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proprog 2013-07-31 08:39

[Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
This weekend I added some basic N900 functionality to Andrew de Quincey's LiveView protocol reimplementation. It's currently very much proof of concept but you should be able to:

- browse missed calls (left/right to navigate, right button when at bottom to call back)
- browse unread conversations (left/right to navigate, right to open conversations)
- control media player (native or omp)
- media menu on long press (left/right is prev/next track, down is play/resume)
- see incoming calls (left to decline, right to answer)
- see incoming conversations (right to open conversations)

Apologies for the non-packaging but follow instructions to install and run.

Get the original from

Add the updated available at

Update with your own bluetooth mac (change "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx").

Add images menu_left.png, menu_media.png, menu_music.png, menu_phone.png, menu_right.png and menu_sms.png. I use the ones from the openliveview project available at

Run with "python" (you need python-bluetooth).

Use at own risk. I've used it the last couple of days without too much problems.

HtheB 2013-08-01 02:53

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
Can someone package this and upload it to the repos please?

bharathkumarst 2013-08-01 06:08

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo

Thanks for your efforts.

proprog 2013-08-02 06:44

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
I'm travelling for a few weeks but after that I'll continue to work on it. My next steps are to:

- create a nice project
- modify it to a proper service
- add a configuration file
- add images (maybe get permission to distribute openliveview images)
- add mail support
- add calendar support
- add rss support
- fix bugs (eg where to go after answering incoming calls)
- better use of dbus/apis

Until then feel free to report bugs and suggest other functions in this thread.

Fatalist 2013-08-03 20:27

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
Yes, thanks for your efforts proprog :-) This should be packaged and uploaded to the repos.

Ulle 2013-09-27 14:08

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
Any progress on this work?
Would be nice having this as a daemon or service.

xes 2013-09-30 10:19

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo

Thank you for the nice project!

It would be nice to use this project to extend Maemo notifications using this python script as a communication bridge for any application using some kind of plugin system with png+sub script to manage the info to be displayed in the LiveView.

Ulle 2013-10-12 16:06

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
1 Attachment(s)
Its a bit offtopic, but could be interesting for thread followers:

My Liveview got one of two clips broken in the plastic holder for the wristband (see attached pic).
So that way it is not usable as a watch anymore.

But I found this on youtube:
Which is basically using the other plastic frame with clip (like it had when unboxing), cutting the upper layer of the wristband and slip the clip right in. Nice idea, works pretty well.
It is my second Liveview with the same defected holder. As one has to take LV out of the holder for charging, its just a matter of time until it breaks.

P.S.: Pic was shot with N900 in macro mode. My wifes Nokia PureView 808 can't go that close and get a focus!

xes 2013-10-12 17:45

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
...Finally the "toy" has arrived and i found one hour to play with it.

After some issue, now all is working quite well.
If someone else has issues, i would suggest to pair the Liveview with an Android phone, clean the maemo association and then retry...

I'm using bluez 4.99 and the from the first post.
I have updated the firmware using dfu-util and the firmware bin found here:

Stock firmware has md5:
and running:
strings firmware.bin| grep SWID:

While the one from the webpage of openliveview has md5:
and running:
strings firmware.bin| grep SWID:


Ulle 2013-10-12 18:07

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
I used to play with openliveview (firmware) with my first device. I don't remember exactly what have done with that device (and in what order). But it doesn't seem to matter. It worked quite easily with Firstly I had to pair it with my N900 as a new device in bluetooth settings. Then start , restart Liveview device and then press the right (in sense of not left ;) ) button.
Pairing mode is the rotating arrow, connecting mode is when the dots are wandering (BT icon of N900 should become blue then).
When the clip of plastic holder of my first device broke, I used my second one and it worked that way out of the box. So no firmware tinkering etc.
Did you install python-bluetooth? Don't know what happens if that is missing.

biketool 2013-10-12 18:38

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
I had thought this an interesting gadget especially when skiing or cycling where rain was possible. Is there still the 8 hour battery issue though for the liveview?
I could probably print a pretty burley watch case for the liveview.
I would be great to get output from eCoach or HXMTracker and use it as a bicycle computer, I could also make a printable design for that application.

proprog 2013-10-13 14:30

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
Apologies for the lack of updates.

My n900 has had all kind of problems during and after the summer. Now my spare device is close to up and running and I will soon continue with the liveview project.

Nice to see some interest in this thread.

xes 2013-10-13 22:14

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo

Originally Posted by proprog (Post 1380378)
Apologies for the lack of updates.

My n900 has had all kind of problems during and after the summer. Now my spare device is close to up and running and I will soon continue with the liveview project.

Nice to see some interest in this thread.

It's nice to read that you are planning to work again on that stuff. It could become a really nice extension for our beloved N900.

I hope you would implement a phonebook(just like for android) and take care of the error management of the current script because now any error can stop the communication between phone and device and you have to kill and then restart the LiveViewServer.

Could you imagine if it could manage any maemo notification in a customizable way? :D

Ulle 2013-10-27 14:34

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
Last night we had end of DST for this year here in Germany.
LiveView itself isn't aware of that, but after restarting device and reconnect to it still gets pushed DTS time.
Printing out time.daylight in python still gives 1 today.

I had to change line 302 in from

clientSocket.send(LiveViewMessages.EncodeGetTimeResponse(int(time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - (time.daylight * time.altzone) - time.timezone), is24HourClock))

clientSocket.send(LiveViewMessages.EncodeGetTimeResponse(int(time.mktime(time.localtime()) - time.timezone), is24HourClock))
Then time gets set correctly after restart LiveView device and reconnect to .

@xes: I noticed that one of my LiveView devices has issues with its on/off switch. It doesn't pop out fully after pressing (sometimes). This leads into strange behavior when connecting and pairing (it switches off before finishing paring process).

pakistador 2014-02-12 20:26

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo

I personalize the "liveview" python script and i do not arrive to add icon in the watch. :(

Can you help me??

pakistador 2014-02-13 07:33

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
I found

clientSocket.send(LiveViewMessages.EncodeSetMenuSi ze(5))

clientSocket.send(LiveViewMessages.EncodeSetMenuSi ze(6))

to simple lol

proprog 2014-05-18 18:36

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
I've finally done some changes to liveview for n900:

- added battery status
- fixed bug with play, next and prev hanging the watch
- added media player volume up/down when pressing up/down in both main menu and media view
- changed left button to play/pause in media view and long press to get back to main menu
- fixed bug with watch getting stuck in sms and call menu when opening sms or call on device
- changed the main menu order to make it easier to check calls and sms

I also changed the time according to ulle's suggestion but strangely enough it doesn't work for me. It's one hour wrong and I'm not sure if it's my n900 or something else. I'll look into that.

All in all it should be a bit more stable now.

The update, now with the icons needed, is available at

Otherwise the same instructions as before applies.

xes 2014-05-18 19:37

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo

Originally Posted by proprog (Post 1425844)
I've finally done some changes to liveview for n900:

- added battery status
- fixed bug with play, next and prev hanging the watch
- added media player volume up/down when pressing up/down in both main menu and media view
- changed left button to play/pause in media view and long press to get back to main menu
- fixed bug with watch getting stuck in sms and call menu when opening sms or call on device
- changed the main menu order to make it easier to check calls and sms

I also changed the time according to ulle's suggestion but strangely enough it doesn't work for me. It's one hour wrong and I'm not sure if it's my n900 or something else. I'll look into that.

All in all it should be a bit more stable now.

The update, now with the icons needed, is available at

Otherwise the same instructions as before applies.

Hi and thank you very much for your update!
A few days ago, while searching for a way to add new functions, i found somoeone else that starting from your work added a few things:

Could you look at it to check if there is something interesting?

Ulle 2014-05-18 21:05

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
Hi proprog, thats good news, thanks for your update!

Back in March, when we had this year spring clock changing, I already realized that my line of code was not working correctly.
This one is better:

clientSocket.send(LiveViewMessages.EncodeGetTimeResponse(int(time.mktime(time.localtime()) - (time.altzone * time.localtime().tm_isdst) ), is24HourClock))

HtheB 2014-05-18 22:08

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
can you please upload it to the extras repositories?

proprog 2014-05-20 19:55

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
I've updated the time calculation to use ulle's code and it's available at

I still plan to fix bugs, update liveview for n900 to a service and package it properly but I can't promise any dates (kind of obvious by now).

pakistador 2014-11-08 17:41

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
1 Attachment(s)
Hello all,

Thanx proprog for update your Announce. (I been happy to see your response)

I use your application for some time. And i have added many options.

I make avaiable for you my "liveview" with your recent options added. Except for your battery level. (present, but no activated)

My code is not as good as you. (I am not developper).

For information, the list of modifications :

1- desktop icon
2- readme EN and FR (I'm French)
3- auto reconnexion script.
4- signal level
5- read a txt note
6- activation of FM transmitter.
7- reboot python script
8- activation mode silent + sound 10% / mode general + sound 90%
9- Espeak voice (for find your phone :P and know if the connexion is lost)

!! Important !!
My script do a loop. (I have a powerfull battery.) If your battery is discharged quickly. Change the value of "sleep" to end of the file ""

Installation :

1- download the attached file.
2- untar the file into your pc or into the N900 (in "MyDocs" directory)
3- and read the readme. :P

pakistador 2014-11-09 11:02

Re: [Announce] LiveView support for Maemo
Hello all,

Thanx proprog for update your Announce. (I been happy to see your response)

I use your application for some time. And i have added many options.

I make avaiable for you my "liveview" with your recent options added. Except for your battery level. (present, but no activated)

My code is not as good as you. (I am not developper).

For information, the list of modifications :

1- desktop icon
2- readme EN and FR (I'm French)
3- auto reconnexion script.
4- signal level
5- read a txt note
6- activation of FM transmitter.
7- reboot python script
8- activation mode silent + sound 10% / mode general + sound 90%
9- Espeak voice (for find your phone :P and know if the connexion is lost)

!! Important !!
My script do a loop. (I have a powerfull battery.) If your battery is discharged quickly. Change the value of "sleep" to end of the file ""

Installation :

1- download the attached file. ( )
2- untar the file into your pc or into the N900 (in "MyDocs" directory)
3- and read the readme. :P

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