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aironeous 2013-10-31 19:44

Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
A wealthy investor says Nokia is being bought for cheap and is undervalued. He wants to outbid Microsoft to take back Nokia and make Android, Linux and windows phones.

It's called Nokita. Nokita is the Finnish word used in poker to raise a bet.

Here is the Video

Seems this is the website

Daneel 2013-10-31 22:41

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
What the hell, is this for real?

Leinad 2013-10-31 23:00

this only makes sense, if he wants to become a millionaire. given, he was a billionaire before....

Lumiaman 2013-11-01 00:23

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Scam that excites fanboys.

m4r0v3r 2013-11-01 01:19

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
for once I agree with Lumiaman :O

aironeous 2013-11-01 03:30

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Google Nokita for the pdf. It says something about not distributing in it so I did not post the link.

aironeous 2013-11-02 01:48

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Here are some snap shots of the key assumptions.

I see some other websites posting snap shots of the pdf so I guess I'll go ahead and do the same.

gerbick 2013-11-02 02:06

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
So a bunch of millionaires want to buy Nokia. Yet, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer are billionaires.

Seems legit.

tissot 2013-11-02 02:26

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Good luck with that. This is especially being geared towards that Finnish 30% that own Nokia.
That 30% has a lot of people who bought Nokia when it was below 2 and 3 euros a share. Finnish households especially have been buying Nokia these couple of years. Now those people are sitting at shares that have gone up 85% just this year. Nokia's target prices have been upgraded above 6 euros, now sitting at 5.720 euros.

I'm sure these shareholders would be thrilled for another years long transition phase that is to bring this "linux strategy" for Nokia. They are looking to offer slightly more than MS and offer 2 billion euro funding for that transition.

aironeous 2013-11-02 03:05

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
You guys are depressing. I want to see Elop and Microhard cheated of their scam "send in a trojan horse and appeal to the Nokia board 1%ers" reward and it would be especially satisfying to see Finland get their company back from Microhard.

Sazpaimon 2013-11-02 03:17

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by aironeous (Post 1383860)
You guys are depressing.

Welcome to the real world, bro.

Kangal 2013-11-02 04:25

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
That ship has sailed. Abandoned. Burnt out.

Seriously just look at the innovative PlayBook and Z10, Blackberry's bankrupt now.

Look at Palm. Look at HP. Look at Dell. Look at Motorola.

Everyone's a loser in this game except for:
Apple, best profits
Samsung, best market share
LG, can keep upfloat.

SONY is slowly moving away from the mobile and entertainment segment.
HTC is making losses. Motorolas made constant losses. Nokia's been screwed for a while.

The wildcard here is Lenovo, which is actually quite successful.

The industries never been the same after the iPhone 3GS, we've had the same thing for over 3 years now and many oems have tried in that time.

aironeous 2013-11-02 05:24

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
^So you are predicting the failure of Jolla?

Kangal 2013-11-02 13:01

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
If I were to predict Jolla it would be this:

- a device with mediocre specs
- lots of missing features
- unusual bugs
- lackluster sales

- takes a long time for bugs to get ironed out officially
- takes a long time for features that should've been there from day 1 to arrive
- some development occurs, not as great as initially expected
- device runs into some roadblocks, where n900 blazes through
- in 12 months time, the device is at its prime

- time for the device to get upgraded
- much much less demand than before
- people demand high-end specs, nothing lukewarm
- Jolla considers it, runs some numbers
- they realize its economically not viable

- another 3 months passes without a word
- the annual hype dies out
- Jolla becomes a forgotten device, not too different than N9
- some units go on sale for bargain price

- people join the boards again, dreaming about the proper n900 successor
- lots of other topics get discussed
- Android hits version 5.0 becomes more and more mature and advanced
- people keep dreaming on
- something else comes to peak our interest
- rinse and repeat

(Seems like the best way forward is to jump ship to the Android platform, and instead of whinge and whine, devs actually try to run Android on a Linux kernel and port some of the frameworks from the desktop to the mobile os... perhaps forming a fork like CyanogenMod)

Artyom 2013-11-02 13:59


mikecomputing 2013-11-02 14:03

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by aironeous (Post 1383638)
A wealthy investor says Nokia is being bought for cheap and is undervalued. He wants to outbid Microsoft to take back Nokia and make Android, Linux and windows phones.

It's called Nokita. Nokita is the Finnish word used in poker to raise a bet.

Here is the Video

Seems this is the website

Big ROTFL people should get over it. If those *****s had been active before 2011 but now seriously WTF!??


Originally Posted by aironeous (Post 1383860)
You guys are depressing. I want to see Elop and Microhard cheated of their scam "send in a trojan horse and appeal to the Nokia board 1%ers" reward and it would be especially satisfying to see Finland get their company back from Microhard.

What you want is irrelevant, in the end its all about business. Get over it Nokia will not go back to mobile phone bussiness.


Originally Posted by aironeous (Post 1383867)
^So you are predicting the failure of Jolla?

My guess is:

Jolla will only release one phone. And that is to show othert big manufactors that there is an ready alternative to Android.

Then they may success if they get LG or HTC or other big company licensing they'r OS. Or else they are doomed.

mikecomputing 2013-11-02 14:11

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1383865)
That ship has sailed. Abandoned. Burnt out.

Seriously just look at the innovative PlayBook and Z10, Blackberry's bankrupt now.

Look at Palm. Look at HP. Look at Dell. Look at Motorola.

Everyone's a loser in this game except for:
Apple, best profits
Samsung, best market share
LG, can keep upfloat.

SONY is slowly moving away from the mobile and entertainment segment.
HTC is making losses. Motorolas made constant losses. Nokia's been screwed for a while.

The wildcard here is Lenovo, which is actually quite successful.

The industries never been the same after the iPhone 3GS, we've had the same thing for over 3 years now and many oems have tried in that time.

mmm and you think samsung, Apple, Google and LG will go forever upward? Seriously no damn way!

Do I have to remind you the history of other big companys that now is not that big anymore?

Lumiaman 2013-11-02 14:19

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1383931)
If I were to predict Jolla it would be this:

- a device with mediocre specs
- lots of missing features
- unusual bugs
- lackluster sales

- takes a long time for bugs to get ironed out officially
- takes a long time for features that should've been there from day 1 to arrive
- some development occurs, not as great as initially expected
- device runs into some roadblocks, where n900 blazes through
- in 12 months time, the device is at its prime

- time for the device to get upgraded
- much much less demand than before
- people demand high-end specs, nothing lukewarm
- Jolla considers it, runs some numbers
- they realize its economically not viable

- another 3 months passes without a word
- the annual hype dies out
- Jolla becomes a forgotten device, not too different than N9
- some units go on sale for bargain price

- people join the boards again, dreaming about the proper n900 successor
- lots of other topics get discussed
- Android hits version 5.0 becomes more and more mature and advanced
- people keep dreaming on
- something else comes to peak our interest
- rinse and repeat

(Seems like the best way forward is to jump ship to the Android platform, and instead of whinge and whine, devs actually try to run Android on a Linux kernel and port some of the frameworks from the desktop to the mobile os... perhaps forming a fork like CyanogenMod)

Your prediction is probably how it will play out. 80 people company has no chance in today's market to bring a sophisticated device. Theirs is also not that much differentiated from the run of the mill device that is on the market today. Actually it will likely has many substandard performances that regular user will simply not tolerate. Many of their ideas are already incorporated in other OSs, will not get you breakthru. From what I have seen, the people who will buy the Jolla device are pre-Elop Nokia nostalgics. Jolla will perish quickly.

Lumiaman 2013-11-02 14:22

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1383944)
mmm and you think samsung, Apple, Google and LG will go forever upward? Seriously no damn way!

Do I have to remind you the history of other big companys that now is not that big anymore?

They will go forward until a new breakthru comes from a competitor that will sink others. Currently there are no such breakthroughs on the horizon. And 80 people Jolla company has not shown us any evidence of a breakthru device.

aironeous 2013-11-02 15:37

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

zlatokosi 2013-11-02 16:57

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Too little, too late... but still...


tortoisedoc 2013-11-02 18:48

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
To me, Jolla is the example of what should had been if N9 would have been supported properly (and not relegated in some basement corner of Nokia's marketing strategy).

Therefore, time will tell. Lumiaman and others should rememer the saying "Those who dig someone else's grave should pay attention not to fall in it themselves" (pardon my crappy english).

Kangal 2013-11-03 01:55

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1383944)
mmm and you think samsung, Apple, Google and LG will go forever upward? Seriously no damn way!

Do I have to remind you the history of other big companys that now is not that big anymore?

It took Apple's Multi-Billion Dollar marketing.
Plus a Multi-Billion Dollar investment (stores, R&D, IP, etc etc).
Plus several years in the making.
Plus a fresh, innovative start that was unlike anything in the market.
... .... it took all of that for Apple to become #2 and to topple off two major players, and sink down three medium players.

All I'm saying is that Apple and Google will go forever upwards, until they no longer can and a new innovative player enters the field.

Remember the PC market?
It used to be 99% Microsoft, 1% Mac, 0% Other (with a 1% margin of error)... and after decades (aka forever upwards) what do we have?
Mac on 4%, Linux on 2%, Other on 5%... and Windows covering everything else (~90%).

gerbick 2013-11-03 05:29

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Everything that was ever on top, will eventually fall. Nokia (fell), Microsoft (falling), Atari (fell hard), Nintendo (slowly falling), Dell (fell - that rhymed)... so no surprises in when people reminisce over the former PC market shares.

So.. not sure what the point is in that. Rome fell, the Greeks fell, the Egyptians fell... empires rise and fall. Brands rise and fall. Not one thing is new in that cycle.

Nokita - too little, way too late. Want to disrupt things, don't go backwards, find a new way to do business and bring something new to the table. Not a damaged brand that once meant something to you a decade ago and today is not as worthy as it once was. Time to let this all go.

It'll mean nothing in 50 years. Remember Pan-Am? Remember Cray? Remember SGI? All gone or worthless now.

Kangal 2013-11-03 06:14

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Yeah, if Nokita really wants to disrupt the market they should get on board with Jolla. And also hire me, together we can bring a decent iOS/Android alternative one that caters to neckbeards .

gerbick 2013-11-03 06:27

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1384027)
Yeah, if Nokita really wants to disrupt the market they should get on board with Jolla. And also hire me, together we can bring a decent iOS/Android alternative one that caters to neckbeards .

Which part of "to be disruptive, don't go backwards" did you not understand? Jolla was created in 2011. It's nearly 2014 and no product yet.

I'm not knocking their intentions - they have some very forward thinking people employed and perhaps could create a mid-level disruption that makes people think otherwise. But Nokita would drag them down. Nokita needs to do their own damn thing. And do it on their own damn time. And stop thinking about what has passed. It's gone. You can't have tomorrow back.

And you can't disrupt anything if you're still using today's user consumption or yesterday's users loyalties - those change.

Since I'm being full-on honest here; you'd be a bad hire (nothing personal meant, I'd be much worse). Your predictions are all over the place, none have been persuasive to me, a very skeptical consumer. And neckbeards don't exactly make a good consumer market outside of development and new programming languages that become more and more esoteric per dev cycle. Case in point, anything Maemo. Not a blockbuster amount of sales. Nothing of the iPhone or Galaxy series type of sales.

Maemo products are all but dead. Few people clinging on to past glory but it'll all be surpassed by newer technology, needs and/or user whims and wishes.

And before Lumiaman chimes in, Microsoft ain't winning anything either. Growth due to budget devices is exactly what Nokia was doing and still not growing as fast as the market grew. It'll stall. Just watch, their growth will stall or fail in other key markets just like Nokia's did.

Kangal 2013-11-03 06:49

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Which part?

The part where Jolla isn't really trying to be Yesteryear's Nokia.
Where they are trying to build their own OS, device and ecosystem... not Nokia's.

The part where I'm going with this is that if Nokita is going to join the mobile market space, they shouldn't go with Windows Phone or Android. Blackberry, WebOS is out of the question (pretty much). FirefoxOS isn't really the best choice.

So what's the alternative?
A new ecosystem. The best way to go forward is to make a fork off Android, or make a fork off desktop linux.

gerbick 2013-11-03 07:08

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Allow me to clarify. Nokita is stuck in Nokia's heyday when they actually tried and did new things. Those days, dead.

Nokita would drag down Jolla who is trying new things; despite them being based somewhat on MeeGo as a codebase. But that's actually a good decision since it's very optimized and efficient.

Nokita needs to do something new. They're the ones trying to relive Nokia's "glory days". They want those days, then resurrect Symbian and be done with it. They're talking about going back to Nokia heyday and using Android. Stupid, plain stupid.

What options exist? Again, be disruptive and do something new and different. Even your options are too old hat to be disruptive. WebOS - failed. BB10 - failing. Windows Phone - failing. Do something new to be disruptive.

That's it. Nothing else. Clear and simple. Nokita is not being anything new or disruptive at all.

Kangal 2013-11-03 10:52

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
That's the point I'm making, go back and read my post.
I'm not saying Nokita is trying to be disruptive, or that they have a good direction.

But if they do have power and money enough to bid for Nokia, then at the minimum they could help fund Jolla. A dozen new developers can help target bugs, a dozen more to implement features that should be there from day one, reputable entrepreneurs for parts/tax/business etc etc.

That's just a little that can be done.
They could outright buy Jolla, and develop the new ecosystem. That would be disruptive, as long as it's an ambitious attempt.

gerbick 2013-11-03 11:22

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Erm, you said "get on board with Jolla". In plain English that is inclusive and not different. State it clearly next time.

Kangal 2013-11-03 13:50

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
I said get on board with Jolla. I also said Jolla's trying to pave a new way for themselves, cutting themselves away from legacy Nokia features.

Hence, I'll summarize in bullet points:
- Jolla wants to be disruptive, knows its too small to be able to
- Nokita wants the "old ways" back
- If Nokita is really that big/powerful, backing Jolla would be disruptive
- We're not sure if Nokita wants to be disruptive, or if they just want the good olde days
- If Nokita is successful in buying Nokia, then Nokia will become a late runner to the me-too camp and they'll fail (unless crazy marketing and mindshare)
- Thus, Nokita would fail and it wouldn't affect the market one way or another

Its big business. I hope I was clear enough.

Lumiaman 2013-11-03 15:22

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
They should put money behind real innovation. Jolla doesn't have it. Not sure who has it at this point.

switch-hitter 2013-11-03 19:34

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1383943)
Jolla will only release one phone. And that is to show othert big manufactors that there is an ready alternative to Android.

Then they may success if they get LG or HTC or other big company licensing they'r OS. Or else they are doomed.

Jolla only have 80 employees, they don't have to achieve huge volumes to be a viable profitable company. How do you define 'success'?

A partnership with LG could be a fast track to the big league though. If the G2 had Sailfish on it I'd be at Carphone Warehouse tomorrow morning.

As for outbidding Microsoft for NOKIA... Why? What a mess you'd be getting yourself into now. Elop has destroyed the smart devices division and doomed the mobile phone division too. Who'd want to buy that wreckage?

I'd rather see what's left of NOKIA joining forces with BlackBerry, then you'd have a top notch OS, high calibre enterprise services, best of breed mapping/navigation, PureView imaging technology and a potent patent portfolio to boot.

gerbick 2013-11-03 22:34

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1384100)
They should put money behind real innovation. Jolla doesn't have it. Not sure who has it at this point.

For once, we agree. Not sure who's being innovative at the moment. Guess we just have to be patient and see who'll be that group/company.

Lumiaman 2013-11-04 05:02

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
Awwwwwww....we agree!!!

gerbick 2013-11-04 05:06

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1384214)
Awwwwwww....we agree!!!

Thanks for the genuine laugh tonight. LOL

juiceme 2013-11-04 05:46

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video
I do not know it it works this way, but I'd be happy to see MS up their offer on NMP if they feel that somebody else is coming out to bid for it.
It's already pretty much ruined so it does not matter in the end who gets the pieces it but I'd really like to see MS milked for the full value :D

gerbick 2013-11-04 06:42

Re: Millionaire crowdfunding effort to outbid MS for Nokia, make Linux, Android and Windows devices - video

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1384219)
I do not know it it works this way, but I'd be happy to see MS up their offer on NMP if they feel that somebody else is coming out to bid for it.
It's already pretty much ruined so it does not matter in the end who gets the pieces it but I'd really like to see MS milked for the full value :D

A bid from Microsoft is a lot like licking the sandwich and giving everybody that knowing look that it's yours. Nobody wants Nokia now that Microsoft wants it.

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