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zimmerit 2014-04-28 21:26

N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix
Ok, so this is a classic problem, phone won't start due battery charge too low. People seem to recommend playing with flasher to get some charge to the bat, but here is alternate solution which won't risk your data as much.

You need a lithium ion charger, I had Nitecore i2 for 18650 type batteries and multimeter cables. Just attach cables to charger and hold measuring tips on battery terminals for 10-15 minutes carefully avoiding short circuiting and reverse polarity. I had battery attached on the phone while doing this, take it out if you like to have lower failure risk.


Disassembly guide:

drathvader 2014-04-28 22:07

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix
Yeah, I hard-wired N9's battery to my old Nokia C5, no problem with charging at all :D
But not everyone has either courage or tools to disassemble the N9. Messing with flasher is simply easier and also kind of safer. You're risking your data, not whole phone/battery.

peterleinchen 2014-04-29 06:15

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix
This looks risky, even you have skills/knowledge. Just a little 'oops' and ...

Using flasher is not risky at all, using:

flasher -i
which should start the battery charging (just leave USB connected).

juiceme 2014-04-29 08:39

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1423295)
This looks risky, even you have skills/knowledge. Just a little 'oops' and ...

Using flasher is not risky at all, using:

flasher -i
which should start the battery charging (just leave USB connected).

Unfortunately that does not work :)
"sudo flasher -i" just reads and displays the device version, it does not start charging the device.
You need to inject the APE kernel to the device to make it start charging, and the easiest way to do that is to push it to the device by "sudo flasher -F main.bin -f" command...

There are alternatives, actually it would not be necessary to initiate flashing, just to push APE in and make it happy to keep up the connection, which by default means the flasher program stays active on the computer.

I actually made a special bootkernel that does the same thing without requiring the aid of flasher by ripping the rootFS out of APE and beating it into the right form :D:D

(my intention here is to integrate ithe BME charging logic into ubiboot, but unfortunately I have not had time to complete that yet...)

pichlo 2014-04-29 10:56

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix
How about flasher -r ? Does that work? I think I've read somewhere that it should.

juiceme 2014-04-29 11:16

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1423328)
How about flasher -r ? Does that work? I think I've read somewhere that it should.

mmh, have not tested that, don't see however how it should work. Option "-r" means "boot a given rootfs image", I'd suppose you need to five some rootfs for it to have any effect... :rolleyes:

peterleinchen 2014-04-29 12:19

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1423312)
Unfortunately that does not work :)
"sudo flasher -i" just reads and displays the device version, it does not start charging the device.
You need to inject the APE kernel to the device to make it start charging, and the easiest way to do that is to push it to the device by "sudo flasher -F main.bin -f" command...

There are alternatives, actually it would not be necessary to initiate flashing, just to push APE in and make it happy to keep up the connection, which by default means the flasher program stays active on the computer.

I actually made a special bootkernel that does the same thing without requiring the aid of flasher by ripping the rootFS out of APE and beating it into the right form :D:D

(my intention here is to integrate ithe BME charging logic into ubiboot, but unfortunately I have not had time to complete that yet...)


I thought I could believe rainisto's words blindly :D

What about the CTRL-c thing then?

To be continued (by juiceme ;)) ...

juiceme 2014-04-29 15:00

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1423340)

True as Water and holds as a Sieve. [*]


Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1423340)
I thought I could believe rainisto's words blindly :D

What about the CTRL-c thing then?

To be continued (by juiceme ;)) ...

Usually his words are gospel, yes :)
However, in this case it is not so, to get the device in charging mode you just have to feed APE to it, there's no other way. And just infoking "flasher -i" does not do that. (and neither does "flasher -b", it has to be a command that starts the actual flashing scheme...)

[*] Old finnish proverb

peterleinchen 2014-04-29 16:03

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1423312)
There are alternatives, actually it would not be necessary to initiate flashing, just to push APE in and make it happy to keep up the connection, which by default means the flasher program stays active on the computer.

So this states the CTRL-c thingy is also a tale?


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1423312)
I actually made a special bootkernel that does the same thing without requiring the aid of flasher by ripping the rootFS out of APE and beating it into the right form :D:D

(my intention here is to integrate ithe BME charging logic into ubiboot, but unfortunately I have not had time to complete that yet...)

im:ppatiently waiting ...

vincr 2014-04-29 17:05

I am skilled enough to play with electronics and to deny safety warnings (as a hobbyist you can deny such warnings :p ), but this seems quite dangerous to try. A short circuit is easily made and you will wreck your beloved phone easy.

The flasher method seems to be the safest. But it's always nice to see some courage like this. :)

(woops, didnt read the entire topic..)

juiceme 2014-04-29 18:21

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1423362)
So this states the CTRL-c thingy is also a tale?

Ah, that one, yes, unfortunately that too is a fairy tale :D

See, there's a keep-alive protocol between the APE in the device and the flasher executive running in the device, the same protocol BTW which tells the flasher to display the charging precentage on the window: 1%...2¤...3%... and so on until it finally reaches 11%.

If you kick the flasher with ctrl-C, it will break away from the loop in the device, too, and it will reboot. (with the existing APE, of course, my mod is a bit better on that :D:D)


Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1423362)

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1423312)
I actually made a special bootkernel that does the same thing without requiring the aid of flasher by ripping the rootFS out of APE and beating it into the right form :D:D
(my intention here is to integrate ithe BME charging logic into ubiboot, but unfortunately I have not had time to complete that yet...)

im:ppatiently waiting ...

Blessed are the patient :D

pichlo 2014-04-29 20:06

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix
flasher -R? Sorry I got the case wrong in my previous post. I could have sworn someone once suggested that but can't find the reference now.

peterleinchen 2014-04-29 20:38

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix
I should let juice answer, but:
flasher -R
will boot the device up.

I do not know exactly when charging kicks in but from my experiences I would expect that the left juice ;) in battery is not enough to load/execute kernel and get the device to the charging state even while it is connected to (USB) power.

pichlo 2014-04-29 20:43

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1423400)
flasher -R
will boot the device up.

I know, but will it boot it up right away or after the battery charge reaches some threshold?
I guess I could try it myself but how do I get the battery to such a depleted state in the first place?

vincr 2014-04-29 20:47

For me charging didnt kick in with only flasher -R, it'll say device not recognized. Only with the main.bin string it will say to charge the phone. But some other time the scarywarningmessage(c) didnt show up, boots into juiceme's ubiboot and it boots Harmattan while charger immediatly was plugged in.

It's a damned DOA phone but i like it. :)

peterleinchen 2014-04-29 20:57

Re: N9 / Lumia 800 dead due low battery fix

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1423402)
I guess I could try it myself but how do I get the battery to such a depleted state in the first place?

Using Nitdroid or even juiceme's ubiboot console should get you into such state (if you really like).

But I think vincr already gave the answer.


Originally Posted by vincr (Post 1423404)
It's a damned DOA phone but i like it. :)

Yes. And I love it too. And even more the N950.
But at the end the N(eo)900 is the one!!!

vincr 2014-04-29 21:06

Had this like 5 times, you won't want this happen. :p

But anyway, I like the OP way to charge it. Reminds me building weird dc suppliers for my beloved Philips K11 tv. :)

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