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anzx 2013-06-11 14:38

The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
Hi everyone, I'm opening this topic to discuss about the future of MeeGo OS devices, it's been more than a year when last updates for MeeGo were released... So I'm wondering what to do next (specially if you don't like Sailfish OS)? What should the N9 and N900 users should do about?

I've just noticed that Apple's iOS 7 has some quite identical features to MeeGo, and blackberry aswell... it all looks like MeeGo is not **** like Nokia claimed, and for me this is the best OS I've ever seen...

So, how do you guys see the future of our unlucky MeeGo OS?

Have a nice day! :)

HELLASISGREECE 2013-06-11 14:40

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
1 Attachment(s)
10 chars....

pallokallo 2013-06-11 14:48

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Hambert 2013-06-11 14:51

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
I'll stick to my N9 until it explodes or until 2015, at that time I'll travel to Finland and throw it at Elop's face.

No, seriously, as long as we have good developers in the community we can have any app we could need, once they're gone, well, it's officially dead.

If time joins me I'm planning to become a developer, but first i must learn C++ and so on, so I can develop my own apps and it can go on as long as I want. Anyway I don't think i can do it in time since right know my programming skills are pretty basic.

anzx 2013-06-11 15:07

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
I'm wondering is there any chance to start developing MeeGo on your own?.. I know there is a chance but did anybody try this already?

arcean 2013-06-11 15:14

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1351174)
I'm wondering is there any chance to start developing MeeGo on your own?.. I know there is a chance but did anybody try this already?

In my free time I work on some kind of 'power pack' for Harmattan (actually ~250 fixes IIRC). But then again, it requires open mode or at least inception.
So yes, there's a _small_ chance of community updates for N9...

juiceme 2013-06-11 15:33

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1351174)
I'm wondering is there any chance to start developing MeeGo on your own?.. I know there is a chance but did anybody try this already?

It's spelled "Mer" :D

turbovomit 2013-06-11 16:28

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
You forget to talk about the asha 501, looks like based on meego !

mikecomputing 2013-06-11 16:31

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1351162)
Hi everyone, I'm opening this topic to discuss about the future of MeeGo OS devices, it's been more than a year when last updates for MeeGo were released... So I'm wondering what to do next (specially if you don't like Sailfish OS)? What should the N9 and N900 users should do about?

I've just noticed that Apple's iOS 7 has some quite identical features to MeeGo, and blackberry aswell... it all looks like MeeGo is not **** like Nokia claimed, and for me this is the best OS I've ever seen...

So, how do you guys see the future of our unlucky MeeGo OS?

Have a nice day! :)

N9 future is nemo mobile if more contribute and getting GPS and NFC working..

setter 2013-06-11 16:48

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by turbovomit (Post 1351190)
You forget to talk about the asha 501, looks like based on meego !

It is S40 Fastlane UI

HELLASISGREECE 2013-06-11 18:16

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1351192)
N9 future is nemo mobile if more contribute and getting GPS and NFC working..

and it's starting to ressemble Meego Harmattan as well!

panjgoori 2013-06-11 18:32

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
what are the chances of N9 to get community update just like N900 ? i'm stuck between 808 pureview and N9. if N9 will get community updates then i will buy N9 otherwise 808.

anzx 2013-06-11 18:58

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by arcean (Post 1351176)
In my free time I work on some kind of 'power pack' for Harmattan (actually ~250 fixes IIRC). But then again, it requires open mode or at least inception.
So yes, there's a _small_ chance of community updates for N9...

Hm what about phone's stability in open mode / inception? Is it safe for normal users?

juiceme 2013-06-11 20:21

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1351239)
Hm what about phone's stability in open mode / inception? Is it safe for normal users?


(10 chars)

d@niel 2013-06-11 20:47

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
I hope there are updates ...
or sailfish os port :)

Akkumaru 2013-06-12 05:55

wait wait wait was this 'power pack' released?

xpilz 2013-06-12 10:03

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by Akkumaru (Post 1351347)
wait wait wait was this 'power pack' released?

Sort of.. There is a thread about it.

I installed it but I got this bug, where only your lockscreen with the clock can be shown. Everything else is not displayed. Other problems, as mentioned in the thread, didn't occur.

anzx 2013-06-12 12:52

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
What about porting Android apps to Meego? did anybody try this?

herpderp 2013-06-12 15:46

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1351448)
What about porting Android apps to Meego? did anybody try this?

Android apps are in a special flavor of Java, usually. Porting is to Qt is not at all trivial.

anzx 2013-06-12 20:15

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1351491)
Android apps are in a special flavor of Java, usually. Porting is to Qt is not at all trivial.

Hm, yeah I was thinking of some web apps, maybe Facebook etc...

rmh 2013-06-14 12:27

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by arcean (Post 1351176)
In my free time I work on some kind of 'power pack' for Harmattan (actually ~250 fixes IIRC). But then again, it requires open mode or at least inception.
So yes, there's a _small_ chance of community updates for N9...

Please do update us once it's ready.


anzx 2013-07-15 18:47

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

did anyone notice this? Is this "1000 improvements", new or just old outdated stuff? And this Facebook client looks awesome!

mikecomputing 2013-07-15 18:51

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1359177)

did anyone notice this? Is this "1000 improvements", new or just old outdated stuff? And this Facebook client looks awesome!


mcbook 2013-07-15 18:51

This was pr. 1.3 ....

anzx 2013-07-15 18:55

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
is there a possibility to get this facebook client?

tortoisedoc 2013-07-15 18:59

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by mcbook (Post 1359180)
This was pr. 1.3 ....

Hmmmm... I do not remember my FB client looking like that..and I have been running PR 1.3 for a while now.

anzx 2013-07-15 19:05

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
Mine does not look like that aswell, I think this client in awesome, this stuff is needed on N9 :)

mikecomputing 2013-07-15 19:08

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1359185)
Mine does not look like that aswell, I think this client in awesome, this stuff is needed on N9 :)

It a screenshot client was probadly dropped. The 1000 new imrpovements was definitivly in PR1.3 so there is NOT anything coming. 2013-07-15 19:29

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
Anyway what is the future of meego/harmattan ?
is this the last deb based distro for mobile ?

MartinK 2013-07-15 19:56

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by (Post 1359191)
Anyway what is the future of meego/harmattan ?

I would say that at the moment the future of Harmattan is the OpenRepos project & the Coderus trusted repository.

And if someone succeeds in making Qt5 available, that could also help a bunch. Both due to the performance improvements and also commonality with Sailfish and Ubuntu Touch (and other future Qt5 using platforms/distros).


Originally Posted by (Post 1359191)
is this the last deb based distro for mobile ?

Well, there is still the Debian based QtMoko. :D
Not sure about Ubuntu-Touch, if it uses *.deb packages internally. But for applications they plan to use some cut down format without cross package dependency support, called "click".

minimos 2013-07-15 21:40

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1359177)

did anyone notice this? Is this "1000 improvements", new or just old outdated stuff?

Check the date of the web page (in Firefox with 'view Page info'), you get

Modified: 2012-07-06T14:06:19 EEST

Just a year old news :)

danested 2013-07-15 21:55

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
The FB client was a Photoshop thing...:mad:

Even paid clients don't look that good... but anyways, FB in the default browser is good enough. :)

nokiabot 2013-07-16 02:57

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
what about porting qt moko to n900 n9?

anzx 2013-07-16 07:51

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1359222)
The FB client was a Photoshop thing...:mad:

Even paid clients don't look that good... but anyways, FB in the default browser is good enough. :)

hm photoshop, but the idea for new meego facebook application is good :D

kevincostan 2013-07-20 14:35

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
Well i think this platform still can survive till the next few years like what happened with nokia n900. I, personally havent found any reason to get a new phone. I am a person that dont like to use a common stuff so this phone really suits me. Lack of apps is not really matter since some core apps like whatsapp is available. People that love this platform so much might be going with jolla or using other alternative like ubuntu. I am quite interested with jolla but still waiting it to come out. I really love this phone, found this phone has some uniqueness that others phone hasnt had. I hope jolla can continue the good work of meego

pallokallo 2013-07-20 14:46

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013

Originally Posted by kevincostan (Post 1360400)
Well i think this platform still can survive till the next few years like what happened with nokia n900. I, personally havent found any reason to get a new phone. I am a person that dont like to use a common stuff so this phone really suits me. Lack of apps is not really matter since some core apps like whatsapp is available. People that love this platform so much might be going with jolla or using other alternative like ubuntu. I am quite interested with jolla but still waiting it to come out. I really love this phone, found this phone has some uniqueness that others phone hasnt had. I hope jolla can continue the good work of meego

If spotify, facebook and meego works for eternity I will be using my N9, just excellent phone in size and usability

anzx 2014-02-05 13:02

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
It's 2014 now, I'm still using N9 and can't stop loving it... and so Sailfish is out but it looks like step back from MeeGo to me (as user), it looks more complicated aswell...
So was googling around N9 again, and found this:

It's probably old stuff, but MeeGo project was Nokia-Intel deal right?, so Nokia backed off Harmattan, but what about Intel? Did they throw everything away too and went to Tizen?

WallAR 2014-02-05 19:29

Re: The Future of MeeGo Harmattan - 2013
I've think that N9 Is Doomed. Why? We do not run upstream kernel. IHMO it's the biggest strugle. Without new kernel in few moths we wont be able to run Sailfish OS (Which runs shity on N9- low performance, call issue, I cannot download any single app from store)
My sincere hope is in Nemo mobile but as it's strugle to bring daily os (Wayland migraton and also kernel) GPS probably will not work at all because Nokias properitary protocol.
Nitdroid could be relief, but it's not updated, I don't think that e-yes is working on it anymore. Maybe If we could make a a real Bounty for a proper CM port (no just AOSP- CM bring more power to user)( BTW, android look awesome on n9). There's android phone with the same SoC SL 9003 (samsung). I hope that new Neo900 will provide a working phone - not like OpenMoko did. Nor that I will buy one, I keep my fingers crossed .


Originally Posted by anzx (Post 1411114)
It's probably old stuff, but MeeGo project was Nokia-Intel deal right?, so Nokia backed off Harmattan, but what about Intel? Did they throw everything away too and went to Tizen?

Nokia leaved MeeGo, Intel found new partner (Samsung) And they moved their toys to new playground TIZEN. Which did not deliver anything more that S3 Developer devices(Super hiper secret to public).

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