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petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Infrared is everywhere around us just have a look around the plethora of cir devices around our room
think about the immense use cases it has:) furthermore it will add more value to the device for many who envey such functionability :) post everywhere i.e the social medias you use to attract more. its within reach its high time we get on it.. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
plzzz. thread on thread about Jolla. seems like this is now a Jolla forum not maemo.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
I'm not surprised, since Jola develops Sailfish, and Sailfish is built on Mer, and Mer is continuation of Meego, and Meego was continuation of Maemo and etc. Get the connection?-)
But honestly, I wouldn't mind if Jolla could open some forum.sailfish.org, but alas, they aren't interested. So expect even more and more interest here on TMO in Jolla and Sailfish. In the context of TMO - Sailfish has its own subforum, so I'm not exactly sure what bothers you. This thread though doesn't belong here. It should go into the devices section. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Other half
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
GUYS! This is talk.MAEMO.org, stop posting your stupid **** about meego, go find your own talk.MEEGO.org forum pls... But yeah, option for people who don't find Sailfish/Jolla the continuation to not have to see posts from Sailfish/Other half etc subforums in the newposts page would be nice, less complainers at least
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
And yes this can be done as the other half! I would love to see a powerful IR transmitter and a small reciever to "read" new remote controls.. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
yeah, we need a petition for everything!
can someone please start a petition for better weather in Central Europe? |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
I know you guys are serious.. but seriously?
No one knows yet what it will be for connection apart of Jolla internals... so how about you find yourself a hardware company to manufacture an IRDA 'other half' for you. Or solder it yourself! I guess it will be USB so anybody able to do ISA cards can put an 'other half' together with whatever you like... even a hardware development board with an fpga could come to play... please think before you start threads like this! For those who like to turn down maemo.org's move towards Jolla (the phone) and like to stay with maemo only might consider (that we are a community around NITs that was abandoned) to cross out the 'N' please. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
If anybody puts up a petition to jolla for anything, I'll put up a petition to ban that user from *.maemo.org.
Honestly, you nuts or what? :rolleyes: And for the HWKB, I'll bet my *** on they'll show one on device presentation day. They're neither beginner or nuts... :) |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Well at least in Japan IRDA seems to be available even for contemporary smartphones, even though my brief Google search revealed that even there it appears to be slowly disappearing.
Quite a shame, worked quite nicely in the old PalmOS days and even today it has many interesting applications for remote control of various devices. :) |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Here's some more food for thought.
The specs that have been released so far (what has been shown on their website) are the only confirmed specs. Does this not indicate enough, that they are still locking in all of the other hardware? Marc and Stefano have verbally confirmed their ability to rapidly deploy their OS to other hardware (24hr adaptation was referenced inone interview) and with Key hardware components taken care of, I doubt that leaving "peripheral" choices to much later will be an issue. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Ok. You win, no such option through Other Half (or useless to discuss it since we know nothing, lets discuss something we do know). So how about plugging a diode into the audio jack, or USB? Nokiabot: you mentioned you need IR to control your house. We have two outputs at the top of the phone: USB and audio jack. Is there any chance a diode plugged into one of these would be able to transmit at the frequencies your garage door control or lighting sensor is expecting a transmission? Please say yes, as then we're back to discussing Other Half (having a USB/jack connector to insert diode doing the IR interaction would be straightforward, no? sorry chemist) and we can skip the negative POV: don't discuss, wait for Jolla to explain everything, did they keep anything from you so far? |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
I'm looking for a tizen sub-forum. After all, tizen is a cousin to meego. Why no tizen sub?
Infra red is cool. But not required for me. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
At least there are people who feel the same with the jolla flood on maemo:)
sure its kicking the forum alive but also driving nuts on existing intentions why not an option to filter topics in diff category in active topics?? What about uprooting the jolla part for a talk.jolla.org?? Where existing logins work. Fresh thing is always welcome |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
can you mention please why jola subforums are then ?? |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Nice comment szopin:)
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
After all, and as you said, Hardcore NIT fans complained about the the N900 not being a real NIT, and then the N9 not being a real NIT (like the N900!)..... Despite the move from Maemo to Maemo-Harmattan, and some grumbles, everyone here was pretty accepting of the change and where it was intended to go, with the end result being MeeGo. Mer is essentially progression from Meego, but with a focus on being open in ways that Maemo and Meego never was, both in development and governance. I find it hard to believe that people on this forum b*tching about Jolla posts either have no clue or simply no memory about the contribution made to Maemo and MeeGo by the very devs and people that are now working on Mer and SailfishOS. This IS the logical progression and evolution of the Maemo OS as it was heading at Nokia before the burning platform announcement, but open to community involvement. Enjoy your N900. It WILL die, and parts WILL run out, and then what will you do? Lament the fact there's no alternative? Wish that someone would release a handset to tinker on that isn't Android? |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
That's why I think Sailfish, Tizen and ubuntu is Super Cool and deserves their own Subs. I think Intel pushing lVl tizen... With or without infra red. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
I just think it's a bad idea to try to force Jolla at this stage. Edit the title to "poll: would you like to have infrared port in your device" and nobody will take offense. ;) |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
We already have a thread brainstorming 'other half'S. Petitions to a company on the other hand are a bit off-topic... on the one hand pointless. Pre-orders might get involved in some unique process for the 'ltd other half' but do not expect to much from it. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Get FACTS! Maemo is dead its time to move on to forked maemo and that is http://merproject.org, with its family: * http://www.sailfishos.org * http://plasma-active.org/ * https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Nemo and so on, is the future so dont be a childish reactionary maemo fanatic its just ridicilous and non constructive for the community! [/Offtopic] |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Never happen!
Jolla=cheap HW at a nokia price! Edit. Mike, Does Mer have HW support like phone/sms etc? I doubt it.. Until it does maemo is alive! |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
I used infrared to control TV. As I have no TV I used it occasionally, twice.
However, every day I use FM transmitter. I need FM transmitter a lot. Device without FM transmitter is just useless for me. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Cant believe there's people getting touchy about Jolla posts. There's usually more people viewing Meego posts than Maemo. It doesn't take a genius to work out that the Maemo community will be entirely dead one day.
As for infra-red..... I couldn't care less. One of the last features i'd be looking for in a smartphone. |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
If jolla is so great and good and maemo should give it all to jolla because its the spiritual continuation blah blah blah... Where's the N9 image?
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Where is the meego-harmattan image for N900?
Where is the maemo5 image for N810? Where..... |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
But anyways neither nokia promised a maemo5 image for n810 nor did jolla promised a sailfish image for N9. Although there was meego 1.2 image for n900 (developer edition or community edition i forgot) but that has moved to new project nemo(haven't seen much happening there lately) |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Parts of maemo6 went into Meego and MeeGo-Harmattan. Mer is based on MeeGo.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Interesting exchanges I saw with a MeR dev several+ wks ago: __________________________________________________ ________ xxxx: finishing touches on wayland on top of android drivers, for future non-android systems enjoyments xxxx: but also at the same time, it's obvious the whole jolla movement thing has started a wave that may make the gadget choice quite interesting xxxx: non-android is suddenly feasible again thanks to our libhybris xxxx: as we can suddenly put our stacks everywhere __________________________________________________ ________ xxxx: i can give you the answer here if that's OK: the SDK only contains X86 binaries xxxx: so you're only seeing it on stuff like exopc and acer iconia tab xxxx: did you see the iconia tab video? yyyy: why no option for arm binaries or virtualisation, is that because vendors simply wont provide them for sailfish, hence the need for libhybris? xxxx: well, there's virtualization but it's x86 virtualisation – the target of SDK is being an SDK xxxx: and at this point we're not providing ARM binaries until there's a target that people can run ARM builds on xxxx: the SDK isn't terribly good as a basis for making device ports with anyway yyyy: So why no ARM binaries? And why only x86 virtualisation? (the later does not matter so much I imagine) xxxx: two things really: ARM emulators are slow and doesn't provide very good performance in both CPU and OpenGL yyyy: so why not pick a bunch of targets yonks ago like canonical has been dong, some high profile android handsets etc. xxxx: and in 99% cases, building an app / porting it to ARM is a matter of flicking a switch, so, we give a good developer experience using a X86 'emulator' – it's really quite good, if you didn't try it already yyyy: but canonical's approach seems clever to me, seems to garner way more developer/community interest by making their image available on "actual devices," rather than SDK only xxxx: it seems to mostly backfire actually xxxx: ubuntu touch channels are filled up with people who can't get it working on their devices, not app developers xxxx: i fully agree with you that it's a good idea, but there's a couple of legal issues with providing completely ready images for other devices yyyy: meaning $$$/time required, which Jolla thinks it cant afford, unlike canonical? xxxx: ok, there's a very simple reason: the current public stack is qt4/x11 and it can't leverage magic new things like libhybris xxxx: because you'd have to be on qt5/wayland (or surfaceflinger in ubuntu's case) to really take full advantage of it xxxx: ubuntu's solution, in practice, is android, with ubuntu in a chroot xxxx: it doesn't even use upstart, it's a tech demo yyyy: oh those ubuntu images were all done with a much older stack werent they, before they announced usage of mir/libhybris etc, before they moved mostly to their own entire stack vs a mostly android-based one? xxxx: mir isn't in use in any of their images yet, and they used libhybris from start xxxx: what they did, practically, was take libhybris behind doors, make interfacing to android's Surfaceflinger (window manager/compositor) and add a QML ui on top yyyy: yep xxxx: and that was their tech demo and they sold the hell out of that yyyy: so will he 1st major release of Sailfish be based on qt5/wayland, or that's not coming till next year right? xxxx: we'll see yyyy: So whenever it does come out, it will be much easier to do the sort of stuff canonical has been doing. i.e. at least 2-3 images for some of the most high profile android devices xxxx: right, just note http://pastie.org/7736334 xxxx: so it can't ever be a truly pretty experience yyyy: So as canonical are slowly moving away from what's mostly an android-based solution, they're going to have exactly the same problems as you guys anyway, right? xxxx: probably, i think it's probably possible to do development builds, but it's really a matter of how you approach it xxxx: you don't want to have a situation where 1) people wouldn't buy the actual device or 2) that the focus is more on hw hacking than sw development xxxx: (this is just my personal opinion) xxxx: with all the building blocks, mer, libhybris, etc, i encourage people to do all this stuff so we get all these building blocks field tested yyyy: i guess that one of the main reasons why you guys are scared of proving some imge for android devices, as a large part of your revenue model depends on selling your own device, but I really think it could significantly boost sailfish/nemo profile & hacking community xxxx: i don't disagree yyyy: hopefully you move quickly towards providing at least 2-3 images for some of the most popular devices, "once" you're much closer to a Sailfish based on Qt5/wayland xxxx: let's see, it might be a matter that people need to self-assemble images themselves yyyy: I imagine that'll prolly be long after your 1st device it out anyway… so you'll have less to worry about with regards to potential sales being cannibalised xxxx: so far we've (as in community) validated libhybris-wayland on intel SGX, allwinner mali, hp touchpad qualcomm adreno.. xxxx: so it's looking good so far Quote:
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
I don't agree that building for ARM is simply flipping a switch on x86 build. Plasma Active on ARM proves to have quite different bugs from x86 ones. And those are impossible to detect until running on actual hardware.
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Uhm, what about IR? Isn't that the topic of the thread?
I love the feature. The HTC One has it, so it can link to all your TVs, cable boxes, electronics, etc.--all with the touch of a button. The service even has the button layout preprogrammed to the device it detects. Once you have it, it's VERY convenient, and since your phone is usually handy, there's no more worrying after multiple remotes. It's a bit of a luxury, but that's what smartphones are all about, right? |
Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
S4 and note also have it:(
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