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CommunityCouncil 2014-05-05 14:10

[Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Dear friends and Maemoans, it has been a busy six months, and again it is time to elect a new Community Council for us.

The last election finished on Saturday 14th of December 2013 so the new election should be done by Saturday 14th of June 2014.

UPDATE: New Schedule due to missing candidates! Nomination period is extended by one month!

The schedule of the voting is as follows:
  • Nomination period started on the 5th of May 2014 and continued until 31st of May 2014. Extended Nomination period starts on the 1st of june 2014 and continues until 30st of June 2014.
  • Contemplation period starts on Tuesday 1st of July 2014 and continues until Sunday 7th of July 2014.
  • Election period starts on Tuesday 8th of July 2014 and continues until 14th of July 2014.
To get our community to continue strong, we need fresh people with fresh viewpoints to carry on the torch, so please think about volunteering for Maemo Council.

Currently there is lots of things going on, as the Maemo council is now the one unified Council, acting on behalf of the whole Maemo Community and its legal representation bodies, the Maemo e.V. (registered association, successor to HiFo) and the Hildon Foundation.

On behalf of the outgoing community council,

Jussi Ohenoja

Link: Original article.

chemist 2014-05-19 11:06

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
To all, not knowing the election process yet.

juiceme 2014-06-03 20:10

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Now, we are in need of candidates for Maemo Council.

Please consider if you would want to partake in the building of this community, and to step forward to volunteer for the Council.

The procedure is simple, just introduce yourself on the Maemo mailing list and post a short entry here.

Win7Mac 2014-06-12 21:00

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Just in case you missed the editing of the first post - nomination period got extended by 1 month, due to lack of candidates/nominations, sadly...

Unfortunately, auto-karma-calculation for wiki-contributions is f*cked up at the moment, the issue is under investigation. It remains to be seen if this can be fixed in time, but thanks to sixwheeldbeast, there is a wiki-page listing all eligible candidates untill 2014-05-20.

If you want to candidate for council, but don't find yourself on the list, please holler here or shoot a mail at council(at) AND board(at) to make sure it won't be missed.

Please everybody interested in the continuance of this community consider to self-nominate and please do vote next month!

Dave999 2014-06-12 21:10

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Im interested in continuance of this community. Unfortunately I'm not the man for the council. What can I do? Nominate someone else?

Win7Mac 2014-06-12 21:11

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1429390)
Im interested in continuance of this community. Unfortunately I'm not the man for the council. What can I do?

Nominate someone else! :D

Dave999 2014-06-12 21:37

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Win7Mac (Post 1429391)
Nominate someone else! :D

Can I nominate you?

Win7Mac 2014-06-22 19:30

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Nominations go here.
Thank you.

Win7Mac 2014-06-29 21:13

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Nomination period is closing on June 30st, 23:59 (only ~1 day left).

dirkvl 2014-06-29 22:13

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
why am i not nominated?!

juiceme 2014-06-30 07:58

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1431390)
why am i not nominated?!

Because you have no Garage account.

I composed my list-of-people-I'd-like-to-nominate based on 2 criterias:

1. Positive attitude to the Maeo Community, contribution to the community, general helpfulness towards other Maemoans.
2. Garage account with enough Karma to be eligible as a candidate.

The 2nd point is somewhat negotiatible as the amount of Karma needed can be amended by Council if the candidate is recognized as valuable member, but the Garage account is mandatory AFAIK.

Be assured that if you'd qualify on the 2nd point you would be high on my list of candidates.

Win7Mac 2014-06-30 11:16

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Right, here's the wiki-page on how to
Link account with profile
This is a mandatory procedure.

juiceme 2014-07-02 21:10

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Dear friends and Maemoans, We are now entering the contemplation period of the election.

We now have 10 fine candidates for council, of whom top 5 are going to form the new Maemo Council.

The candidates should now enter their introductions/declarations to the wiki page at

The contemplation period extends up to next Sunday 7th of July 2014. During this period candidates should be available for talks and discussions on their candidacy, and viewpoints regarding Maemo Community.

On behalf of the outgoing community council,

Jussi Ohenoja

Dave999 2014-07-03 17:12

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

5 Days To Voting!

juiceme 2014-07-05 17:24

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Election starts in 2 days from now.

The election machine has been set to motion, and the emails containing the voting tickets are being sent out now, soon to appear in your inboxes.

If you do not receive an election email with your personal ticket, there might be several reasons;
  • check your spam folders :)
  • You might have no Garage account :eek: (only Garage users are eligible to vote)
  • You might not have enough Karma, 10 points is minimum

peterleinchen 2014-07-05 18:51

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Just got my ticket :) ...

panjgoori 2014-07-05 22:13

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Me too

10 chars 2014-07-06 10:42

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
so do I

If you know the undescribed candidates please urge them to have a short text on who are they and their plans ...

szopin 2014-07-06 18:15

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1431900)
Election starts in 2 days from now.

The election machine has been set to motion, and the emails containing the voting tickets are being sent out now, soon to appear in your inboxes.

If you do not receive an election email with your personal ticket, there might be several reasons;
  • check your spam folders :)
  • You might have no Garage account :eek: (only Garage users are eligible to vote)
  • You might not have enough Karma, 10 points is minimum

wait, when did it become mandatory to have garage account to be eligible to vote?

Dave999 2014-07-06 18:37

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1431963)
wait, when did it become mandatory to have garage account to be eligible to vote?

Soon you Will need at least 5000 Thanks ... Its such an elite club :D

juiceme 2014-07-06 18:45

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1431963)
wait, when did it become mandatory to have garage account to be eligible to vote?

It has been like that from the very beginning, I guess.
The voting machine pulls account data from Midgard and sends the voting tokens to valid users via email.

szopin 2014-07-06 18:48

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1431969)
It has been like that from the very beginning, I guess.
The voting machine pulls account data from Midgard and sends the voting tokens to valid users via email.

Then you need to validate previous results as I have definitely voted in elections in the past

szopin 2014-07-06 19:15

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Similar issue from Oct 2013 elections:
Was this changed by one of our councils or technologists didn't manage to migrate without featureloss?

szopin 2014-07-06 19:24

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
This might be treated as: oops we made a mistake, working on a fix, or as a thing that disqualifies previous elections based on garage accounts only, which would also invalidate all decisions made by councillors elected in a wrong way, so might be worth checking. All the bylaws shitflinging could be null and we might still have a connection to Nokie noone expectéd

peterleinchen 2014-07-06 20:31

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
I do do not get what you are talking about:

Member Since 2011-03-04
Username - szopin
So you have/had an account on

Excerpt from

3. Only community members who have had accounts for over 3 months, and have karma of 10 or above, may vote.
So where comes that from?

oops, reading last page reveals juiceme said so. But afaik it was always only account (even I have both)!
Let juiceme read this and/or correct/confirm (maybe joerg_rw or others can confirm, too).

szopin 2014-07-06 20:37

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1431981)
I do do not get what you are talking about:

So you have/had an account on

Excerpt from

So where comes that from?

where is any mention of garage? juiceme explains lacking tokens (like mine this and last time) by lack of garage account, where is thr garage requirement? i don't mind missing another election, but seems something's changed without notice?

Win7Mac 2014-07-07 01:33

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1431900)
If you do not receive an election email with your personal ticket, there might be several reasons;
  • You might have no Garage account :eek: (only Garage users are eligible to vote)

This obviously is a mistake.
Only a account is required in order to vote or be voted for.
Garage or Talk account is optional and you may gain Karma if you link your profiles, if that isn't broken too due to midgard craziness.

That still doesn't explain why szopin didn't get a token though... :confused:
But afaik, tokens can be sent manually.

Dave999 2014-07-07 06:39

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Time To Vote!

juiceme 2014-07-07 08:50

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Mmh, I might be confused here, as there are so many accounts, I was under the impression that ( account == garage account).

If my posting alarmed anyone, be assured that the system behaves exactly like on previous elections!

Now, in case you have not voted in any previous election, and have not ever/yet received an election token by mail, then contact me and I'll see what can be done.
It is like @Win7Mac says, the election tokens can also be generated manually if you were for some reason excluded from the electorate on the automatic run.

juiceme 2014-07-08 06:24

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Go to and log in with your email address and token sent to you to that address to vote.

In case you still have not received your voting token, please contact me.
There has already been one case where the token was sent to old, unused mailbox.

leon.anavi 2014-07-10 22:12

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
I gave my vote a minute ago :) Good luck to all participants!

WilliePre 2014-07-11 06:19

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
I've done my Maemo duty - voted

fw190 2014-07-11 07:57

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
I hope that this time there will be more of us voting than the last time!!!

maemo wake up!!! Time to vote!!!

qwazix 2014-07-11 18:06

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Late to the party but garage accounts were always == == wiki accounts. (At least since 2009, I wasn't here before that) so yeah, nothing to worry about.

nokiabot 2014-07-11 18:48

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
i already voted

nokiabot 2014-07-11 18:49

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
voting period should be extended a bit i think

juiceme 2014-07-11 19:23

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
The voting period is set to one week, and that should suffice.
There's still time until over the weekend to vote, and I do hope that as many Maemoans as possible cast their ballot.

Dave999 2014-07-11 20:16

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

thedead1440 2014-07-13 16:20

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement
Bump... Vote before it closes...

peterleinchen 2014-07-13 18:23

Re: [Council] Q2 2014 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1432625)
Bump... Vote before it closes...

Do it NOW! (or even after Germany went for soccer world championchip ;))

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