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byteninja2 2013-09-12 02:59

Mer Forums
I am willing to buy, host, and manage a domain running forum software, with the topic being Mer/Nemo. The Mer project DESPERATLY needs forums, and I will do it. I am posting this thread to gauge interest. I will need help admining and managing the forums (nothing major, no pay) with somebody who has a lot of experience with Mer. I like Mer and everything, but don't know much about it TBH. The forums are NOT supposed to be a competitor to TMO, in fact I will link to TMO on the forums. I just want this to be about Mer/Nemo/(maybe sailfish)/cordia, etc. And TMO will be about devices, maemo, and Harmattan. So, are you guys interested?

ranbaxy 2013-09-12 06:27

Re: Mer Forums

nodevel 2013-09-12 09:03

Re: Mer Forums
I'd be for this kind of separate forums only if there was some kind of aggregator showing new topics from both TMO and Mer forums (I don't think I would visit two separate sites for similar topics every day).
I appreciate the effort, though, thanks!

bingomion 2013-09-12 12:10

Re: Mer Forums
LOL...let someone from jolla support them.. it's the least they can do right?

You have to ask why Mer/nemo doesn't have a forum.. i'm guessing they're all IRC freaks lol

Ask someone on Mer/nemo

I would check it our now and then.. I've never used it.

byteninja2 2013-09-12 15:05

Re: Mer Forums
Okay guys, thanks. It should be the least Jolla could do, but hell, they can't even release their damn OS they used on their N950 for us. Sure, I will put in a aggregator, but I can't guarantee TMO will.

AMD 2013-09-12 16:25

Re: Mer Forums
Cab we have an option "Yes, and I will troll often"?

byteninja2 2013-09-12 16:46

Re: Mer Forums


mikecomputing 2013-09-12 20:52

Re: Mer Forums

Originally Posted by byteninja2 (Post 1373774)
I am willing to buy, host, and manage a domain running forum software, with the topic being Mer/Nemo. The Mer project DESPERATLY needs forums, and I will do it. I am posting this thread to gauge interest. I will need help admining and managing the forums (nothing major, no pay) with somebody who has a lot of experience with Mer. I like Mer and everything, but don't know much about it TBH. The forums are NOT supposed to be a competitor to TMO, in fact I will link to TMO on the forums. I just want this to be about Mer/Nemo/(maybe sailfish)/cordia, etc. And TMO will be about devices, maemo, and Harmattan. So, are you guys interested?

This has been discussed before and I actually did setup a alpha forum. But people here dished it and said better continue use subforum at TMO. Actually they has some valid points.

I personally dont like this forum because of all damn trolling but also because site is not mobile friendly but atm., it seems be best alternative. As Jalyst said in another thread: its not only about the forum itself.

I Personally think it would be nice to have some generic "moderated" wiki too etc... atm. the wiki at mer project is crosslinked to dead meego wiki and has some outdated info and also confusing info about platfromSDK, OBS and so on. Some kind of "where to start" would be nice...

mikecomputing 2013-09-12 20:57

Re: Mer Forums

Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1373882)
Cab we have an option "Yes, and I will troll often"?

Actually a new forum should have no trolls. If we start a new forum it should be a forum about developing, problems, solving of problems and innovation. Trolls and stupid post should be removed ASAP.

Dave999 2013-09-12 21:08

Re: Mer Forums
My question is this: Why do you need a new forum to discuss MER? If you can't discuss it here a new forum won't help you...

byteninja2 2013-09-12 21:23

Re: Mer Forums

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1373948)
My question is this: Why do you need a new forum to discuss MER? If you can't discuss it here a new forum won't help you...

I can discuss it here, but there is intrest in a forum for Mer, and one sub forum isnt enough at all.

Dave999 2013-09-12 21:36

Re: Mer Forums
What can you do in a forum that you can't do in a subforum?

byteninja2 2013-09-12 22:02

Re: Mer Forums
Your right. Let's just make a Tech forum for everything and put Maemo in a sub forum and transfer every single post from all the categories on TMO to it. What can we do in a forum we can't do in a sub-forum? It's a stupid question. No offense, really, but it's true.

byteninja2 2013-09-13 01:37

Re: Mer Forums
Can you n900 and N9 owners go to and see how it loads?

byteninja2 2013-09-14 01:20

Re: Mer Forums
Does anybody mind doing that?

AMD 2013-09-14 06:47

Re: Mer Forums

Originally Posted by byteninja2 (Post 1374122)
Does anybody mind doing that?

Sure, give me an N9 and I'll do it :rolleyes:

byteninja2 2013-09-14 07:03

Re: Mer Forums
Well I tried on my N9 and it works, mainly I need a N900. And no N9 for you :P

AMD 2013-09-14 07:12

Re: Mer Forums

Originally Posted by byteninja2 (Post 1374147)
Well I tried on my N9 and it works, mainly I need a N900. And no N9 for you :P

I crie errytime :(

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