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dirkvl 2014-04-17 16:02

Funky OtherHalf

tiempjuuh 2014-04-17 16:22

Re: time to get funky
Okay, I admit I laughed when I read "Stop looking at my bottom!".

Very cool stuff besides that! Love the banana OH. ;)

nieldk 2014-04-17 16:46

Re: time to get funky
I should preorder the £0 ones hehe

MeeNu 2014-04-17 16:47

Re: time to get funky
Looks promising.
No details about shipping provided though

dirkvl 2014-04-17 16:55

Re: time to get funky

Originally Posted by MeeNu (Post 1421724)
Looks promising.
No details about shipping provided though

ehhh what kind of info? i will ship worldwide

bill_klpd 2014-04-17 17:55

Re: time to get funky
I want a jolla so much right now! :@ :p
Great work dirkvl! Actually I was wondering from when I saw the video, how the f*ck does this chameleon OH works? :D

dirkvl 2014-04-17 18:40

Re: time to get funky

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1421729)
I want a jolla so much right now! :@ :p
Great work dirkvl! Actually I was wondering from when I saw the video, how the f*ck does this chameleon OH works? :D

it runs on pure magic and awesomeness!

bill_klpd 2014-04-17 19:59

Re: time to get funky

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1421738)
it runs on pure magic and awesomeness!

Hahaha thought so :p

Faz 2014-04-26 02:27

Re: Funky OtherHalf
I had no idea Qi wireless chargers are so cheap these days, only £8.79 on eBay with free P&P!! Purchased this together with 2 OHs from Dirk, 1 x Qi and 1 x Glow in dark! Everything received today. Result! Thank you Dirk!

I like how the glow in dark is somewhat transparrent too. Now if only there was a way to combine the Qi and glow... :)

vinca 2014-05-06 23:02

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1421720)

I previously saw a glow in the dark OH on your site, but have only recently decided to buy a Jolla. Is there any chance you will print some more?

dirkvl 2014-05-07 09:09

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by vinca (Post 1424370)
I previously saw a glow in the dark OH on your site, but have only recently decided to buy a Jolla. Is there any chance you will print some more?

have some other stuff to print for qwerty oh, but after that i will make some glow-in-the-dark, much requests

Fellfrosch 2014-05-07 09:55

Re: Funky OtherHalf
Hi Dirk,
great work!

For the Chameleon OH there is no warning concerning the sun.
So is it more robust?
And is it there also possible to add the Qi Charging pad?

vinca 2014-05-07 10:17

Re: Funky OtherHalf
Cheers, I haven't even got the phone yet so no rush. Any plans to make a case for the phone or are TOHs your main focus?

dirkvl 2014-05-07 10:27

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by vinca (Post 1424405)
Cheers, I haven't even got the phone yet so no rush. Any plans to make a case for the phone or are TOHs your main focus?

TOH's are main focus, but everything is demand-based. If lots of people want a more protective hardcase, I'll make it ;)


Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1424404)
For the Chameleon OH there is no warning concerning the sun.
So is it more robust?
And is it there also possible to add the Qi Charging pad?

The Chameleon is made from ABS, little trickier to get right, but ABS is not vulnerable for sunlight! Little down on charging pads, but will get large batch soon and will likely add Qi as option to all :)

Faz 2014-05-07 19:43

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1424407)
The Chameleon is made from ABS, little trickier to get right, but ABS is not vulnerable for sunlight! Little down on charging pads, but will get large batch soon and will likely add Qi as option to all :)

Any chance of glow in dark with Qi? I currently have an orange 500mA Qi, plus glow. I'm too scared to try and combine them myself! :eek:

Long live Funky Other Half! :)

mrsellout 2014-05-08 08:21

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1424407)
TOH's are main focus, but everything is demand-based. If lots of people want a more protective hardcase, I'll make it ;)

The Chameleon is made from ABS, little trickier to get right, but ABS is not vulnerable for sunlight! Little down on charging pads, but will get large batch soon and will likely add Qi as option to all :)

Awesome! Just saw this for the first time. When you get more pads, can you add a Qi option for all the covers on the combi-pack too please.

Metsämies 2014-05-08 17:57

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1424407)
TOH's are main focus, but everything is demand-based. If lots of people want a more protective hardcase, I'll make it ;)

Please make QWERTY-other half with e-ink display on back and wireless charging also.

Thank you.

dirkvl 2014-05-08 18:13

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by Metsämies (Post 1424570)
Please make QWERTY-other half with e-ink display on back and wireless charging also.

Thank you.

will do! will also put in an extra battery and pico beamer!

peterleinchen 2014-05-09 11:26

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by Metsämies (Post 1424570)
Please make QWERTY-other half with e-ink display on back and wireless charging also.


Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1424573)
will do! will also put in an extra battery and pico beamer!

Do not tempt me to buy a Jolla, too. ;)

nokiabot 2014-05-09 11:38

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1424573)
will do! will also put in an extra battery and pico beamer!

actually there should be a ultimate fat toh that would pack in many popular things :)

XiliX 2014-05-09 12:37

Re: Funky OtherHalf
and a lighter and a bottleopener and a flashlight and a screwdriver and a oscilloscope and a ashtray and a ladder...

pycage 2014-05-09 13:43

Re: Funky OtherHalf
The Swiss Army OH :)

nokiabot 2014-05-09 13:45

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1424679)
The Swiss Army OH :)

+1 for the name

vinca 2014-05-09 15:11

Re: Funky OtherHalf
I think there's already been a thread about this but an FM receiver + transmitter OH would be amazing. I miss that on the N900(along with the speakers). Now that I think about it, would a speaker OH be possible?

bill_klpd 2014-05-09 15:16

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by vinca (Post 1424693)
I think there's already been a thread about this but an fm receiver + transmitter would be amazing. I miss that on the N900(along with the speakers). Now that I think about it would a spearlier OH be possible?

Great idea, or maybe a tv tuner OH with the ability to be used as a gsm receiver with rtl-sdr ;)

vinca 2014-05-09 15:21

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by vinca (Post 1424693)
I think there's already been a thread about this but an FM receiver + transmitter OH would be amazing. I miss that on the N900(along with the speakers). Now that I think about it, would a speaker OH be possible?

I only ask because I saw a YouTube video a while back of a guy using different loudspeakers on his jolla don't know if it's of any use/help but link is below:

herpderp 2014-05-09 15:22

Re: Funky OtherHalf
Boom box OH, similar to this:


Fellfrosch 2014-05-16 06:54

Re: Funky OtherHalf
Thanks, for adding the Qi Option for the Chameleon one.
Just ordered.

And for supporting you, you have to make immediately a second keyboard OH :D:p

Ok Joke aside, any chance to see a grey OH?
I would be very interested.

Faz 2014-05-16 10:28

Re: Funky OtherHalf
Just ordered Chameleon and another glow-in-dark, both now with 1000mA Qi wireless.

Happy days =)

EyeVisions 2014-05-26 14:06

Re: Funky OtherHalf
Ole ola,

Got dirkvl chameleon here a tip for ambiance:

* Make 4 different ambiance setting files and change a little bit the colors.
* download auto ambiance changer.
* change times cycle or make it random /usr/share/openrepos/

Also maybe someone cane make a script for doing this:

gconftool-2 -s /desktop/jolla/theme/color/Highlight -t string '#aeb404'

Now you got a chameleon ambiance what changes color just like the other half.


Maybe a idea for you dirkvl to make a nfc on the other halfs

dirkvl 2014-05-26 14:13

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by EyeVisions (Post 1426672)
Ole ola,

Got dirkvl chameleon here a tip for ambiance:

* Make 4 different ambiance setting files and change a little bit the colors.
* download auto ambiance changer.
* change times cycle or make it random /usr/share/openrepos/

Now you got a chameleon ambiance what changes color just like the other half.


Maybe a idea for you dirkvl to make a nfc on the other halfs

Thats a cool idea! Maybe someone can help and make some FunkyAmbiances?

EyeVisions 2014-05-26 16:46

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1426673)
Thats a cool idea! Maybe someone can help and make some FunkyAmbiances?

The ambiance funky chameleon is almost ready. It got jungle sounds and use sneakeye wallpaper from ambiance4u. Now looking how to make a script incl. timer for the commands to change it automaticly and change highlightcolor say every hour. I know the commands.

I'm not a programmer but i will try.

Kortom we kloten nog ff door dirkvl :)

PS: also bizzy with for the blue & white funky otherhalf

dirkvl 2014-05-26 16:54

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by EyeVisions (Post 1426687)
The ambiance funky chameleon is almost ready. It got jungle sounds and use sneakeye wallpaper from ambiance4u. Now looking how to make a script incl. timer for the commands to change it automaticly and change highlightcolor say every hour. I know the commands.

I'm not a programmer but i will try.

Kortom we kloten nog ff door dirkvl :)

PS: also bizzy with for the blue & white funky otherhalf

Woooow cool! Let me know when it is all ready, I'll post links on my site to you :)

dirkvl 2014-06-02 18:56

Re: Funky OtherHalf
How it that Chameleon Ambiance coming along? :)

Also, for those without Twitter: lots of new colours in the shop, including Navy Blue:

yaliang 2014-06-09 15:04

Re: Funky OtherHalf
does Chameleon TOH work now?
is it the same one?

dirkvl 2014-06-09 15:19

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by yaliang (Post 1428829)
does Chameleon TOH work now?
is it the same one?

Thats not my project. My Chameleon changes colour depending on the temperature from green to yellow, without leds. Havent seen an update from skvark lately.

TQP1 2014-06-09 16:24

Re: Funky OtherHalf
Ordered banana yellow colored TOH couple days ago. Eagerly waiting to get my hands on it :).

Faz 2014-06-09 18:36

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1428833)
Thats not my project. My Chameleon changes colour depending on the temperature from green to yellow, without leds. Havent seen an update from skvark lately.

My current favourite in my collection of Funky OtherHalves! :)

INHO I would describe the green as being an army/military green and the yellow a kind of lime-ish yellow, i.e. Not banana yellow.

The surface looks marble smooth when it turns yellow. So much so that I could almost swear it IS smoother to the touch! Funky for sure! :D

dirkvl 2014-06-09 19:15

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by TQP1 (Post 1428841)
Ordered banana yellow colored TOH couple days ago. Eagerly waiting to get my hands on it :).

Had some very very busy days, but will put it on the mail tomorrow! On my desk right now :)

yaliang 2014-06-10 10:43

Re: Funky OtherHalf

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1428833)
Thats not my project. My Chameleon changes colour depending on the temperature from green to yellow, without leds. Havent seen an update from skvark lately.

can'i change the color by apps?

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