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joerg_rw 2015-06-05 04:58

Voucher marketplace
Since a few early donors asked for a way to pass on their voucher to new customers, here's the thread where providers meet prospects.

A short heads-up: only one voucher per device allowed, no voucher aggregation.
Which means simply that this is an opportunity for new customers to
benefit from the interest those vouchers will accrue - at the
time they actually get used to finally purchase a device.
And those of our early donors whose interests moved away from Neo900 since
they originally contributed to the project can put their voucher to a good
use by attracting more new customers to fill in the gap.

Thank you all for supporting this project !

jOERG on behalf of The Neo900 team

HashPay 2015-06-05 06:52

Re: Voucher marketplace
Well hello, and thanks for creating this subforum.

I guess this wil be my first and last message here, as I am willing to give away my voucher :
as much as I would like having a Neo900 I just can't commit to the price it has reached.

Please notice that it does not open to any interest, as I failed in transferring my initial donation in time.

The voucher amounts to EUR 150 and I am giving it for free, as I still want to support the project.

Please PM me if interested.


[EDIT] It seems I can't access my private messages (too new?) so contact me at :
hashpay at yauw dot net

teknologen 2015-06-05 08:00

Re: Voucher marketplace
Great, I thought the pm was active but I guess not.
Anyway my voucher is gone.

Will continue to follow this project as I still find it interesting.

Swordfish II 2015-06-05 19:56

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by teknologen (Post 1472745)
Great, I thought the pm was active but I guess not.
Anyway my voucher is gone.

Will continue to follow this project as I still find it interesting.

And thank you again for the voucher

Feathers McGraw 2015-06-11 08:54

Re: Voucher marketplace
I have a €200 voucher (plus interest?) I won't be using, is anyone out there still looking for one?

I'd be very happy if I could get something for it, but I'm willing go let it go reasonably cheap if it gets the project another backer...make me an offer?

Feathers McGraw 2015-06-12 19:18

Re: Voucher marketplace
Sold my voucher so I'm now officially out, although I'm still following the project with interest!

dicer 2015-06-19 08:52

Re: Voucher marketplace

the last price increase is too much for me too (about double of what I expected). So I would like to sell my voucher as well.

Ordered: 2014-03-28
Value: EUR 420

I don't know how much interest that would be, but you get that for free of course ;) I'm looking to sell for 400Euro. Or make me an offer.

Since PM doesnt seem to be working for me, please email me:

dvmc 2015-06-27 00:25

Re: Voucher marketplace
I'd like to sell my voucher, too. It's €123,45 plus interests. Would sell for something between €100 and €123,45.

Contact preferable via mail:

BTW: Is giving the voucher to someone else really as simple as just passing the code I received by mail, or do I have to announce it somewhere?

Edit: Is it even possible for me to receive PMs? I get a "fordbidden" message when trying to access the PM center, and it seems that I can't write anyone PMs. The option in the control center to get e-mail by other members however is checked, if that works at all.

Edit 2 (after the two posts below): Added mail address.

Feathers McGraw 2015-06-27 08:28

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by dvmc (Post 1474946)
BTW: Is giving the voucher to someone else really as simple as just passing the code I received by mail, or do I have to announce it somewhere?

Yes it's that simple, the voucher isn't tied to a person/shipping address/email address, it's just a discount code :)

joerg_rw 2015-06-27 11:47

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by dvmc (Post 1474946)
I'd like to sell my voucher, too. It's €123,45 plus interests. Would sell for something between €100 and €123,45.

BTW: Is giving the voucher to someone else really as simple as just passing the code I received by mail, or do I have to announce it somewhere?

Edit: Is it even possible for me to receive PMs? I get a "fordbidden" message when trying to access the PM center, and it seems that I can't write anyone PMs. The option in the control center to get e-mail by other members however is checked, if that works at all.

Yes, it's that simple, though we apply plausibility checks so any voucher theft or abuse is not possible.

re PM: you have one post, I suspect you recently created your tmo account - it will take a while until you're fully approved as non-spamming human being (as opposed to spambots). Until then, some limitations apply.


dicer 2015-07-22 12:28

Re: Voucher marketplace
My voucher is still available btw


firestunned 2015-07-25 15:52

Re: Voucher marketplace

I can offer a 110€ voucher. The donation was originally done on 2013-11-06 and later transferred to the Neo900 UG account on 2014-07-17.

Considering the price I would sell for ~80€, but I'm also open to offers.

EDIT: The voucher is now available for free.

The new price for a complete device is too much for me, I currently can't afford it. Nevertheless I still consider the Neo900 a very cool project and will continue to follow the progress.

As I have just registered my account, PMs don't work for my account yet. Please contact me per e-mail at: "a pe x(at)mai l bo x(dot)org" (remove the quotes and all whitespaces from the e-mail address)

Wostok 2015-08-07 08:28

who wants my voucher(s) and phone?
hi guys,

i'm selling my voucher, it has a value of eur 100, payed on 2014-06-30.
i'm thinking of a selling price of around ~70 euros, but i'm open to suggestions.
please mail to: sp -at- thias -dot- li

i also got a "voucher for preordering a GTA04A5 that needs to be produced" for eur 50. i must admit that i can't follow all the different vouchers, preorders, phones, projects... anymore. (maybe someone can explain to me what i got here?) anyway - i would sell this voucher too, if that's possible.

moreover, i'm ready to sell my nokia n900. i bought it used, but it's in a very good shape. offers welcome!


pbouda 2015-08-07 12:35

Re: Voucher marketplace
I am also selling my voucher, the price of the device is too high for me. My voucher is 100 €, I am looking to get 70 Euros.


Fellfrosch 2015-08-07 12:43

Re: Voucher marketplace
Ok Guys, I also have a Voucher worth 150€ . If anybody is intersted, you can have it for half price: 75 €.

Edit: Ah no, I still want to support the project. So the price is 50€. :D

dvmc 2015-08-07 14:49

Re: Voucher marketplace
My voucher is still available, and I'd sell for €50 now.
Contact only via mail, since PMs still don't work.

The latest newsletter as of today states that the pre-order window is starting to close very soon and even references this thread for selling the voucher.

The original post for reference:


Originally Posted by dvmc (Post 1474946)
I'd like to sell my voucher, too. It's €123,45 plus interests. Would sell for something between €100 and €123,45.

Contact preferable via mail:

blademan63 2015-08-07 18:27

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1478905)
Ok Guys, I also have a Voucher worth 150€ . If anybody is intersted, you can have it for half price: 75 €.

Edit: Ah no, I still want to support the project. So the price is 50€. :D

I am interested in your 150€ voucher if it is still available.

cel 2015-08-07 19:59

Re: Voucher marketplace
I am offering my voucher for sale too. It is for 100€, from 2014-07-12.

Contact me if you are interested:

mm0zct 2015-08-07 22:57

Re: Voucher marketplace
Hi, another backer who unfortunately can't justify the price the neo900 has unfortunately reached.

I still want the project to succeed, so if my voucher would help anyone else get a neo900 I'm open to offers. The voucher is for €100.

misterc 2015-08-07 23:18

Re: Voucher marketplace

and is for EUR 143, corresponding to the following payment(s)

2014-08-05 EUR 143
since my N900's USB port got broken i got so used to my Lumia 1020 that returning to Maemo seems... surreal.
certainly at those prices :eek:
make an offer (by PM)

cluxter 2015-08-08 00:50

Re: Voucher marketplace
I am selling my voucher too since I can't afford the final price.

I bought it 100 euros on 2013-11-11, so you'll have a pretty good discount rate when you'll use it :)

Please email me for more info: contact (at) cluxter [dot] org

Fellfrosch 2015-08-08 05:15

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by blademan63 (Post 1478930)
I am interested in your 150€ voucher if it is still available.

Jep it's stil available. Just contact me: fellfrosch1(at)

nathan78 2015-08-08 07:23

Re: Voucher marketplace
Hi everyone,

I give away a voucher of 200€.

Contact me if interested.

[EDIT: Gone: it has found a happy future n900 owner :-) ]

dima5 2015-08-08 08:39

Re: Voucher marketplace
I have a 100Eur voucher and an immaculate still-has-factory-screen-sticker N900. Make me an offer!

badcloud 2015-08-08 10:58

Re: Voucher marketplace
I have a 100Eur voucher

Make me an offer at sendmesomewords at gmail dot com

FIQ 2015-08-08 20:45

Re: Voucher marketplace
EDIT: My voucer has been given away.

xbpj 2015-08-10 07:39

Re: Voucher marketplace
Hi, I'm giving away a 100€ voucher, please PM me.

Edit: apparently PMs don't work, so you can contact me at: m8r-ta58xj (at) mailinator (dot) com.

Fellfrosch 2015-08-10 08:31

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1478972)
Jep it's stil available. Just contact me: fellfrosch1(at)

OK Guys, I lower the price of my 150 € voucher to 0€.
If you are interested contact me. :D

Wostok 2015-08-10 18:05

Re: Voucher marketplace
ok - seems the 'market' is flooded with vouchers...
i still got mine (for eur 100) and will sell it for eur 30 now.
plus: i'm giving away my voucher (value eur 50) for preordering a gta04a5 for free.
please mail to: sp -at- thias -dot- li

blademan63 2015-08-10 19:00

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1479119)
OK Guys, I lower the price of my 150 € voucher to 0€.
If you are interested contact me. :D


Yes, I am interested! Is your voucher still available?

If so, please e-mail me back at


Fellfrosch 2015-08-11 06:31

Re: Voucher marketplace
Hi all,

my voucher is already gone. :eek: So please no mails and pm's anymore.

terry_p 2015-08-11 09:39

Re: Voucher marketplace
Hey Guys,

I still have a 100€ voucher plus interests for a Neo900. Similar to others, I really like this project but the last price update blowed my budget. I would be glad if I get 1/3 for it, so 33 €, Please contact me if interested.

bibzor 2015-08-11 10:21

Re: Voucher marketplace

just like other people, I cannot afford the final product price.
But as I still want to support the project, I offer my 100€ voucher to anyone who is willing to use it.

Please respond to this thread if you are interested.

Cheers, and long live the Neo900 :)

jean 2015-08-11 22:20

Re: Voucher marketplace
The price for a Neo900 became much more than I ever expected. I sell, therefore, my voucher of EUR 250 at a reasonable price.

Contact me if interested.

Wikiwide 2015-08-12 00:41

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by dima5 (Post 1478985)
I have a 100Eur voucher and an immaculate still-has-factory-screen-sticker N900. Make me an offer!

Maybe, create a new thread in Buy&Sell to sell the N900, if you wish to? With photographs, and such?..

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

asdf111122223333 2015-08-12 03:07

Re: Voucher marketplace
Unfortunately I can't currently justify spending so much on a phone, so I'm giving away my 100 EUR voucher. Please contact me if you want it -- first come first serve.

asdf111122223333 at forward dot cat
(email will be valid for next 7 days only)

manamex 2015-08-12 12:05

Re: Voucher marketplace
Unfortunatelly I cannot afford the final product price. I'm having 110EUR voucher, please contact me at: manamex [at] countermail [dot] com if you are interested.

bibzor 2015-08-12 15:25

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by bibzor (Post 1479208)
I offer my 100€ voucher to anyone who is willing to use it.

To be crystal clear, I offer it for free.

elperepat 2015-08-13 01:33

Re: Voucher marketplace
Same as anyone else, the price of the Neo900 is too steep for me, so decided not to redeem my voucher and it is up for sale.

It is a 200euros voucher. I'm letting it go for half its value, so 100euros or 150$US

email me if intereted: patrick underscore aye at hotmail dot com


elperepat 2015-08-15 00:59

Re: Voucher marketplace

Originally Posted by bibzor (Post 1479332)
To be crystal clear, I offer it for free.

Is it still available? I might be interested

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