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quailstorm 2013-04-07 12:01

[solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
Hello guys, I've updated my phone with kernel power 52, because it has benn finally arrived in the repos.
I used multiBOOT. Because I don't have an SDcard.
After this, I got the guru meditation ********, and the phone wasn't able to boot.
I flashed kernel power 51, and all I got now, is a Nokia sign.
How can I backup my data?
How can I recover the phone without full reflash?

quailstorm 2013-04-07 12:09

Re: Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
I flashed KP50, and I've got multiboot back. Strange effect...
So now I've got android 2.3.4 too, and backupmenu

quailstorm 2013-04-07 12:12

Re: Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
Please give me zimages for Kernel power 51r1, and kernel-power 52!

elros34 2013-04-07 14:31

Re: Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
Here you are:

quailstorm 2013-04-07 17:32

Re: Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
Problem solved, thanks to PanzerSajt.
The tool was rescue OS, WiFi FTP. I copied the KP52 zimage, and made a multiBOOT .item file for it.
And works like a charm.
rescue OS

quailstorm 2013-04-07 18:01

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
with kp52 ipv6 support v2 works. with kp51 it doesn't

shawnjefferson 2013-04-07 18:31

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
I'm using multi-boot and wasn't sure when I saw those power kernel package updates come up yesterday... especially since the bootimg one mentioned u-boot specifically.

So can a multiboot user upgrade to power kernel 52?

quailstorm 2013-04-07 18:51

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
Yes but it's not as easy as you think...
You will have to add the bootmenu entry MANUALLY.
You will have to copy two files to two destinations after upgrading, and before reboot.
This bootmenu script to /etc/multiboot.d/
This vmlinuz to /boot/multiboot/
I hope it goes well. If not, you can try out rescueOS like I did.

elros34 2013-04-07 19:01

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by quailstorm (Post 1334673)
This vmlinuz to /etc/multiboot.d/
This bootmenu script to /boot/multiboot/

Are you sure? I think it should be reverse.

quailstorm 2013-04-07 19:06

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1334675)
Are you sure? I think it should be reverse.

Nope, I'm not sure, I linked the vmlinuz twice, and when correcting, I swapped them...
After this afternoon please forgive me for this mistake. I'm really tired of using computers, and unbricking...

Mistake corrected.

handaxe 2013-04-08 11:18

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
For cross-referencing purposes:

Follwing postings also apply.

quailstorm 2013-04-08 14:59

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by handaxe (Post 1334822)
For cross-referencing purposes:

Follwing postings also apply.

I support the idea, but since, I don't have an SDcard, and I use the NITdroid autoinstaller, I have to stick with this shitty multiBOOT. Currently, I'm planning to buy a 16GB class10 microSD to solve the problem.
Is there any way to uninstall NITdroid safely? The autoinstaller removes kernel-power too...

disappear 2013-04-08 15:52

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by quailstorm
Is there any way to uninstall NITdroid safely?
sudo gainroot
mount /home/ /and
apt-get --purge --auto-remove remove nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-(07or 06)
(after that operation you get "device resorce busy bla,bla" it's normal because you delete kernel,which needed to boot droid from /and
don't worry)
cd ..
remove with rm -rf every folder,with the exception of these folders "opt,user,and,lost+found"
cd /home/user/MyDocs
umount /and
rm -rf /and
cd /home
ls -a
checked if left eventually for folder "and" sometimes is happen
then removed it
This is which I use when installed droid on emmc,but under NITdroid autoinstaller,I don't know but probably is the same method

quailstorm 2013-04-08 16:00

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
Thanks! I will use your guide as soon as I've got the microSD in my phone.

marbleuser 2013-04-08 20:52

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
While we're on the subject, I have a second n900, and I want to apt-get kernel power 49, does anybody have a clue what switches/options i need to use to pull down version 49 (i.e. not the latest version)?

michaaa62 2013-04-09 06:05

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by quailstorm (Post 1334864)
Thanks! I will use your guide as soon as I've got the microSD in my phone.

Please also make sure you never used scripts that are floating all over the internet. These scripts used to move files from /usr/lib and /usr/share to some place like /home/usr/lib and /home/usr/share. These folders are also blindly used by nitdroid as part of its system.
If you remove those your e.g. locale settings will get screw badly. Well there are ways of rebuilding those, but finding these information on depends toomuch on luck than on search skills :eek:

quailstorm 2013-04-09 14:26

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by marbleuser (Post 1334920)
While we're on the subject, I have a second n900, and I want to apt-get kernel power 49, does anybody have a clue what switches/options i need to use to pull down version 49 (i.e. not the latest version)?

package info

You'll have to install four packages, kernel-power, kernel-power-modules, kernel-power-bootimg, and kernel-power-flasher

quailstorm 2013-04-09 14:29

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1334961)
Please also make sure you never used scripts that are floating all over the internet. These scripts used to move files from /usr/lib and /usr/share to some place like /home/usr/lib and /home/usr/share. These folders are also blindly used by nitdroid as part of its system.
If you remove those your e.g. locale settings will get screw badly. Well there are ways of rebuilding those, but finding these information on depends toomuch on luck than on search skills :eek:

I optified with this guide: guide
I used it at the last reflash, and had no issues. But I don't want troubles, and I have space, so it's a possibility, that I don't uninstall everything, just multiBOOT, or I just delete the old and big NIT droid files.

But I think disappear's guide is good. And I'll make a full backup before.
Thanks for warning.

wganis 2013-04-10 07:57

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by quailstorm (Post 1334673)
Yes but it's not as easy as you think...
You will have to add the bootmenu entry MANUALLY.
You will have to copy two files to two destinations after upgrading, and before reboot.
This bootmenu script to /etc/multiboot.d/
This vmlinuz to /boot/multiboot/
I hope it goes well. If not, you can try out rescueOS like I did.

can you guide me recueos step by step ?

quailstorm 2013-04-10 14:15

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by wganis (Post 1335134)
can you guide me recueos step by step ?

Man, that was the step by step guide...
You update through Hildon application manager, then you follow my instructions about copying that two files.
I've uploaded everything, and I told what I did. I can't do more...
Use midnight commander, it's easier for copying.
After all, you should reboot, and see what happens.

n0idea 2013-04-11 05:48

Re: Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by quailstorm (Post 1334660)
Problem solved, thanks to PanzerSajt.
The tool was rescue OS, WiFi FTP. I copied the KP52 zimage, and made a multiBOOT .item file for it.
And works like a charm.
rescue OS

It's help me too, thanks!

But... now i removed MultiBoot and installed BootMenu - now it's wrecked again :(
Can't create boot item - BootMenu don't see /etc/bootmenu.d/*.item files.

EDIT (resolve):
Just reflash internal nand by KP52:
  • flasher-3.5 -F zImage- -f -R

Maybe need reinstall BootMenu or just return to MultiBoot?...

zBeeble 2013-05-06 02:54

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
how did you get the ">" character under rescueOS to get the wifi running?

zBeeble 2013-05-07 05:56

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
Can someone point me to a download for kp52?

handaxe 2013-05-07 06:35

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by zBeeble (Post 1341791)
Can someone point me to a download for kp52?

Extract if needed. Am assuming you meant the zimage.

zBeeble 2013-05-07 07:32

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
hrm. Thanks... that's 1/2 the battle --- but I believe I also need the modules.

... and that the 1 last bit of stuff I need is the /dev entry that represents the mmc that I plug into the unit --- so I can mount that to transfer the modules onto the filesystem.

Please? :)

zBeeble 2013-05-07 16:34

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
ok... :( Not working. When I press-and-hold the power button, it vibrates and displays the "NOKIA" black on white background. The LED goes from dark to full brightness white and then this all pauses. Then after some time it vibrates again with the "NOKIA" screen reappearing somewhat dimmer.

I've flashed the kp-52 fiasco image ... I've verified that the modules directory is correctly populated. I suppose something worse is wrong.

is there a kp52 root image I can use to fix things ... or do I have to go _way_ back to nokia kernels to get this back?

handaxe 2013-05-07 17:52

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by zBeeble (Post 1341911)
is there a kp52 root image I can use to fix things ... or do I have to go _way_ back to nokia kernels to get this back?

Respectfully, unless you knows wots wot, reflashing eMMC and rootfs is the best option. You will get a working device, short of a hardware fault.

xvan 2013-05-13 20:06

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT
I tried to install nitdroid on SD, but uboot never found the kernel on any of my SD partitions. I tested with FAT,ext2 and ext3...

I was able to boot installing the kernel image on the internal memory.

quailstorm 2013-06-14 17:58

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by zBeeble (Post 1341565)
how did you get the ">" character under rescueOS to get the wifi running?

I don't know if it's late or not, but alt(blue arrow)+right d-pad arrow does the trick.

mido.fayad 2013-06-17 10:22

Re: Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by n0idea (Post 1335367)
It's help me too, thanks!

But... now i removed MultiBoot and installed BootMenu - now it's wrecked again :(
Can't create boot item - BootMenu don't see /etc/bootmenu.d/*.item files.

EDIT (resolve):
Just reflash internal nand by KP52:
  • flasher-3.5 -F zImage- -f -R

Maybe need reinstall BootMenu or just return to MultiBoot?...

from where did u get the kernel fiasco image to flash it ??

i extracted the zimage from the bootimg and flashed it by this command and it gives me Invalid FIASCO file header

but i can flash it using

flasher-3.5 -k zImage- -f -R without problems butthe device won't start

badazimer 2013-07-15 07:42

Re: [solved] Kernel-Power 52 wrecked my phone, multiBOOT

Originally Posted by zBeeble (Post 1341911)
ok... :( Not working. When I press-and-hold the power button, it vibrates and displays the "NOKIA" black on white background. The LED goes from dark to full brightness white and then this all pauses. Then after some time it vibrates again with the "NOKIA" screen reappearing somewhat dimmer.

I've flashed the kp-52 fiasco image ... I've verified that the modules directory is correctly populated. I suppose something worse is wrong.

is there a kp52 root image I can use to fix things ... or do I have to go _way_ back to nokia kernels to get this back?

Have the same problem with original, no multiboot KP52. System starts after 3-5 try. Can anybody know the decision?

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