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specc 2013-05-09 13:31

The N9 resurrected from the Asha
The N9 is alive again. Coming to a store near You any time now :)

It's all there, Linux, swipe, multitasking and fast, no hanging or stuttering. Its the New Asha :)

ARJWright 2013-05-09 13:35

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Yea, the 501 sites have some interesting shades of the N9 in there. For to admit though, that Fast lane feature is pretty slick. That's a Activity Stream mod is want sooner rather than matter on my N9.

ripatti 2013-05-09 13:43

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
The UI looks like the next gen n9
But what is under the hood?

Artyom 2013-05-09 13:48

With those specs, being linux or having the key features of harmattan has no meaning for me.

myname24 2013-05-09 14:25

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
The good thing at the presentation they said it's inspired by the N9 wich is obvious ( but elop said inspired by lumia )

stickymick 2013-05-09 14:43

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by myname24 (Post 1342381)
( but elop said inspired by lumia )

Let's face it, that's the limit of his vocabulary and with the M$ gun held to his head, what else could he say?

But, the UI does look nice..... the phone itself, on the other hand, could do with a much larger screen. Maybe edge to edge would make it look a lot less like the Sony Ericsson W995 without it's keypad.

mikecomputing 2013-05-09 15:00

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by myname24 (Post 1342381)
The good thing at the presentation they said it's inspired by the N9 wich is obvious ( but elop said inspired by lumia )

What do you expect from that IDIOT!

People sould continue boycott this company for obvious reasons!


The new Asha is FAIL!

* No QT
* Nor Meego
* No full HTML5

just fake N9

myname24 2013-05-09 15:12

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1342393)
What do you expect from that IDIOT!

People sould continue boycott this company for obvious reasons!


The new Asha is FAIL!

* No QT
* Nor Meego
* No full HTML5

just fake N9

ofcourse it's expected from elop , i never said it's not . And it's obvious no QT and no MeeGo because everyone left and meltemi was scrapped a little less than year ago . HTML5 should have been supported but remember the price point is 99$ . But i'd rather test the device personally and then rate it because what's on paper mean nothing .

ripatti 2013-05-09 15:16

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Allaboutsymbian writes that there is s40 under the hood - whatever it nowadays means.

myname24 2013-05-09 15:27

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
it's s40 and smarterphone under the hood and the ui is harmattan-ish . Only java and web apps are supported .

ZackMorris 2013-05-09 16:21

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Why why why can't the put out a phone with more up to date specs than this. I get the market their aiming at, but this phone just having 2G just prevented me from dicking around and buying one to mess with. Put one out for $200 with better specs and 3G and I'll throw my money at it just to mess around.

myname24 2013-05-09 17:52

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by ZackMorris (Post 1342419)
Why why why can't the put out a phone with more up to date specs than this. I get the market their aiming at, but this phone just having 2G just prevented me from dicking around and buying one to mess with. Put one out for $200 with better specs and 3G and I'll throw my money at it just to mess around.

i have to disagree with you because at 99$ 3G isn't a must feature . Although ( a big big ) if meltemi wasn't dropped , the device was 1ghz and 256mb of ram and 3G/gps/wifi and 3.5 inch screen in a price of 150-200$ with QT is a million time better than this . But that doesn't mean asha 501 isn't a good device and this is the first of many new asha 5xx series device and 3G will come later .

suyog 2013-05-09 19:37

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by myname24 (Post 1342429)
i have to disagree with you because at 99G isn't a must feature . Although ( a big big ) if meltemi wasn't dropped , the device was 1ghz and 256mb of ram and 3G/gps/wifi and 3.5 inch screen in a price of 150-200$ with QT is a million time better than this . But that doesn't mean asha 501 isn't a good device and this is the first of many new asha 5xx series device and 3G will come later .

Fully agree with you, 501 is good value for money at that price point. Keeps on N9's legacy for swipe, UI, icons,usability.
We should not trash it because it doesn't have Qt or MeeGo.
It looks capable, fast, good battery life and decent smartphonish things. I hope 3G+Dual SIM+WiFi version is coming soon.
I think we can see real Asha 311 successor soon
Main thing I did't like is screen. They could have upped resolution and increased screen size. That HUGE bezel at bottom is only blemish in otherwise very good phone.
Again please remember it's price.

Sohil876 2013-05-09 19:53

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Only some elements of meego ui are used in it, but if they price it good at $60-70 price range it can be a success. No im not asking for too much because even in that under $99 price range there are android smartphones from local manufacturers that are better than this phone in both hardware and software side. Plus there is nothing special here only a new ui on top of j2me 2.1, im sure they can manage that price range and they should price it like a featurephone, coz with specs and a platform like that theyre not winning against low-end andro phones if they try to price it same and compete.

ajalkane 2013-05-09 20:21

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by suyog (Post 1342445)
We should not trash it because it doesn't have Qt or MeeGo.

Why shouldn't we? As in "we" being the maemo community, which was conceived of being an open source community. We should trash this, and other proprietary solutions hard and long. This new Asha is all the way down a closed platform. It only resembles one of the open source influenced phones (N9) by it's UI.

I wouldn't mind owning one of those devices, even using it, if there was not more open alternatives. But it's nothing I'd be excited about.

WallAR 2013-05-10 14:31

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by suyog (Post 1342445)
Fully agree with you, 501 is good value for money at that price point. Keeps on N9's legacy for swipe, UI, icons,usability.
We should not trash it because it doesn't have Qt or MeeGo.
It looks capable, fast, good battery life and decent smartphonish things. I hope 3G+Dual SIM+WiFi version is coming soon.
I think we can see real Asha 311 successor soon
Main thing I did't like is screen. They could have upped resolution and increased screen size. That HUGE bezel at bottom is only blemish in otherwise very good phone.
Again please remember it's price.

My idea to make cheap 'fresh' asha phone it would be to use all N9s from the 2nd hand market and refurbish it and sell as new asha 9xx series ;-)
Technology behind n9 is quite old so production at this thime should be optimised to a near perfection level. So why they cannot create another n9 with new name? GeForce has been doing this **** for years. When the production costs were to high just pack a little worse components like battery, memory chips etc.
And 3g... Please it's 2013. Why not using the chips that where used in old nokias devices. I bet they have a lot stocks of spare parts of real old nokias :-)

myname24 2013-05-10 14:39

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
they used all crap cpu in symbian :p and speaking of 3G , in my country 3G was launched a year and half ago . It's true that penetration is around 50% of mobile data but 90% of it's usage is facebook/whatsapp/viber/ and the rest is browsing wich work great at 2G speeds . That device is clearly not intended to you .

flotron 2013-05-10 14:45

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by specc (Post 1342366)
The N9 is alive again. Coming to a store near You any time now :)

It's all there, Linux, swipe, multitasking and fast, no hanging or stuttering. Its the New Asha :)


mikecomputing 2013-05-10 15:37

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by suyog (Post 1342445)
Fully agree with you, 501 is good value for money at that price point. Keeps on N9's legacy for swipe, UI, icons,usability.
We should not trash it because it doesn't have Qt or MeeGo.
It looks capable, fast, good battery life and decent smartphonish things. I hope 3G+Dual SIM+WiFi version is coming soon.
I think we can see real Asha 311 successor soon
Main thing I did't like is screen. They could have upped resolution and increased screen size. That HUGE bezel at bottom is only blemish in otherwise very good phone.
Again please remember it's price.

As long as Elop is CEO there is NO WAY its worth the money. The MicroNokia shall not have any money from me atleast!!

mikecomputing 2013-05-10 16:14

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Looking at this video and I more and more think this company is NUTS!!!

501 is a great lowend device for young people or in those new growing countrys. But what about when those people later want to upgrade to hiend? Totally different UI? :S

What on earth does they think?

For got sake are they plain stupid to not realize that Harmattan or even sailfish can be a great complement on hiend when user want a hiendphone?

Kangal 2013-05-10 17:01

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
To be honest, this is a horrid move by Nokia.

Why develop a new ecosystem for something that quite obviously will not get supported. Here's what I think Nokia should've done; start with a superphone then trim things down.

In fact trim it down back to a smartphone, and trim down the costs and pricing. Doing things like reducing its quality (physical and parts), reducing its specs, and removing some luxury features. Not to go extreme, but just right enough so that still functions “okay” so that people could still purchase software/content from your App Store and make additional profit.

For example;
SoC (1GHz A8, 512MB RAM, 4GB NAND)
Screen (3.3 inch, 640 × 360, LCD, 2-finger Capacitive)
Features (3G, Wifi bgn, microUSB, mic, earpiece-loudspeaker)
Battery (Removable 1,400mAh)
Thickness <14mm
$99 unlocked (with about half as profits)

Now for the OS go with Android 4.0.3 (higher is better, but this would suffice).
Otherwise, go with MeeGo (with full Qt ecosystem).
If Nokia are contractually unable to go with that route, then go with Windows Phone 8 (or higher).

-And one direction they could take is to alter the OS, ie add their own skin.
Just like how many companies do to Android (TizzBird, Kindle Fire, Nook, MIUI, PAC ROM), Nokia should add their own GUI/UX (Swipe UI and icons) to the latest Windows Phone version.
That way the average consumer would welcome it, not knowing it is WP8, as long as its new, fresh, intuitive and has Apps (Windows Phone has about 100,000 at the moment).

ranbaxy 2013-05-10 17:29

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
May Asha 501 become a hit, so that when people who bought them want to "upgrade", after using the swuipe UI for sometime, they'll switch to Sailfish OS :D

Hurrian 2013-05-11 06:49

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
At $99? I'd give it $50 at best.

This thing runs what is essentially a featurephone OS, and has the same awful-res screen the older Ashas have had (and I'm assuming that their response to touch is just as sluggish).

At $99 you can pick up an Alcatel or ZTE phone with dual-SIM (3.5G+2G courtesy of Mediatek), a microSD slot, 800x480 screen, and Android 4.0.x.

Plus, the app selection on Android would hands down beat the Asha.

There is simply no way Nokia's going to attract anyone to this platform.

Seful 2013-05-11 08:14

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
What type of processor in nokia asha 501. Cortex A8 1Ghz?

Kangal 2013-05-11 08:15

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
^ Exactly. Hate Android as much as you want, but those propositions are great for consumers and OEMs.

mikecomputing 2013-05-11 08:16

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1342775)
At $99? I'd give it $50 at best.

This thing runs what is essentially a featurephone OS, and has the same awful-res screen the older Ashas have had (and I'm assuming that their response to touch is just as sluggish).

At $99 you can pick up an Alcatel or ZTE phone with dual-SIM (3.5G+2G courtesy of Mediatek), a microSD slot, 800x480 screen, and Android 4.0.x.

Plus, the app selection on Android would hands down beat the Asha.

There is simply no way Nokia's going to attract anyone to this platform.

Yes but Android on that lowend means slow as hell! Also Asha is for new markets. You know there IS other countrys than America! Who doesn't have 3G etc...

Muzimak 2013-05-11 08:17

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Speaking of N9, don't U guys hate it when people ask you what phone it is, "Is that a Lumia?" I hate it.....

Hurrian 2013-05-11 08:51

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1342784)
Yes but Android on that lowend means slow as hell! Also Asha is for new markets. You know there IS other countrys than America! Who doesn't have 3G etc...

This is Android on a ~600MHz ARMv6 processor with a SGX530. Skip to 2:20 for a demo of how quick the UI is.

I live in a third-world country with reasonably high poverty rates, and most of those in lower income brackets have switched to low-end Android smartphones, due to the availability of reasonably good hardware at around the price point of US$99 (1/4th minimum wage for the employed)

If you want to do some more digging, a local manufacturer called Cherry Mobile has a phone called the Flare:
1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon (not a QSD S4PRO, but it's ARMv7), 512MB RAM, 800x480, WiFi and Bluetooth, GPS, Dual-SIM 3.5G+2G.

For US$99.

Artyom 2013-05-11 08:56

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1342785)
Speaking of N9, don't U guys hate it when people ask you what phone it is, "Is that a Lumia?" I hate it.....

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1342790)
This is Android on a ~600MHz ARMv6 processor with a SGX530. Skip to 2:20 for a demo of how quick the UI is.

I live in a third-world country with reasonably high poverty rates, and most of those in lower income brackets have switched to low-end Android smartphones, due to the availability of reasonably good hardware at around the price point of US$99 (1/4th minimum wage for the employed)

If you want to do some more digging, a local manufacturer called Cherry Mobile has a phone called the Flare:
1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon (not a QSD S4PRO, but it's ARMv7), 512MB RAM, 800x480, WiFi and Bluetooth, GPS, Dual-SIM 3.5G+2G.

For US$99.

I have a very similar android 4.0 zte device which uses a quallcom chipset with armv6 processor, adreno 200 gpu and 512mb of ram and the ui looks quick but when you try browsing and gaming it sucks as hell. when you try to use internet apps or open background processes the phone gets all slow and choppy so this kind of levels the competition. im not saying asha 501 is great but for a smartened feature phone it's sitll something to cosider.

Half-Life_4_Life 2013-05-11 08:59

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
if nokia would just do the right thing and did something with the Asha range..but they had their chance and they blew it big time..when will they release something besides lumia and asha??

nokiabot 2013-05-11 09:39

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Hey hurrian you sure its cherry mobile???
I want the head of ceo parcelled.
Get that for me for the shake of humainity please:

suyog 2013-05-12 07:02

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1342454)
Why shouldn't we? As in "we" being the maemo community, which was conceived of being an open source community. We should trash this, and other proprietary solutions hard and long. This new Asha is all the way down a closed platform. It only resembles one of the open source influenced phones (N9) by it's UI.

I wouldn't mind owning one of those devices, even using it, if there was not more open alternatives. But it's nothing I'd be excited about.

I understand your point for Free, Open platform but that does not make 501 bad for users. "I" feel it is good that N9's , Swipe UI's legacy is remains. Who knows future?
Right now, 501 seems good.
And "We" = maemo community will decide, not me or you.

snowboarder 2013-05-14 12:25

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by Half-Life_4_Life (Post 1342794)
if nokia would just do the right thing and did something with the Asha range..but they had their chance and they blew it big time..when will they release something besides lumia and asha??

The won't release anything besides their horrid Lumia trash and this dumb downed version of Harmattan.
The sale to Microsoft is getting nearer and nearer. I'm looking forward to it actually...then Eflop can just go away for good. The next time we see him, he and Ballmer will be running around like m0r0ns on stage sweating up a storm and screaming, "developers, developers, developers, developers!!!!!!!!!!" as their smart phone share percentage gets lower and lower...:D


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