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Half-Life_4_Life 2015-05-01 17:16

Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
May is here along with the sunshine. This means that everyone is out doing activities. The theme for this moth is living things, every thing that moves.

pichlo will enlighten us:
"The idea is to celebrate life. It could be your pet gerbil, a bowl of petunias, a 1000 years old oak tree, a fish tank in a zoo, kids frolicking in the playground... or even a macro of some bacteria culture under a microscope."

The rules:
Photos must be taken during this month
Photos must be taken by the posting member
Photos must be taken with a camera phone
Users post only one photo per entry
Users can change the entry only once
Users must name the phone they used
(so I could include it for voting and such)
Last three days of this month are for voting

Happy shooting. You can't really go wrong with this one. :)

Last month's theme.

imaginaryenemy 2015-05-08 02:17

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
I originally set out to take pictures of all of the dead June Bugs by my door, but as soon as I got close, they all started to scramble! These two were crawling all over each other once I started taking their picture. Wild...
Shot with my 808.

Having issues again.... Here is the link.

saponga 2015-05-08 09:17

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

Originally Posted by imaginaryenemy (Post 1469673)
Having issues again.....

I think you just need to set dl=1 at the end of the link. :)

imaginaryenemy 2015-05-08 12:41

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

Originally Posted by saponga (Post 1469685)
I think you just need to set dl=1 at the end of the link. :)

That did it. Thanks!

robthebold 2015-05-08 16:24

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

Originally Posted by imaginaryenemy (Post 1469673)
I originally set out to take pictures of all of the dead June Bugs by my door, but as soon as I got close, they all started to scramble! These two were crawling all over each other once I started taking their picture. Wild...
Shot with my 808.

Hate June bugs (or May beetles, if you prefer) but love your photo.

chenliangchen 2015-05-10 06:10

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Just took this picture, he is quietly enjoying his weekend sunshine in Shanghai, ignoring how busy the world is.:D

Took with Nexus 6.

paolo_3_1415926 2015-05-14 12:25

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Cherry blossoms from the Hanami event in Roihivuori, Helsinki:

Shot with a Nokia N9.

rm250j 2015-05-18 02:45

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
1 Attachment(s)
Toffee expecting a treat on the beach :) (Taken with Samsung Google Nexus)

Copernicus 2015-05-18 11:13

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"


Taken last week with an HTC One (M8).

wrm 2015-05-19 09:59

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

First try :) my beauty..

Taken with my Jolla on sunday.

roflmaoo 2015-05-19 22:52

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
1 Attachment(s)
My doggy taken with n900 Fcamera

kapu2 2015-05-21 01:34

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
1 Attachment(s)
My 4 year old niece and I followed this Painted Lady around the yard the other day. :) Taken with a Nokia 808 Pureview.

BluesLee 2015-05-21 09:47

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Snoop Ducky Duck

Nexus 5 / Sailfishos / Cameraplus / Cropped with Gallery App

briest 2015-05-25 18:32

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

The "upper" little guy is a really brave one. He found probably most frightening, yet the safest place in whole terrarium...

Ah. N9, of course.

pichlo 2015-05-27 08:30

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
1 Attachment(s)
Yet another one of my hobbies. The left one is mead, the right one is elderflower "wine". Both started two days ago, both bubbling away beautifully. Taken this morning, 27/05/2015, with an N900.

Attachment 37133

(In case you were wondering, the "living things" in the picture are the yeast. Millions and millions of them. Also, elderflowers and of course honey come from or are made by living things :))

ste-phan 2015-05-28 12:19

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 37141

My N900 was quick enough to capture this image of my uncle's Godmother cat, still alive but only a week before she died in her 22nd spring time. :(

Original file:

comee 2015-05-29 08:36

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
1 Attachment(s)
Picture taken with my Jolla (was tricky enough to get that little bugger somewhat in focus...).

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-05-29 09:35

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Here is voting time:

1.chenliangchen - Nexus 6

2.paolo_3_1415926 - Nokia N9

3.rm350j - ?

4.Copernicus - HTC One M8

5.wrm - Jolla

6.roflmaoo - Nokia N900

7.kapu2 - Nokia 808 PureView

8.BluesLee - Nexus 5

9.briest - Nokia N9

10.pichlo - Nokia N900

11.ste-phan - Nokia N900

12.comee - Jolla

13.imaginaryenemy - Nokia Pureview 808

The competition is really tight this month, beautiful shots! I was so busy with school and the time was terrible so I couldn't contribute this month and I'm tired of excuses but we'll see who wins this time and what the next theme will be...

Voting rules:
Vote for only one entry
Don't vote for yourself
No changing allowed

I vote for BluesLee.

pichlo 2015-05-29 09:56

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Tough choice. All very good entries this month. After much consideration, I have settled, with only a fraction of a point ahead of the rest, on

#11 ste-phan

(That's despite the fact that I do not like cats. Our whole neighbourhood is infested with them and they all come to poop in my garden. But I love the composition, the focus, the posture and facial expression and of course the story.)

Casanunda 2015-05-29 10:28

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
All very nice pictures indeed!

I vote for

Brave little buggar... ;-)

Copernicus 2015-05-29 10:38

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
I shall also vote for #9, Briest. Those scales just look gorgeous in that shot.

BTW, was there a problem with Imaginaryenemy's picture of june bugs?

chenliangchen 2015-05-29 11:01

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Why is Imaginaryenemy's photo not on vote list?

Wanted to vote for him.


Edit: vote for 13.imaginaryenemy

ste-phan 2015-05-29 12:21

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
I also vote for

It's clear that after mankind these buggars will clean up ;)

wrm 2015-05-29 12:45

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
I think 9 :)

sixwheeledbeast 2015-05-29 13:31

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
3 for me please.

imaginaryenemy 2015-05-29 15:03

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1471824)
Why is Imaginaryenemy's photo not on vote list?

Wanted to vote for him.

That is a good question...

I vote for briest.

saponga 2015-05-29 15:41

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
#9 Briest.....

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-05-29 18:14

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
I'm sorry imaginaryenemy, I somehow omitted your picture. I put your photo in the voting post..

BluesLee 2015-05-29 18:41

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
In that case my vote goes to #13 imaginaryenemy. Great shot and photo quality.

This might be considered for next competition:
Voting might be more interesting having one vote for say 10 pts (in my case #13) and optional 9 pts (i choose #9) and finally 8 pts (i choose #1). In my opinion this reflects the low number of voters and appreciates the photos better.

chenliangchen 2015-05-29 23:16

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1471868)
In that case my vote goes to #13 imaginaryenemy. Great shot and photo quality.

This might be considered for next competition:
Voting might be more interesting having one vote for say 10 pts (in my case #13) and optional 9 pts (i choose #9) and finally 8 pts (i choose #1). In my opinion this reflects the low number of voters and appreciates the photos better.

Sounds like Eurovision. It'll put a lot more work for Half_Life though.

ste-phan 2015-05-30 09:01

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1471897)
Sounds like Eurovision. It'll put a lot more work for Half_Life though.

I like more pictures, less voting.

Maybe a top 3 by any participant and votes count for the package?

Sorry if this has been discussed in the past and I wasn't paying attention..

paolo_3_1415926 2015-05-30 10:01

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
My vote goes to roflmaoo. I love the composition and the expression of your dog. Also, the picture has very nice colours considered the usual green tint that RAWs captured with FCAM have.

As a comment, perhaps next time you could also consider cropping away what I imagine being a part of you :)

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-05-30 10:32

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
I think that I should improve the voting system somehow but why overcomplicate it?
I'm thinking of only adding one day more for voting if more people have the same number of votes, only that. Anything above that would need a few more days of voting I think and I think that 3 days are well enough with one more day for voting if there is a tie.

robthebold 2015-05-30 21:43

13 Imaginaryenemy

great macro shot.

Really a many nice pics this month. A plethora of nice pics.

juiceme 2015-05-31 11:52

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Good pictures again!

I am somewhat tied between wrm and imaginaryenemy, both pictures have nice detail and clean composition. Because of better DOF control I'll say 13. imaginaryenemy this time :)

briest 2015-05-31 22:16

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
#7 kapu2. Nymphalidae are special ;)

kapu2 2015-05-31 23:43

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
I'll vote for #12 - comee!

valiant29 2015-06-01 00:59

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Really tough choice this time, all pictures are great,
vote goes to #4 Copernicus

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-06-02 13:21

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Hey everyone, new month is here and that means the end of school for me in two weeks. I will be so sad about that... :P
I will finally have time to participate and maybe discuss some improvements that need to be done to this competition. If any of you have some ideas feel free to discuss it with me and others in this thread. Let's keep the competition thread clean(er) in the future, OK? :)

Here are the voting results, finally.

1st place - briest, 5 votes (Casanunda, Copernicus, wrm, imaginaryenemy, saponga)
Shot with the Nokia N9.

2nd place - imaginaryenemy, 4 votes (chenliangchen, BluesLee, robthebold, juiceme)

3rd place - ste-phan, 2 votes (pichlo, ste-phan)

4th place - BluesLee, comee, Copernicus, kapu2, rm350j, 1 vote each (Half-Life_4_Life, kapu2, valiant29, briest, sixwheeledbeast)

I'll contact briest now to see what will be the theme for this month's camera comp and lastly, thanks everyone for participating, voting or just looking.

Half-Life_4_Life 2015-06-03 19:17

Re: Camera phone competition May 2015:"Living things"
Next theme: Engineering.

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