably too tired to Nokia services to be as freeing as this level of mobile usually are. The platform will be open enough to let that happen... at least not right now.

Kangal 2013-03-24 01:55

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
Seems like something Nokia should've done in 2010 with its 2-horn attack with Windows Phail 7.5

nokiabot 2013-03-24 01:58

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
Asha lineup is great for trendy functional feature phones

Bernard 2013-03-24 12:06

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
The current Asha 311 and its interpretation of Swipe-UI is very disappointing. it has performance issues, low frame-rate, the small screen also doesn't help.
What made the Swipe-UI work on the N9 was a lot of the hardware: high frame-rate because of hardware GPU acceleration and a relatively large screen. Also the lack of buttons emphasized the swipe-usage and the curved glass made swiping feel more smooth.

If they re-introduce the UI on new phones, even if they are budget phones, the UI should work at least as well as on the N9, otherwise it will remain a disappointment for me.

Kangal 2013-03-24 14:41

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
I'm thinking phones that are 3.3 - 3.7in, qHD resolution, "Low" tier SoC's (Dualcore 1GB RAM MaliGPU), Non-Zeiss PureV cameras, No luxury parts (LTE, Dualband Wifi, NFC, IrDA) and are 10mm's fat.

Have them utilize the OVI store with scalable/compatible Apps by Qt. And are budgeted to be sold under $350 unlocked on a global scale.

...forget it, abandon ship!

mikecomputing 2013-03-24 19:17

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
about most sense to use swipe and qt yes that would be smart direction. However nokia board is not smart so I doubt they go qt and because of that I do not beleive they can compete in low/midend html5 and halfbacked swipe is not enought to compete with...

asha devices is not even available in my country instead they try sellout lumia for lowprices. Nokia is more an more desperate and ridicilous :(

panjgoori 2013-03-24 19:46

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
They should now atleast introduce multi-tasking in Asha series phones. Swipe ui without multi-tasking is not a good idea.

Zoxir 2013-03-24 21:56

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1331443)
They should now atleast introduce multi-tasking in Asha series phones. Swipe ui without multi-tasking is not a good idea.

What was the last good idea that came out of Nokia???

waldo 2013-03-24 21:58

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
808 pureview's camera

tissot 2013-03-25 09:50

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by waldo (Post 1331459)
808 pureview's camera

... we are talking about phones that cost under 150 euros, likely below 100e. LTE, CZ (let alone PV) will never happen.


Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1331330)
The current Asha 311 and its interpretation of Swipe-UI is very disappointing. it has performance issues, low frame-rate, the small screen also doesn't help.

The rumor does indeed mention that the UI is as smooth as on N9.

HELLASISGREECE 2013-03-25 10:22

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
yeah.. but it still is dumb S40 nokia os

edit: though it is a step forward for S40

nokiabot 2013-03-25 10:30

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
^^Series 40 easily multitasks with java apps 6 to 7 apps are easily handelled even on 3110c 5130 etc though i dont yet have tried to tweak the ashas yet:( but it can run multiple java apps:)

NokiaFanatic 2013-03-25 10:39

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
Let me be the first to say it, but people are going to be in for a shock when they see what Nokia has planned for the Asha line in future.

Let me tell you one thing, it won't be S40 and it won't be WP....

tortoisedoc 2013-03-25 10:45

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331606)
Let me be the first to say it, but people are going to be in for a shock when they see what Nokia has planned for the Asha line in future.

Let me tell you one thing, it won't be S40 and it won't be WP....

Meltemi? :D
EDIT : oh how can I be *still* so will be Android, of course :/

HELLASISGREECE 2013-03-25 10:58

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331606)
Let me be the first to say it, but people are going to be in for a shock when they see what Nokia has planned for the Asha line in future.

Let me tell you one thing, it won't be S40 and it won't be WP....

pics or it did not happen :p

it would be cool to see that Nokia are not "all in" for WP.

after all, Swipe UI belongs to them and they should not let it die. Be that with S40, meego, meltemi, S^3, whatever.

swipe ui must survive. i wish they would incorporate it in future Symbian devices..


tortoisedoc 2013-03-25 11:55

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE (Post 1331610)
pics or it did not happen :p

it would be cool to see that Nokia are not "all in" for WP.

after all, Swipe UI belongs to them and they should not let it die. Be that with S40, meego, meltemi, S^3, whatever.

swipe ui must survive. i wish they would incorporate it in future Symbian devices..


Indeed. Swipe UI is just so much more superior to anything out there; it is one of the two main reasons I am still using my n9!

Bernard 2013-03-25 13:20

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331606)
Let me be the first to say it, but people are going to be in for a shock when they see what Nokia has planned for the Asha line in future.

Let me tell you one thing, it won't be S40 and it won't be WP....

If it is going to be anything else, a stripped down version of the current MeeGo-Harmattan would make the most sense. It is relatively well tested, with a good set of default applications. Pushing MeeGo as a featurephone os is probably the most cost effective way to bridge the gap between WP8 and the current S40 line, at least until they can push WP8 further down.
Other alternatives could be using Android, Firefox OS or WP7. But all those also have disadvantages. Android is "the enemy", Firefox OS has performance problems, and WP7 would create confusion with the WP8 line.
They need to get a competitive 100 euro smart-featurephone in the market, with hardware roughly similar to a Lumia 610 (maybe a slightly smaller screen). MeeGo Harmattan could work reasonably well on those specs.

I very much doubt Nokia will be developing a totally new OS, simply too expensive.

EDIT: or it could be based on the OS developed by smarterphone

NokiaFanatic 2013-03-25 14:16

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by tortoisedoc (Post 1331607)
Meltemi? :D
EDIT : oh how can I be *still* so will be Android, of course :/

Meltemi was killed.

Nokia are contractually forbidden from working on Android.

NokiaFanatic 2013-03-25 14:35

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1331661)
I very much doubt Nokia will be developing a totally new OS, simply too expensive.

EDIT: or it could be based on the OS developed by smarterphone

You got it.

The team that Elop acquired over a year ago are still working in a silo away from the Nokia bureaucracy on SmarterphoneOS (of course, it will be re-branded when Nokia come to release it). The OS is intended to completely replace S40 which isn't fit for purpose anymore (Nokia know Asha sales will take a pasting as Android/WP get cheaper and cheaper). Like Blackberry 10, the aim of this device is to get very tight social networking integration (i.e. the unified notification center) with a much more fluid UI (S40 like Symbian was just never designed to work with touch devices). Like the Asha series, the device will occupy the price point between Series 30 phones (~$20) and Windows Phones ($150+) and will continue to be marketed at developing markets. I believe that the plan is to unveil a device running this OS at Nokia World 2013 this September.

Elop isn't a complete fool. He knows that the creaky Series 40 OS is on its last legs and that developing market consumers will just move to cheap Android phones if nothing is done. Windows Phone is not an option for Nokia. A licence for the OS is $25 alone and WP just won't scale to a lower-end device anyway. The only option for Nokia is SmarterphoneOS (or whatever Nokia will end up calling it).

All will come clear during Nokia World 2013.

Bernard 2013-03-25 16:45

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
If Nokia also replaces series 40 in some ways that would be an end of an era: All the internally developed OS-es since 1999 would have been killed except series 30 on the cheapest phones they make.
According to the wikipedia page Smarterphone can still use Java, so I assume at least some of the series 40 java programmers can still work on smarterphone applications.

Will be interesting.

tortoisedoc 2013-03-25 17:32

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331694)
You got it.

The team that Elop acquired over a year ago are still working in a silo away from the Nokia bureaucracy on SmarterphoneOS (of course, it will be re-branded when Nokia come to release it). The OS is intended to completely replace S40 which isn't fit for purpose anymore (Nokia know Asha sales will take a pasting as Android/WP get cheaper and cheaper). Like Blackberry 10, the aim of this device is to get very tight social networking integration (i.e. the unified notification center) with a much more fluid UI (S40 like Symbian was just never designed to work with touch devices). Like the Asha series, the device will occupy the price point between Series 30 phones (~$20) and Windows Phones ($150+) and will continue to be marketed at developing markets. I believe that the plan is to unveil a device running this OS at Nokia World 2013 this September.

Elop isn't a complete fool. He knows that the creaky Series 40 OS is on its last legs and that developing market consumers will just move to cheap Android phones if nothing is done. Windows Phone is not an option for Nokia. A licence for the OS is $25 alone and WP just won't scale to a lower-end device anyway. The only option for Nokia is SmarterphoneOS (or whatever Nokia will end up calling it).

All will come clear during Nokia World 2013.

This does not make sense.
ALL of the features are available on harmattan already (unified social networks, smooth ui).
Why would they port yet another OS and invest the few money they still have?
Elop once again proves he is indeed what everyone thinks of him- an idiot, sorry.

NokiaFanatic 2013-03-25 19:42

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by tortoisedoc (Post 1331744)
This does not make sense.
ALL of the features are available on harmattan already (unified social networks, smooth ui).
Why would they port yet another OS and invest the few money they still have?
Elop once again proves he is indeed what everyone thinks of him- an idiot, sorry.

You're missing the point. Nokia want a stripped down, lightweight OS that can run on lower-end hardware.

dietyyli 2013-03-25 20:01

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331689)

Nokia are contractually forbidden from working on Android.

Source for this?

Kangal 2013-03-26 07:41

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by dietyyli (Post 1331796)
Source for this?

Elop. 'nuff said

tortoisedoc 2013-03-26 07:57

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331787)
You're missing the point. Nokia want a stripped down, lightweight OS that can run on lower-end hardware.

Ok so I conclude stripping down harmattan is not an option in this case...

Artyom 2013-03-26 08:02


Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331787)
You're missing the point. Nokia want a stripped down, lightweight OS that can run on lower-end hardware.

Wasn't that going to be meltemi which was destroyed?

ranbaxy 2013-03-26 08:06

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
Nothing is going to happen. Nokia will stick to WP till their last production unit is closed and they sell out all their patents.

NokiaFanatic 2013-03-26 13:25

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by tortoisedoc (Post 1331875)
Ok so I conclude stripping down harmattan is not an option in this case...

The N9 has 1GB of RAM - the latest Nokia Asha 310 has 64MB of RAM. It's probably quicker for Nokia to build or buy a new OS rather than try to refit Harmattan.

herpderp 2013-03-26 14:05

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1331953)
The N9 has 1GB of RAM - the latest Nokia Asha 310 has 64MB of RAM. It's probably quicker for Nokia to build or buy a new OS rather than try to refit Harmattan.

Exactly. I have no idea why people say that Harmattan is so lean and efficient, when in fact it would be abysmal without at least 512MB RAM.

If you think Harmattan is lean then why do threads like this exist?

HELLASISGREECE 2013-03-26 14:37

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1331959)
Exactly. I have no idea why people say that Harmattan is so lean and efficient, when in fact it would be abysmal without at least 512MB RAM.

If you think Harmattan is lean then why do threads like this exist?

don't forget that harmattan runs on ancient cpu and gpu.
the gpu is even worse than first gen S^3 devices. Iphone 3gs had the N9
gpu (iirc)

cpu was good for early 2010. for devices like SE X10i or SGS1.

so yes, meego harmattan is pretty "light" imho

waldo 2013-03-26 14:39

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
why would we expect to have multitasking on budget low end devices, the iphone and windows phone don't have it, and androids is severely lacking. If asha or what ever it moves to gets something like the iphone has with fast app switching would probally be the best to be hoped for. In general multitasking will be one of the huge sacrifices on the cheap asha line

Bernard 2013-03-26 15:22

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE (Post 1331968)
don't forget that harmattan runs on ancient cpu and gpu.
the gpu is even worse than first gen S^3 devices. Iphone 3gs had the N9
gpu (iirc)

Comparing apples and oranges here. The first generation of S^3 devices only had a crippling amount of 32 MB of video ram. So while it is faster, it is crippled in ways that the GPU on the N9 isn't.

The current Asha line has terrible performance, the Asha 311 has only 128 MB RAM, the 310 even less. Faster hardware is actually very cheap nowadays, optimizing an OS for such low specs is really expensive (because it is hard).
I very much doubt that the next "budget" smart feature-phones will have anything less than 256 MB ram.

nokiabot 2013-03-26 16:38

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
Hey guys tha ashas can multitask if u tweak them a bit:) it can run multiple java apps at a time i am using the feature from ages its damm stable. . So why dosent nokia makes it official???

tissot 2013-03-26 19:45

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1331977)
Comparing apples and oranges here. The first generation of S^3 devices only had a crippling amount of 32 MB of video ram. So while it is faster, it is crippled in ways that the GPU on the N9 isn't.

The current Asha line has terrible performance, the Asha 311 has only 128 MB RAM, the 310 even less. Faster hardware is actually very cheap nowadays, optimizing an OS for such low specs is really expensive (because it is hard).
I very much doubt that the next "budget" smart feature-phones will have anything less than 256 MB ram.

I would imagine 256mb, but certainly not more than 512mb. Lumia 520 got 512MB, 800x480 screen, dual core 1GHz and it costs 139 before taxes.

When you start going below 100 euros, like these Asha phones, it does get tricky.

willi6868 2013-04-01 17:20

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
Some other pictures :D :

hardy_magnus 2013-04-01 17:48

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?
They cud have done better by using symbian in asha line up
instead of series 40 to keep symbian alive.adding swipe ui ...common guys
if this was the plan then y dont u relaunch nokia n9.

Less ram, no multitasking and then
and nokia is calling them smartfones. pathetic

tissot 2013-04-01 20:16

Re: Nokia Asha line going towards Swipe UI?

Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1333524)
They cud have done better by using symbian in asha line up
instead of series 40 to keep symbian alive.adding swipe ui ...common guys
if this was the plan then y dont u relaunch nokia n9.

Less ram, no multitasking and then
and nokia is calling them smartfones. pathetic

if world was just that easy "just add swipe UI". You would not "just add" anything to that cluster **** that the OS had morphed to over the years. Symbian was long dead and Nokia had poured enough of money at it.
Remember that we are talking exclusively super cheap phones here at 40 euros to something like 130 euros.

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