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Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-01 13:09

Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
February is finally here and along with it a new theme for the camera phone competition. And I've won again, I wouldn't have thought it could happen again. :)

For this month I've chosen black and white, I didn't want to come up with a theme that was too hard to do because for instance people in Australia don't have snow right now if you know what I mean. I wanted to do a theme that everyone could do but it could be really creative as well and not boring. So black and white it is. B&W allows for some nice shadows or gradients, it's great for capturing the light and the emotions as it is, no distracting colours in the background. As one photographer put it: B&W captures people's feelings, colour captures their clothes.

Here are a few links and ideas.
Oh and the photos in the first link are mine. :)
Photos, tips1, tips2, examples, examples.

The rules:

Photos must be taken during this month
Photos must be taken by the posting member
Photos must be taken with a camera phone
Users post only one photo per entry
Users can change the entry only once
Users must name the phone they used
(so I could include it for voting and such)
Last three days of this month are for voting

Last month's competition.

chenliangchen 2015-02-01 16:10

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Congratulations on winning!

For B&W for most phones does that require post editing? I can't remember if N900 or N9 can take black and white pictures by the default camera app without post modification?

Copernicus 2015-02-01 16:19

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Yeah, I've got a black & white option on my Android's camera, but I can't find anything like that on my N900 (running the standard camera app). I think you'd have to do post-processing to achieve that...

chenliangchen 2015-02-01 17:16

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1459205)
Yeah, I've got a black & white option on my Android's camera, but I can't find anything like that on my N900 (running the standard camera app). I think you'd have to do post-processing to achieve that...

I was concerning the same - I can take B&W photos easily by default camera on my DMC-CM1 but I don't think it's that easy on N900 or N9, which are still the main devices we use to compete here.

saponga 2015-02-01 17:20

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1459215)
I was concerning the same - I can take B&W photos easily by default camera on my DMC-CM1 but I don't think it's that easy on N900 or N9, which are still the main devices we use to compete here.

We have grayscale in CSSU camera-ui. ;)

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-01 18:09

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
If you aren't able to shoot B&W in-camera just grayscale it afterwards but please, don't change the contrast or brightness, don't create a mess at least.

robthebold 2015-02-01 22:44


Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1459204)
Congratulations on winning!

For B&W for most phones does that require post editing? I can't remember if N900 or N9 can take black and white pictures by the default camera app without post modification?

I'd never checked before, but N9 stock camera and camera+ both have b&w filter. Also gallery editor has a black and white effect.

In addition, the contest is 'Black and white' but doesn't explicitly specify it must be a greyscale image. Perhaps it's a panda . . . Or a black cat in a snowstorm . . .

Wikiwide 2015-02-01 23:01

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Does it have to be black-grey-white, or would it be acceptable to have part of it black-grey-white, and another part of it full-colour?

Thank you. Best wishes.

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-02 20:37

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Oh, I'm sorry I've made a confusion. It's only greyscale.
See, I'm not good at giving tasks or themes. :)
I've shot some photos today while I was walking my dog up on the hill close to my house and street.
The sun was setting and it gave nice long shadows and opportunities, which I grabbed.
Here is the album on Flickr. Because I don't want to spam this thread. I couldn't decide with which photo to enter the competition so I maybe make up my mind soon or just shoot better ones.

chenliangchen 2015-02-02 22:18

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
1 Attachment(s)
Here is my entry for this month. Will be busy in coming weeks so I decide to submit an entry first. (At least I can amend once.)

This is the Round Church in Cambridge, one of the oldest buildings in town. Monochrome gives a feeling of time travelling, to the past. Taken with Panasonic CM1 today (2nd Feb).

Original picture in high res.

saponga 2015-02-08 12:11

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
N900 - Rotated on Konsole :)
EDIT: Post rotated picture.

pichlo 2015-02-08 13:04

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

Originally Posted by saponga (Post 1460065)
EDIT: Sorry, but the picture is showed in wrong position here even though it's ok on dropbox. The photo was originally taken in portrait.

Yes, TMO does that. I think it just ignores the orientation flag. So does the Windows picture viewer which makes it a perfect tool to check how the picture will look ob TMO ;)

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-08 15:58

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
I always rotate the picture if needed on my PC. It's the only post processing I do.

saponga 2015-02-08 18:49

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

Originally Posted by Half-Life_4_Life (Post 1460086)
I always rotate the picture if needed on my PC. It's the only post processing I do.

Ok... but in this case the picture is already rotated and, as pichlo said, TMO just ignores the rotation.

pichlo 2015-02-09 09:41

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
3 Attachment(s)
@saponga, what I meant was... your phone takes the picture in a (for example) 2576x1936 resolution and flags it as "rotated". Some picture viewers honour that flag, others don't. If you rotate the picture in e.g. Windows Photo Viewer, the original resolution gets transposed to 1936x2576, no rotation flag. I think this is the post-processing Half-Life meant.

Here is my entry. My kids feeding the ducks in the park, with some gulls trying to snatch the food. Taken yesterday, 8 Feb 2015, with my N900:

...And here's a couple more for a god measure, out of the competition. The one on the left is from the same event, the one on the right is the first snow in our garden about a week ago. I originally meant to submit that one because snow is so unusual around here but I decided to wait until I find a better one.

saponga 2015-02-09 10:16

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1460162)
@saponga, what I meant was... your phone takes the picture in a (for example) 2576x1936 resolution and flags it as "rotated". Some picture viewers honour that flag, others don't. If you rotate the picture in e.g. Windows Photo Viewer, the original resolution gets transposed to 1936x2576, no rotation flag. I think this is the post-processing Half-Life meant.

Ok. Got it. I'll rotate it... :)

juiceme 2015-02-12 11:53

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

-- edit --

Details; Taken with Jolla, colors leeched & rescaled in Gimp.

FlashInTheNight86 2015-02-17 11:51

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 36592

Taken and converted to B&W on XT894

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-18 20:49

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Don't be afraid to get closer to stuff. Maybe you could've shined a light to the left or right on that hat and do a close up of it, gradients and stuff. This way the photo looks flat and dull.

Maxdamantus 2015-02-22 11:19

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

Taken with an N900 using FCamera, averaged red and green channels to obtain greyscale.

Docinha 2015-02-22 12:12

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Motorola xt1069
B&W by "Pomelo app"
Going to home

handaxe 2015-02-22 14:22

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
The BBC has copied this months theme....

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-22 21:36

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
It gives a 404 handaxe.
Nice photos so far.
I must join in but the sun isn't shining these days.

pichlo 2015-02-22 21:58

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
I also get 404.
Overcast skies should not be an issue for B&W photos. It's not like the clouds would hide the nice blue sky. And there is still the great indoors, a fecund ground for B&W pictures. Like current entries in posts #17 and #18 (which, incidentally, I see nothing wrong with, despite your recommendations).

pichlo 2015-02-23 07:06

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
If you mean, "Can I submit photos made by an iPhone?", then the answer is yes, any mobile phone qualifies.
If you mean something else then sorry, I don't follow.

HtheB 2015-02-23 08:04

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Correct link to BBC article:

handaxe 2015-02-23 08:17

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1461749)

Indeed, that blasted "7" went AWOL :-)

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-23 19:32

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
@pichlo, everything is good for B&W. It's only that I'm really tired and I don't know, a bit depressed when it's cloudy and rainy. I hate it. I love summer though. Freedom. :D
BTW nice photos on the BBC site. I love that silhouettes in front of the clock..

mrsellout 2015-02-25 15:58

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
1 Attachment(s)
I bought some RAM for my PC. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I couldn't fit them without removing the CPU heatsink, which then led to me cleaning off and replacing the thermal paste. While doing this, there was a rare bit of sunshine through my window and I got the idea to take this picture.

I took this with my Jolla using the stock app in colour, with pretty much all auto settings, and converted it to greyscale using the Filters app. I took a few others with the Cameraplus app in greyscale, but the results weren't as good, or the sun had gone in and the shadow wasn't as good.

Anyway, can anyone guess the CPU?

chenliangchen 2015-02-25 21:17

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
I got a better picture day before yesterday and I'm going to change my entry on the last day...

Was a rainy day in Geneva on 23rd and it was overcast. The mountain on other side was white and the sky was grey, a nice scene for black and white photos. (At least the real colors are not far from b&w)

it was taken by Panasonic CM1. ;)

briest 2015-02-25 22:57

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"


This time photo taken with Palm Pre+ and its mediocre camera; cropped and desaturated in GIMP.

ste-phan 2015-02-26 11:43

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
1 Attachment(s)
Just in time I hope, taken Nokia N900 for a change, rotation 90degr CW

Attachment 36646


(btw, thanks for the intersting theme, it inspired my PV 808 to experiment with settings more and take many beautiful pictures in B&W)

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-02-28 16:29

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
I've been really sick this week. Flu got me. Today I'm feeling like a sort of a human again so here we go..

1.chenliangchen - Panasonic CM1

2.saponga - Nokia N900

3.pichlo - Nokia N900

4.juiceme - Jolla

5.FlashInTheNight86 - Motorola XT894

6.Maxdamantus - Nokia N900

7.Docinha - Motorola XT1069

8.mrsellout - Jolla

9.briest - Palm Pre+

10.ste-phan . Nokia N900

Voting rules:
only one vote
no changing allowed
don't vote for yourself
type the name in bold

And I vote for mrsellout.

chenliangchen 2015-02-28 16:47

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Vote for #3-pichlo

Copernicus 2015-02-28 16:55

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
I'll vote for #3, pichlo -- very active and interesting shot! :)

FlashInTheNight86 2015-03-01 00:08

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
Vote for #1 - chenliangchen.

pichlo 2015-03-01 00:27

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
5. FlashInTheNight86

Maxdamantus 2015-03-01 07:21

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
I'll vote for 1. chenliangchen

nokiabot 2015-03-01 08:25

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
10 characters

eekkelund 2015-03-01 12:59

Re: Camera phone competition February 2015:"Black and white"
My vote goes for #10 ste-phan.

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