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bockersjv 2013-12-10 15:16

[SOLVED]Help me get my Ambiences back
They have now dissapeard twice, no reason why either. All stock ambiences have dissapeared from the Gallery, even those I have favourited.

The only ones to survive are the Other Half ones (The First One and Snow White). I can create ones from Gallery pictures but the best ones were the stock ones.

I did a full reset an they re-appeared but then went again and I don't want to have to keep resetting them.

Bear in mind I am not a terminal wizz but will creep my way round it if i have to.

All help greatly received.

Edit to add that I have raised this fault with but whilst I await a fix it would be nice to see grassroots again :D

att 2013-12-10 16:41

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by bockersjv (Post 1394551)
They have now dissapeard twice, no reason why either. All stock ambiences have dissapeared from the Gallery, even those I have favourited.

Does these report any problems when you run them in Terminal app?

rpm -V jolla-preload-ambiences
rpm -V jolla-gallery-ambience

Commands should check the integrity of the given packages.

bockersjv 2013-12-10 17:39

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by att (Post 1394565)
Does these report any problems when you run them in Terminal app?

rpm -V jolla-preload-ambiences

preload ambiences not installed

Originally Posted by att (Post 1394565)
rpm -V jolla-gallery-ambience

no response


att 2013-12-10 17:43

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by bockersjv (Post 1394590)
preload ambiences not installed

Okay, run command: pkcon install jolla-preload-ambiences


Originally Posted by bockersjv (Post 1394590)
no response

I take you mean that you will get prompt back without messages. That is a good sign. It means that there wasn't any errors related to package jolla-gallery-ambience.

bockersjv 2013-12-10 19:40

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
Superb. Worked a treat ,many thanks .
One to save.

TurpoUrpo 2013-12-12 21:21

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
I think that removing tutorial app removes also default ambiences for some reason.

rainisto 2013-12-14 14:17

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by TurpoUrpo (Post 1395759)
I think that removing tutorial app removes also default ambiences for some reason.

yes its a known bug. pkcon install jolla-preload-ambiences to get them back.

qwazix 2013-12-17 23:28

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
hmm... reinstalling jolla-preload-ambiences doesn't seem to do anything. Rebooted afterwards just in case too.

rpm -V commands do not output anything, as expected

maluka 2013-12-17 23:34

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by TurpoUrpo (Post 1395759)
I think that removing tutorial app removes also default ambiences for some reason.

I've lost mine too after removing the tutorial but I don't care. I have better ones :rolleyes:

rob_kouw 2013-12-21 21:32

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
Happened here as well. Removing tutorial may have done it, though I didn't notice then. Got a new SIM, and after replacing the Red Poppy OH the Ambiences were gone. Thought I would get them back with the White OH. Instead I got a Snow White ambience I did not get before.

Even stranger: running the pkcon command through ssh gives response in Dutch. Afaik the Jolla does not support Dutch...
Thanks for the command, it worked fine.

rob_kouw 2013-12-22 10:14

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
The Jolla has some undocumented features here. I chose Rope as a single favourite Ambience. After a few reboots I suddenly have two favourite Ambiences: Red Poppy and Snow White.

qwazix 2013-12-22 12:06

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
Those are the ambiences that are being automatically installed and favorited when you put on the other halves.

I might have never had this problem from the beginning, it turns out. I just hadn't realized that only the favorite ambiences show up in the swipe@home interface.

rob_kouw 2013-12-22 17:01

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1399640)
Those are the ambiences that are being automatically installed and favorited when you put on the other halves.

I know. This time they were favourited when the Red Poppy OH stayed on. The white OH is in the box, to stay there. :)

qwazix 2013-12-22 18:07

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
ah, ok. I'm swapping OH's every day, so I figured it'd be unavoidable to avoid snow and poppy :-)

richhanz 2014-01-05 00:11

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by rob_kouw (Post 1399527)
Even stranger: running the pkcon command through ssh gives response in Dutch. Afaik the Jolla does not support Dutch...

Does a

give (among other things):

pkcon has some builtin dutch ;)

meldolion 2014-01-08 20:04

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1399640)
Those are the ambiences that are being automatically installed and favorited when you put on the other halves.

I might have never had this problem from the beginning, it turns out. I just hadn't realized that only the favorite ambiences show up in the swipe@home interface.

What do you mean with swipe@home? Never have seen to apply ambience outside the gallery app

J4ZZ 2014-01-09 14:26

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
Apply some ambiences as favorites and then do the 'multitask' swipe when on home screen or on the 'taskswitcher' screen and voila there you go. ;)
(swipe over the right or left edge, not just from right to left)



Stuarty 2014-01-23 13:54

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
I had this problem too. I made some custom ambiences from images. I made them favourites and could see them in the swipe sideways from the home screen, then later I noticed that they were gone, not in the gallery or anywhere else that I could see. I think this was after a reboot but not after an update.

I recreated the custom ambiences then installed the red other half for the first time. After installing it only the white and red ambiences and original ambiences were available, all my custom ambiences were gone.

Now I've just rebooted and my custom ambiences are gone again… Very frustrating.

A custom ambience is a good way to get a 'profiles'-style switch, for instance an ambience which is darker in colour and where each of the notifications is set either to silence or only a short beep. This way i can get the beep notification just like on the N9.

Rauha 2014-01-23 15:47

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back
All my ambiances and pictures dissapeared from the gallery app last week. They were still on the phone, gallery app just didn't find them. Didn't have the time to find out how to fix them

Today I noticed that they had magically reappeared in the gallery.

Schturman 2014-02-15 13:14

Re: Help me get my Ambiences back

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1408481)
All my ambiances and pictures dissapeared from the gallery app last week. They were still on the phone, gallery app just didn't find them. Didn't have the time to find out how to fix them

Today I noticed that they had magically reappeared in the gallery.

If they still on the phone, but you can't see them in the gallery, try this command, it should help without reboot (as ROOT):

systemctl-user restart ambienced.service
Also when you copy your custom ambiences, run this command instead reboot to see them in the gallery...

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