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Jef91 2014-10-16 05:29

[Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
I've ported my Qt based Pandora Internet Radio player qAndora to work on my Nokia N9 and Nokia N900. Figured I would share.

Nokia N9 Support

Install Instructions:

You might need to run apt-get -f install to grab missing dependencies for python-gst0.10 from the repo.

Nokia N900 Support

My normal dpkg --build method for creating hackages doesn't work with dpkg on the N900 as it is too old to support the .xz compression format. Because of this I do not have an automatic installer just yet. Open to suggestions on building one.

Install Instructions:
  • Install python-gst0.10, python-pyside, and python-simplejson
  • Download and extract qandora-n900.tar.gz ->
  • Run python
  • Optional: Copy qAndora.desktop to /usr/share/applications/hildon/ to create a launcher (assumes qandora-n900 directory is located at /home/user/MyDocs)

Unlike my previous player this application functions with the OSK properly since it is written using Qt instead of Elementary.

Source Code

herdem09 2014-10-16 06:44

Thanks for this great work.
Info : The first package requires python-centrally which is available via apt-get.

Alexxxl 2014-10-16 08:11

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio
cool application!

Jef91 2014-10-16 16:02

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio
Made some touch optimizations to the mobile UI and added a screenshot to the first post.

Jef91 2014-10-17 03:05

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
After a minimal amount of hacking I've got my latest source running on the N900. Added instructions to the first post.

kapu2 2014-10-17 07:11

Hey Jeff, I'm having some installation troubles. The debs won't install by opening them, so I went to the terminal. I installed the python-gst0.10 package via the terminal and it all went well, but I'm getting an error when I try apt-get install qandora-mobile. It says "failed to fetch (from your repo) qandora-mobile_0.2_all.deb Size mismatch" I hardly know what I'm doing, could you help me? I'd really love to try this out, thanks for sharing your work with us!

Jef91 2014-10-17 07:16

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Something openrepos does must have corrupted my .deb file. Try installing it from the download on my GitHub linked in the first post here.

tcbl50 2014-10-17 08:56

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
thanks so much for this mate!!! cant wait to try this on my n900. thanks for continued development for this great phone!!

rotoflex 2014-10-17 10:11

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
3 Attachment(s)
This is really nice! Thanks for creating it!
I'm running it on the N900, & have noticed a few things:

1. On the login screen, the text entry boxes had so little height that it wasn't possible to see the cursor or text that was entered.

2. After logging in, all is great, but under the preferences button, the short text boxes can be seen again.

3. It looks like there are more options under Preferences->General, but the window won't wipe/scroll up to display them.

4. It's piling up the screens with notifications every time the song changes - is there a setting under Preferences -> General to turn the notifications off?

5. Is there an option under Preferences->General to logout? If so & it can be reached, I can get a screenshot of the low login text boxes.

Thanks again for this, it's great!

Jef91 2014-10-17 12:54

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Yea - the popups need to be made "touch friendly" on the N900. As of right now I haven't edited the login/preferences screen from the desktop application (where they aren't squashed at all).

Hopefully will have time to play around with that at some point, the documentation on PySide with Maemo 5 is pretty scare at this point though. If you want to know what those full Windows contain take a peek at the screenshots here that do not have bunched up text ->

Jef91 2014-10-17 13:39

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Updated the N9 package to look less Windows 98.

nokiabot 2014-10-17 14:00

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Will this get to the repos as its nice to be there :)

kapu2 2014-10-17 19:19

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9

Originally Posted by Jef91 (Post 1443231)
Something openrepos does must have corrupted my .deb file. Try installing it from the download on my GitHub linked in the first post here.

no luck i'm afraid. i get an "invalid installation package" error. :(

Jef91 2014-10-17 19:39

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Have you installed 3rd party debs on your N9 before? Can you post the full error of trying to install the .deb via:

dpkg -i qandora-mobile.deb

tcbl50 2014-10-17 20:15

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
getting this error on N900. any ideas??

python /home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/
/home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/ GtkWarning: gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ERROR:root:fault code: 12 message: An unexpected error occurred
ERROR:root:fault code: 0 message: An unexpected error occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/", line 493, in <module>
mainWin = MainWindow()
File "/home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/", line 94, in __init__
self.loginUser(self.preferences['username'], self.preferences['password'])
File "/home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/", line 144, in loginUser
self.radioPlayer.setStation(self.radioPlayer.getSt ations()[0])
File "/home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/playerGst/", line 82, in getStations
return self.pandora.get_stations()
File "/home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/playerGst/", line 173, in get_stations
stations = self.json_call('user.getStationList')['stations']
File "/home/user/MyDocs/qandora-n900/playerGst/", line 140, in json_call
raise PandoraError("Pandora returned an error", code, "%s (code %d)"%(msg, code))

Jef91 2014-10-17 20:55

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
That indicates a login error - likely a typo in your login. You can clear your settings/check what you entered at ~/.config/qAndora/preferences.cfg

Validating that the user name/password work is on my TODO list.

kapu2 2014-10-17 21:32

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9

Originally Posted by Jef91 (Post 1443338)
Have you installed 3rd party debs on your N9 before? Can you post the full error of trying to install the .deb via:

dpkg -i qandora-mobile.deb

yup, i've installed quite a few 3rd party debs. here's what the terminal tells me.

i have developer mode enabled, but i don't have any of the extra dev packages installed. could i need one of these maybe? sorry for being a pain, i wish i knew what i was doing here. :(

peterleinchen 2014-10-17 21:43

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
What about giving the full specified name to downloaded deb?
Most probably
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/qandora-mobile.deb
or (depending on your users.dir)
dpkg -i /home/user/qandora-mobile.deb

(as termimal starts in /home/user and after devel-su you are in /root)

kapu2 2014-10-17 22:01

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
@peterleinchen - ran that through as well but i got the same Aegis rejection error. I don't know, I feel like I've messed something up somewhere in the python package installation. Ah well.

tcbl50 2014-10-17 22:52

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9

Originally Posted by Jef91 (Post 1443341)
That indicates a login error - likely a typo in your login. You can clear your settings/check what you entered at ~/.config/qAndora/preferences.cfg

Validating that the user name/password work is on my TODO list.

ok will check. this app can only be used in US right???

Jef91 2014-10-18 01:28

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9

Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1443343)
yup, i've installed quite a few 3rd party debs. here's what the terminal tells me.

I only get that error message when I tell my N9 to install a .deb file the doesn't exist.

After running devel-su in order run these commands:


wget --no-check-certificate

dpkg -i qandora-mobile.deb
What I think happened is that you downloaded the deb to your user directory, but when you log into root, your directory changes.

@tcbl50 Pandora only works in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.

tcbl50 2014-10-18 08:18

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
ok. maybe thats why i get the error. will learn how to set up a proxy on my n900

tcbl50 2014-10-25 14:57

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
used openvpn to chanege my IP adress and its working fine thanks. just annoying popup windows when the song changes but i can live with that :)

rotoflex 2014-10-26 00:48

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
You can turn off the notification popups under Preferences->General.
It's the 3rd window down, & can be toggled with the stylus.
His screenshot shows the screen unsqueezed:

whayong 2014-10-29 20:23

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Just stumbled on this thread. N900 is at home but I'll definitely be trying this out tonight! Thanks for the hard work!

tcbl50 2014-12-16 23:12

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
flashed my N900 n when i try to run d app i get

File "", line 5, in <module>
from PySide.QtGui import *
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtGui

please help! i miss this app

Jef91 2014-12-16 23:35

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Looks like you are missing python PySide bindings. I'm not sure what they are called off hand, on Ubuntu they are generally python-pyside I believe.

If you can't find the right package, let me know and I'll try and dig it up for you.


tcbl50 2014-12-17 07:41

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
thanks that worked!!!

thanks for a great app. are u gonna develop the app any further?

Jef91 2014-12-17 07:49

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Optimizing the UI for the N9/N900 is on my TODO list at some point. Not sure if I intend to add more pandora features at this point.

Did you have a particular feature request?

Edit: Also - do you know which package you needed to add so I can include it in the install instructions?

Jef91 2014-12-17 09:19

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Got inspired this evening and did some GUI updates to the N900 package. The login and preferences screens are now formatted properly on the N900's screen and you can easily see/access all the options they have.

You will need to remove your current qandora-n900 folder and redownload+extract the new one.

Have any suggestions for improvement let me know.


tcbl50 2014-12-17 13:11

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9

Originally Posted by Jef91 (Post 1452466)
Optimizing the UI for the N9/N900 is on my TODO list at some point. Not sure if I intend to add more pandora features at this point.

Did you have a particular feature request?

Edit: Also - do you know which package you needed to add so I can include it in the install instructions?

It was python-pyside but I also had to install python-simplejson as well

tcbl50 2014-12-17 16:54

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
tried out new gui. thanks. its brilliant and clear

whayong 2014-12-21 19:17

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
I may have missed it.... is this going in the repos?

Jef91 2014-12-21 19:19

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
If someone wants to package it up sure. The version of dpkg on Maemo is too old to support the normal dpkg --build command I use to make deb packages.

rotoflex 2014-12-22 00:36

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9

Originally Posted by Jef91 (Post 1452473)
You will need to remove your current qandora-n900 folder and redownload+extract the new one.

Where is the qandora-n900 folder?

Jef91 2014-12-22 01:10

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9

Originally Posted by rotoflex (Post 1453315)
Where is the qandora-n900 folder?

Where ever you put it the first time you downloaded the archive.


rotoflex 2014-12-22 05:26

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Thanks, it turns out that I'd installed it in /home/user/MyDocs as you suggested in your first post.

Does the new archive include qAndora.desktop?
I didn't see it in the new qandora-n900 directory that was created, & just continued to use the previous one copied to /usr/share/applications/hildon/ for a desktop launcher as you suggested.

It would be nice if someone graphics-oriented could create an icon for the launcher of this great app!

Jef91 2014-12-22 05:31

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
The application has an icon you can find here. Save it to /opt/usr/share/icons/qAndora.png and the desktop file will use it.

EDIT: Just looked at the github/downloaded the archive and the .desktop file is still there. At any rate if what you have works, leave it alone ;)

Jef91 2015-01-08 18:51

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
Updated the N900/N9 package to fix an issue with an occasional hang at the end of a track.

gawga_boy 2015-01-27 15:02

Re: [Announce] qAndora - Pandora Internet Radio for N900+N9
I have been trying to install qAndora on my N9 for awhile now. Keep running into this error regardless of whether I use apt-get -f install qandora-mobile or dpkg -i qandora-mobile.deb on the local downloaded archive. I've verified the python gst dependency is installed.

Any ideas?

/home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/qandora # dpkg -i qandora-mobile.deb
file /var/lib/dpkg/ cannot be opened
No digsigsums file
(Reading database ... 53514 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking qandora-mobile (from qandora-mobile.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing qandora-mobile.deb (--install):
error setting permissions of `./usr/share/applications/qAndora.desktop': Operation not permitted
dpkg-deb (subprocess): failed in write on buffer copy for failed to write to pipe in copy: Broken pipe
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste returned error exit status 2
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
aegis-NOT-installing qandora-mobile (from '')

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