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stickymick 2015-05-16 05:55

System sounds very low
Is there any way of increasing the loudness of system sounds and alert tones?
I've got mine maxed out in settings, but I'm still finding them very quiet.
Thankees in advance.

ejjoman 2015-05-16 07:44

Re: System sounds very low
Have you checked your ambience settings?

vistaus 2015-05-16 11:47

Re: System sounds very low
Same here, esp. the keyboard click sound is waaaaay too low.

HtheB 2015-05-16 13:39

Re: System sounds very low
I hope you guys are being sarcastic, because for me they are loud, especially when unlocking the phone :/

stickymick 2015-05-16 14:00

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1470476)
I hope you guys are being sarcastic, because for me they are loud, especially when unlocking the phone :/

Nope. Everything is set up OK in my ambiances (Full volume for ringtones and system sounds.)
I don't think there's anything wrong with the speaker because videos and music play pretty loud.

Another problem I have is how do you clear the recent calls list? Haven't found a menu item to do that. If you use delete from within the list it also deletes the number from the contacts list.

stickymick 2015-05-17 18:06

Re: System sounds very low
Solved the problem of not being able to clear your call history. You can't. :(
Someone on Jolla Users asked the same question over there, he's got a year's worth of calls in his history. There's a script to run from x-terminal, but I'm not sure I wanna mess about like that at this stage. I used to run x-term scripts on the N900 but I need to learn a bit more about the Sailfish one.

I'm thinking of using mp3 files as ringtones etc as a work around.

coderus 2015-05-17 18:11

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 1470477)
Another problem I have is how do you clear the recent calls list? Haven't found a menu item to do that. If you use delete from within the list it also deletes the number from the contacts list.

What? If you delete items from call history it does NOT delete contact from phonebook.

stickymick 2015-05-17 18:19

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1470574)
What? If you delete items from call history it does NOT delete contact from phonebook.

Mine did the other day. Which is why I suspected that is what happened. I had to re-enter the contacts into my list afterwards.
Tried to replicate it just now but the contacts have stayed put. :confused:

coderus 2015-05-17 18:27

Re: System sounds very low
you seems missed and used delete from contacts, not from calls :D

stickymick 2015-05-17 18:33

Re: System sounds very low
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure I didn't.

vistaus 2015-05-17 21:13

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1470476)
I hope you guys are being sarcastic, because for me they are loud, especially when unlocking the phone :/

I'm not sarcastic, my system sounds really are low. All sounds and volume are set to max but still the output is too low.

juiceme 2015-05-18 04:56

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 1470580)
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure I didn't.

If you really lost/messed your contacts when trying to delete your phone log you sure botched something.

The phone log is stored in /home/nemo/.local/share/commhistory/commhistory.db
The contacts in /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Contacts/qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db

It's 2 completely different databases, you just cannot change contacts when you modify commhistory.

(but if you'd said you deleted your SMS'es accidentally, well, that would be possible. Messages and phone calls are both in same database...)

vistaus 2015-05-18 07:56

Re: System sounds very low
Isn't there a way to 'hack' the volume? It's Linux after all and we can access a lot of files, surely there must be something that controls the volume output...

pichlo 2015-05-18 08:43

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1470588)
I'm not sarcastic, my system sounds really are low. All sounds and volume are set to max but still the output is too low.

I also find the system sounds volume very low. I though it was low on the N900 and I missed quite a few calls because I did not hear the phone ringing in my pocket but Jolla's ringtones, SMS and email alerts are even quieter. Good job I do not use it as my main communication device.

They are also - at least the default ones - very short and rather unremarkable (for example, a simple "ding!" for an email alert). Fortunately that part can be solved by replacing the tones.

vistaus 2015-05-19 11:59

Re: System sounds very low
pactl set-sink-volume 1 200%

in terminal and then lowering the ringtone sound of my Ambience a bit solved the issue for me. You have to repeat the command after a reboot though but that's a minority for much improved sound IMHO :)
(my source for this solution:

skanky 2015-05-19 12:16

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1470860)
pactl set-sink-volume 1 200%

in terminal and then lowering the ringtone sound of my Ambience a bit solved the issue for me. You have to repeat the command after a reboot though but that's a minority for much improved sound IMHO :)
(my source for this solution:

You could create a systemd service file to re-apply the setting at reboot. Something like this would do it (this isn't tested, I just adapted one from my desktop machine):


Description=Fix volume settings

ExecStart=/usr/bin/pactl set-sink-volume 1 200%


put that in a file called <meaningfulname>.service in /etc/systemd/system (not sure what the default target is for the phone, not really looked into it).

There may be better examples on the forum, or together though, so you could do a search on "ExecStart" or similar. I've not yet had a need to do this, so I may be missing a detail here or there. It shouldn't break anything though, if something's missing, it just won't run.

vistaus 2015-05-19 14:44

Re: System sounds very low
Thanks, I'll try that out later on and let you know if it worked! (or not lol)

stickymick 2015-05-19 14:51

Re: System sounds very low
That Quasar MX Pro mentioned in the discussion that Vistaus links to could also be worth a try, but does that work for ringtones or just through the media player?

vistaus 2015-05-20 17:51

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by skanky (Post 1470861)
You could create a systemd service file to re-apply the setting at reboot. Something like this would do it (this isn't tested, I just adapted one from my desktop machine):


Description=Fix volume settings

ExecStart=/usr/bin/pactl set-sink-volume 1 200%


put that in a file called <meaningfulname>.service in /etc/systemd/system (not sure what the default target is for the phone, not really looked into it).

There may be better examples on the forum, or together though, so you could do a search on "ExecStart" or similar. I've not yet had a need to do this, so I may be missing a detail here or there. It shouldn't break anything though, if something's missing, it just won't run.

Didn't work. I created the file, put it in the right place with the right name (the way you told me), enabled it via systemctl but after a reboot I still have to execute the command I found on TJC to get the volume higher.

skanky 2015-05-20 20:39

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1471028)
Didn't work. I created the file, put it in the right place with the right name (the way you told me), enabled it via systemctl but after a reboot I still have to execute the command I found on TJC to get the volume higher.

Okay, I've just had a quick look. I don't have volume issues, so don't want to mess with it at the moment, so this will again be untested. Sorry.

There's at least one issue with what I suggested. Firstly, the pulseaudio is run under user, so you maybe need to move the unit to user and use the --user option in systemctl.

Secondly, I forgot that we need to make sure that the daemon is started first. So we need to add a dependency:


Description=Fix volume settings

ExecStart=/usr/bin/pactl set-sink-volume 1 200%


I did though, wonder if it was possible to configure pulseaudio to increase the volume at start-up itself, but I've not seen an obvious way to do that, yet.

stickymick 2015-05-21 14:35

Re: System sounds very low
Have you tried this latest one at all Vistaus?

And is this typed straight into terminal (with no other root access commands needed)?

Sorry Sailfish terminal seems to be a different animal to Maemo.

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