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TheoX 2013-08-11 14:50

[Announce]N900 New transition pack.
3 Attachment(s)
More fluid transitions with better design, only for N900 Devices.

  • More fluid mentru entrance end exit
  • Faster application switch
  • Faster application launch
  • Faster application close
  • Better animations
  • Quality image blurring
  • Faster and better screen rotation
  • Faster screen rotation animation (ICS Like)
  • CPU and RAM improvement

  • V1.0 Stable - Final version

Installation method:
  1. Get WinSCP ( and documentation (
  2. A home network with Wi-Fi module
  3. Go to /usr/share/hildon-desktop/
  4. Backup original transitions.ini file
  5. Replace original transitions file
  6. Go to X-Terminal and type killall hildon-desktop or just reboot

Nexus Shadow Technologies Inc. 2011-2013, Compatible only with N900 Devices. Not responsable for any system damage!


Attachment 32999

Attachment 33000

Attachment 33001


crail 2013-08-11 14:57

Re: N900 New transition pack.
does this work with cssu? also can you upload a video of the transitions please?

TheoX 2013-08-11 15:01

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366409)
does this work with cssu? also can you upload a video of the transitions please?

Unfortunately I didn't test the transitions with the CSSU but it should work fine. I can't post a video right now.

You can test it without any possible danger of damage, just back-up the original file before overwrite. If something goes wrong just revert to the original file and there should be no problems.

elros34 2013-08-11 16:13

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366409)
does this work with cssu?

It works after copy it to /etc/hildon/theme.
PurpleXS8, nice work. I remember that zoom on press caused unexpected reboots on my n900 long time ago but time will tell. Where did you get this icons?

crail 2013-08-11 16:15

Re: N900 New transition pack.
i did it with filebox and now its messed everything up. i knew i shouldnt of tested this.

cant get access to root in filebox anymore, its even messed that up.

can anyone give me commands to fix this with terminal?

i renamed my original transitions.ini to transitions.ini(original) and its in the hildon-desktop folder.

please help :(

elros34 2013-08-11 16:44

Re: N900 New transition pack.
sudo gainroot
cd /usr/share/hildon-desktop
cp transitions.ini\(original\) transitions.ini

TheoX 2013-08-11 16:50

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366425)
i did it with filebox and now its messed everything up. i knew i shouldnt of tested this.

cant get access to root in filebox anymore, its even messed that up.

can anyone give me commands to fix this with terminal?

i renamed my original transitions.ini to transitions.ini(original) and its in the hildon-desktop folder.

please help :(

Please calm down. How is the device acting right now?

You shouldn't have renamed the file this way, that folder, you should've saved that file locally on the device in MyDocs or on your computer.

Using terminal you should now delete that file using the command:


sudo gainroot
rm /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini(original)
killall hildon-desktop

Now reboot your device.

crail 2013-08-11 16:52

Re: N900 New transition pack.
are you sure thats not a typo? the transitions.ini\(original\) bit? and what exactly will this do, i need to delete transitions.ini and rename my oringinal back.

just making sure.

TheoX 2013-08-11 16:54

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1366423)
It works after copy it to /etc/hildon/theme.
PurpleXS8, nice work. I remember that zoom on press caused unexpected reboots on my n900 long time ago but time will tell. Where did you get this icons?

Thank you. I extensively tested this initialization file before posting it. I was using it without any problems.

The icons were from an theme downloaded over the repo. I don't remember what theme was that and I can't find out because the device used to test is now in a very bad shape (ony the screen and the motherboard is left out of it).

TheoX 2013-08-11 16:55

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366433)
are you sure thats not a typo? the transitions.ini\(original\) bit? and what exactly will this do, i need to delete transitions.ini and rename my oringinal back.

just making sure.

This part of code is going to work as well. It will simply overwrite the original file via renaming. Only one file will be left, and that's how it should work. If you get errors, please try my recommended command list.

crail 2013-08-11 16:57

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366432)
Please calm down. How is the device acting right now?

You shouldn't have renamed the file this way, that folder, you should've saved that file locally on the device in MyDocs or on your computer.

Using terminal you should now delete that file using the command:


sudo gainroot
rm /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini(original)
killall hildon-desktop

Now reboot your device.

wont that remove my original transition.ini i renamed to transitions.ini(original) though?

i need to delete transition.ini and rename to transitions.ini

sorry if im being dumb.

TheoX 2013-08-11 17:06

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366437)
wont that remove my original transition.ini i renamed to transitions.ini(original) though?

i need to delete transition.ini and rename to transitions.ini

sorry if im being dumb.

Yes, that's exactly what that command does.

Here is what you should try.


sudo gainroot
cd /usr/share/hildon-desktop/
mv transitions.ini(original)  /home/user/MyDocs
killall hildon-desktop

At this point your folder contains only the custom transitions file and with the kill command you can check if it works.

Now, if it's not working try this


sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/MyDocs
mv transitions.ini(original) transitions.ini
mv transitions.ini /usr/share/hildon-desktop/

The "MV" command in linux can move a file from a folder to another, but also renames the file in the same folder my overwriting.

crail 2013-08-11 17:15

Re: N900 New transition pack.
right, the transitions have gone back to normal but im still left with all the problems.

constant flashing notification ! that doesnt go even if i select ignore.

high cpu usage of hildon-thumbnail

photos not loading in gallery

thumbnails of contacts have gone

filebox is still missing icons within the app

TheoX 2013-08-11 17:21

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366442)
right, the transitions have gone back to normal but im still left with all the problems.

constant flashing notification ! that doesnt go even if i select ignore.

high cpu usage of hildon-thumbnail

photos not loading in gallery

thumbnails of contacts have gone

filebox is still missing icons within the app

I don't think that can be caused by this file. This file is not related to those. You maybe affected some other important files while installing this mod.

Please, can you post some screenshot for further assistance?

crail 2013-08-11 17:42

Re: N900 New transition pack.
3 Attachment(s)
see filebox has no icons. also my photos arent refreshing. theyre just black.

TheoX 2013-08-11 17:47

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366450)
see filebox has no icons. also my photos arent refreshing. theyre just black.

Awww damn... The "(" in your file name is causing the command line to give an syntax error. Sorry.

Type the filename as this


This is a big problem I mostly encounter in PHP too, but I was too stupid not to observe it.

@elros34 was right.

crail 2013-08-11 18:12

Re: N900 New transition pack.
right now how do i get my thumbnails back? in my gallery my photos are all black and not loading even if i wait. theyre even broken in bookmarks, and hildon-thumbnail is going mental in the background. how do i restart it?

TheoX 2013-08-11 18:33

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366457)
right now how do i get my thumbnails back? in my gallery my photos are all black and not loading even if i wait. theyre even broken in bookmarks, and hildon-thumbnail is going mental in the background. how do i restart it?

I am going to do some reasearch on it, and I am going to try to fix this problem for you. I don't have an answer by now.

TheoX 2013-08-12 06:31

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366457)
right now how do i get my thumbnails back? in my gallery my photos are all black and not loading even if i wait. theyre even broken in bookmarks, and hildon-thumbnail is going mental in the background. how do i restart it?

Okay, here, I did some research on this and this is my solution for your problem.

Start off by deleting all the thumbnails generated until now (maybe data corruption). You can find those files in this folder: /home/user/.thumbnails/fail/hildon-thumbnail/

After doing this please run the following command to regenerate all media information: tracker-processes -r

After doing that, please visit the folder: /home/user/.thumbnails/cropped/ and delete all the contents there.

Run the tracker-processes -r again and reboot.

This is the first solution. If this fails you:

Open X Terminal:

1. Type "cd .thumbnails/fail/" (without quotation)
2. Type "rm -rf hildon-thumbnail" (without quotation)
3. Reboot your n900

Run the tracker-processes -r again and reboot.

Please update me on your status after trying this.

DfLo1913 2013-08-12 15:33

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
Any chance of a deb file?

crail 2013-08-12 15:45

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366575)
Okay, here, I did some research on this and this is my solution for your problem.

Start off by deleting all the thumbnails generated until now (maybe data corruption). You can find those files in this folder: /home/user/.thumbnails/fail/hildon-thumbnail/

After doing this please run the following command to regenerate all media information: tracker-processes -r

After doing that, please visit the folder: /home/user/.thumbnails/cropped/ and delete all the contents there.

Run the tracker-processes -r again and reboot.

This is the first solution. If this fails you:

Open X Terminal:

1. Type "cd .thumbnails/fail/" (without quotation)
2. Type "rm -rf hildon-thumbnail" (without quotation)
3. Reboot your n900

Run the tracker-processes -r again and reboot.

Please update me on your status after trying this.

thanks but the corruption went way deeper than that. i was getting errors all over the place. had to flash in the end.

TheoX 2013-08-12 18:00

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366722)
thanks but the corruption went way deeper than that. i was getting errors all over the place. had to flash in the end.

I am really sorry I couldn't came up with that solution earlier. Maybe we could've have prevented this disaster.

  • Please, next time, follow the exact steps provided and tested by OP.
  • If you are unsure about the effects of the software/mod wait for other users to report
  • Before installing ask several questions, if those questions can't be answered it means that it was not tested, yet it's not sure to install on your device.

I want to say I am sorry again.

AMD 2013-08-18 20:16

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
Also, again:

Hey guys, here's a message from Theodor; he says that as long as he is banned and isn't available, you guys can't access any of the resources there.

Though, he will find a solution to externalize the projects and make a website for them, but he is currently experiencing some odd problems with the server and the projects will be up again soon.

He is not okay with the fact that his projects are inaccessible since he's not a member in the forum, however, I repeat, he will solve it.

The address where he will post his projects WILL be:

Thank you.

hamza2_hamza 2013-08-23 03:07

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
unlock file code please to download :)

Pysyren 2013-09-08 09:46

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
password file

ffha 2013-09-17 11:56

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
1 Attachment(s)
I started browsing through TheoX' posts to try and understand why he got banned. Probably for abusing the report function and for violating copyright with his Beats thing (ported from WP8? Yeah right)...

Either way, modifying transitions.ini is a trivial thing and people have been doing that for ages.
If you want to modify your own transitions.ini in a nice GUI, I advice you people to use "transitioncontrol" (which is probably what TheoX used to modify his transitions.ini).
You can speed up the animation of the transitions (which is great. Mine are set to take half as long as the default transitions) and you can do things like get a 2-wide task switcher with bigger application thumbnails.

"CPU and RAM improvement"

thedead1440 2013-09-17 12:45

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.

He got banned for his abusive posts (both trolling and personal attacks) and creating multiple accounts even after being informed not to do so while being temporarily banned. He was warned multiple times that a perm ban could happen to him if he didn't stop but he wanted to game the system.

Re his "contributions", most of it was just simple things garnished to look like he had done a huge contribution... I would advice people against using his stuff blindly and to check it all out before applying it..

Sourav.dubey 2013-09-17 15:06

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
where to find "transitioncontrol" or how to open it
I installed it and it isn't on menu list neither on settings

ffha 2013-09-17 17:10

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by Sourav.dubey (Post 1374816)
where to find "transitioncontrol" or how to open it
I installed it and it isn't on menu list neither on settings

It appears as a seperate application in your application menu as "Transition Control". It's not integrated into the Settings menu.
You can also open it using the terminal (just open xterm and type "transitioncontrol").

white_ranger 2013-10-02 13:14

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
I really like your theme. Can you tell me the name of that theme, what fonts you are using and how did you get your calendar widget to be like that...? Thanks... ;)

panjgoori 2016-11-26 07:13

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.
Anyone have those transitions rar file ? Link is dead and badly need a transition with blurred backgrounds when in application menu and in multi tasking view.

edit: Never mind found them.

Ridd92 2016-11-26 10:15

Re: [Announce]N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1519412)
edit: Never mind found them.

Can you share?

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