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Nokiuss60 2013-12-17 21:43

personal Jolla Bootlogo
Update: 25.01.14

Made a little Application which helps you to set your own Shutdown Graphic

You will find it on

Have fun!:D
I try just a few Moment afther my Jolla arrive to work a bit with my Jolla to make it MY.

I try to find the Jolla Bootlogo. Had no luck yet. My goal is to set an own Logo or to add to the Logo my contact information for the case I will lose it and some finder will contact me and return it.

I found so fare only the shutdown logo, but not the boot logo.

the shutdown one is in /usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch/icons/graphic-shutdown-480x854.png

now my Jolla show this if its powerdown.

thp did it also for the N9

shmerl 2013-12-17 23:09

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
By the way, is it possible to boot Sailfish in verbose mode on Jolla device (i.e. not with the splash screen but with detailed output from the kernel, systemd and etc.)? PlasmaActive boots that way and I kind of prefer it. Any kernel parameters help to change that?

For example in GRUB I usually set loglevel=4 as a parameter for bootloader to get a reasonably verbose output. What bootloader does Jolla device use by the way?

pizzulicchio 2013-12-18 15:01

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
+1 for verbose boot feature!

( a very, very nerd request ) :)

shmerl 2013-12-18 16:56

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
Bootloader discussion continued here:

Nokiuss60 2014-01-26 13:39

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
Update first Post now you can change the Graphic easy with a script.

Have fun!

Quaddy 2014-01-26 14:25

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
jolla gaga ;)

or should that be, i'm gaga for jolla :p

TrD 2014-03-09 12:53

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
After doing some searching and browsing files in Sailfish, I think that the initlogo.rle could be the boot logo, found in root. But cos I'm total noob, I won't try to mess with it :P

AMD 2014-03-09 13:49

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
I was REALLY REALLY waiting for this! Thanks a million for that!

Edit: After you edit the shutdown image, and put it in /shutdowngraphic, what option do you exactly go for in the app?

AMD 2014-03-09 15:08

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
1 Attachment(s)
Nevermind, worked. Thanks a lot for this!

Attachment 34826

droll 2014-03-09 15:50

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
how many times are you rebooting the phone on purpose now that you have this customization? :P

AMD 2014-03-09 16:46

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
15 times so far (showing off to people :rolleyes:)

Schturman 2014-03-09 20:26

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo

Originally Posted by TrD (Post 1415982)
After doing some searching and browsing files in Sailfish, I think that the initlogo.rle could the boot logo, found in root. But cos I'm total noob, I won't try to mess with it :P

Tried to replace this file with my own one and reboot, but it still show the standard Jolla logo on the boot...
It's not enough to just replace this file...

rainisto 2014-03-11 07:30

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
Shutdown logo is easy to replace, but you will be having hard time replacing boot logo, as its builtin inside bootloader, so there is no easy way to change it.

Schturman 2014-03-11 09:01

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
yep, known problem..

shallimus 2014-03-14 16:48

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
So we need to insert custom RLE into the boot image. There's plenty of discussion online of people doing this for Android - how different is it likely to be for Sailfish?

Schturman 2014-03-14 17:17

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
maybe it's not a problem to insert the rle file to boot image, but from what I understand we need flash this new boot image and not just put it in the file system. I don't know if it possible for normal user in the current stage (no flash tools)..

Penguin 2014-03-14 19:02

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
bootloader != boot image

Quaddy 2014-03-14 21:04

Re: personal Jolla Bootlogo
1 Attachment(s)
am loving the film atm, so thought i would tribute my shutdown graphic to that and of course, jolla :p

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