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nirasha_user 2015-02-23 05:31

How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

I'm a disappointed customer of Nokia Asha 311. It lacks many basic functionalities.

Is there anyway I can run MeeGo, etc on it?


karan5chaos 2015-02-23 05:52

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
sure ..when pigs fly ! :D lol

Wikiwide 2015-02-23 05:57

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
Jolla, some long time ago, claimed that they can port Sailfish OS (it's Mer-based, just like Meego?) to any phone (within a week or two?). I wonder if they would be willing...

So far, I haven't heard of any alternative OS on Asha (not that I searched much). The main question: is the bootloader on Asha locked?

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

nirasha_user 2015-02-23 06:24

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1461738)
The main question: is the bootloader on Asha locked?

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

Thank you for replying. I must confess I'm completely clueless about the bootloader thing.

panjgoori 2015-02-23 06:48

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
i think its locked. otherwise you have already seen an Android port for it.

juiceme 2015-02-23 08:41

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
Unfortunately this is not possible and with a high certainity never will be.

Regardless on whether the bootloader is locked or not, no port is possible for a device which has undocumented HW.
Ports to Android-based devices are easy because there is existing linux kernel with working HW adaptation. Same goes for N900 and N9.

For all Ashas and Lumias, as well as for example iOS and BB devices this is not possible, ever.

juiceme 2015-02-23 08:42

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1461744)
i think its locked. otherwise you have already seen an Android port for it.

Being locked or not is not relevant here.

Wikiwide 2015-02-23 10:54

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1461755)
Regardless on whether the bootloader is locked or not, no port is possible for a device which has undocumented HW.
Ports to Android-based devices are easy because there is existing linux kernel with working HW adaptation. Same goes for N900 and N9.

Ok, I can see that there is no existing linux kernel compiled specifically for Asha 311. But what kind of HW documentation would be needed to begin to do such a kernel-or-whatever?..

Service manual
Service manual and schematics

Or just search for "RM-714" "Service manual" in engine of your choice (DuckDuckGo was what I used), and the documents will spring out at you.

I do not know anything about compiling operating system for a different hardware. I just heard that the reason for BB devices to not-run an alternative operating system is locked boot-loader - that's why that was my first question.

Article about operating system of Asha does not mention the boot-loader to be locked or unlocked...

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

FlashInTheNight86 2015-02-23 11:04

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
nirasha_user, Ashas are inferior to smartphones produced 5 years ago, hardware-wise. It's not wise to waste your time on them.

NokiaFanatic 2015-02-23 11:08

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
An Asha 311 has 128MB of RAM and a slow as ***** processor. It is an impossibility to have it run anything other than Series 40.

coderus 2015-02-23 11:27

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
@Wikiwide schematics and service manual is not documentation, lol.

And remember please: if phone is not on Android or Linux (Maemo, MeeGo, Tizen) You CAN NOT change builtin OS on it to any other.

Kangal 2015-02-23 11:50

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1461772)
@Wikiwide schematics and service manual is not documentation, lol.

And remember please: if phone is not on Android or Linux (Maemo, MeeGo, Tizen) You CAN NOT change built-in OS on it to any other.

Not true.

Bada OS came on the (cheap and, for its time) phenomenal Samsung Wave smartphone. Its got a fully working port of Android. I think it was version 4.0.3

The HP TouchPad also got an Android port.

The O2 XDA TyTN II and TouchPRO got Android ports too. Version 2.1 or was it 2.3 ?

HTC HD2 was the last device and it came with Windows Mobile 6.
It got ports for WebOS. FirefoxOS. Android. MeeGo. Mer. Ubuntu Touch. Ubuntu. Windows Phone. Windows RT. Windows 10.

MINKIN2 2015-02-23 12:34

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1461768)
An Asha 311 has 128MB of RAM and a slow as ***** processor. It is an impossibility to have it run anything other than Series 40.

Not really true, you could opt for an older flavor of android. In fact, 2.0 has been seen running on the old n95 back in the day.

juiceme 2015-02-23 12:59

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1461765)
Ok, I can see that there is no existing linux kernel compiled specifically for Asha 311. But what kind of HW documentation would be needed to begin to do such a kernel-or-whatever?..

The kernel is no-brainer. Just about the only thing needed to build a working kernel is to know the CPU architecture and rough estimate on the available core memory.

But this is nearly not enough; I can easily build and boot a kernel for Asha 311, and if it has something resembling an UART then most probably I can launch a serial console (even with no pins existing outside the device, access to pins can be had by opening the case...)

Booting the new kernel is again no problem, with a bit of hacking and breaking the user security with any number of known faults, or in the ultimate case force-feeding the kernel loading via JTAG interface...

The problematic thing is the HW adaptation;
Because the device runs a totally different OS you do not have any useful drivers, binary blobs, knowledge on which registerers to twiddle to make it dance...
  • Impossible to have even a text console on the native screen, not to mention any kind of GUI
  • no access to wlan, BT, 2G/3G/4G modem
  • no access to DSME
  • ...nothing really


Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1461765)
I do not know anything about compiling operating system for a different hardware. I just heard that the reason for BB devices to not-run an alternative operating system is locked boot-loader - that's why that was my first question.

Having a locked bootloader is just a hindurance, it is not the main thing that prevents porting an OS to a device.

juiceme 2015-02-23 13:02

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1461776)
Not true.

Bada OS came on the (cheap and, for its time) phenomenal Samsung Wave smartphone. Its got a fully working port of Android. I think it was version 4.0.3

The HP TouchPad also got an Android port.

The O2 XDA TyTN II and TouchPRO got Android ports too. Version 2.1 or was it 2.3 ?

HTC HD2 was the last device and it came with Windows Mobile 6.
It got ports for WebOS. FirefoxOS. Android. MeeGo. Mer. Ubuntu Touch. Ubuntu. Windows Phone. Windows RT. Windows 10.

Now I wonder where did the HW adaptation pop up, hmm?
Might be something to do with the fact that in each case there was leaked information from manufacturer or employees who had developed the HW in the first place :D

nirasha_user 2015-02-23 15:45

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
Thank you all for your replies and the discussion you got going, it's very helpful and informative. I'm glad I'm part of this active community.

According to Wikipedia it has 1GHz ARM 11 and it doesn't have 4G modem.

I strongly suspect it runs a highly stripped version of MeeGo. On Microsoft's meddling, it has been made hard to use, so that customers are goaded/cajoled to buy their higher priced mobile phones.

My previous phone N73 had much less hardware and it still has lot more convenient features.

kapu2 2015-02-23 16:08


Originally Posted by nirasha_user (Post 1461795)
I strongly suspect it runs a highly stripped version of MeeGo. On Microsoft's meddling, it has been made hard to use, so that customers are goaded/cajoled to buy their higher priced mobile phones.

I'm afraid you're mistaken. The Asha phones run Symbian Series 40. The 311 has a touch opptimized UI but at its core it's old S40. Microsoft didn't have much involvement with Asha at the time the 311 was released.

nirasha_user 2015-02-23 16:27

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1461796)
I'm afraid you're mistaken. The Asha phones run Symbian Series 40. The 311 has a touch opptimized UI but at its core it's old S40. Microsoft didn't have much involvement with Asha at the time the 311 was released.

That's wrong, they sent that IDIOT Stephen Elop who managed to sabotage it so that people will upgrade to Lumia.

There is no way to if it is Symbian, it could be MeeGo and they are calling it S40.

coderus 2015-02-23 16:47

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1461776)
Not true.

Bada OS came on the (cheap and, for its time) phenomenal Samsung Wave smartphone. Its got a fully working port of Android. I think it was version 4.0.3

The HP TouchPad also got an Android port.

The O2 XDA TyTN II and TouchPRO got Android ports too. Version 2.1 or was it 2.3 ?

HTC HD2 was the last device and it came with Windows Mobile 6.
It got ports for WebOS. FirefoxOS. Android. MeeGo. Mer. Ubuntu Touch. Ubuntu. Windows Phone. Windows RT. Windows 10.

talking about something you can still buy in market, okay?

nirasha_user 2015-02-23 16:52

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by FlashInTheNight86 (Post 1461767)
nirasha_user, Ashas are inferior to smartphones produced 5 years ago, hardware-wise. It's not wise to waste your time on them.

I appreciate you well meaning advice but I don't see it as a waste, whatever I'll learn from my struggles on this will deepen my understanding of how computers, etc work.


coderus 2015-02-23 16:53

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1461796)
I'm afraid you're mistaken. The Asha phones run Symbian Series 40. The 311 has a touch opptimized UI but at its core it's old S40. Microsoft didn't have much involvement with Asha at the time the 311 was released.

Its Nokia Series 40, its not Symbian Series 40. Symbian is Nokia Series 60, 80 and 90. S40 have nothing about Symbian.

kapu2 2015-02-23 18:20


Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1461803)
Its Nokia Series 40, its not Symbian Series 40. Symbian is Nokia Series 60, 80 and 90. S40 have nothing about Symbian.

Well either way the point is there's no Meego on the Asha 311 like nirasha_user is insisting. It's an S40 dumbphone, there is no Meego. Microsoft is not "disguising" any part of it.

nirasha_user 2015-02-23 18:42

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1461817)
Well either way the point is there's no Meego on the Asha 311 like nirasha_user is insisting. It's an S40 dumbphone, there is no Meego. Microsoft is not "disguising" any part of it.

I said it could be a highly stripped down version of MeeGo(plausible), their promotional material would disagree with you.

catbus 2015-02-23 22:19

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones? <- Just close this thread..

taixzo 2015-02-23 22:37

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1461755)
Unfortunately this is not possible and with a high certainity never will be.

Regardless on whether the bootloader is locked or not, no port is possible for a device which has undocumented HW.
Ports to Android-based devices are easy because there is existing linux kernel with working HW adaptation. Same goes for N900 and N9.

For all Ashas and Lumias, as well as for example iOS and BB devices this is not possible, ever.

"Ever" is a strong word. For example, iOS hardware is undocumented, but it has been reverse-engineered to the point that there is an Android port for certain iPhone models. Theoretically that same work could be used to port Meego or SailfishOS.

But as for the Asha series, forget it. The hardware is not worth it.

nirasha_user 2015-02-23 22:41

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by catbus (Post 1461832)

I'm not trolling. What made you think that?


Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1461834)
"Ever" is a strong word. For example, iOS hardware is undocumented, but it has been reverse-engineered to the point that there is an Android port for certain iPhone models. Theoretically that same work could be used to port Meego or SailfishOS.

But as for the Asha series, forget it. The hardware is not worth it.

I'd just like to do it as a way of learning things. Where do I start first? Point me.

coderus 2015-02-23 22:43

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by nirasha_user (Post 1461836)
I'm not trolling. What made you think that?

we already answered you couple of times. S40 is not symbian and not meego, it contains none of symbian or meego parts, and it can't be replacced with any other operating system, and it can't launch any other applications.

nirasha_user 2015-02-23 22:52

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1461837)
we already answered you couple of times. S40 is not symbian and not meego, it contains none of symbian or meego parts, and it can't be replacced with any other operating system, and it can't launch any other applications.

How would some users know what it contains or doesn't contain? Few other users are telling that it is possible. So who is trolling who? Why?

How would you know it is not Symbian or MeeGo? How would it doesn't contain parts of it? Maybe because of your intellectual limitations you feel it cannot be replaced with other OSes.

jellyroll 2015-02-23 23:43

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
The Palm treo 650 did also had an Android port.

coderus 2015-02-23 23:51

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by nirasha_user (Post 1461840)
How would some users know what it contains or doesn't contain? Few other users are telling that it is possible. So who is trolling who? Why?

How would you know it is not Symbian or MeeGo? How would it doesn't contain parts of it? Maybe because of your intellectual limitations you feel it cannot be replaced with other OSes.

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pichlo 2015-02-24 00:14

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by nirasha_user (Post 1461836)
I'd just like to do it as a way of learning things. Where do I start first? Point me.

That quote suggests that writing operating systems for mobile phones it not what you do 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You have been given answers by a few members with a lot of experience in that area. Those answers range from "impossible" through "incredibly difficult" to "impractical". Either way, it is not a task one person can take on, "as a way of learning things".

Where do you start? Spend a few years studying computer design, a few more years writing software, enhance that with some system programming and then you will have a rough idea. 2015-02-24 00:47

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
The only meego part in asha is harmattan homescreen design with "squircles" or whatever they call it ...

I would not be surprised that meltimi platform used asha's hardware internally... but this is dead end right ?

I feel that RE forces should focus on devices that really worth it (RIM lumias ? ithings etc)

Wikiwide 2015-02-24 05:33

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
Okay... Since getting Meego to work on Asha requires:
1. knowledge of hardware inside it (for example, knowledge of processor to compile the kernel for it; knowledge of screen to get any UI onto it; and so on);
2. drivers existing for said hardware;
3. boot-loader unlocked to accept random operating system without complaint;
4. maybe, something else...

I would say: go from opposite side. Series 40 OS, pre-installed on Asha, already includes drivers and operating system.

If there is something wrong with it (lacks basic functionality, right?), then you could begin with programming applications for it?

Customizing the operating system, replacing (if possible) the default lacking apps with your own open-source (if you wish to share them :-) ) ones? With time, you could have more-or-less open-source operating system on Asha, customized to your content?

I do not wish to lock you to single operating system, and to Java programming - but it seems to be easier route than trying to get a different operating system work "from scratch". This way, it may be possible to just slowly replace Series 40's bits and pieces with better-working ones.

Some links:

P.S. Nokia Asha platform is later successor of Series 40; Asha 311 has Series 40 operating system.

Thank you. Best wishes.

NokiaFanatic 2015-02-24 10:13

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
Not sure why this is still even being discussed.

nirasha_user 2015-02-24 21:31

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1461851)
Okay... Since getting Meego to work on Asha requires:
1. knowledge of hardware inside it (for example, knowledge of processor to compile the kernel for it; knowledge of screen to get any UI onto it; and so on);
2. drivers existing for said hardware;
3. boot-loader unlocked to accept random operating system without complaint;
4. maybe, something else...

I would say: go from opposite side. Series 40 OS, pre-installed on Asha, already includes drivers and operating system.

If there is something wrong with it (lacks basic functionality, right?), then you could begin with programming applications for it?

Customizing the operating system, replacing (if possible) the default lacking apps with your own open-source (if you wish to share them :-) ) ones? With time, you could have more-or-less open-source operating system on Asha, customized to your content?

I do not wish to lock you to single operating system, and to Java programming - but it seems to be easier route than trying to get a different operating system work "from scratch". This way, it may be possible to just slowly replace Series 40's bits and pieces with better-working ones.

Some links:

P.S. Nokia Asha platform is later successor of Series 40; Asha 311 has Series 40 operating system.

Thank you. Best wishes.

Many thanks for your help.

Wikiwide 2015-02-25 00:40

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by nirasha_user (Post 1461940)
Many thanks for your help.

No problem. I have never met a Java-based phone before, so I am just going to give random links, in hope that they help: For developing applications For asking questions and finding answers Multi-tasking?

It seems that accessing system files is not easy - but hopefully, it will not be the first thing you need to do:

For official Nokia software (flashing, accessing all the files, back-ups and the like? Internet seemed to say that it works for Series 40 devices):

Service manuals and schematics (hopefully, you will never need them):

I am not sure if there is an active Series 40-dedicated developer community out there; definitely seems to be too slow, like dead.

You are welcome here. No phone should remain a dark and closed place... never mind the intention of manufacturer.

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

chenliangchen 2015-02-25 21:39

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
Thank you Wikiwide, and also pichlo, juiceme and coderus to make this s***** question become also informative and benefiting.

I have two Asha prototypes (RM-919 and RM-922 dual sim, both with a different back key than commercialised ones) wanted to say if anyone attempts to replace the OS I'm happy to give out the device for developing. They are really useless...

elros34 2015-02-25 22:58

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?
Sorry for offtop but what about Asha 501 and double tap feature - it use accelerometer for double tap detection. Is there any way to read accelerometer registers from asha so we could use similar settings in n900?
I tried configure accelerometer in n900 but with little success (too sensitive or too little). From asha videos I can see that it works quite good.

nirasha_user 2015-02-26 00:15

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1462023)
Thank you Wikiwide, and also pichlo, juiceme and coderus to make this s***** question become also informative and benefiting.

I have two Asha prototypes (RM-919 and RM-922 dual sim, both with a different back key than commercialised ones) wanted to say if anyone attempts to replace the OS I'm happy to give out the device for developing. They are really useless...

The only one who has helped is Wikiwide. I'm thankful to him.

Other you mentioned have been mostly discouraging.

What was that word you used which started with 's' followed with 5 asterisks? Why did you use that word?

chenliangchen 2015-02-26 00:43

Re: How to run MeeGo on Asha series of phones?

Originally Posted by nirasha_user (Post 1462045)
The only one who has helped is Wikiwide. I'm thankful to him.

Other you mentioned have been mostly discouraging.

What was that word you used which started with 's' followed with 5 asterisks? Why did you use that word?

I did not found "the others" I mentioned are discouraging - in fact I found them encouraging, at least I have a clearer understand of "how phone works" or "how to build a smartphone" after reading their post.

There are thousands of words begin with "s" and has 6 letters. Could be simple or stinky or whatever you think it is.

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