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elros34 2014-05-29 21:57

[Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
1 Attachment(s)
This is simple answer screen inspired by easy answer. I created it to avoid accident rejecting calls and sloow rotation The main feature is that it always remain in portrait mode and never try to rotate even if phone is in landscape mode.
Be aware that this package will modify your syspart.conf file which can lead to unpredictable problems.

Application was tested by me only on cssu testing/thumb. Stock firmware or cssu stable can cause rotation problems - not confirmed due to lack of interest.
Read post 29 and then think twice before you will decide to install this application.

Thumb version at

Changing the settings like background wallpaper/color or enabling contact picture is possible by editing ~/.config/qslideanswer/qslideanswer.ini

Known bugs:
- multicall support

sixwheeledbeast 2014-05-29 22:22

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1427318)
I created it to avoid accident rejecting calls and sloow rotation The main feature is that it always remain in portrait mode and never try to rotate even if phone is in landcspe mode.

You can set the call-ui to Portrait only BTW.

Just replace Landscape with Portrait from the above instructions, this is actually how I have my Phone application setup.

Your application is nice looking.

elros34 2014-05-29 22:34

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
I know about this option but the problem is: lock "call-ui" to portrait -> have phone in landcape mode -> somebody calling - what will happen? slow rotation which is pain for me when I want to quickly accept or reject call.

nokiabot 2014-05-30 03:05

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Looks good :) how can the looks be changed as its droid like and will new features be added.

biketool 2014-05-30 05:44

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Brilliant, this is a big problem now very easily solved.
Can you do a classic Maemo skin?
Get this on the repos ASAP!
(edit) waiting for install, does this answer and hangup via the proximity detector?(answer)Didn't work when I tried.

biketool 2014-05-30 06:38

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Quick update, this is great in that it pops much faster than the phone GUI can even begin to figure out what is happening, there is not even a phone UI window available for about 5-10 sec after I successfully answer the call with qtslideanswer.
The qtslideanswer interface pops up in under a second and making answer or reject available for use even with the phone locked, microb loading a heavy website, calendar, sygic mobile maps, and the upgrade manager running to bog the system down.
BTW I had to install with dpkg as the install manager GUI saw missing deps.
Brilliant, three things:
Shows "Unknown Caller" even when the regular phone UI shows the callers name/pic from my phonebook and plays the correct personalized ringtone.
Where are the settings?
Can we get a more Maemo theme skin?

nokiabot 2014-05-30 06:44

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
How will it look if just the name and number is displayed on a awsome background . To take the call one can drag the screen one way to reject another way etc basicaly a buttonless ui option would do great :)

padmaraj.ravi 2014-05-30 07:12

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Wow...N900 still having support even after 5 years.Thanks mate.:)

elros34 2014-05-30 07:57

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1427347)
Can you do a classic Maemo skin?
Get this on the repos ASAP!
(edit) waiting for install, does this answer and hangup via the proximity detector?(answer)Didn't work when I tried.

1. What do you mean? - QPushButton with text "answer" ?
2. I'm lazy .. you can find it here:
3. Hangup works as it's maemo feature. Only interface it's inspired by easy answer. Additonal accelerometer polling for overload system? I'm not convinced


Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1427359)
Brilliant, three things:
Shows "Unknown Caller" even when the regular phone UI shows the callers name/pic from my phonebook and plays the correct personalized ringtone.
Where are the settings?
Can we get a more Maemo theme skin?

"Unknown Caller" or "Unknown" ? - For every number?
There is no any settings as it's very simple app and there is nothing customize (position of text?) but you can change background and button images in /opt/qslideanswer/images/

elros34 2014-05-30 08:04

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1427360)
How will it look if just the name and number is displayed on a awsome background . To take the call one can drag the screen one way to reject another way etc basicaly a buttonless ui option would do great :)

You mean sailfish like answer screen? I thought about it but maemo it's little laggish in call moment .. I'm not sure if you have some mockup how this should look - share.

xes 2014-05-30 08:11

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Thank you for your effort!
Does you application supports also the contact picture?

elros34 2014-05-30 08:21

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
No, for now it has even problem with contact name as biketool reported

xes 2014-05-30 08:30

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1427359)
...Shows "Unknown Caller" even when the regular phone UI shows the callers name/pic from my phonebook and plays the correct personalized ringtone...

Out of curiosity, what are you using to customize the contacts ringtone?

biketool 2014-05-30 10:10

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1427374)
1. What do you mean? - QPushButton with text "answer" ?
2. I'm lazy .. you can find it here:
3. Hangup works as it's maemo feature. Only interface it's inspired by easy answer. Additonal accelerometer polling for overload system? I'm not convinced

"Unknown Caller" or "Unknown" ? - For every number?
There is no any settings as it's very simple app and there is nothing customize (position of text?) but you can change background and button images in /opt/qslideanswer/images/

Maemo-ish theme is not so important, I just like matching color but not important at all.

Repos, no worries, just that there are many great apps and new versions of those apps hidden in TMO unsearchable in the official hash verified repos, if they are hard to access for devs there should be an easier way to get stuff in there rather than some personal website, especially form a system security standpoint

As for the proximity detector/accelerometer thanks for NOT using that, too unreliable way to answer and hang up.

I think some contacts have come up with a name, but most don't.

Great app, I have needed this since rotation animation and a slow phone app has caused me to miss many calls.

Xes, I think it is per-contact-ringtones in the repos

xes 2014-05-30 10:38

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
pay attention with that app, if i'm not wrong it creates a lot of speed problems to the phone application making it unreliable.

I hope that the "Unknow caller" name is not related to that ...

biketool 2014-05-30 11:32

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by xes (Post 1427406)
pay attention with that app, if i'm not wrong it creates a lot of speed problems to the phone application making it unreliable.

That could be true but I had the too late to answer GUI issue before installing the custom ringtone app.

biketool 2014-06-03 10:27

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
elros34, could you post source so someone else can send it up to repos?
As of this post this topic is already buried on TMO and I don't want this app, an important fix for telephone usability when running other apps, lost in the forums or abandoned if you suddenly don't have time to tweak the issues.

BTW there are only a few contacts which come up as unknown one is just my most frequent caller.

xes 2014-06-03 10:33

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen fact it would be better to always check the sources of an application interacting with phone calls and contacts

marmistrz 2014-06-03 17:20

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Well a maemo skin (clone of the original answer window) would be great.

elros34 2014-06-03 17:58

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
biketool, can you check new more verbose version and tell me how problematic contact's number looks when you start app and then what happens when call coming? In terminal:
sudo stop qslideanswer

saponga 2014-06-03 18:43

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
I've lost a call today because both (red and green) buttons just disappeared... The screen was locked and i didn't know what to do in order to pick up the call... it was hilarious because i was driving, the phone was ringing and i really didn't want to lost that call but i wasn't able to unlock the screen :D Sadly i'm still on on version 0.1 that i think isn't verbose enough . i'll update and report back any abnormalities. Thank you.

elros34 2014-06-03 18:55

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Sorry for that but it's still in testing state. Button dissapers but number was visible? Is it happens in hildon-home or in normal window?

saponga 2014-06-04 01:13

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1428070)
Sorry for that but it's still in testing state. Button dissapers but number was visible? Is it happens in hildon-home or in normal window?

Acttually, it happened only that time. The number was visible for sure because i knew that i should pick up that call. I will make more tests tomorow and report back. Thanks again and dont be sorry. I know its still beta :)
EDIT: i think i've managed to reproduce the bug:
- lock the screen
- let the light sensor covered (e.g. in pocket)
- wait for a call
- phone rings
- pick the phone in landscape position
- rotate to portrait
- the buttons are gone :confused:
Just another note:
If you start qslideanswer from terminal it works flowlessly. Than i reboot and the bug was there again.

biketool 2014-06-05 05:46

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Installed 0.2, when reset and run from command line it first seems to load an incomplete contacts list, not all names are listed and many names which do have attached phone numbers instead have an entry like this
contact: "some dude" ""
while others are
contact: "another person" "55544433"
even though Some Dude has a phone number or several listed in my contacts list. In fact reviewing the list it seems that any contact with both a home and mobile number listed gets the empty phone number DB error.
Thanks for the great app and I hope this input helps, let me know if I can do more.
(Edit) the person who calls frequently revealing the bug has several contact numbers in Contacts, she pops up Somebody on qslideanswer and the console shows the phone number pop up but she doesn't even show up in the contacts that do load into the app, her name doesnt load so no way to link to her phone number when it comes up.

elros34 2014-06-24 13:30

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Rotation bug should be fixed now.

biketool 2014-06-24 14:35

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1428057)
sudo stop qslideanswer

OK, 0.3 is installed and now the database on startup is all correct including multi number contacts, and it gives a contact name when it receives a call from a multi number contact.
Thanks, this is brilliant, one of the most useful upgrades for my N900. We say it is a computer with phone functionality but we all still use it as our phone. This app makes sure we can actually answer even if we have bogged the system with computer stuff.
I was just thinking today when I got a no name call from contacts that I hoped we would see this update soon.

biketool 2014-06-25 05:33

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
I think this is ready for repos, can someone with a dev account drop the source into the builder?

marmistrz 2014-06-25 12:38

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1430934)
I think this is ready for repos, can someone with a dev account drop the source into the builder?

If the dev says so, I can do it.

pichlo 2014-06-26 06:35

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1427359)
The qtslideanswer interface pops up in under a second and making answer or reject available for use even with the phone locked, microb loading a heavy website, calendar, sygic mobile maps, and the upgrade manager running to bog the system down.

Wow. This and other similar responses make me believe I do something seriously wrong but my experience is quite different. I normally have Hamster Filer, a terminal window and about 4 Leafpad instances open at any time, day or night. Sometimes a browser window or two. And the keyboard open.

Suddenly the phone rings. 5 times out of 10, it takes so long for Phone UI to pop up that it stops ringing and I miss the call.

Does QSlideAnswer help? No! In some cases, it makes it even worse. Especially when the keyboard is open. It competes with Phone UI and I can see the screen flipping between the two. Eventually, even if QSlideAnswer wins, answering by sliding is so confusing compared to a simple button press that inevitably end up missing the call again.

In addition, the name thatm shows up seems rather random. In about 7 cases out of 10, my daughter's name shows up. She is 6 and does not have a phone number. I keep her in Contacts for the birthday reminders. The funny thing is that her name does not show up only for incoming calls with hidden numbers, but seemingly randomly for any incoming calls.

Consequently, I regret to say that I ended up uninstaling the app. I still miss some incoming calls but at least I do not get the confusion with how to answer them and with the names.

biketool 2014-06-26 07:21

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1431042)
(snip)my experience is quite different.(snip)

I am curious are you using stock swap settings and some overclock?
I have OC up to 900Mhz and swappolube proposed settings, I have custom swap or use my SD card for big I/O but otherwise the above.

pichlo 2014-06-26 07:59

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1431043)
I am curious are you using stock swap settings and some overclock?
I have OC up to 900Mhz and swappolube proposed settings, I have custom swap or use my SD card for big I/O but otherwise the above.

<OT>CSSU Thumb9, OC to 805MHz, SR on, Swappolube proposed settings, swap on SD.

Starting an app for the first time after a reboot takes ages (20-30 seconds for Leafpad, for example), closing it and starting it again is much faster. Camera is the biggest pain. It can take up to 2 minutes(!) to start and often freezes on taking a picture. I suspect an I/O contention between swap and DCIM on SD. Switching Camera to DCIM in MyDocs helps a bit.<OT>

elros34 2014-06-26 08:17

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1430968)
If the dev says so, I can do it.

I have only tested it on my current CSSU thumb version so I have no idea how it will behave in older versions but feel free to upload it to repo. Thanks.

elros34 2014-06-26 08:28

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Thanks for response pichlo. I have never compared speed between stock and my application. The main purpose was to avoid accidentally reject call and annoying rotation and it works quite good for me but as you can see doesn't have to work good for others. I hope that you rebooted your phone after installing the application.

biketool 2014-06-26 16:08

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
I suspect that qslide answer is faster on many machines as it has no turn animation which is automatic and cant be disabled with the standard Maemo answer screen at least after the last Nokia update or perhaps CSSU.
Qslideanswer or previously a wired/BT headset were often the only way I got a chance to answer if I have a web browser or other app running.

biketool 2014-06-27 10:13

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Someone let us know when qslideanswer is up on the repos.
Since basic functionality is working now is there any further development or features planned?
The code is pretty compact which I think makes it so quick, not sure what else would even be desired without being bloat.

marmistrz 2014-06-27 10:57

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1431049)
I have only tested it on my current CSSU thumb version so I have no idea how it will behave in older versions but feel free to upload it to repo. Thanks.

So send me the source tar.gz with debian packaging. The one on the OP has no packaging.

biketool 2014-06-30 06:57

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
New bug - when answering a second incoming call sliding red to reject disconnects both calls.

biketool 2014-07-03 15:46

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Another issue is that the qslideanswer screen is now staying up on screen blocking access to the desktop, even qtedgedger wont let me minimize the qslide answer screen. I answered using my BH-214 headset's answer button while the phone was in the pouch I discovered the problem when I herd the beep from a calendar reminder during a call, I had to slide the red reject thing to dismiss the stuck qslideanswer screen after completing the call.

elros34 2014-07-13 17:59

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
- first problem: Yes but I have no idea have to fix it for now -
- second: QSlideanswer has "_HILDON_STACKING_LAYER" set to 9 so you can't just bring hildon-desktop to top. This is what qtedger do with appMenu, taskMenu.. commands.
Probably I will add headphones support in next version but now I have a problem with upload privileges. I sent request few days ago but still have "You don't have rights to upload to extras or extras-devel at the moment". Does it still work?

biketool 2014-07-14 15:57

Re: [Maemo 5] [Announce] QSlideAnswer - always in portrait answer screen
Elros, of course waiting for the fixes/improvements but there is still IMHO nothing to compare to QSlideAnswer. For me so far it is a 100% reliable way to answer my phone without waiting for hardware accelerated rotation animation. Any other problems I have had are minor compared to missing calls because of the Maemo answer software bogging down when other apps are open.

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