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Jolla OtherHalf OLED display / toholed
************************************************** ******************************** http://talk.maemo.org/images/icons/icon2.gif Short video at Youtube Latest pictures, click here The OLED display is mono gray-white'ish (not blue as seen on some photos) Size of the display is 0.96" with resolution of 128x64 It has proximity sensor to switch it off when TOH facing down or in your pocket. (has also ambient light sensor which might be used to control brightness (dimm when dark) ) It is controlled by daemon (systemd service) which is installed automatically from Jolla Store like ambience. Thank you to you all for being so supportive on this project! http://talk.maemo.org/image.php?u=69440http://talk.maemo.org/maemo/images/s...ser_online.gif Kimmoli (As already started in http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=232 moved to own thread) Hooked up an OLED display to Jolla my I2C probe shows green at 0x3C: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-T...0101171553.png Modified my app a little https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-v...0101191722.png and sent some text on the display https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-J...o/14010002.jpg And with some more coding, i'm now at this point: watch in Youtube The display is this here: datasheet e.g. from Aliexpress (ordered some bare white ones for the final prototype) Modified the display by removing the 3.0V regulator, replaced it with silly resistor divider to generate 1.8V logic supply (needed because I2C is 1.8V) Interface uses ioctl to talk over i2c Code:
file=open( "/dev/i2c-1", O_RDWR ) |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
This is great stuff, keep it up :)
Must be fun tinkering with the Jolla |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Very nice. Missing N9 LPS on my Jolla. :(
I want make this someday when I have time with keyboard ofc. :) |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Great work :)
http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/8944/s9zo.jpg I disassembled the Jolla to know more about it :) regards |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
So, there are seem to be two more contacts in the middle of the body (near +5V and GND contacts) and four contacts on the bottom parts that are not emerging to the surface. Did you notice if there was some corresponding contact on the inner side of the black cover you removed (probably for some antenna) or are they only test/diag points? |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
This is very cool work. :)
Would be interesting if this or something similar also works with e-ink/epaper displays. By the way, do you know how much power this setup draws? Maybe even how the power consumption is split up between the display and the i2c controller? Personally, I'd love to have something like this just with an e-ink/epaper display (in order to not drain the battery too much). Edit: A quick google revealed this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E05Azzcz5yg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPaNMrFXsqM So, it looks like e-ink should be possible too. Edit2: Some more links: http://repaper.org/reference.html http://www.embeddedartists.com/produ..._27_epaper.php http://www.watterott.com/de/27-Inch-E-Paper-Display Edit3: Another interesting keyword seems to be "chip on glass". These things are said to be very flat and come with an i2c chip built-in. http://www.amazon.co.uk/glass-displa.../dp/B006GE8I8U |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
pros for eINK is to have zero power consumption, and even if having additional cpu for drawing, it needs to be powered on only when updating the screen. I have also this BADGEr and it is good reference design. maybe worth trying someday with Jolla. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-m...o/13090035.jpg This OLED has actually SSD1306 controller as COG (chip on glass) on it. The PCB where it is connected has only stepup converter which makes +9.5V for the display, but the SSD1306 has internal charge pump so that is not necessarily needed. ATM power consumption seems to be about 100mW due my bad 1.8V "regulator" and non-optimized settings. currently doing test how much it will drop my battery % during night. It should be easily get down to 50mW |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
now this one rocks!
attach it on the back of a hardware keyboard, and this will be instant win! |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Didn't get sleep, so started to print...
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Z...o/tohprint.jpg Knowing it is not going to be perfect is sad after first hour, still ~5h to go. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Another display that could be interesting to try, depending on the use case, is the Sharp "memory LCD" e.g. https://www.adafruit.com/products/1393 (low power as an eInk and refresh rate as a LCD).
Although strictly speaking it requires a SPI bus. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Can't wait to have screen on TOH.
Good Job. When finished I'll be the first to order one!!! Thanks. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Helkutin kuuli projekti.
Get some sleep and post pic of the finished printout. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
quick-test-print complete. It doesn't fit. :( (Modified version of this http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=92090)
Not deep enough, camera hole is few tenths too close to the top edge. Have to modify and reprint later. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7...no/toholed.jpg (sorry, pic taken with iPotato) |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Cool stuff, this is what I call hacking :)
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I mean, if you needed to do fair amount of switching between other halfs. Do the usual 3D printer materials stand lot of wear and tear? |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Q1: How the thickness, do you need some extra mm to accomodate the screen? Q2: Do you have still the display connected to the i2c contacts with wires & scotchtape, or did you use some springy removable contacts? |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
this community is the most hard core mobile community that i know of. easily beats the hackers in the android, ios and windows phone camps!
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
There are materials that could be used (and printed at home) but intention is to order this from internet when finished e.g. from shapeways. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I have to check what components i need on the board. atm i expect about 2mm increase in thickness. Quote:
I made a custom pcb that has matching pads for the phone pogo-pins (pins on the phone side have the springythingy) Pic of first version of board... https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-w...toh-bottom.png |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
What material did you use for that cover? How did you connect it to the Device.?
Cool **** Indeed! |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Some progress in sw side too...
[root@localhost system]# systemctl status toholed.service |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
SW I have now achieved writing a service/daemon which is on D-Bus systemBus, and managed to configure policies so that it can own a name and be communicated with. Also configured systemd to start it at boot. Now i can access the rear I2C bus and V33 output through D-Bus from normal application without starting it as root. HW I think i will do board as FPC - then i can keep height in minimum. Thickess increase should be ~1.5mm, which is thickness of OLED glass. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
what about battery life?
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Can someone dig/hack/design/suggest me a font to show big time on the screen? There is space of 128x48 pixels. Numbers 0..9 and : needed. Preferably fixed width of ~28 pixels, 16 px for : . Height max 48. (Width adjusted to what looks nice) something like this: 23:56 28+28+16+28+28 in 32-bit hex words arranged to table, right aligned (leftmost 4 msb bits wasted.) one word/pixel row of character. There is 128x16 free space below, but i think there could be notification icons tjsp, |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I do not know what font is used on N9, but that looks good.
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I can suggest using fixed-width fonts. Otherwise arranging spaces between characters might be problematic.
For example with fixed-width courier new font: http://imgim.com/5054incii7716653.jpg |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Inconsolata? It was functional when I used wolke's qtbigtext on my N9...
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I did some search on arduino projects, but only one was looking promising,,,
hmm... |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
lcd styled fonts for that retro look. or use fonts from the old casio watches or TI calculators. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
FixedSys. It has stolen my heart with putty.
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I see you are trying to be funny. Since I don't have time for that kind of jokes, I've decided not to visit your web site. |
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
1 Attachment(s)
i downloaded it and uploaded it here. have a look.
Re: Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
there is a 'bug' in number 7...
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