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shmerl 2013-11-29 19:16

Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
I think it's good to open up a dedicated thread about it.

shmerl 2013-11-29 19:19

Re: Default browser and other Mozilla stuff on Sailfish
Someone asked whether it's possible to set DuckDuckGo as a preferred search engine in the default browser. While I don't have a device yet, it can be possible in theory. Can anyone please test this scenario:

1. Find your Mozilla profile directory. Usually it should be $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-dir> but I have no clue if it's the same on Sailfish.
2. Create searchplugins subdiretcory in there.
3. Create duckduckgo.xml search plugin in there, using the following:
4. Open about:config and set:
Code: = DuckDuckGo = DuckDuckGo

5. Try searching anything and see what happens.

wow23 2013-11-30 08:46

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
is there firefox sync support in browser for now, or in future?

i think it reasonable to have it built in, because jolla do not have ecosystem (like apple have safari and desktop and mobile, google have chrome..etc), so support for third party services would be useful..

shmerl 2013-11-30 23:50

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish

Originally Posted by wow23 (Post 1391012)
is there firefox sync support in browser for now, or in future?

The engine can support it in theory, but UI for setting it up is probably lacking. I'll try to figure out how to set up sync without the UI.

So, no one managed to make DuckDuckGo working?

shmerl 2013-12-01 00:53

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
The engine requires some work still, but if you hardcode your keys, it can work:
It's not a secure way of keys storage however. Thanks to Romaxa for the tip.

Bundyo 2013-12-05 19:39

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
Shmerl, is the rendering engine hardware accelerated? The performance of CSS transforms/transitions is almost unusable. Can't say the same for the Android Firefox (not tested on a Jolla yet though, only on N950).

w00t 2013-12-05 23:29

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 1392951)
Shmerl, is the rendering engine hardware accelerated? The performance of CSS transforms/transitions is almost unusable. Can't say the same for the Android Firefox (not tested on a Jolla yet though, only on N950).

AFAIU Hardware acceleration is there, but I think there are some workarounds/slow paths in use at the moment as not everything was working in time, due to e.g.

NB: I am not a browser expert, I may be completely wrong, I just happen to overhear conversations from time to time

shmerl 2013-12-05 23:41

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
Bundyo: That's not a question to me :) I.e. I can't verify it, since I don't even have a device yet (and it's not going to come too soon - US isn't targeted yet). However in theory, the engine supports it but whether it can work depends on the underlying drivers, and like w00t noted it can have issues.

How does about:support identify the driver?

Also, what is set in about:config to these keys:


Even if drivers allow it, but those keys are set to disable acceleration, it naturally won't work. And the other way around, even if they are set to enable it but drivers are bad, you won't get a good result (and probably get a crash altogether).

How many FPS do you get in this test?

shmerl 2013-12-06 00:12

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
Also, try some webgl page, to see how to fares.

For example:

bennypr0fane 2013-12-06 00:49

Re: Default browser and other Mozilla stuff on Sailfish

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1390820)
Someone asked whether it's possible to set DuckDuckGo as a preferred search engine in the default browser. While I don't have a device yet, it can be possible in theory. Can anyone please test this scenario:

1. Find your Mozilla profile directory. Usually it should be $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-dir> but I have no clue if it's the same on Sailfish.
2. Create searchplugins subdiretcory in there.
3. Create duckduckgo.xml search plugin in there, using the following:
4. Open about:config and set:
Code: = DuckDuckGo = DuckDuckGo

5. Try searching anything and see what happens.

I try to follow this discussion (unfortunately I can't contribute), but
it's kinda not clear (well maybe guessable) whether what you're saying is about Firefox or the Sailfish browser (how about we call it Sailbro! I'm gonna do that now).
In the first paragraph you are referring to a question about Sailbro, then you're answering it about Firefox? Other than both using Gecko, do they have enough in common for that?
I gather the question is: can we, and if yes, how can we get things that work in FF to also work in Sailbro? E.g. make Sailbro sync with Firefox (that would be so cool), or set a custom default search engine. Is that the topic here?

shmerl 2013-12-06 00:57

Re: Default browser and other Mozilla stuff on Sailfish

Originally Posted by bennypr0fane (Post 1393004)
I try to follow this discussion (unfortunately I can't contribute), but
it's kinda not clear (well maybe guessable) whether what you're saying is about Firefox or the Sailfish browser (how about we call it Sailbro! I'm gonna do that now).
In the first paragraph you are referring to a question about Sailbro, then you're answering it about Firefox? Other than both using Gecko, do they have enough in common for that?
I gather the question is: can we, and if yes, how can we get things that work in FF to also work in Sailbro? E.g. make Sailbro sync with Firefox (that would be so cool), or set a custom default search engine. Is that the topic here?

This thread is about the default Sailfish browser, not about Firefox (desktop or Android one). So, the discussion above is relevant to the Sailfish browser. My mention of Firefox was an example how the layout of the Mozilla profile is usually structured. Read it more carefully, you'll see I wasn't talking about Firefox itself.

rcolistete 2013-12-15 17:48

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
Wow, Sailfish browser works very well with IPython Notebook 0.13.2 ! Better than all MeeGo Harmattan web browsers.

Bravo, Jolla sailors !

chilango 2014-06-04 22:43

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish

i have a problem with the about:config page
Zoom or move the page doesnt work.
i dont can pass the page "i will be carefully"
near con check out the "show me next time"

What do i wrong?

cvp 2014-06-05 06:10

Re: Default browser and Mozilla services on Sailfish
you do nothing wrong, after last update is it hard to config it. add blocker is not working anymore..... lets hope it will fixit.

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