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coderus 2013-11-09 13:14

Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Posting in forum to let you know.
Killed laptop LCD and cant continue any development by oblivious reason.

praveenchand 2013-11-09 13:24

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
oh! no....a big loss for community then...hope you sort out this very soon....i expect support from wishes..

coderus 2013-11-09 13:34

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
i cant get new lcd soon, sorry

AMD 2013-11-09 19:39

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Sh*t! We can't get a replacement of you as well :( Well, sorry for that.
Good luck!

gerbick 2013-11-09 20:13

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Man, that's a tragedy. Can't you use your existing laptop + DVI connector + monitor to continue doing your coding though?

szymeczek34 2013-11-09 22:23

Oh, come on, we need to donate Coderus so that he can continue what he does best.

colin.stephane 2013-11-09 23:39

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
What type of lcd screen you breaked ?


nokiabot 2013-11-10 06:15

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
fundraiser roof on fire !!!!!! Come one guys

endsormeans 2013-11-10 07:03

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Sorry I couldn't afford more at the moment... but I threw 5.00 your way...if everyone does the same tho you should be able to get a replacement in no time :)

pichlo 2013-11-10 09:07

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
I don't know about Russia but here in the UK we have charity shops where you can buy old crap slightly outdated tech for next to nothing. Like a 17" CRT monitor for £5.

Edit: $10 coming your way towards a new laptop.

coderus 2013-11-10 15:29

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
@colin.stephane its Dell Inspiron N5110
@szymeczek34 thanks, i have Paypal money, but it 1month+ shipping time to russia from ebay. still no electron shops in russia accepting paypal. and i cant convert it to cash since it donation and i'm not paying my country fee :D
@gerbick @pichlo yes, now i'm using external monitor at home, but it just 1 hour when i returning to home in evening before going to sleep. before this i was able to code everywhere :D

thanks for your support and donations :)

Dave999 2013-11-10 15:38

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1385282)
Posting in forum to let you know.
Killed laptop LCD and cant continue any development by oblivious reason.

Im zorro to hear that. How did IT happen?

Any plans to get another laptop?

coderus 2013-11-11 13:40

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
@Dave999 i'm searching for lcd replacement with fast delivery to russia. or way (person?) to convert paypal money to cash. i like my laptop ;)

coderus 2013-11-26 07:44

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
LCD replaced. Hinges on the way :)

gerbick 2013-11-26 08:45

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Awesome news man...

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