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promethh 2007-09-04 11:18

My first N800!
See avatar/"profile pic": "Now where do I insert my 5-1/4" floppy?"

I was going through old pictures and I found a picture of me in front of my first computer: a TRS-80 Model III! I thought there was nothing you couldn't do without a Zilog Z-80 (2.03 MHz) processor and 32K of RAM!

It's amazing how far we've come since one Christmas morning in 1980.

TA-t3 2007-09-04 13:40

Re: My first N800!
I admit to start with a combination of 8-inch floppies and punch paper for storage.. I just about avoided the punched cards era though! And I've still got a single-board Z80 computer somewhere around. The N800 would probably be considered a super-computer back in the 70s.

Texrat 2007-09-04 13:45

Re: My first N800!
Hey, I learned on the TRS-80! Then I bought a Timex Sinclair T1000 to play with. When the Commodore 64 came out, I HAD to have it! My mom thought I was nuts. "That was a waste of money. What can you possibly do with that thing but play games?" :rolleyes:

promethh 2007-09-04 14:34

Re: My first N800!
Same here, Texrat. I learned on the TRS-80. I got a 1200-baud accoustic coupling modem the following year, and thought CompuServe at $10/hour was the peak of civilization. :)

I never got my parents to buy me a Commodore 64 or Amiga. It was years later they got me a Tandy 1000SX instead of a IBM PC/AT.

TA-t3: by most of the 80's standards, the N800 would still be a supercomputer... it wasn't just the 70's.

Texrat 2007-09-04 16:20

Re: My first N800!
I bought the C64 myself, with a credit card, when it first came out. My stepdad thought it was cool but mom surprised me with her anger over it. But it turned out to be a sweet investment! :D Man I loved that machine... but someone stole it (and the C128 I later bought) or I'd still have the thing somewhere.

geneven 2007-09-04 19:09

Re: My first N800!
What, no one bought a Coleco Adam? I went thru the T/S 1000 and 2068 and had an Adam. It was kind of expensive, but it came with a printer that instantly replaced our IBM Selectric typewriter, which still sits in a closet somewhere.

I used to drool over the idea of having a floppy drive some day. Before that, I learned on a Wang something or other at a typesetting company.

Lucky for me, I spent the CompuServe years of $10 an hour working for a company that paid for my account... But before that I was a BBS user, of course.

rm -rf 2007-09-05 01:27

Re: My first N800!
I did the punch card thing in college. There is nothing like a 4 hour turnaround time on batch jobs the last week of school when all our assignments are due.

Doh! another typo - and another 4 hour wait to see if it compiled & ran.

sherifnix 2007-09-14 04:05

Re: My first N800!
man, you guys are old!

I got my start in the world with an IBM 286 PS/2. I never got to mess around with OS/2 though, I ran "windows 286" then later 3.1.

Any of you remember olivetti?

TA-t3 2007-09-14 08:31

Re: My first N800!
Olivetti M24, which was a PC clone but with an 8086 instead of an 8088. Did quite a bit of programming on that one (wasn't mine, couldn't afford to by my own). And, let me have a look around.. ah, an Olivetti M700. Kind of like a PC, but with a MIPS R5000 CPU. One of these days (or years) I'll fire it up again.

Rebski 2007-09-14 09:14

Re: My first N800!
Has anyone else ever used Windows v 2.0? Am I the earliest Windows adopter and so it is all my fault?

promethh 2007-09-14 15:14

Re: My first N800!

Originally Posted by Rebski (Post 75430)
Has anyone else ever used Windows v 2.0? Am I the earliest Windows adopter and so it is all my fault?

Maybe... we'll have to see any of the other "ancients" remember Windows 2.0?

Windows 3.0 through Windows 3.11 is when I discovered Windows. Before that, I remember Quarterdeck's QEMM, QEMM-386, and their "Windows" offering. I stuck with MS-DOS 5.5, WordPerfect 5.1, and TurboPascal before making the leap to Windows 3.0. :p

Clay 2007-09-14 15:35

Re: My first N800!

Originally Posted by Rebski (Post 75430)
Has anyone else ever used Windows v 2.0? Am I the earliest Windows adopter and so it is all my fault?

I still have the manual, the license stuff, the 5.25" disks, and even the original box. Presentation manager version 2.0, product #050050.203. [Damn -- I just realized, I never mailed in my registration card. Maybe that's why windows has hated me all these years...]

Rebski 2007-09-14 18:38

Re: My first N800!
V2.0 was black and white the next version was in colour wasn't it? Windows 286 or 386, I can't remember now. Heady days though.

sjgadsby 2007-09-14 19:18

Re: My first N800!

Originally Posted by Rebski (Post 75430)
Has anyone else ever used Windows v 2.0?

No, I skipped from Windows 1.0 to Windows 3.0. Windows 1.0 was a pain, especially since it didn't like my mouse.

I liked Geos better in any case.

Rebski 2007-09-14 20:18

Re: My first N800!
Geos, that was the alternative that I was trying to remember. I forget why I didn't stick with it for very long.

I missed out on Windows 1.0, there goes my bragging rights.

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