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Dave999 2014-12-21 09:46

List your favorite phones 2014
So the 2014 is coming to an end. It's closing time. And it would be very interesting so see what phones you value most 2014. Whats is your top 3?

My list...
1. Galaxy Note 4
2. LG G3
3. Sony Z3

foobar 2014-12-21 10:08

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. N900
2. N900
3. N900

bingomion 2014-12-21 10:23

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
@foobar, beat me to it!

Boxeri 2014-12-21 11:03

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. N9 I "had to" use my old N9 for couple of weeks because my Jolla was having some service. Again that UI blow my mind. Simply best I have ever used and lightyears faster to move around than anything other I have experienced. If only it had more processing power...

2. Xperia Z3 Truly a really nice phone. Unfortunately it is boring because it is using Android

3. Jolla Because it is different. The hardware side is not that special, but the OS wants to be different and for me it is doing it great.

Special mention: Yota phone Some companies are still willing to try new things and lead the way. Have to give credit for that. Hopefully Yota phone 2 will have actually usabe second screen.

Biggest let down of the year. iOS and Android combined. I can't even remember when was the last time they managed to make me think even "Well, thats nice", let alone "Wow, that is cool!!"

From Vertu with Love 2014-12-21 11:09

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
It's been a poor year in truth.

The Galaxy S5 was lacking in anything major, the iPhone 6 suffered from hardware issues and lacked in new features over the 5S. The new Nexus is only meh. And Nokia / Microsoft scrapped their exciting-in-theory '3D touch' flagship. So, what's left? I'm gonna go by what excites me most.

1) BlackBerry Passport - It's different, if that's all I can call it. It's trying new things with an old form factor, and personally I am a big fan of the OS. Camera is a weak point (as it always has been for BlackBerry), and the price is too high to make me want to try it as a daily driver just yet - but it's in my crosshairs for now.

2) YotaPhone 2 - A phone I genuinely didn't think we'd see after the first one's inability to make a splash, but I'm glad it's out now. The e-ink display on the back is innovative, and genuinely useful. Eye strain before bed is a major issue if you use your phone to read news articles etc., this solves that. Entirely. A real convergence device. And they've nailed the software to go along with it too! What more could you ask for? Well, maybe a Sailfish option... Android to me is very plain, uninspiring and ugly. I'm not going to be using it for a while - I value aesthetics too highly.

3) Nokia Lumia 530 - This is the phone that will truly bring 'smart' to the masses across the world, believe me. It's been on sale as low as £15 in the UK already. Whether you hate the OS or not, it is reasonably smooth, it has a camera, it runs apps and games, has a good browser, has expandable storage... and it costs £15. Let that sink in for a second. How they've managed to get this much into a device that can sell for this little is genuinely beyond me.

Notable mention: LG G3 - The least exciting, but another huge upgrade over what was already a very solid phone. Great hardware specs, and just improved across the board. This is LG's equivalent to the Galaxy SII - the phone that will really see them break into Samsung and Apple's party. Again, Android puts me off, but this is the phone that should really be sweeping up in these awards across the board.

Notable mention: HTC One M8 - A very beautiful phone. I love that HTC use metal in their construction, it gives it a much more premium feel. Unfortunately, it's let down by the camera, really badly. And the OS. And the battery life. A showpiece - not really usable in practice.... but so pretty.

Notable mention: Motorola Droid Turbo - It's powerful (like the iPhone 6, Note 4, S5, G3, One M8 and Z3), it has a nice screen (like the iPhone 6, Note 4, S5, G3, One M8 and Z3), the camera is good enough (like the iPhone 6, Note 4, S5, G3, One M8 and Z3), it looks decent but definitely isn't gorgeous (like the iPhone 6, Note 4, S5, G3 and Z3) - so what sets this phone apart? A 3900 mAh battery. Enough battery to make this power last. This really isn't innovative - but the amount nearly all other OEMs neglect this, you'd be forgiven for thinking it was. Probably the only Android phone I could use as a daily driver right now... if it wasn't for the fact that it's locked to 1 US network and comes with a ton of bloatware that can't be uninstalled.

peterleinchen 2014-12-21 12:39

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
foobar made it already!
That would have been the post to close this thread!!!

But as it not happened, I may correct it a bit (to my preferences :)):
1. N900
2. N900, N9
3. N900, N9, N950

And be assured the answer for 2015 will be the same! [or maybe some 'eo' might sneak in ;)]

elastic 2014-12-21 15:31

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. BB Passport - something new at last ;-)
2. N9 - which I rediscovered from the drawer to my pocket :-)
3. still my BB Z10 - still a little bit to big - but still rocking OS and display

Dave999 2014-12-21 16:55

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
Love all your lists!

Its so nice to see that people creating their lists from so many different parameters and views.

mscion 2014-12-21 17:07

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
I like

1)Note Edge: I've had it for a week or so and enjoy it. Edge has lots of potential. Just needs a little more love from XDA developers.
2)Note 4: Coming from the Note 3, It seemed more for the same but definately better. Especially camera and multitasking. (same goes for Edge)
3)Nexus 6: Love the screen size and will get tons of support from developers.

Kangal 2014-12-21 17:35

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
How about a hierarchy of previous released flagship phones instead?
I'll put them in order of best to worst, and in groups of "stages"
This hierarchy is quite useful, now that I think of it : )

SONY Z3 (2014) ~ iPhone 6 > Moto X ~ LG G3 > HTC M8 ~ SGS5 ~ 1+1 (2014) >
LG G2 (2013) > Nexus 5 ~ SGS4 ~ Lumia 930 > Xperia Z ~ One ~ L1020 (2013) >
HTC One X 4G (2012) ~ BB Z10 > SGS3 ~ LG 4X ~ L920 > Jolla ~ Gnex (2011)

(and some legacy fun)
iPhone 4S (2011) > S2 (2011) >
N9 (2011) ~ iPhone 4 ~ L820 ~ EPIC 4G > SGS > EVO 4G (2010) >
Nexus One (2010) ~ N900 > iPhone 3GS ~ Moto Droid ~ BB Torch ~ Palm Pre (2009) >
(and even more legacy fun)
iPhone 3G (2008) >Moto Cliq > HTC TyTnII ~ Mitac A702 > iPaq rw6815 (2005) >
Palm Treo 650 (2004) > Nokia 9500 > Nokia 6630 (2004) >
Palm Treo 90 (2002) > Nokia 9210 > IBM Simon (1992) > ???

If you have an old device like a SGS2 (or older) or an iPhone 5S (or older), its time for an upgrade. A HTC One X 4G, its a middle-class device by today's standards and can be had for $50 - $200 for a cheap upgrade. However, if the phone has to be new, the Sharp Aquos Crystal is a competent mid-range offering and the best bang-for-buck device at $150 brand new.

If you want something better than that go for the LG G2. Its a phenomenal device that can be had around the $200 mark. Again, if you're not into old/used devices then grab the OnePlus One 64GB. They're still hard to get a hold of, but offer great value for $349 brand new.

However, if only the best will do then you'll be looking to spend above $700.
Here you can grab the NOTE 4, SONY Z3 or iPhone 6.... devices with the least compromises.

Kangal 2014-12-21 17:49

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
The top 3 choices
- Samsung NOTE 4 (money is no object - $750)
- iPhone 6 (best support/longevity - $800)
- Sharp Aquos Crystal (best budget phone - $150)


As a side note, what smartphone do you guys think should come before the Palm Treo 90 ???

Were there even smartphones before it? Would you even consider them as smart phones?

Or would you call the Palm Treo 90... the gran-daddy of smart-phone/devices?

elastic 2014-12-21 23:04

Re: List your favorite phones 2014

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1453256)

As a side note, what smartphone do you guys think should come before the Palm Treo 90 ???

Were there even smartphones before it? Would you even consider them as smart phones?

Or would you call the Palm Treo 90... the gran-daddy of smart-phone/devices?

Nokia Communicator - 1996 ... Treo 90 was 2002!

Wikiwide 2014-12-21 23:18

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. Nokia N900 - daily driver;
2. Nokia N950 - will be incredibly difficult to repair if something breaks in it;
3. BlackBerry Passport (capacitive keyboard, great camera) - great hardware, but the locked (unless I'm mistaken?) bootloader locks me out;
4. Yotaphone 2 (the e-ink screen is an interesting approach) - but only if it is possible to get Sailfish-or-Nemo onto it, instead of Android. If they get a model 3 with qwerty hardware keyboard, it will be even more interesting.

Also, can somebody tell me which of these devices do separate modem from mainboard, and which of them do allow "malicious modem" to possibly take control over whole system? It's said that most smartphones are vulnerable to baseband-processor-attack; including BlackBerries and Cryptophone (Galaxy S3?).

So far, the only phones which were heard by me to be secure from "malicious modem" (or "weak modem" controlled by "malicious tower"; not much difference, for end-user) are Blackphone and Neo900. If you can make the list longer, you are welcome.

Off-topic: Audioscope is able to pick up a quiet conversation amidst noisy football game.

Best wishes.

[Council] Q4 2014 Community Council Election Announcement <= copy and paste here

LouisDK 2014-12-21 23:55

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. Jolla
2. Nokia N900
3. Nokia N9

And if I could add one more it might be the N950, however it's too buggy to use as a daily driver. Also there's many Android slider phones (like Droid 4 and Photon Q) which despite being a couple of years old still wood do great with SailfishOS.

juiceme 2014-12-22 07:24

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
There were no new phones this year AFAIK.

All the relavant devices were introduces 2013 or earlier. I hope there will be something new next year, or maybe 2016. ;)

Kangal 2014-12-22 09:53

Re: List your favorite phones 2014

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1453347)
There were no new phones this year AFAIK.

All the relavant devices were introduces 2013 or earlier. I hope there will be something new next year, or maybe 2016. ;)

You mean, in terms of developing on?

Then I guess you're excluding the OnePlus One for Android development. And the iPhone 6/6+ for jailbreak and chrooting. And perhaps the BB Z30 for developing, well, alot of things (although released late '13, wasn't really available until '14).

I guess you're just gonna have to wait for the Jolla Tablet to release in 2015.
Are you a backer?

tissot 2014-12-22 10:11

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
In all honesty there was nothing exciting out this year and unfortunately it doesn't look like that will change in the near future.

iPhone 6 - iOS support, speed and lovely feeling hardware.
OnePlus One/Xiaomi Xi4 - The Chinese are coming, and they are showing us all what's the new price of a high quality flagship phone. Soon to be commodity product, if nobody comes with something different.

Special mention to Xperia Z3 Compact. Close, but still not quite nailing the high end material, hardware and price combined with smaller size.

juiceme 2014-12-22 10:22

Re: List your favorite phones 2014

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1453365)
You mean, in terms of developing on?

Then I guess you're excluding the OnePlus One for Android development. And the iPhone 6/6+ for jailbreak and chrooting. And perhaps the BB Z30 for developing, well, alot of things (although released late '13, wasn't really available until '14).

True. I exclude win/ios/android/bb devices since there is no use for me with ay of those.


Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1453365)
I guess you're just gonna have to wait for the Jolla Tablet to release in 2015.
Are you a backer?

Yes, waiting for that. And Neo900 of course :)

From Vertu with Love 2014-12-22 11:38

Re: List your favorite phones 2014

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1453375)
True. I exclude win/ios/android/bb devices since there is no use for me with ay of those.

What about Firefox OS? Maybe the Geeksphone Revolution (which really should've been in my top 3, but I completely forgot about it).

Mir57 2014-12-22 11:49

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. Nokia N955 (made using N9 phone, Lumia 800 rubber hardcase and iPhone 5 BT keyboard)
2. Nokia N900 (I'm writing this post via Opera Mobile 12.10)
3. Nokia 808 PV (still, the best camera)

And I hope one day I will find a cheap Jolla Phone bundled with TOHKBDv2 to be able to test it and change the first three places.

MINKIN2 2014-12-22 14:54

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
Nokia X/XL - Not the greatest but the last hurrah of the old Nokia (and dumping that on MS at the last moment was funny as F***!)
N9 - My loyal daily driver for the last year
Jolla - My new toy

chenliangchen 2014-12-23 16:38

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. BlackBerry Passport - Have been waiting for a HW keyboard + large screen device for years.
- Truly innovative size and shape
- Comfortable keyboard (No use for the touchpad ability though)
- Sharp and warm screen
- Great (above-average) camera (Even better than Sony Z3), and the back is flat!
- Solid built.
- Great OS, inc. gesture control, true multitasking, clean, efficient.

- No freedom to tweak/mod the system. This is the sacrifice of being "most secure OS"?

2. Panasonic Lumix DMC-CM1 - Limited availability niche product, still under marketing test. However being innovative is appreciated.
- 1-inch sensor in a compact size
- Independent image engine
- Screen no so sensitive, has a relatively long reaction time. (Around 120ms, forgot the source, can't type quickly on that screen.)

3. Nokia N950 - My all time favourite.

Notable mentions:

4. Nokia X2 - The last Nokia branded phone without Windows junk OS.

- Get a bit of old Nokia feelings if launcher is changed.
- Removable battery & SD
- Dual sim

- Too many MS services!
- Really wish the HW be the same as similar designed Lumia 735.

5. Jolla

- Sailfish OS

- Poor HW. Nokia X2 has a brighter and more vivid screen and similar spec&camera quality and only costs less than 1/3 of Jolla...

Eagerly wait for Jolla 2 which I hope HW can me vastly improved. :)

Bharateeyudu 2014-12-23 18:57

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. Nokia N9 - Been my primary phone for over 3 years now. On days I forget it at home and have to get by with a different phone, I can certainly tell the difference. There's still nothing that could quite replace it for me.

2. Nokia PureView 808 - I don't use it as a phone any more! Thanks to MS Symbian is fast dying. However, thanks to dedicated developers and community, there's still life in it and it's the best camera phone around, period.

3. Nokia X2 - Similar reasons already mentioned. I installed the Nokia Z Launcher, which is quite slick, keeps things clean without any distractions. Very well performing device. I must say I am quite impressed.

RiD 2014-12-24 02:24

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
I don't know why people like the LG G3, the display suffers from software over sharpening. That was the first thing I noticed when I tried one, and it is absolutely awful. Try reading something in it, text is full of sharp halos. Nice way to kill the high res display!

FlashInTheNight86 2014-12-24 12:21

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. Motorola Droid 4
2. Nokia N900
3. None. After N900 everything seems total crap.

andil 2015-01-01 11:55

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
3.Neo900 (?)

thats all.
All the last nokias made before the microsoft merge are top notch.
Meego and Maemo FTW

mikecomputing 2015-01-01 12:52

Re: List your favorite phones 2014

Happy new year

koivjann 2015-01-02 10:56

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1. Lumia 925
Reliable and fast
2. Lumia 1520
The best, but too big. Battery live is the best
3. N900
Slow, but good

dazzlez 2015-01-02 11:37

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1520-Battery,Camera, my daily phone
N9-Can't let it go. Use it as mp3 player
G3- I don't like Android but was surprised while I used it.

xanderx 2015-01-02 12:43

Re: List your favorite phones 2014

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1453256)
- iPhone 6 (best support/longevity - $800)

Longevity??? Then why every year or two stupid iFans dump their perfectly functioning devices and rush into iStores to get a shiny new one?

aQUICK1 2015-01-02 12:50

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
2-N9 (sold)
3-N900(bricked by OC, but got new N8 instead and sold)

48GX 2015-01-02 14:07

Re: List your favorite phones 2014
1.BB Passport
3.Nokia 6310i
4.BB P9983
5.Nokia N900


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