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Markk 2014-01-24 16:13

N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

After reinstalling my laptop, I tried downloading Nokia's Qt SDK (1.2.1, x64) from the Nokia Developer site, but it seems to be taken down :( I've tried searching alternative download links, but can only find the "open source" Qt SDK 1.2.1, not Nokia's version.

Does anyone know if it still available to download somewhere?

Halftux 2014-01-24 19:17

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Here you can find the files:

mirror list:


Originally Posted by huellif (Post 1426097)

hmcosta 2014-01-24 23:01

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Thanks Halftux

Do you or anyone knows why they have deleted EVERYTHING related with the N9, N900, S60, etc development?

Are they afraid MeeGo would obfuscate Mobile Windows? It does :-) but only for a minority... I think...

Halftux 2014-01-25 00:24

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
I would guess that and the sdk files creates more traffic than the files of Lumina and Asha.
And for a Microsoft company it would be contra productive if they support an older, better, none Microsoft OS.

It is sad that they did not announce to shut down the files and documents. Maybe they come online again. You can still buy a new Nokia N9....

Edit: found a mirror for the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Library [1]
Thanks to rzr

freemangordon 2014-01-25 14:37

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Does anyone have older SDK release (with Maemo support)?

Halftux 2014-01-25 14:58

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1408868)
Does anyone have older SDK release (with Maemo support)?

For Linux or Windows? I remember that for windows you can add under qt creator the Maemo5 gcc with the package manager. The creator will load the packages from the remote repository,

package manager->QT SDK ->Development Tools->Maemo Toolchain

If you can not update the QT SDK, I can pack my qt sdk windows with harmattan, maemo and for both the quemu emulator. For Linux I need to look what I have installed if it is 64bit and if both toolchains are installed.

Markk 2014-01-25 14:59

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1408721)
Here you can find the files:

Thank you so much! :D
Would you mind if I host them on my site?


Edit: found a mirror for the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Library [1]
Thanks to rzr
Thanks! I downloaded these a while ago and now backed them up here too :)


Does anyone have older SDK release (with Maemo support)?
Qt SDK 1.2.1 does support Maemo, but you need to set it up using the updater/package manager like this.

Edit: Halftux was faster :P The updater should still work by the way, just used it to download the Harmattan emulator.

Halftux 2014-01-25 15:50

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Markk (Post 1408871)
Thank you so much! :D
Would you mind if I host them on my site?

Why not, these are not my files I googled the filename and and checked md5 with my files.


Originally Posted by Markk (Post 1408871)
Edit: Halftux was faster :P The updater should still work by the way, just used it to download the Harmattan emulator.

Good to know maybe we should also make some backup of this repository.

To access for example a harmattan runtime file (I don't know it it is the last one). We need to see how to get a file list from that server.

Markk 2014-01-25 16:08

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

maybe we should also make some backup of this repository
Great idea :) Gonna try some things out right now.

freemangordon 2014-01-25 16:09

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
hmm, correct, package manager works with 1.1.2 (but not with 1.1.4, it told me it can't find the repository server)

Seems like my fault, actually it is ok even with 1.1.4

hmcosta 2014-01-25 16:35

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Edit: found a mirror for the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Library [1]
Thanks to rzr[/QUOTE]

Thanks Halftux, believe me, I spend a lot of time searching for it in Google...

And I have now 2 N9 and some spares... I don't think nice phones will show up any soon...

Halftux 2014-01-25 18:46

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Markk (Post 1408881)
Great idea :) Gonna try some things out right now.

Maybe this helps I have a components.xml in my QtSKD.
There you can find package names and versions.

Markk 2014-01-25 20:01

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1408905)
Maybe this helps I have a components.xml in my QtSKD.
There you can find package names and versions.

GREAT tip, thank you.
I'm trying to find the exact url to one of Harmattan Emulator components (like this:, but keep getting "File not found".

nieldk 2014-01-25 20:54

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Markk (Post 1408921)
GREAT tip, thank you.
I'm trying to find the exact url to one of Harmattan Emulator components (like this:, but keep getting "File not found".

Kinda funny - in a weird way - part of that folder structure "fremtiden" means "the future" in Danish

Halftux 2014-01-26 00:36

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
1 Attachment(s)
I have checked what windows qt creator do when reading the repository. I will attach all addresses to files in a zipped txt-file.

It is an install script for qreator


component.runtimetargetPathName = "dfl61-harmattan_3.2012.07-1";

    if( component.fromOnlineRepository )
        component.addDownloadableArchive( "harmattan-runtime.7z" );

and it comes to 3.2012.07-1harmattan-runtime.7z:

Halftux 2014-01-26 00:51

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
From the qs files we can get a download link.
Now we make our own http server with the meta files and packages, configure qtcreator to get the updates.xml from own http server, could this work? I will try tomorrow.

Markk 2014-01-26 12:04

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1408966)
I have checked what windows qt creator do when reading the repository. I will attach all addresses to files in a zipped txt-file.

This is great, thanks!


Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1408967)
Now we make our own http server with the meta files and packages, configure qtcreator to get the updates.xml from own http server, could this work?

I put the updates.xml from Nokia's repo and empty folders like in your text file (using "Text 2 Folders") on my site, and it seems to be working! You can change the repository url at Maintain Qt SDK (the Updater) -> Settings -> Repositories -> User Defined Repositories (and uncheck the default one).

Of course, I'm getting the "Could not download meta data" error, but this is because the folders are still empty :P The only problem now is we will have to download every single file manually.. I'm gonna try changing the updates.xml to test with only one file (the 3.2012.07-1harmattan-runtime.7z).

Markk 2014-01-26 12:45

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Great news! It works :D

I removed all but the Harmattan PR1.2 QEMU package info from the update.xml file, and put the three files "3.2012.07-1meta.7z", "3.2012.07-1harmattan-runtime.7z" and "3.2012.07-1harmattan-runtime.7z.sha1" in the "" folder, and it shows up in the Package Manager :D Downloading and installing works too :)

Now I just have to check with my host if putting big files on their server to download is allowed :P

Edit: I will PM you the repo link, so you can try it out.

nieldk 2014-01-26 12:48

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
This is easy to script, to semi-automate the download
An excellent example, including md5 checksum for verification is here

Halftux 2014-01-26 17:10

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1409046)
This is easy to script, to semi-automate the download
An excellent example, including md5 checksum for verification is here

Looks nice. In windows I load the textfile with the meta files into downthemall manager.
And put as renaming mask: *subdirs*/*name*.*ext*
With this you get the full folder structure. Quick and easy.

xes 2014-04-17 21:17

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
A nice mirror for a lot of qt sdk versions:

Copernicus 2014-04-18 01:14

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by xes (Post 1421754)
A nice mirror for a lot of qt sdk versions:

Amazing to see a mirror still up! I went ahead and downloaded the offline Mac version 1.1.4, but it only had the Harmattan toolchain, and the package manager didn't have any other options. So, I tried downloading the 1.1.2 version, and it didn't have either the Harmattan or Maemo toolchains; however, the package manager did note that you could download the Maemo toolchain. So, I went ahead and clicked on it, and amazingly, it started downloading!

I don't know where it's getting the data from, but it successfully downloaded the entire toolchain. (It popped up a single error message at the end, but I just clicked "ignore", and went ahead with the installation.)

So, if you want a full Qt installation with a Maemo toolchain and all, try out an "offline" version of SDK 1.1.2! Don't wait. :) Who knows just how long the repository supporting this version will remain up...

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 19:45

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
And how about old phone, N900? and site of VirtualBOX images has links to internet tablet server, was be locate on Nokia Servers.

Anybody can talk, how I can get VM images (preffer VirtualBOX, VmWare also good)?

Copernicus 2014-04-30 19:57

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by sHaggY_caT (Post 1423538)
And how about old phone, N900?

Yes, in fact, the 1.1.2 "offline" version of the Qt SDK still supports the N900 (at least for now); you just have to download the "Maemo" toolchain. It even comes with a N900 simulator, set up automatically for you...

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 20:05

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
I'm sorry, I'm confuse. In last (1 years before) I use VirtualBox image.
Now i whant write some code, but I'm delete this image 2-3 mounths before, becouse I am extreamly needed disk space.

Could you send link to manual of install SDK with avaible methods, please?

Copernicus 2014-04-30 21:02

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by sHaggY_caT (Post 1423542)
Could you send link to manual of install SDK with avaible methods, please?

Hmm. If I'm reading it right, the Maemo virtual image your link pointed to was for the GTK version of the Maemo SDK, before Nokia made the switch to using Qt. Unfortunately, I doubt you'll be able to find that particular product any more, as that website is very, very old. I've personally never done any GTK development, but there are a wiki pages that describe how to set up and use the scratchbox environment, if you're willing to create the environment manually.

I prefer to use the Qt SDK; unfortunately, with Nokia's move to the Windows Phone OS (and the various unfortunate events associated with that move), Qt had to drop support for all the Nokia products in its current releases. But, you can still use an older version of the Qt SDK, if you can find one, such as from the link above.

And, there's recently been a move to set up on-device development, if you're interested.

But I guess the first question is, what exactly is your goal? :) Getting a working development environment up and running today is going to take some effort, so you should probably take a little time beforehand to consider what kind of environment you want...

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 21:19

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Thank you very much to answer!

QT SDK, I think, is good idea, becouse my code use PyQT, python, and bash.
How I can use IT?

Copernicus 2014-04-30 22:01

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by sHaggY_caT (Post 1423556)
QT SDK, I think, is good idea, becouse my code use PyQT, python, and bash.
How I can use IT?

Ah, well, if you're into Python, you probably already know that you can run any pure Python script by simply copying it over to the N900 and telling Python to run it -- that's the advantage of interpreted languages over compiled ones. :)

As to the Qt bindings for Python, I'm not sure -- I've never used PyQt myself. I'm not sure you really need to download an SDK for PyQt. Let's see... there is a wiki page with some tips on using Python on Maemo. There are some good threads on using PyQt as well...

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 22:06

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1423559)
Ah, well, if you're into Python, you probably already know that you can run any pure Python script by simply copying it over to the N900 and telling Python to run it -- that's the advantage of interpreted languages over compiled ones. :)

As to the Qt bindings for Python, I'm not sure -- I've never used PyQt myself. I'm not sure you really need to download an SDK for PyQt. Let's see... there is a wiki page with some tips on using Python on Maemo. There are some good threads on using PyQt as well...

But coding with x86 computer is more comfortable than more iteration of coding on PC, copy to phone, debug, coding on PC, copy to phone...

Have any working chroot/VM will be better.
Is any way to get it?

Copernicus 2014-04-30 22:33

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by sHaggY_caT (Post 1423561)
Have any working chroot/VM will be better.
Is any way to get it?

Well, I'll admit having a good emulator is a convenient luxury. :) I myself tend to do the code on pc, deploy to phone, debug, code on pc thing, though. ;) I think your best bet would be to set up a "Scratchbox" environment (as described in the links above); that seems to be the most popular way to get an N900 emulator up and running right now...

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 22:39

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1423565)
Well, I'll admit having a good emulator is a convenient luxury. :) I myself tend to do the code on pc, deploy to phone, debug, code on pc thing, though. ;) I think your best bet would be to set up a "Scratchbox" environment (as described in the links above); that seems to be the most popular way to get an N900 emulator up and running right now...

I use dualboot with Fedora 20 and Gentoo on my laptop. Good idea install Scratchbox to VM with Debian or Ubuntu? If yes, in which version?

And, how i can install it? Which manual is the best and have all worked links?

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 22:48

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
May be, files of VMs is in one of repos in
Or it is unfortunataly deleted by Nokia without revert?

matthewkuhl 2014-05-15 01:13

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Does anyone have the offline Qt SDK v1.0.x stored away safely?

Copernicus 2014-05-15 01:33

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by matthewkuhl (Post 1425363)
Does anyone have the offline Qt SDK v1.0.x stored away safely?

Are you looking for a specific feature of the 1.0.x SDK? You can still find all the purely Qt-oriented code in the Qt archive:

The Nokia-specific items (in particular, toolchains for the N900, N9, and Symbian) can be found in the 1.1 and 1.2 SDKs (1.1.2 works for the N900, 1.2.x for N9 & Symbian). I'm not sure there's anything in the 1.0 series that you can't find in one of the later SDKs...

matthewkuhl 2014-05-15 01:42

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
@Copernicus Thank you for the link. i am actually trying to find an offline installer for the 1.0.x Qt Creator compatible with Nokia Symbian S60v3... But the only installer i have found so far is an online version (and, of course, it doesn't work):rolleyes:

Copernicus 2014-05-15 02:36

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by matthewkuhl (Post 1425365)
i am actually trying to find an offline installer for the 1.0.x Qt Creator compatible with Nokia Symbian S60v3...

Well, I haven't personally done any Symbian coding, but there is a "Support for Symbian" page in the Qt documentation; in particular, it has an interesting paragraph:


Development of Qt apps for Symbian phones is undertaken easily using the Qt SDK []. The current version (Qt SDK 1.2) offers features to build applications for Symbian Anna and Symbian Belle phones (as well as the Nokia N9 and desktop platforms) using Qt 4.7.4. Development for earlier versions of the Symbian platform and Qt are possible, using Qt SDK 1.1.2 [] available from the Nokia Developer website.
So, it would seem that the 1.1.2 SDK has what you would need to build code for S60v3 (at least, that's what I would guess). Luckily, the offline installer for that version of the SDK is still available at the website. :)

Ok, I've done a little further digging; I'm still not entirely sure what is what here (Nokia seemed to enjoy cutting off support for older devices with every Qt release), but I've found the following paragraph in another Qt document:


The tool chains for developing applications using Qt 4.6.3 for Symbian and Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^ 3 and Symbian Anna have been removed from Qt SDK 1.1.4. To develop such applications, download and use Qt SDK version 1.1.2 instead. It contains Qt 4.6.3 for Symbian and Qt 4.7.4 for Symbian support for Symbian devices with the Application TRK debug agent.


Note: Do not update Qt SDK 1.1.2 with the Qt SDK update tool, because the updater removes App TRK support.
In short, Nokia really did not want to help folks develop software on older versions of Symbian. :(

Still, it looks like you can get up and running with the 1.1.2 SDK...

matthewkuhl 2014-05-15 02:58

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
Thank you very much for your (tremendous) help!
i have tried your link with two browsers and a client but i am unable to resolve the host - is the link working on your end?

Copernicus 2014-05-15 03:10

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by matthewkuhl (Post 1425369)
i have tried your link with two browsers and a client but i am unable to resolve the host - is the link working on your end?

Hmm, that's odd -- I'm getting to the "informatik" site without trouble. I'm using Google Chrome, but I can get to it from other browsers as well.

There could be something odd with the "URL" tag. Let me print the entire text of the link; if nothing else, you could cut and paste the link into your browser (or even just type it in):


matthewkuhl 2014-05-15 03:15

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone
No, that's the same link i am using.
The FTP client can't connect, Opera says the server is busy, Chrome gives me a "No data received" error and Firefox gives me absolutely nothing at all. :confused:

Copernicus 2014-05-15 03:38

Re: N9 developer site down, download link SDK 1.2.1 gone

Originally Posted by matthewkuhl (Post 1425372)
No, that's the same link i am using.
The FTP client can't connect, Opera says the server is busy, Chrome gives me a "No data received" error and Firefox gives me absolutely nothing at all. :confused:

Wow. Something somewhere really really doesn't want your machine(s) to connect to that site...

This is an ftp site; maybe there's a firewall or an antivirus program set up to block access to ftp sites?

I suppose your ISP might also block the site, but I have no idea why they would. (It's a German University...)

Ok, here's an idea -- try going to this FTP Test website, and give it the name of the ftp server:

Leave SSL off, and the user and password blank. It works for me -- if they can get to the site for you, then you've probably got something local to your machine that is blocking FTP access. (At least, that's my guess...)

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